Book Read Free

A Fox's Mission

Page 17

by Brandon Varnell

  It was just the two of them in that train car. They hadn’t brought Lilian or Iris, who were doing only the gods knew what. Well, knowing Lilian like she did, the vixen was probably so into drawing her manga that she hadn’t even realized Kevin was gone. Iris… Christine didn’t know what that girl was doing, but she guessed the skank was probably screwing around with some poor sap who thought they had a chance with her.

  She glanced at Kevin as he stared out the window. Rays of light shone through the window and illuminated Kevin’s blond hair, casting shadows against his still boyish features. Looking at him like this, with that calm expression that he wore and his messy locks swaying with the motion of the train car, made Christine’s heart beat a frenetic pace. Blood quickly rushed to her cheeks, a mixture of hot and cold, which caused her cheeks to turn blue and steam to pour from her ears.

  H-he looks really handsome like this…

  Kevin had always been cute. Not quite handsome or dashing, but good-looking enough that some girls had taken notice. For many years after arriving in Arizona to seek him out, Christine had been one of those girls who’d noticed. She’d tried to talk to him on many occasions, but every time she thought she had worked up the courage, she lost her nerve.

  These days, Kevin couldn’t really be called cute. He filled out his long-sleeved shirt nicely. It stretched against his chest, conforming to his well-developed pectorals, gained through over a year of intense training. If she looked closely enough, Christine could even see his six-pack hidden beneath the thin layer of cloth. His jeans likewise fit him well. They really showcased his runner’s legs. Since Kevin used to sprint for Track and Field, and he still practiced even though he wasn’t in track anymore, his thighs and calves were even more developed than his chest, shoulders, and arms.

  ‘Nya, such a sexy nyoung man. We could just gobble him up.’

  Nyeah… Christine nodded in agreement with her neko side—until her brain caught up with her neko side’s words. Then she blushed. W-w-what the hell are you saying?! G-gobble him—there’s no way we’re doing something like that, you fiendish cat!

  ‘Why nyot?’

  Why not? Because he has a mate! That’s why not! Did you forget about that?!

  I still don’t see the problem, nya. Just ask Lilian if nyou can join her and Kevin in bed.


  ‘Nya! Don’t be so stubborn!’

  Shut up, stupid cat! Idiot! Fucktard!

  ‘Language, nya.’

  I’ll kill you dead!

  ‘Woudn’t that be like killing nyourself?’

  Christine was about to respond to her neko side’s words. She even had the perfect comeback, which involved a very graphic description of how she was going to kill her cat side with a ball of yarn. Before she could say anything, however, Kevin spoke up.

  “Thanks for agreeing to come along with me. I know you probably have other things you could be doing, but I’m glad you’re here.”


  “I-I… you’re welcome,” Christine muttered as she tilted her head down, staring at her left index finger as it made circles against her dress. It felt like someone had shoved her face into an oven, and then put it in the freezer immediately after it finished baking. “I-it’s not like I mind spending time with you or anything…”

  “I’m glad to hear that. You and I have never really spent any time together, have we?” Christine shook her head. “I’m sorry about that.”

  “It’s okay,” Christine said softly. “I know that you’re usually spending time with Lilian. You probably prefer being with her anyway, right?”

  “Well, yes,” Kevin admitted. “But Lilian is my mate. It’s only natural that she and I spend so much time together. However, it’s not like we’re spending every waking minute with each other. Lilian has her own things that she likes doing these days, and she has friends that she spends time with without me present. She’s really come into herself.”

  The smile Kevin wore was one that Christine had only caught glimpses of before. It was the kind that only someone who was completely content could have, a serene look found on those who didn’t have any regrets about how their life had gone.

  Christine was jealous. She wished to have that smile, too.

  He really does love Lilian…

  Lilian was her friend, but sometimes, during moments like this, it was hard not to dislike the redhead. It made her feel guilty, but Christine wished that she could be the one who put that smile on Kevin’s face.

  I’m a really horrible person…

  “Christine, are you okay?” Kevin penetrated her with a concerned stare.

  “Wh-what?” Christine jerked in her seat.

  “You were making a really sad face just now. Is something wrong?”

  “Oh, um, no. Nothing is wrong. I was just thinking about something.”

  Kevin leaned forward. Bright blue eyes reminiscent of a vast ocean stared at her from beneath blond locks of hair, studying her with an observant glance that made her nervous. What did those eyes see? Could Kevin tell that she was jealous of Lilian? That, if only for a moment, she felt an intense self-loathing? Had her back not been pressed against the seat, Christine would have leaned back.

  “You’re sure nothing’s wrong?” he asked again. “I don’t know how much help I can be, but if you have a problem with something, then I’d be willing to listen. Sometimes talking about what’s bothering you can help.”

  You wouldn’t be saying that if you knew what my problem was.

  Christine shook her head. “Don’t worry about me, Kevin. I don’t have a problem or anything. I was just thinking about something. Sorry if I worried you.”


  Kevin continued to stare at her for several more seconds. Christine resisted the urge to blush. She wondered when his gaze had become so intense. Those eyes of his made her feel vulnerable, naked almost, yet at the same time, she felt like she wouldn’t mind so long as he only had eyes for her.

  ‘I’m telling nyou, polygamy is the way to go, nya.’

  You be quiet, cat!


  “You’re spacing out again,” Kevin observed. “Are you really sure you’re feeling all right?”

  “I-I’m fine! Just mind your own business, jerk!”

  “Okay, okay. Sorry.” Kevin leaned back and raised his hands as if hoping it would calm Christine down. “I didn’t mean to be pushy. I was just worried, you know?”

  “N-no.” Christine blushed. “I’m sorry. I overreacted again…”

  “That’s okay. That’s just how you are, and there’s nothing wrong with that.”

  Christine poked her fingers together. “D-do you really think so?”

  Kevin grinned. “Of course, I do. Your personality is a part of you. If you acted any differently than you do now, you wouldn’t be the same person, you know? Besides, I think your reactions are kind of cute.”


  “D-d-don’t say things like that, moron! Fool!” Christine shouted, her eyes swirling around her head. Her face was burning.

  “H-holy crap! Christine, your head is on fire! Your head!”

  As Christine spewed insults in traditional tsundere fashion, and Kevin rushed out of the room to find some means of putting out the blazing inferno that had suddenly appeared on Christine’s head, the other part of Christine’s personality, the part that belonged to her bakeneko half, could only shake her head—if she had a head to shake and was not just a disembodied voice.

  ‘Nya, Oh, Christine, nyou poor fool. If only nyou would listen to my advice.’

  Christine would never find love if things stayed this way. If she wanted to find love, then Christine needed to break free of those silly human ideas about how relationships were supposed to go, otherwise she would be doomed to remain single for the rest of her life.

  ‘Nya, I guess I’ll help her out. After all, if she doesn’t get any loving, then I won’t get any either.’

  It was t
ime she took control of this situation.

  And she knew the perfect way to do that.

  Lancaster was not a crowded or large city, but when compared to Nelsonville, the difference was like comparing an ant to an elephant.

  Upon their arrival, Kevin and Christine left the train station, grabbed a cab, and were taken to the nearest shopping complex.

  There were quite a few people aside from them. A large horde of bustling pedestrians walked along the tiled walkways, entering stores and staring through display windows. Kevin could only guess it was because of the holiday season. These were probably last-minute shoppers like him.

  Something suddenly grabbed onto his right hand. Kevin looked down at Christine, who was staring at their now conjoined hands like they were pair of aliens in mid-coitus.

  “Christine, what are you doing?” he asked.

  “I-I didn’t do anything!” Christine shouted in shock.

  “You just grabbed my hand.”

  “W-w-w-wha—no, I didn’t!”

  Kevin looked down at their hands, then he looked back at Christine. The yuki-onna held his gaze for a moment, then, as if unable to stare at him any longer, she looked away.

  “I-I’m only doing this so we don’t get separated.”

  “Uh huh…”

  The mall, while crowded, was not so congested that they needed to walk hand in hand. Kevin was certain that Christine knew this. He wondered if he should say something. He liked Christine, and in another life, one where he and Lilian weren’t mates, perhaps something could have happened between them.

  However, he and Lilian were mates. She meant the world to him. While he didn’t feel any overwhelming sense of guilt, as he knew he hadn’t done anything wrong, he still felt uncomfortable with affectionate gestures, even if it was something as simple as hand holding. At the same time…

  He looked down at Christine again. She was looking at their hands still. She didn’t seem to know what to make of them. Her cheeks were also purple, which was the newest color her blushes took. She was definitely flustered.

  Does she still have feelings for me?

  He didn’t think it was possible. He’d made it abundantly clear that Lilian was his mate, and that he wouldn’t break up with her. At the same time, he understood that people didn’t get to choose who they fell in love with, though why Christine was in love with someone like him was confusing. While he wasn’t self-deprecating, and he was confident in his looks and personality, he just didn’t get why someone would still like him after he turned them down.

  Maybe she’s just shy about being in a new place?

  Christine didn’t seem to be the type. At the same time, he couldn’t think of any other reason she would do this.

  In the end, Kevin decided to let Christine do as she pleased. She was his friend, and this was the least he could do after everything that had happened between them.

  Christine was having a crisis. She didn’t know what had happened. One second, she and Kevin were walking through the shopping mall, and the next she was holding his hand! How had this happened? Why had this happened? Worse still, after it happened, she made some lame-brained excuse about why they should keep holding hands!

  She glanced at Kevin. His face betrayed nothing. He appeared neither bothered nor upset, and that bothered her. How was she supposed to figure out what he was thinking if he was wearing such a brilliant poker face?

  Looking away from his face, she looked at their conjoined hands.

  Something is wrong with me…

  Yes, there was definitely something odd about her actions. She would have never done something like this. But she couldn’t for the life of her figure out what sort of problem she was having. It eluded her.

  “So, you mentioned Christmas shopping,” Christine said. She wasn’t all that interested in talking, but it was better than silence, and it kept her mind off the warmth engulfing her hand. “What exactly are we looking for?”

  “We’re shopping for Lilian first. I already know what to get her. But to buy it, we need to head over to the nearest electronics store, preferably one of the larger retailers that specialize in selling programs and digital artwork supplies.”

  “I don’t know if there is anything like that here,” Christine admitted.

  “Well, let’s just look around until we see something, then,” Kevin said, tugging on her hand.

  Christine didn’t resist. She let him lead her around the mall. They passed many stores; clothing boutiques, hobby shops, toy stores. Kevin passed them all. She wondered what he wanted to buy Lilian. What kind of item could be so specialized that only a specific type of store would sell it?

  “Maybe we should find a map to see where an electronics store is,” Kevin mused.

  Christine shrugged. “It couldn’t hurt.”


  It took some searching, but they eventually found a map, the kind that was stuck inside of those monoliths.

  “Let’s see…” Kevin muttered as he studied the map. Christine also searched, but she wasn’t particularly interested in shopping. “Clothing stores, major retailers, movie theater, food court… oh! There’s a Best Buy here! That will work!”

  “Really? Where is it?”

  “It’s in another building outside.” Kevin tugged on her hand. “Come on, let’s go.”

  The air was chilly as they walked through the parking lot. Christine shivered. Being outside of Arizona reminded her of the reasons she’d moved to that state in the first place. She hated the cold, despised it even. Due to her neko blood, which was that of a fire cat, she preferred warm weather and would take blistering heat to shivering cold any day of the week.

  And then, as if her desire for heat was overpowering her, Christine wrapped her arms around Kevin’s arm. Her eyes widened as she felt the heat wafting from his body. It burned away the coldness, but at the same time, she was ready to panic again. What was she…

  “Christine, what are you doing?”

  “N-nothing!” she squeaked.

  Kevin stared. “It doesn’t look like nothing to me. Seriously, why are you so close? You’re being awfully clingy.”

  “I-I-I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Her voice was extremely high-pitched. “I’m not being clingy! I’m just cold! Y-you shouldn’t have brought me out here! Now let’s hurry up and get inside so I don’t have to… so we’re no longer standing so close!”

  A small droplet of sweat trailed down Kevin’s face. “But, you’re the one who’s holding onto me—”

  “S-silence! I am not!”

  Kevin looked ready to say something, but he decided better of it. He shook his head.

  “Let’s… let’s just go into the store.”

  What the heck is wrong with me? Christine asked herself as they entered the store. Why am I… what am I doing?

  ‘I don’t knyow, but nyou should definitely do more of it. Maybe nyou could try rubbing yourself against him?’

  Why would you—it’s you! You’re the reason I’m doing these strange things!

  ‘Nya-ha-ha! I don’t nyow what nyou’re talking about.’

  Don’t lie to me, you shitty cat! Give back control of my body now!


  Give it back!

  ‘Nyuh uh.’

  “Damn it, you stupid fucking cat! Give me back control of my body right now!” Christine shouted. The store became silent. Not even the crickets chirped.

  “What?” Kevin asked.

  Eyes widening, Christine realized with a start that she’d just screamed out loud for everyone to hear. She glanced at Kevin, then at the people around her, and then at Kevin again. Her cheeks turned blue.

  Ah… u-um… nothing. P-please forget I said anything.”

  Kevin stared at her like she’d said yaoi was for more than just fangirls, but then shook his head and decided to pretend she hadn’t said anything. Christine was grateful.

  This isn’t over, cat.

  ‘Nya-ha-ha!’r />
  “Electronic stores like this all have the same general layout,” he told her. “You can almost always expect to find the same supplies in the same location no matter which store you go to.”

  “And?” Christine asked as she looked at the boxes and items lining the shelves. Since she wasn’t an electronics buff, or even mildly interested in the newest gadgets, she didn’t know what she was looking at. “What are we looking for exactly?”


  Kevin stopped in front of one shelf in particular, which contained several boxes of varying sizes. They were all thin, their height not being more than her fist, but they were quite wide. Christine studied the label on the box.

  “Wacom tablet?” she read out loud. “The hell are these?”

  “Wacom tablets are a must-have for anyone in the art industry these days. They’re a lot like Ipads and the Microsoft Surface, but where those are computers with a touch screen, these are more like keyboards with a touch screen, and they offer a much more intuitive ability to paint and edit than a touch screen tablet.”

  As he explained what a Wacom tablet was to her, Kevin picked one of them up and read the back.

  “They work exceptionally well with programs like Photoshop and Coral Painter.” He put the box he’d picked up down and grabbed another. This one looked like a different model. “I already bought the latest Photoshop program for Lilian’s last birthday, but she hasn’t put it to much use because she doesn’t have the equipment that will allow her to use the program to its fullest potential.”

  “And these Wacom tablets will let her do that?” Christine asked, taking a closer look at the image on the box. She still didn’t know what these tablet thingies were, but at least they looked sleek.

  “Yes. With this, Lilian will be able to make full use of Photoshop’s ability to create digital paintings. These come with a stylus that will allow her to actually create illustrations as if she was holding a pencil or a paintbrush in her hand.”

  Christine listened as Kevin talked about Lilian. She rubbed her chest. It hurt for some reason, like there was something constricting it, as if an icy hand was clutching her heart, squeezing it into a fine paste.


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