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Indecent Pawn: What price is too high to pay for another person’s debt?

Page 6

by Harris, K.

  “Would you like something to drink Mr. Mucciono?” The stewardess asked rather seductively in Allison’s opinion. The pink tint of her cheeks made it plain and clear that she had a Jones’ for him.

  “Guests first Marci.” He reprimanded.

  “Yes, of course sir.” She said with shame before turning her gaze to Allison. The stone on her face hidden behind the fake smile was a clear understanding of her being jealous. Allison would gladly trade places with the woman if that meant her freedom. Marci had nothing to fear in her taking away the attention of Mr. Mucciono. “Ma’am?”

  “Water please.”

  “Are you sure? This is a long flight and something stronger will help you relax.” He said smoothly as if he really cared. Her own husband could care less in what predicament she was in and here was this stranger pretending he did.

  “Yes just water.”

  “And for you sir.”

  “Brandy and a glass of chardonnay.”

  “Yes sir.”

  “You know if I wanted to drug you or poison you, I would have by now.” He said mockingly. The fact that he had humor almost made her giggle but she was still too afraid to do anything around him.

  “I thought we couldn’t move around until we were in the air.” Allison asked to which the men only chuckled lowly. She didn’t get the joke.

  “Here you are Mr. Mucciono.” Marci came back with the quickness. “Your water.”

  “Thank you.” Marci didn’t even acknowledge the kindness before going back to fawn over the scary man across from her.

  “Anything else I can get for you sir. The bedroom is set up if you would like to use it.” The fact that the plane had a bedroom was impressive but the thought of how many times had he used it was repulsive. Maybe even with Marci.

  “Maybe later Marci thank you. That is all for now.” He dismissed the clingy woman. Allison didn’t know where the cattiness was coming from within herself but she didn’t like it. “Why don’t you lift the shade and take a peek out?” She did as he suggested and was astonished at the view. Nothing but clouds and the darkness of the sky. Flashing lights from the plane was bouncing off of the white and grey fluffiness. It would have been beautiful if she wasn’t so afraid of heights.

  “Now something stronger will surely do the trick. Wine?” Without a second thought she chugged the glass of Chardonnay down her throat. The effects of the cool liquid was overpowering for a virgin drinker. A shiver went down her spine that was followed by a relaxing warmness.

  “Thank you.”

  “Maybe we should let that down now.” He moved over to lower the shade at the same time as she was reaching for it. She moved away with lightning speed. Mr. Mucciono chuckled in response.

  “You are more than welcome to lay down for a bit. Although it’s nothing to us for this is our natural way of transportation but you may feel uncomfortable sitting for ten hours.”

  “Ten hours?”

  “Yes with a brief stop in Brussels to refuel.”

  “I wouldn’t want to impose on your space. I’m sure I will be fine here.”

  “Honestly I’ve never used the bedroom because I am always traveling on business. I have other beds for pleasure.” He winked, Allison was taken aback by his smoothness.

  “What about rest?”

  “Resting is for the weak. I will rest when I’m dead. Since I don’t plan on doing that anytime soon it’s a must I keep moving.”

  “I will remember that.”

  “Good. Enjoy your magazines. We didn’t know what you preferred so we picked up an array of things.”

  “Thank you. These are fine.” She smiled at him for the first time since they have become acquainted. A blush covered her cheeks at the thought of crushing on her captor. If nothing else solidified her being crazy, this took the cake. Staying with the likes of Derek was enough but looking at this man as anything other than a monster is unthinkable. ‘He is fine though,’ she thought before digging into the magazines.

  Allison had read just about all of the magazines between nodding off and star gazing at the men on board. A sandwich platter was brought out to sate the hungry bug that was brewing in everyone on the flight. Her drinks ranged from tea, water, and juice before they had to land to refuel. Taking off again, Mr. Mucciono insisted she have another glass of wine to relax. This glass however did more than help her relax it knocked her out. That’s why she didn’t drink, it made her sleepy. She couldn’t have been out longer than a few minutes before she felt someone shaking her slightly. Opening her eyes she saw it was Mr. Mucciono trying to get her attention.

  He only wanted to escort her to the sleeping quarters of the plane. While they walked she saw that everyone was out like a light or at least they appeared to be. She wanted to protest and fight the sleep that was weighing her down. As soon as she touched the soft mattress all of her anxieties melted away. She is not even sure when he left the room because the sand man had lulled her to a peaceful sleep. In all of her years she doesn’t recall sleeping on anything so dang soft. It was like sleeping on a cloud.

  This is what having money afforded the rich. Comfy beds on luxury jets, traveling like the real life ‘Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.’ Many nights she could remember watching the infamous show on late night television. The most prestigious people around the world allowed cameras and a host into their lives to get a taste of the ‘good’ life. Her imagination would run away and she would end up finding her real ‘parents’ who lived just like that. Either that or adopted into that lifestyle. Anyone of her dreams would have been nice but alas she ended up being nothing more than an abused wife afraid of her own shadow.

  “Good morning.” Gio greeted as she walked through the isle way of the plane.

  “Morning.” Looking around the cabin it was plain to see she had slept the remainder of the way. It was now daybreak and that could only mean they would be landing soon.

  “Sleep well?” He asked without looking up from his phone.

  “Very well, thank you.”

  “You slept on the comfy bed so I would say that’s pretty good.” Roberto added.

  “Yea, I guess you could say that.”

  “Take your seat. We will land in ten minutes.” The rude attendant still had a stick up her butt. Allison didn’t award the woman with a remark or sideways glance. She noticed Mr. Mucciono wasn’t in his seat when she went to sit down nor was she going to ask. It was none of her business where he was. For all she knew he could have been recently hooked up in the bathroom by Miss Rudeness. At her wayward thoughts she had to shake her head because it was way out of line. Even if she did say it to herself.

  “Mr. Mucciono, the plane will be descending in a few short minutes. The pilot has issued the buckle seatbelts notice.” The once rude tone was now replaced with a docile one. ‘Dr. Jekyll and Mrs. Hyde syndrome was beyond bipolar in this tart,’ Allison thought to herself. Giggling to herself was overthrown by an outburst of deep laughter coming from Roberto. Allison frantically looked around to see what the joke was, thinking for sure she didn’t say that out loud. From the amused look on Gio, the shocked turned bland look on Mr. Mucciono’s, and the appalled look on the stewardess face she knew she did indeed.

  “Oh my God. I am so embarrassed.”

  “You should be. Rude much?”

  “That was rude of me and I apologize.”

  “You have no reason to apologize. Ignore her.” Gio spoke up out of nowhere.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You should probably excuse yourself to a seat since we will be landing soon.” Gio remarked.

  No one uttered another word after the incident. Everyone was in their own little world. Allison knew why her outburst happened she just didn’t realized until it was too late that she said it aloud. Gio’s reaction to the incident however was another story all together. In so many words he had taken up for her. Roberto had just laughed like it was the best comedy hour he had been privy to. Mr. Mucciono on the other hand had been all
too quiet. She was only his collecting debt, some collateral damage intervention for her stupid husband, so for her to speak out like that way probably pissed him off. That’s one thing she hadn’t set out to do. That was the reason she apologized to the woman, not because she felt she was wrong.

  “Dio mio! You have a situation, il mio amico.” Gio exclaimed. Allison was stuck on the accent only picking up on the words said in English. Of course she knew they were Italian but had never heard anyone speak it directly in front of her. Hopefully if she didn’t die from this experience she would learn something.

  “Che cosa è, Gio?”

  “La signorina Mucciono è fuori in attesa.” Now she wasn’t a rocket scientist but she figured signorina stood for Mrs. or something similar. The fact that Mr. Mucciono was married made her feel sullied but why was the question she had?

  “Merda!” Mr. Mucciono straightened out his tie and adjusted his suit jacket. Everyone had taken off their seat belts getting situated to leave the plane. All Allison could think was how would his wife feel about her accompanying him on a business trip. That entire situation sounds truly awkward. Will she have to deal with a snobby bitch? If that was the case, he may as well treat her like a common prisoner.

  “Anybody home?” Allison was snapped out of her revere to see Roberto standing in the isle way trying to get her attention. Looking around she saw they were the only two left on the plane. ‘When had the others got off?’

  “Sorry.” Timidly she started to move forward to get the scrutiny over with. Walking up to the group she couldn’t get a good look at the woman for the men had her surrounded. Gio and Mr. Mucciono were in conversation with the woman but the other men were standing guard like the secret service. It was another intimidating situation.

  “Oh mio, che cosa abbiamo qui?” She heard the woman ask before getting a good look at her. The woman was beautiful, elegant, and although physically flawless a bit older than Mr. Mucciono.

  “Mamma, this is Mrs. Myers. She will be working with me on a few business ventures.” Allison felt stupid for not picking up on the resemblance. Here she was getting jealous over this man’s mother. The problem she was faced with was why? He was nothing more than her captor and she was finding herself swooning over him. She needed to get a grip on reality and fast. This was going to be an interesting experience for sure.

  Chapter 7

  “Mrs. Myers, this is my mother Miss Carlina Mucciono.” Allison was floored that this was his mother. She was breathtaking.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you Miss Mucciono.”

  “Likewise caro. You are a very beautiful woman.”

  “Thank you Miss Mucciono.”

  “Please caro, call me Carlina. Miss Mucciono is so formal.”

  “This is somewhat a business matter mamma.”

  “Antonio, please mind your tongue.” His mother scolded without removing the graceful smile from her face. “Now Mrs. Myers. I want to formally welcome you to our country.”

  “Thank you and please call me Allison.”

  “A beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” Carlina’s smile was contagious. Allison quickly found herself following suit. “Is this your first time here?”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  “So polite but you are making me feel so old.”

  “My apologies.”

  “I’m just teasing caro. Come let us get you settled in. I know that flight must have been hideous.”

  There wasn’t a doubt in Allison’s mind that Carlina got her way in every situation she saw the need. All of the men just allowed her to dote on Allison like a new pet for her to play with. The ride to the estate was breath-taking. Nothing short of marvelous. The country-side view was remarkably and surreal. If she made it out of this alive she would definitely want to return here to visit. Maybe even live here. How wonderful would that be? She thought about being free like her ancestors probably dreamed of from the slavery days. After all she was a modern day slave sort of. She was made to work for her husband, waiting on him hand and foot, and now she was sold to another man to cover his debt.

  Her saddened thoughts evaporated as the limo pulled through a large set of wrought-iron gates. The wall connected to the gates were made of pure stone that even the best rock-climber would have trouble scaling. The long driveway was surrounded by well-manicured grass and shrubbery. Stopping in front a massive estate that could fit ten of the homes she once called her own, the group descended the car. This family was obviously more than well-off, they could afford to feed the world and then some. Once they exited the car, she could hear water off in the distance. This was like a fortress or a dream getaway. Places like this were only viewed by the public in magazines, television shows, and movies. Here she stood in a real rich person’s driveway.

  “Welcome to our home.” Carlina whispered to a speechless Allison.

  “Oh my…this is absolutely beautiful.”

  “Thank you caro. Come. Let me show you to your sleeping quarters. After you have rested, I would love to take you on a tour of the estate.”

  “I would love that.”


  Upon walking through the huge doors that she was sure took some serious back muscles to open, they were greeted by a staff of individuals. All of them dressed alike and greeted everyone with a smile. The language spoken around her was a mix of Italian and some English with Italian dialect. Several times she saw how the staff gave her curious stares. Probably all wondering why this black woman was in their presence. No one, so far, seemed to be uncomfortable or bothered with her presence as they were shocked. The inside was just as magnificent as the exterior.

  “This will be your room during your stay. You have your own sitting area and restroom. Your luggage should be brought to your room shortly. How long will you be here with us?”

  “I’m not sure as of yet. Mr. Mucciono has not informed me of my time frame.”

  “No matter. We must take you for a tour of Naples. It is so wonderful to have another woman in the house besides the staff.”

  “I would love that.” Allison couldn’t find the words to express her concerns on spending time with Carlina. Mr. Mucciono may not be too fund of that idea. Especially with her being nothing more than a piece of property currently.

  “I will let you rest now. Dinner will be served at seven. I hope that is an adequate time frame to get settled in.”

  “Yes of course.”

  “Wonderful.” Without warning Carlina leaned in kissing her on both cheeks and left. Looking around the luxurious room she couldn’t help but admire the rich feel of it all.

  From the huge canopy bed to the spa-like bathroom with a soaking tub. Unfortunately for her, the bag that arrived for her contained nothing more than a few things that was obviously retrieved from the only home she was accustomed to. Had Lamont packed the bag or did the person that went to retrieve her belongings packed it? The thought of someone else looking at and touching her underwear was sort of creepy. No matter, there was nothing she could do about it now or ever it seems. The things they packed were unappealing but it was all she owned. Derek preferred for her to be conservative and reserved at all times.

  Taking in the opportunity to relax a bit, Allison took advantage of the soaking tub. Using the bath salts that were provided in the guest box on the sleek counter top. The view out of the window next to the tub was phenomenal. If this is what being held against your will feels like under the Mucciono watch, she would much rather be here than back in Illinois. Of course she hadn’t done anything for them to be harsh to her either. He did say she was a business associate while here. She wondered would he apply her work done for him to her husband’s debt. If she were honest, she really hoped not.

  Sleep would not come to her. For some reason she was extremely restless. After dressing in a comfortable dress and flats, Allison decided to take a mini tour of her own. Walking down the long hallway proved pointless because she obviously took a right when she should have taken a le
ft. So many doors and no stairs in site. Turning in the opposite direction she was even more confused about which room was hers. Finally finding the stairs proved even more pointless for she didn’t know which way to go from there. The front door wasn’t even visible from where she stood.


  “Shit!” She nearly jumped ten feet in the air and whirled around to see an amused Mr. Mucciono standing directly behind her. “You scared me to death.” Allison was sure she lost ten years off of her life at that moment. The man was massive compared to her size but he moved light as a feather.

  “My apologies.” His facial expression never changed to show any other emotion besides unmoved. “My mother said that you were resting until dinner.”

  “I couldn’t sleep being distracted by the beautiful view.”

  “Well since you are alert, I want to discuss some business with you.”


  “Follow me.” They ended up in an office fit for a king. Definitely a ruler’s domain. “I have been made aware of your desire to become an accountant.”

  “Uh, yes sir.” Allison was sure she heard her heart stop beating an entire millisecond. If he was aware, was Derek made aware as well?

  “You’ve been secretly taking classes at the local college. Is that correct?”

  “That’s correct.”

  “As I have been updated, your progress has been exceptional. Here is what I need from you while you are in my presence.” He stopped for a brief moment to get comfortable at his desk. This position Allison preferred more because standing over her was chilling as hell. “I have some books I would like you to look over. You have a total of three days to complete this task. Of course I expect everything that comes across your eyes, you will use discretion in pretending to have not seen anything.”

  “Of course sir. Just point me in the direction and I will get to it. However I am not certified as of yet so I don’t know how efficient my work will be. Being that I don’t know all there is to know but I give you my word I will give it my best effort.”


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