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Indecent Pawn: What price is too high to pay for another person’s debt?

Page 14

by Harris, K.

  Taking his glass from his hand successfully made him snap his head towards her. Allison did her best to ignore the heated gaze he was giving. If looks could kill she would surely be dead as a door knob. The last time he was angry in her presence, he wanted her to drink with him so she tried that method fixing a drink for herself as well as freshening his. Taking hers to the head she tried to take the edge off. The burn was so bad, the edge or his murderous look was the last thing on her mind. ‘How on earth did he drink this mess on a regular,’ she questioned herself.

  “You should really leave.” Antonio finally said after about ten minutes of silence. Allison had sauntered over to the opened patio door, looking out over the sea.

  “No.” It was true what they say about alcohol being liquid courage because she had just grown a pair of balls speaking to ‘The Don Mucciono’ that way. “Are you ready to eat now? Let me take care of you.”

  “…” He only chuckled darkly void of any humor. “How? You can barely take care of yourself.”

  “You can slang out insults after insults but I’m only trying to help not hurt you further. I know…”

  “You don’t know shit!” He shouted.

  “…” Allison shut up quickly. “You’re right I don’t know. I have never lost anyone close to me because I am the one lost. Lost to myself. They say my mother was a crack head who overdosed on the delivery table. No other family. Never in one place long enough to love anyone or for anyone to love me. Who would want to love a useless waste of space? I was an easy prey for an evil man like Derek.”

  “All the hurtful insults you can think of to throw my way, go right ahead. They are all true. Through it all I am still a good person and I’m trying to be there for you.” Allison pleaded. “Just lay it out. No one has to know.” Allison laid all of her cards out and waited for what was to come next. When Antonio slowly strolled in her direction, her first thought was to abort ‘mission help Antonio’ and run for the hills.

  “You want to help me?” Antonio asked.


  “How far are you willing to go?”

  “How far do you need me to go?”

  “That’s a trick question.”

  “No. A real one.”

  “You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.”

  “No, I don’t but I’m not backing down neither.”

  “You should.”

  “I’m not afraid.”

  “You sure about that?”

  “…” Allison only stared him square in the eye not budging. He smirked cryptically in response.

  Since she only slept in a pair pajama bottoms, a skimpy tank top, and no undergarments she wore a robe to cover herself. Antonio untied the robe, never removing his eyes from hers as if they were playing the staring game to see who would flinch or look away first. The robe pooled at her feet and the breeze from the water grazed her exposed skin. A tremble caused her breath to come out in a shudder.

  “Changed your mind?”


  “You shivered.”

  “It’s cold.”

  “Last chance.”

  “…” Allison bit her lower lip but said nothing nor did she make a move to leave.

  Antonio’s thumb pulled her lip from between her teeth. Antonio’s shirt was opened revealing nothing but his undershirt. In a swift movement, he rid himself of both leaving him in nothing but his pants. His chest was remarkable. When they visited the gym during his last anger management exercise, he’d worn a sleeveless shirt. Her hands were itching to touch his hairless pecks and defined abs. The intense workouts he partakes in definitely work.

  Antonio took it upon himself to take full advantage of what the cold breeze was doing to her nipples. Allison had never been turned on by just the site of a man before. Actually she has never been excited about any type of sexual experience before being alone with Antonio in the penthouse and especially now. Her body was craving his touch and causing several different feelings to circulate. A sighed moan escaped her mouth leaving it agape. While he touched her she touched him. It was like she mimicked his every move.

  Without further warning he crashed his mouth down on hers taking her to a whole other level. There was nothing gentle in the way he was kissing her yet she was not complaining. His hands were busy stripping the rest of her clothes away. Allison found herself flat on her back against his hug soft mattress with him firmly on top. Between her bare thighs, Antonio moved away from her lips to attack her nipples. Allison had never felt something so wonderful in her entire existence. Arching her back into his mouth, she felt his hand start to tease her sensually below.

  “Oh.” Allison’s distorted mind tried to revert back to the last time anyone’s hand was near her box but the moisture that was pooling in the area ran those thoughts away. Instead of feeling fear, she was filled with desire. Besides the pain she felt when Derek allowed the other man to violate her center, she felt a slick friction that made her tremble with need. One finger turned to two and finally ending with three. She had to admit the stretching was a bit uncomfortable at first but it was quickly being replaced with need.

  Prior to this she has always required lube of some sort in order to get any type of smooth glides. Antonio somehow manipulated her body to his will and he was taking full advantage of it. Allison was in awe of how good it felt to be fondled, she was truly curious as to what else was to come. Fumbling with his belt, Antonio finally stopped her failed attempts by pulling away a bit. With a snap of the wrist, he was out of his pants and boxers without lifting completely off. Even though she was eager about this new feeling she couldn’t help the anticipation in the pit of her stomach.

  Now taking her breath away once again with his kisses, he positioned his length at her opening. Surprisingly she didn’t flinch, she opened up wider to give him easier access. The first penetration was a stretch by a mile. To her surprise he was far from in completely. Push after push, kissing no longer an option, Allison gripped the sheets to bear the sting. Antonio never stopped his movements. By the time he was all the way in to the hilt, Allison was hot all over from holding her breath.

  “Fanculo!” Antonio exclaimed and rested his head in the crook of her neck. Moving in and out smoothly, holding one of her legs in the crook of his arm, Antonio repeated the curse word several times. Roberto taught her a few curse words when she’d heard it said before. She just hoped he was saying it for a good reason.

  “Mmm…” Moaning over and over, Allison was trying to stay as quiet as possible. There was no way she wanted anyone else to know what they were doing. If she were honest with herself, she felt a bit awkward because she didn’t know what to do or what to say. So many things came to mind yet she had no experience past watching others in movies. “Antonio…”

  “Si bella.” A build up was forming in the pit of her stomach and she didn’t know how to express it. “Cum for me tesoro.”

  “Ahha… ahh… ahh… Oh!”

  “Merda!” He was now holding himself up by his arms. It resembled someone preparing to do a push up.

  His pumps began to get rougher, harder, and in turn Allison screamed louder. Obviously he enjoyed her screams of pleasure because he didn’t let up off of that position until he was ready for her to move around. Allison willingly allowed Antonio to maneuver her body in a number of positions taking her to new heights. More like unknown altitudes. Having never had an orgasm before she was afraid she was about to have a heart attack. Thinking this had to be her punishment for participating in infidelity.

  Compared to the way he started out with sensuality, the animalistic side had officially taken over. Antonio was fucking her brains out literally and as sick as it may sound she loved it. Was craving the feel of his abnormally huge member deep inside of her cookie. She would be ruined for anyone else that was for sure, he’d shaped her soft walls to the contours of his length. Completely exhausted beyond recognition of where she was, Allison fell into a deep sleep still feeling him twit
ch inside of her.

  The count of how many times either of them came was a pointless chore to remember. All she knew was Antonio has possibly created a fiend. Now that she’s had the real deal there was no way she could ignore her attraction and craving for his attention.

  Overhearing him confess he isn’t interested in long-term relationships and not to mention the fact that she was still legally married, it was a lost cause. Wanting him was nothing but a heart break waiting to happen. What other choices did she have? There was no way she could go back to Derek and suffer. For the first time, Allison feared something far more dangerous. Dying of a broken heart. Falling for Antonio Mucciono would not end well in her favor and she would be wise to remember that.

  Chapter 15

  Allison woke up the next morning, sore and somewhat confused. Her body felt light as a feather and naked as the day she was born. The only covering was a satin sheet. Goosebumps started to rise on her arms feeling a breeze glide over her uncovered skin. Peeling her eyes open, she tried to focus on her surroundings. Memories of the night before came back in droves. Antonio had taken a bit of his anger out on her in such a way that left her wanting more. Much better than the trip to the gym that caused her to be in pain for days.

  Although she was in pain, a faint smile still graced her lips because it was worth it. Worth it to finally feel like a woman. A desired woman. Antonio had called her beautiful, while he cursed up a storm. Pummeling in her canal without mercy. Biting her lip, she let a moan slip just from thinking about the deliciousness of it all. Then a thought occurred, where was he? Was he satisfied? Did she disappoint him? Thinking for sure he has had better than her homely, inexperienced self. Her deadly beaten down self-esteem was a killer.

  “You should probably go.” She heard his gruff voice but didn’t see him at first. He was looking out over the water with his back to the bed.


  “Leave.” He growled.

  “…” Just like that he was back to his cranky, angry self. For sure she thought he would wake up just a bit nicer.

  “This shouldn’t have happened.”

  “…” That simple sentence caused tears to spring forward. Her chest was aching from each word that only added an additional nail to the coffin.

  Allison eased to the edge of the bed silently. Looking around for her discarded clothes of a reckless night of passion. Or so she thought. The feeling of being used by a man to get his pleasure is what she has dealt with for the past nine years. Why would she expect anything different? Gathering all of her things she went to the foyer of his bedroom and dressed. Without a backwards glance she eased out of his room, closing it with a soft click. ‘I can’t cry. I can’t cry.’ She chanted to herself all the way down the hall and to the stairs.

  “Whoa!” Gio caught her off guard. She had been mindlessly moving as fast as she could and wasn’t watching where she was going. “You alright?”

  “I’m fine.” She quickly stated. It sounded more like a robot than anything else. Then she repeated herself more than once trying to keep going to her room.

  “You don’t look fine.”

  “Please.” She begged him quietly just to let her pass. Never raising her eyes from the floor. She felt ashamed and saddened that she allowed her want for a man to persuade her judgment of what was right. A tear she had been trying to hold slid down her face. Gio attempted to wipe it away but she slunk back from him as if he were going to strike her. He held his hands up in surrender.

  “…” Gio finally got the hint and stepped away. Allison wasted no time hightailing it the remainder of the way to the room she occupied.

  Dejected, rejected, and a feeling of self-loathness consumed her entire being. Stripping out of her clothes, she made a beeline for the shower. Scalding hot water beat down on her body from every angle. She didn’t give damn about her hair or her skin as she allowed the water to drench her. The water washed away the salty remnants of her worthlessness. A sob racked her body as she crumbled to the shower floor. She hated herself for allowing such carelessness to come to pass. Most of all she hated she couldn’t hate him.

  Two hours later, she made her way downstairs. The thought of trying to hide out forever sounded appealing but she knew that would never happen. She wasn’t sure what his state of mind was but she did have work to do. Not really wanting to face anyone especially him, she still made her way to the kitchen. Allison knew she had to pretend like nothing had happened. If Carlina got whiff of any turbulence there was no question she would start inquiring on what the problem was.

  “Good morning, caro.” Carlina greeted as soon as she walked into the kitchen area.

  “Morning.” Allison failed miserably at trying to sound normal. Her throat was a bit raw from screaming the night before and sobbing just this morning.

  “Rough night?”

  “You have no idea.” Then a thought came to mind, maybe everyone heard her. She was extremely loud.

  “I didn’t sleep well either.” She concluded. “Sit. Breakfast is ready.”

  “I’m not really hungry.”

  “You sound like Antonio. Sit.” Just hearing his name caused her gut to churn. “What’s wrong caro, are you in pain?”

  “…” Allison only looked confused as to why she asked if she was alright.

  “You grabbed at your stomach as if you were in pain.”

  “Oh… no I’m fine.”

  “Are you alright? You seem different.”

  “Fine. Just a little tired.”

  “You should ask Antonio for a day…”

  “No! I mean no, I’m fine. Really.” She was trying to convince the both of them because she was far from fine.

  “If you insist.” It was clear Carlina wasn’t buying into the ruse but she didn’t push neither.

  Every time someone walked into the kitchen, Allison would jump. Carlina kept giving her quizzical looks wanting to pry but refrained. For that small feat Allison was grateful. Finally she figured she should just bite the bullet and go to her office. Maybe working would take her mind off of her late night visit. Thinking with him being locked up in his room, there was a possibility he wouldn’t come down at all. However opening his office door, she was shocked to see him at his desk in a heated discussion with Gio.

  “Yes, Mrs. Myers?” Antonio questioned with a poison laced tongue.

  “I can come back.” Allison gestured.

  “What do you want?”

  “Nothing. I was just going to the office to get to work.” She looked everywhere but at him. The fear of him was back full force.

  “Next time knock.”

  “Yes sir, Mr. Mucciono.”

  “Good morning, Allison.” Gio greeted her with kindness.

  “Morning.” She said quietly. Her ears were ringing, chest was throbbing, and tear ducts were watering. The shame was so bad she couldn’t even make eye contact with him.

  “Thanks again for the meal last night. I look forward to you making it again.” Gio complimented. She could tell he was really trying to get her to loosen up but it did nothing to help.

  “You’re welcome. Just let me know.” Finally looking at him, she saw pity in his eyes. Right then she knew, he’d figured out what happened. Offering him a sad smile, he returned it. As if on automatic, her eyes drifted to Antonio’s to see a cold glare that said it all. Tearing her gaze away she rushed into her office, closed the door, and got to work. This was going to be harder than she thought.


  Antonio had been distraught when finding out that his Zio Carmine was dead. And not just passed away peacefully in his sleep, no he was murdered. Murdered by someone he didn’t even have any animosity towards until now. Mucciono and Chon organization’s had never quarreled. They’ve always had an ‘I respect your turf, if you respect mine’ type of dealing. Mysteriously things have changed and Antonio was willing to do whatever it took to get to the bottom of it.

  Something about the scene just wasn’t sitting righ
t with him. Although Ernesto believes without a shadow of a doubt that Chon is behind all of the mess going on, the question was, why? What did he stand to gain by taking him out first and then taking out his zio? Who takes out the previous Capobastone? Why not make an attempt on the person that held that position? Even though Ernesto was terribly irresponsible, he still held the position rightfully being passed down from his dad.

  When he and the boys returned from his Zio’s place, Antonio was met by his distraught mother. Briefly he wondered where Allison was but then forced himself to forget about it. Assuring his mom that he just needed to be alone, he proceeded to his room to drink his sorrows away. The thought of even visiting the gym did nothing for him. He needed to feel numb for a bit. Since this was pretty much the way he handled sadness mostly everyone knew not to interrupt him. Especially Gio.

  The first small rap on the door, he knew the visitor was a stranger to the way he normally operated. Choosing to ignore the knocks, he was shocked to hear the small almost inaudible creek in the door. Alerting him that Miss Allison chose to ignore the subtle warnings to abandon ship. Sitting in the darkest corner of his room he knew she had no clue where he was but he had an eagle eye view of her every move. His desert eagle was in hands reach, for her sake she’d better be glad he knew when to draw.

  It surprised him to see she still wouldn’t back down after threatening her to leave him alone. In a weird way, he was almost happy to not be left alone but he was damn sure not going to tell her that. There was no way he was going to allow another individual to feel he was weakened in any way, although that was the main feeling he had at the moment, weakness. He felt like a failure for not being able to protect his uncle. He was dead and he really didn’t have many answers. Anger was trying it’s best to consume him and if he didn’t get a grip on it soon, he would more than likely go an all-around killing spree.

  Waking up with Allison next to him, he fought with his sensitive side for control. How he wanted to curl up closer to the naked fullness of the body next to him? Maybe even wake her up with the gentleness he lacked the night before. Then he became angry with himself for losing control the way he did and allowed his hormones to lead his actions. This woman had given him the necessary outlet to channel the irate brute inside of him. All without complaint or questions of his motives, just openness and understanding. For that and the fact she saved his life, he felt he owed her in a way. That, he didn’t like.


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