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Indecent Pawn: What price is too high to pay for another person’s debt?

Page 16

by Harris, K.

  Although she was nothing more than a common whore now, or at least that’s the way she felt, she couldn’t lie and say she didn’t enjoy every bit of it. Why did she have to fall for the mean Don? Fate just wasn’t on her side.


  Antonio wasn’t drunk this time having only one drink. He knew why he wanted her to accompany him downtown even if he tried to deny it to himself several times. He needed an outlet no matter how bad it sounded or looked. Allison’s pussy was beyond juicy, so damn good to get his joint wet all up in it. Her moans and screams were fuel for his stamina. By her acquiescence, it gave him further drive to continue with an abundance of eagerness.

  “Ti bramo.” Antonio said what he meant in Italian because he knew she didn’t understand. “Ho bisogno di sentire voi. Odio mia forza di volontà intorno a voi.” Confessing that he craved her presence, needed to feel her near him, and hated his will power around her. It was all true, he was mad at himself for desiring her and not just her body, the way he did. Especially since she wasn’t an available woman to want. Finding out that Brian cornered her in his office pissed him off to a point where he damn near saw red.

  Confronting Roberto about why he, Gio, and Roserio were tag-teaming with keeping a close eye on her, he remained close-lipped. That made him visit his video footage from his office and found Brian advancing on her. The fear he saw all over her face told it all, she was not a willing participant with anything that had to do with him. That’s when he solidified his decision to have her tailed everywhere she went besides to bed. At least until the house guests from hell left back to the rocks they slithered out from underneath.

  “Sei mio.” Antonio groaned. “Tutto il mio.”

  “Yes. Antonio.” She’d answered absent-mindedly not even realizing she’s just agreed with his statement. He’d announced that she was his, all his. Unfortunately he didn’t know how he would make that happen and for how long but the statement still stood as is.

  “Right there?”

  “Mm, Yes.”

  “What about here?”

  “Ahh…mmhmm.” Allison arched her back and tightened her thighs around his torso. Antonio grabbed her hands holding them tight on the sides of her head. When her eyes opened making contact with his intense ones, he knew then he was going to have a hard time letting her go. No matter how hard he wanted to fight the hold she had on him, he couldn’t. The stare off was too much to handle as he ceased all movement. He was stuck in a trance while they both breathed in each other’s air. This was beginning to be too much, too damn fast. Just as he went to withdraw, she locked her legs around him.

  “Please. Don’t.” It’s like she felt him trying to pull away to his safe haven. For the life of him he couldn’t figure out how she could dig her way into his very being. Like a spider monkey, she latched on and kissed him with everything in her. Since they started this journey in the living room, this ended up being their first time kissing. In a way he felt if he didn’t kiss her in the mouth, it wouldn’t be as intimate as the time before. Therefore he could separate himself physically in a way. Boy was he wrong.


  “We have a problem.” Gio said when they were seated in the living room of his suite. He’d shot him a text saying they needed to talk. After hours upon hours of sexing, Allison fell asleep.

  “What is it?”

  “Where is Allison?”


  “I don’t know if you want her to hear this.”

  “She’s asleep.”

  “The sneaky bastard has called in a missing persons report.”

  “Really?” Antonio was wondering when his ass would pull something out the crack of his ass. “Where does that leave us?”

  “We can easily refute that filing by making one phone call or we can let it stand for now. Eventually it could work out in our favor. I think Brian is up to something with him.”

  “I was wondering the same thing. What did you find out?”

  “He has been in contact with him since he’s been here. They are planning something. Another thing you should know is that Myers is still insistent that you two speak.” Gio reported. “One more thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Chon has sent word that he wants to meet with you. No one else and requests that it remains hush.”


  “There is a lot going on right now. Tell me where you want to start and that’s where we begin.”

  “Schedule Chon for the weekend in Mulan. The more the audience the less the mess. An invite was sent to attend Fashion Week. I will talk with Brian to see where his head is when we return to the house. Afterwards we will have a conference call with Mr. Myers.” Antonio made the necessary decisions but noticed Gio was in deep thought. “Spit it out.”

  “What do you plan to do with Alli?”

  “You all have gotten quite attached. What is it about her?”

  “You tell me.”

  “If it was the same reason as me, then there would be a problem.” Antonio joked.

  “…” Gio chuckled. “I doubt it’s all about the sex.”

  “…” Antonio was silent. “I plan to let her go. I have to.”


  “She’s not ready for what all comes with being with a person like me. It’s a recipe for disaster. It would never work out.” Antonio confessed. “To top it off, she’s still legally married. The confliction she has with breaking her vows will ultimately bite me in the ass.”

  “Last I checked you didn’t let other’s dictate your comings and goings. And furthermore, the bastard of a husband sold her like she was livestock. Her loyalty lies with you.”


  “See you in the morning. Kiss Alli for me.” His friend and confident left him to his own devices. At first he had a problem with everyone’s attention to Allison but now it was clear they just grew to care about her in the short time they have known her. Not even two full months have gone by and she was a drastic part of their lives. This is definitely one for the record books.

  Chapter 17

  Allison was woken up by an anxious Antonio. He wanted her to eat, saying she needed the energy. Afterwards she understood why he insisted. Again she was shown no mercy as Antonio took her to yet another realm. By the time they left the next morning, she was walking differently. She didn’t know if it would be obvious to others but she felt the difference.

  Out of fear she didn’t question him about his motives, she just enjoyed the attention while it lasted. If nothing else, for that moment with him she felt desired. Felt like a woman should feel. Knowing it would all end by the time they pulled into the gates of his home, she just prepared herself for the void.

  They gravitated right back into the swing of things when they arrived. Going straight to the office to begin work. Documents, going over the books, faxing, answering emails, and so much more, Allison was swamped with work. She had settled into being his secretary with ease. There was nothing to it. Around others they had the perfect working relationship with no sexual tension around. When they were alone, there was a shared aura that filled the space.

  Late that night finishing up some much needed work, Allison found herself against his bookshelf again. Only this time, Antonio was the culprit. Balls deep she took all of him into her willing walls, biting down on his shoulder to muffle her cries of pleasure.


  “Oh.” Antonio chuckled as she let her moans free. Calling his name over and over. That was the most thorough quickie she has ever heard of.

  Leaving his office wasn’t the hard part for she made her appearance presentable before walking out. The hardest part was trying to act normal around other people. During dinner, she kept getting dirty looks from the other family and she didn’t understand why. Did they sense what had happened or smell him on her? Was it obvious she’d just had sex? With the boss at that.

  Either way it caused her to announce she was turning in early. Carlina followed her
out of the dining room, worried about her welfare but she played it cool. Resting her mind that everything was alright, she just wasn’t feeling the company. Carlina only smiled a knowing smile and bid her goodnight.

  “Yes?” The rapping on her door continued. No one answered giving her the hint they wanted her to open the door not speak through it. In her heart she was hoping it was Antonio but highly doubted it. Against her better judgment she opened seeing as though she was presentable. A hand connected to a phone was thrust in her face as soon as she opened it. “What?”

  “You’re not that simple. Get on the phone.” Brian cocked his head to the side looking at her from head to toe.


  “Allison, sweetheart.” The voice on the other end was none other than her dear husband.


  “Don’t sound so happy to hear from me. What have you been up to? Or shall I say who has been up in you?”


  “Cat got your tongue. I hear you have been quite the naughty girl for those white men over there. Tell me what I hear isn’t true. You’ve become quite the little whore. Doing their bidding.”


  “No? That’s not what I hear. Remember your vows. Last I checked death hasn’t parted us.” He said like it was clear. “Yet.” The hanging statement caused her entire body to stiffen up.


  “Shh. I don’t want to hear it. If I would have known you would have been such a willing participant, I would have started pimping you out a long time ago. In fact that doesn’t sound like such a bad idea for when you return.” Derek cut her off. “Now Brian has figured out a way to get me the money I need to get your boss off my tail. Since your pussy isn’t raising enough revenue that is.” Allison cringed at his assumption that she was sleeping with the enemy for monetary gain.


  “The books you have been working so hard to rectify, you are going to reverse the fix. Just as you discovered the mistakes from the previous person known, create some untraceable ones. And then you disappear. Brian will make sure you get out unseen.”

  “I can’t do that.”

  “You can and you will. Remember there is nothing stopping me from having you killed right where you stand inside of the great Mucciono estate. I can just see the headlines now, ‘Infamous Kingpin mansion, missing black woman found slain.’” Derek recited as if he were some great mastermind. “I have already called in a missing persons report on my beloved wife here in the states. My gambling debt will be made public knowledge and there wouldn’t be a news crew in the world who wouldn’t believe my sob story.”

  “The great part about it, with my allegations, no one would think of trying to have me taken out because all eyes would be on the crime world.”

  “Then what do I do? They will kill me.”

  “News flash sweetheart, he plans to kill you anyway. I have been approached with a deal. I wanted to see was there any hope for us. I will forgive you for your whorish ways and we can start over. Hell I can’t be mad at you for I knew it would happen.” Allison couldn’t believe Derek. Antonio wasn’t plotting to kill her, was he? “Look Allison, I know I haven’t been the perfect husband but who else do you have? We can work this out. I’m willing to go to counseling even. Just make this happen for us. It’s not like he would ever care for you the way I have. The stress caused me to act out. I promise it will never happen again.” Not giving her an opportunity to answer, Brian snatched the phone away.

  “I will help you but you have to do something for me.” Brian made a move letting her further know his advances were far from over.

  “Brian? You’re needed in the boss’s office.” Rosario appeared out of nowhere.

  “Saved by the bell once again.” Brian whispered so only she could hear. “We will finish this later.” He tossed over his should before leaving out of her room. Rosario stood there a bit longer trying to decipher what was going on exactly. Allison felt guilty of treason even though she didn’t participate in anything. Yet.


  “You wanted to see me Don.” Brian walked into the office with an air of cockiness.

  “Have a seat.” Antonio gestured. “Tell me what I want to know.”

  “I’m not sure what you want to know.”

  “I think you do, Brian.” Antonio didn’t show any emotion. “Why have you been in contact with Mr. Myers? What is your relationship with him?”

  “We’ve had the pleasure of enjoying the same territory from time to time. His wife being one of them. Acquaintances, you may call it.” Brian boasted.

  “He doesn’t seem like the sharing type.”

  “The right dollar signs will make most men go against their normal behavior.”

  “When I first hired you I made it very clear how I felt about loyalty. Correct?”

  “Yes Don.”

  “Is there something else I need to be aware of?”

  “Actually there is.”


  “Derek has propositioned me for a job but of course I was going to go through you first. It’s just that he hasn’t been able to get in touch with you so he called me. There is money to be made in the end.”

  “Call Mr. Myers.”

  “Yes sir.” Antonio and Gio watched as Brian fumbled with the phone.

  “Derek, Mr. Mucciono would like to speak with you.”

  “Speaker phone.” Carefully Brian laid the phone in the middle of the large desk.

  “Mr. Myers, I hear you have been up to no good.” Antonio commented.


  “Tsk, tsk… You should be careful with your next answer. Remember the warning I gave you. I see, hear, and know before you complete.”


  “What is this business arrangement you think you have? Why is there an active missing persons report filed for your wife?”

  “Mr. Mucciono, sir. There is a two point five million dollar life insurance policy on my wife in case of an untimely death. She has expressed that she wants to come home. Attempting to seduce Brian into helping her escape. She contacted me just earlier tonight with an absurd idea that she could somehow transfer enough money to our account to pay you off. According to her she works for you and you trust her enough that you wouldn’t see it until she was long gone.” Every word that came out of the snake’s mouth was all lies. He could see right through him. His cousin was just as big of a liar as he was. Loyalty means nothing to these asses.

  “I will be in touch.” Antonio simply stated. Brian hung the phone up.

  “I can handle this for you.”

  “No thank you. Your job is to run numbers. It would be wise of you to remember what lane you are to cruise in. Cross the lines again and let’s face it, there won’t be a next time. Capito?”


  “I think it’s time you all return to the states. We wouldn’t want you to overstay your welcome, now would we?”

  “No Don.” Brian almost looked as if he saw a ghost. The squeamish prick was starting to see he was treading on thin ice with him.

  “Good, your tickets are scheduled for first thing in the morning. Have a safe flight.”

  “Yes Don. Thank you for your hospitality.” Brian said but the underlining tone was offensive. Antonio knew it would only be a matter of time before he’d have to deal with him once and for all. Supposed family or not.


  Antonio didn’t know what to make of the information he’d been given. One thing he knew he needed to pay extra close attention to everyone in his organization. Especially the ones not in his immediate eye sight.

  He’d told Allison and Carlina to pack their bags to accompany him to Mulan for Fashion Week. It was a way to get their minds off of what was going on plus give him a platform to handle some business. While they were busy looking at the new fashions on the runway, he would have the perfect alibi when missing links were dealt with. Antonio was on a quest for answers and too
many questions for too many different sources.

  His uncle was dead with fingers pointing at a target that just so happened to have a price tag on his very own head. Then there was money that had been disappearing into thin air with a missing accountant. To top all of that he has feelings for someone off limits. Not to mention the regular day to day business issues to deal with. If other organizations found out all the turmoil and confusion going on around him they may peg him to being weak. Even though that would be a major mistake on their part, he still needed to get some order.

  “You look gorgeous, bella.” Antonio complemented Allison. The outfit she wore fit perfectly. She wore a classic black contoured dress that stopped just below her knee. Cinched at the waist, large kimono sleeves, and a key-hole tie to show just enough cleavage. Black and white peep toe pumps, with matching purse. Her accessories were simple with a chunky bracelet and hoop earrings.

  “Grazie. Sembri bello.” Antonio was impressed with her attempts at learning Italian.

  “Grazie. Who has been teaching you Italian, bella?”

  “Your mother taught me to say you look handsome. Did I say it right?”

  “I can tell it’s not your native tongue but that was a good attempt.”


  “You’re a fast learner.” Antonio was so enraptured with her beauty. Why couldn’t things have been different?

  “What’s wrong?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Your demeanor changed. Like a light switch, your mood changed.”

  “…” Antonio briefly wondered how she did that. What gave away his moods to her? “We should get going.”

  “I will check to see if Carlina is ready.”

  The trio posed for pictures as they walked the red carpet. So many questions were posed as to who the young lady on his arm was. Antonio chose to answer evasively not wanting Allison’s identity to be all over the tabloids before she could blink. Especially with her being a reportedly missing woman. Luckily for her, the picture that Derek posted was of a very homely looking Allison. The new and improved Allison was elegant and regal looking, no comparison whatsoever.


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