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Indecent Pawn: What price is too high to pay for another person’s debt?

Page 19

by Harris, K.

  “No, I’m fine.”

  “Come on, stop…” Was the last thing she heard from Gio before everything went black.


  Gio was watching Allison sleep in the master bedroom of the condo she occupied. She didn’t know it but it was previously Antonio’s. They all had condos within the building for it was simpler than traveling to the estates at times. Since he didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable he had his things moved out before their return from Italy. It seemed it was brand new and she didn’t question it.

  He didn’t agree with his friend to end things with Alli. She was a good girl and overall good for him. His ability to be cut-throat nullified just a bit having her around. As long as he was ready to handle business at the drop of dime or when things were tight, he didn’t see the point in rejecting the companionship of the buffer. By them coming from two totally separate walks of life, that was a recipe for a perfect match up.

  Like fine, aged wine paired with a rough around the edges, moldy cheese. He chuckled to himself at the analogy but it was true. There opposites could the best attraction if given the room to explore the possibilities. Carlina’s comparison made more sense. She’d compared the two difficult adults to grapes in a vineyard. Allison lacked the finesse and culture the well-nourished grapes did, which was Antonio but together they created the perfect flavors. Either way, it boiled down to where they are now. Neither wanted to admit they missed the other but kept up with each other’s every move.

  Although he liked Alli and all, watching her was creating a damper in his own relationship. Thankfully his love understood his place in the business and agreed her safety was best in his hands. He and Rob tag-teamed watching out for her personally since Antonio hadn’t seen the light yet. Carlina made them both promise or she would disown them as extra children. It was her idea to push the two of them together but somehow fate had decided their assistance wasn’t needed. Hence the reason why she was laying in the bed asleep with him standing guard.

  “Welcome back to the land of the living, sleepy head.” Gio pronounced.

  “What happened?” Allison tried to sit up but started to swoon from her position on the bed.

  “Whoa, careful.” The only person Gio could think to call on such short notice without drawing too many curious eyes spoke up. There was no way he was taking her to the hospital.

  “Who are you?” Allison snapped her eyes to the unknown person in the room.

  “Allison, this is Stephanie, who is a doctor. I called her when you fainted in the kitchen.”

  “I fainted?”

  “Yes you did. Thankfully Giovanni has quick reflexes.”

  “Well, it’s nice to meet you Stephanie.”

  “It’s nice to meet you as well Allison. Luckily I live in the building.”

  “I’m glad you were here, Gio.”

  “Me too. So Steph, what’s wrong with her?”

  “You know damn well I can’t discuss that with you without her permission.” Steph snapped with a glare to boot. He just threw his hands up in surrender.

  “I am assuming you two know one another.” Alli observed their banter with curious eyes. “You can speak freely in front of Gio. It’s fine.”

  “Stephanie is my, signora amore.” Gio confessed. Stephanie just gushed at his reference.

  “Alright that means, love and lady. Lady Love?” Alli put the words together. They had been teaching her some Italian. “Aww. That’s cute.”

  “You can say that.” Stephanie giggled. “How long have you been feeling ill?”

  “For about two weeks off and on. It mainly happens when I am nervous.”

  “Any diarrhea?” Gio considered maybe he should have left the room. This conversation was not sounding to clean.


  “Is this the first time you’ve fainted?”

  “Yes. I get light-headed sometimes but it normally goes away when I lay down for a bit. Is it something serious?”

  “Well according to your increased pulse rate, it seems that you may be pregnant.”

  “Pregnant? No that can’t be right.”

  “Why is that?” Stephanie asked.

  “I was told I couldn’t have children.”

  “I have studied different levels of medicine and acupuncture. I understand a health care professional could have diagnosed you as infertile but I truly believe you have somehow beat those odds. For added assurance, I have a test.” Alli didn’t refute it any longer. She went to take the test and being gone only a good three minutes, she came back looking like a ghost.

  “I don’t understand how this happened.”

  “You can’t be serious.” Gio gave an incredulous look.

  “Giovanni!” Steph snapped. Gio gave her a glare of his own for shouting at him. The look he gave let it be known they would discuss her behavior later.

  “I mean I know how… I just don’t… Oh God!”


  “No. No. No. This isn’t good.”

  “What isn’t good? I’m sure Antonio will…”

  “There is no way Antonio can find out about this.”

  “Please tell me you’re kidding.”

  “Antonio wants nothing to do with me, Gio.”

  “That’s not true.”

  “Let’s be serious for a moment. We only had sex. That’s it. I was his mistress until he was done with me. You think I haven’t seen the pictures of him with other women?”

  “Allison. You should really calm down.” Stephanie said.

  “He has a right to know Alli.”

  “This is so messed up.”

  “I don’t agree.” Gio said.

  “I agree with Gio. I don’t know your story but this is a blessing from God. Especially since you thought you couldn’t have kids.” Stephanie offered.


  Gio didn’t know what else to say to Alli to convince her to tell Antonio about the baby. His baby. Their baby. He was going to hit the roof. One thing he knew for sure, when he finds out that he knew before him, he is going to trip. Now Gio was faced with the biggest dilemma of them all. Did he keep the secret or keep his loyalty to his boss and brother? The true definition of a rock in a hard spot was Giovanni at that moment.

  Chapter 20

  Allison was beyond shocked at the events that has taken place over the last month of being back in the states but finding out that she was pregnant was the year-end shocker. That was the icing on top of any award-winning cake, the season-finale to an awesome television series. Pregnant? Her? At the ripe age of twenty-nine by a man she hardly knows. The only people who knew besides her were Stephanie and Gio. And that was by some serious force.

  Gio was still very adamant that she needed to tell Antonio of the pregnancy. She on the other hand wasn’t so sure. After two days of deliberation it was decided that she would in fact spill the beans but it would have to wait until he came back. It took a lot of brainstorming but Allison figured by him being gone on his mafia boss tour, she could come up with the words. Maybe somehow he would find another woman more suited for him, therefore in order to not rock the boat, Allison can just fade away.

  Stephanie had laughed at that thought instantly, letting it be known that it would be a far cry from logical thinking. Knowing his reputation first hand, she soon figured that wasn’t a good idea either. In a way she didn’t want to have to abort the baby if he wasn’t pleased.

  For a change, Allison actually had something to fight for. To what extents would she have to fight to keep them both alive? Her life wasn’t exactly ideal. It wasn’t the way she pictured it when she first said ‘I do.’ There were people who wanted her dead, she was pregnant by a distinguished business man with a secret life. A secret life that is the most dangerous she has ever known.

  People wanted him dead just for a higher spot in the organization. She wasn’t even sure how all of that worked. Only from movies and books did she even know mafias existed. Here she found herself tangled up in this confus
ing web and with a baby to boot. Also by being within this tight knit family she has gained friends. Something she hasn’t had since high school. Even then she only had associates because they didn’t keep in touch once they crossed that stage.

  Now she had Carlina, who she felt really cared for her like a mother should. She now had that motherly role model and was giving her a grandchild. Then there was the boys that she has grown fond of in a brotherly fashion. Gio and Rob were the only ones in the state that she really talked to on a personal level but everyone else was cordial to her. The others she had begun to create a bond with were back in Italy. Thanks to Gio, now she had Stephanie to add to the mix.

  Allison did give him the third degree about keeping such a secret from her. If she would have known he had a love interest, there was no way she would allow him to spend as much of his free time as he did with her. She didn’t need a babysitter by any means. Rob always filled her in on his latest trysts so she was used to their candid conversations. Gio gently reminded her that he also knew about her and Antonio since the first day they ran into one another in the hallway but he never brought it up directly.

  Stephanie assured Allison that she didn’t mind being his well-kept secret. After all she did stand to compromise a lot if it were brought to reality whom she were in a relationship with. Being a doctor with prestige and having ties with the suspected crime world wouldn’t exactly sit right with the board of directors. Although everything is speculation neither of them wanted to add insult to injury. The feds, reporters, wise men on the come up would certainly have it out for the consigliere’s woman.

  Allison admired Stephanie’s ambition and beauty. She was about five foot ten inches tall, with a model shaped body. Not too pole thin but small enough to be a size ten at least. She wore her hair in a cute short pixie cut, high cheek bones, and almond colored skin tone. There was always an air of self-confidence around her nowhere near snooty. Her personality was laid back, fun, and easy to talk to. Since Gio was the acting boss in Antonio’s absence, the girls spent a fair amount of time together. She finally knew what it was like to have a girlfriend.

  “Hey girl. You ready?” Stephanie asked when Allison opened the door.

  “Uh, as ready as I am going to be.”

  “Everything will be fine.”

  “Says you.”

  “Says faith. Where is yours?”

  “Still trying to recover it at the moment.”

  “Just relax. We are going to have a girl’s day. Just you and I on the outside of this building.”

  “Why couldn’t I continue to be seen in the safety of my own apartment?”

  “Because we don’t have the proper tools to do that. You need to be seen by an obstetrician. Considering your history it wouldn’t be wise to ignore possible complications.”

  “Fine, you’re right.”

  “Whoa, I’m what? I missed that one.”

  “I said you’re right. Don’t get snooty.”

  “Never that honey. I despise those types.”

  “Who are you telling?”

  The girls continued on their way to the lobby. Allison had been living like a hermit and she could give two shits. As long as she was safe and sound, it didn’t matter to her one bit. A hermit that was held up inside was an alive hermit. Especially with the precious cargo she carried, taking a chance like this was grave but to ensure the pregnancy would survive was a priority. No one had contacted her nor approached the last few times she had to leave when they first returned so maybe Derek had given up. She sure hoped so because the next step she wanted to complete was a divorce. There was no way she was bringing this baby into the world with that bastard’s last name anywhere near it.

  “Good morning ladies. I am Dr. Yen.”

  “Good morning. I’m Allison and this is my friend Stephanie.”

  “It’s good to meet you.”

  “You as well.”

  The appointment began with a series of questions. Then there was blood work, urine tests done, and finally an ultrasound that produced an instant heartbeat. Allison couldn’t help the flow of tears that left her eyes for she never thought she would be in that position. All thanks to a debt she had no clue about in the beginning. Maybe this was God’s divine intervention. What if she had given up her faith completely and submitted to depression when it was at an all-time low? The truth is she wouldn’t have been able to witness this miracle growing inside her.

  Throughout the rest of the appointment, Allison was made aware of the precautions to take. The reason she fainted was because she is anemic, an easy fix with prenatal vitamins and iron pills. It had been confirmed that the first night she and Antonio were together was the night she conceived. Bringing her in at a whopping ten weeks. Just far enough along to hear the heartbeat but still shy of the first trimesters end. Which was better known as the ‘scary period’ or crucial moment of truth. Will the baby even survive? Will she have a healthy pregnancy? So many questions with no answers, only room to play the waiting game.

  “Fancy seeing you here.” Allison heard from behind her. Stephanie had stepped away from the table to take a phone call.

  “Derek?” She frantically searched the area looking for any signs of help.

  “You don’t look happy to see me… honey.” He smiled that handsome smile she once swooned over. Before she found out just what a monster he was. “It took so long to get you alone. So tell me sweetheart, I saw you leaving the clinic. Is there something you need to tell me?”

  “You’re not supposed to be anywhere near me. How did you find me?”

  “I know people dammit, how many times do I have to tell you that?” Derek snapped through gritted teeth as he kept the pasted on smile for anyone looking. “Since you botched the previous deal. Your easy ass just gave me another out. I must thank you. Damn, why didn’t I think of that? I didn’t give you enough credit.”

  “Think of what? What are you rambling about?”

  “Oh, look at that. Being around all those white folks has made you brave.”

  “That has nothing to with it. I finally recognize the value of my life.”

  “Your life is indeed valuable right now. I have to agree.”

  “Just leave Derek before I call the police.”

  “Please do so I can tell them what I know about your mafia dealings. They would see you as the person who cleans their money by the time I get done talking. All eyes will be on you.” Derek threatened.

  “That’s not true and you know it.”

  “No it’s not but it will still draw enough press to cause speculation.”

  “Why are doing this? You can just let me go. You never wanted me anyway.”

  “It’s simple sweetheart, I want my debt to be wiped out.”

  “That has nothing to do with me.”

  “It has everything to do with you. Until one of us leaves this earth, we are still lawfully married. Before god and on paper. You belong to me.”

  “I belong to no one.”

  “On the contrary, sweetheart. You are still Mrs. Derek Myers and that baby you carry will be the best pawn yet.”

  “Is everything alright?” Stephanie approached warily.

  “Everything is fine. Just catching up with an old friend.” Derek sized Stephanie up before returning his hateful gaze onto a heavily breathing Allison. “Good to see you Mrs. Myers, be seeing you soon.” He sauntered away as if it were natural for him to be there in the first place. Allison was at a loss for words.

  Faintly she heard Stephanie speaking rapidly into the receiver of her phone. It might as well be public knowledge about the pregnancy since Derek knew. There was no way she would go back to him no matter the threats. She would kill him herself before she allowed him to hurt her in further. This had to stop.


  Derek couldn’t believe his eyes as he sat waiting for Samantha’s dumb ass to come from the back room. They’d just arrived at the doctor’s office to see how far along she was. Derek was down in the du
mps because his home was officially in foreclosure. There was no money to be made because no one would hire him. Somehow being a gambler had tarnished his reputation in Illinois. Because of the restraining order that has been made public knowledge thanks to his carefully hidden wife, he felt trapped. Then to make matters worse, now he had a baby on the way with his once upon a time side piece.

  Plans had been set in motion to blow town but he may have just figured out another way. Sitting as still as possible, Derek watched as his once timid little wife moseyed out of the back area. From the glow of her cheeks and the little bit of weight she’d gained, he could tell she was expecting. Knowing full well it wasn’t his, there was only one other option. According to Brian, she has been the perfect little lap buddy for the great Don Mucciono. She’d hit the jackpot while he was living in the scums. Having to scrounge and scrape just to get himself to Mississippi, he needed the kind of money she had access to.

  Shooting Samantha a quick text that he needed to handle some business, he followed just far enough behind so he wasn’t noticed by the two women. As soon as her tall friend walked away he made his move. Up close and personal he realized what a fool he was to let her go. No matter now, she was just like so many other money-hungry women in the world. She’d gotten lucky enough to get knocked up by a boss, literally. Even her speech had changed along with her demeanor. Now she looked him in the eyes when she spoke. This wasn’t the last she would see of him, believe that.

  “What can I do for you?” A mean gruff looking dude in all black asked Derek. He wouldn’t lie and pretend he wasn’t intimidating.

  “Yes, I need to see your boss.”

  “Who the fuck are you? You must be lost.”

  “No, I’m a friend of a friend.”

  “I know exactly who you are and who you hang with. The real question is what do you want with the Boss?”

  “I have some information that he may find beneficial.”

  “What information is that?”

  “I would rather tell him myself.”

  “The boss doesn’t meet with nobody’s. Either spit it out or get laid out.”

  “First off, I know he is looking for ways to take down Antonio Mucciono. I have just the thing.”


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