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Indecent Pawn: What price is too high to pay for another person’s debt?

Page 23

by Harris, K.

  “No. No.”

  “Alright. Can you stand?”

  “…” Allison stood to her feet with his help. Gio lead her from the tight confinement of her safe haven. Other figures came into view that caused her to jump in fear.

  “It’s okay Alli, it’s just the guys.” He soothed. “It’s alright.” Walking towards the bathroom she saw what they were looking down at. There lay the body that used to house the sick bastard, Brian. From the amount of blood that was all over the bed and pooled on the floor under his body, he was no more. Allison didn’t feel anything but a cool breeze on the top half of her body.

  “Let’s get you cleaned up.” Starting the shower, Gio left her to finish the rest. Although he’d asked if she needed any help, she didn’t want to inconvenience him any further than what she felt she already had.

  Her mind was on a pause for some reason. It’s like there was a block up for her emotional stability. She couldn’t lie and say she minded because the events were indeed gruesome. Allison was now a killer and comprehension of that fact shouldn’t sit well with her. In her mind she keeps screaming it was self-defense but the fact still remains she has taken another living being’s life. If it weren’t for her need to protect her cub, they could both be entering into another realm.


  Allison has yet to talk to anyone. Her thoughts were consumed with so many negative things. Would she go to jail? What about the police? How did everyone see her now that she had blood on her hands? Literally. Most of all, what will Antonio say? Would he be angry? Would the family hate her because Brian was a part of the family?

  After she got out of the shower and got dressed, she was quickly whisked away to the airport. She was so numb, her fear of flying didn’t even bother her. Before leaving the apartment, Rob had showed up. The amount of remorse he showed was heart-warming. He’d apologized so many times but getting nothing more than a head nod from her ceased any further communication.

  Stephanie had joined the team for this flight with Rob staying behind. He claimed he had some business to handle and wanted to be sure everything ran smoothly while everyone else was away. Gio wanted Stephanie to be in a safe place until the smoke cleared, so he insisted on her traveling with Allison. Giving up on any argument she had left, she took an immediate family medical leave and boarded the plane.

  Allison only wanted to sleep for she knew they would be flying for a while and she was not in any kind of mood to talk to anyone. There was nothing to say. She’d graduated from a timid broken kept women, to a mobster’s mistress, and now a cold blooded killer. One thing she had to look forward to out of all of this mess was in five more months if she is lucky, she will get to hold her baby. At the way she was feeling at that moment, the thought of telling Antonio about the baby didn’t even faze her.


  “Oh caro. I’m so sorry this happened to you.” Carlina smothered her into a warm hug. She just allowed her to rock her back and forth without saying a word.

  “…” Allison only nodded her head. She was happy to be back in Italy and happy to see Carlina but Antonio was nowhere to be found. They’d ushered her to the room she once occupied when she was last there.

  After a relaxing bath, she was too restless to sleep. Eating was out of the question they couldn’t get her to do anything but look. The baby had other plans as her stomach started to growl rather loudly. That small gesture caused a small hint of a smile to grace her face. Hearing a commotion downstairs had her feet moving before her mind could. Although dangerous, she barreled down the stairs in search of the voice that she longed to hear. The typical romance novels and love stories had nothing on them at the look they gave one another. Allison wasted no time getting to him when he opened his arms to her.

  “Allison, tesoro. Mi dispiace bella.” Antonio had enveloped Allison into his arms.

  Alternating between apologies in Italian and English. Allison was a bundle of tears as she finally allowed the dam to break. Flooding his poor suit with tears. Emptying out her soul that was filled with anguish since the earlier events. No one said a word as they watched the couple embrace until Allison had finally calmed down.

  “It’s okay baby. Let it out. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you.”


  Allison didn’t know how long she had been crying or where she was for that matter when she reopened her eyes. A movement across her bare stomach made her look down. There was Antonio staring at her stomach as if it were foreign. His hand rubbed small circles around her navel.

  “Hey.” Antonio spoke first. She had tried to stay still because she was enjoying the site of him.

  “Hey.” Her voice cracked from the gut wrenching sobs she released earlier.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Better.” Neither of them said anything for a good five minutes.

  “It was self-defense.” Antonio finally spoke.

  “I know.” Allison answered truthfully. “All I could think about was that it was either him or…”

  “You did what you had to do.” He looked up with the most sincere look on his face but never removed his hand from her abdomen.

  “Yeah I know. I was so scared. Nothing mattered from the moment I saw his face and knew he meant me harm besides getting to see you again.” Allison confessed. “I apologize that you had to find out this way but I didn’t want to be a distraction while you were handling business.”

  “How far along are you?”

  “Sixteen weeks.”

  “…” Antonio didn’t say anything but her tummy decided to announce it’s emptiness once again. He just chuckled.

  “I’m so embarrassed.”

  “When’s the last time you ate, bella?”

  “Before the incident.”

  “I had them fix soup and sandwiches for when you woke up. Do you want to go sit in the sitting area or you want to have it here?”

  “The sitting area is fine just let me use the restroom real quick.” Allison went into the bathroom and was mortified at her appearance when she walked by the large mirror. After she used it and washed her hands, she grabbed a wash cloth from the rack on the sink. Applying a cold wash rag to her face, it helped sooth some of the puffiness she was experiencing. Using her hands she brushed her hair back to make it look presentable.

  “You okay, bella?”

  “Yes.” Clearing her throat, she realized how nervous she was to be alone with him. She’d longed to be near him and now that he was there in the flesh she was speechless.

  “Is there something on your mind?”

  “What do we do now? I mean are you angry about…about me being pregnant?”

  “No, why would I be angry?”

  “You made it very clear you wanted nothing else to do with me.”


  “I didn’t ask for this Antonio. I didn’t ask for you to come into my life nor take me from mine. No matter how terribly fucked up it was.” Allison said. “I didn’t ask for any of this especially to fall in love with you. This is the craziest shit I have heard of. Being with you, longing for you, craving you opened my eyes to how truly blind I was. How truly mislead I was to believe that I actually loved or even liked Derek. Without trying you have taught me so much. I fought today with all my might not only for myself but you and this one.”

  “Allison, I didn’t distance myself from you as a punishment to you and it wasn’t because I don’t want you. It’s quite the opposite. I need you so much. I am so incomplete without you. I have been miserable without you. Now the fact that you are having my baby, our baby, I couldn’t be happier.” Antonio confessed while on his knees in front of Allison. “The only thing that would make me happier is if you promised to stand by my side from here on out. Until the end of time.”

  “How on Earth is that going to work?”

  “What do you mean how, bella?”

  “I figured that us messing around is one thing but being in a long term relationship would be out of the question. Wo
uldn’t your associates have something to say about having an African American significant other?”

  “Fuck them! Who is in charge? The correct term is wife, spouse, and companion.”

  “…” Allison couldn’t help the giggle that escaped at hearing his statement. “Antonio…”


  “Antonio, I’m serious…” She whined.

  “Sono molto serio dolcezza.” Unconciously she moaned not knowing what he just said but it sounded so sexy. “Ti piace quando parlo italiano, sì?” He questioned with a sneaky, predatory smile on his face.

  “Antonio, no fair. I only figured out the last part.”

  “Tell me baby, vuoi che io animale domestico che bella figa poco?”



  “Sì.” She had no clue what he asked but she didn’t give a hot damn. All she wanted was to feel wanted and in that moment that was exactly what Antonio was doing. If she was lucky he would ‘do it’ all night long.

  Chapter 24

  Antonio had woken up with his il innamorato cuddled in his arms and couldn’t help the smile that curved his lips. She was so damn irresistible. Pregnancy was surely doing a number on her already sugary goodness. Now the wet stickiness almost made him climax well before she did. He’d missed those curves, magnanimous breasts, and full sensual lips. The temptation lying next to him was too much so he warned everyone to stay away from his room as he woke her up nicely. The way he has dreamed of waking her up so many times before that actual moment.

  Each time he entered her it felt like a dream resurfacing. The way she’d arch her back into him, scratched his back, and tighten her thighs was the best part. Deciding they needed a quick shower to wash away the essence shared between the two, Antonio couldn’t keep his hands to himself. Not only did he get her clean and allow her to clean him, he got them both dirty again by making use of the couch in the sitting area. He had been envisioning her riding his cazzo since he first started to fantasize about the African American beauty.

  No words were exchanged besides words of encouragement for one another. He just couldn’t bring himself to disengage himself from her insides until she was peacefully sleeping again. As naked as the day she was born she lay on her side on the couch. The expensive couch was made especially for comfort because he would often fall asleep there himself while working. Speaking of work, he prepared to get to his. There was so much to do and so little time. At least for those who were about to come face to face with the cool, calculated Don Antonio Mucciono that is. Their time was about to be cut short. It’s just too bad they hadn’t the slightest inclination of what was to come.

  Dressed to the nine in his posh Italian, tailor made suit, Antonio hopped into his Maserati Quattroporte GTS. He thought it only appropriate to drive to the distance for his last meeting of his tour. He’d been extremely successful traveling and meeting with various associates all over the globe. Aside from rushing home to be with Allison, he honestly wasn’t looking forward to boarding a plane anytime soon. Plus his dear cousin had always admired his baby that he hardly ever drove. The car always sat in the garage unless he had plenty of leisure time. Which was never.

  The drive was a little over six hours doing the regulation limit but his max speed was one hundred and sixty one. He may not drive that fast exactly but the regulation couldn’t be further from the truth. It would probably take him a good four hours to get there. Four hours that he would use to his advantage. There was no way he would allow anyone to see him sweat. So unlike any of his other meetings, he drove. All by himself. With no backup besides what he carried in the duel holster under his arms. Smith and Wesson were a custom designed gift from his father. He only carried them on special occasions. He couldn’t think of any better time to carry them than now.

  “State your business.” The guards gruffly greeted him at the gate. His staff was definitely not meant to be the welcoming committee, that’s for sure.

  “Don Mucciono to see your boss.” The look on their faces showed the shock of the century at the recognition.

  “My apologies sir.” One stuttered.

  “Sir, we weren’t expecting…” They both were some mumbling idiots.

  “Didn’t expect me to be driving?” He finished with a question.

  “Uh no sir. Not saying that you can’t drive.”

  “What he is saying is Mr. Mucciono told us to expect a car is all.”

  “I can understand that.” Antonio said. “Just doing your job.”

  “Yes sir. Go right on up.”

  “Will anyone else be joining you tonight?” Antonio saw the real question the guard wanted to ask.

  “No I am traveling solo.”

  “Very good sir.” Antonio drove to the main house and exited the vehicle.

  “Nice to see you again Don.” Ernesto’s little parrot spoke politely.

  “You as well.” Antonio didn’t bother with too many pleasantries. The plans of the people that surrounded Ernesto were transparent. They didn’t care for him one bit and he didn’t give a damn. He would deal with them soon. The fake enthusiasm when they spoke was clear.

  “Should I be on the watch for your consigliere or guards?”

  “No, I traveled alone.” It was obvious they were waiting for the barrage of soldiers to jump out of the trees or scale the walls but it was only him.

  “Cugino. I have been expecting you.”

  “I can see that. How is business?”

  “Booming as always. I was starting to think you were not pleased with me.”

  “Why would you think that?”

  “Well, I have been aware of your visiting other territories but no visit for your blood.”

  “I guess you could say, I was saving the best for last.”

  “Drink?” He’d led him to the conference room where they often discussed business. To show he had no fears he sat with his back to the door.

  “No thank you. I don’t want to be inebriated when I make the long drive back. My mother would have my hide if I didn’t make it back in one piece.”

  “You drove? Alone?”

  “Si, my license is still valid.” Antonio joked but only smiled while Ernesto laughed heartedly.

  “I didn’t mean anything like that. It’s not every day Don Mucciono shows up on your doorstep in car driven for six hours.”

  “I can see where that would seem odd. But no, I know how much you have admired the Maserati so I put it on the road. Rarely having the time for a backroad road trip, I decided why not. All of the other trips were via plane so I’d change it up a bit.”

  “I don’t recall ever seeing you without Giovanni or Roberto attached to your hip.”

  “Well, considering this is my familia’s home. I didn’t see the need. Should I be concerned about something?”

  “No, of course not. I was just stating the obvious.” He blabbered on avoiding eye contact with a huge smirk on his face. The bastard looked like the cat that ate the canary. “How is aunt Carlina?”

  “She is well, thank you. I will take back your regards.” Antonio didn’t miss the sly smirk on the bastards face or the nod he gave to his right hand.

  “So, what is it you have discovered while on your sabbatical?” He inquired while fixing himself a drink. Antonio watched very carefully at which container he used and which one he pushed to the side slightly. Seems his cousin was sloppier than he previously guessed. “Anything we should be concerned about?”

  “Have you spoken to the boys from the east of Greece?”

  “No?” The incredulous look on his face would have been comical if it wasn’t just damn sad.

  “When’s the last time you’ve spoken to Franco?”

  “I was wondering where he ran off too. You don’t think Franco would be foolish enough to steal from us do you? He has been with the family since we were boys.”

  “Yes. Well, I will get back to that.” Antonio made himself comfortable in the chair he sat in. One leg crossed ov
er the other like he had all the time in the world. “I visited with Booras and he would have sent his regards but he seems to be missing his teeth.”

  “His teeth?” Ernesto saw that as a joke.

  “Yes, he pretended to be innocent but so much of the evidence was pointing in his direction. And well, you know how my temper is? He was one of my first visits actually and let me tell you. So many things he had to say just did not sit well with me.”

  “Oh, how so?”

  “He made it seem someone close to me was in contact with him. That they were the mastermind. Can you believe that idiocy?” Antonio actually chuckled. It was more of the look on Ernesto’s face as well as his Adam’s apple that bobbed when he swallowed harshly.

  “That’s bullshit.”

  “My thoughts exactly. Too bad he didn’t get a chance to give a name. My patience had run out with his constant rambling about watching me and having people watch me. Blah, blah, blah… Come to find out that bastard had been doing a bit of snitching to the Fed’s, can you believe that? He’d obviously seen too much.” Antonio stopped for added affect.

  “This is the ending results to our little discussion. Needless to say, we won’t have to do business with his lying, conniving, rat ass any longer.” Antonio fished out a picture to show just how much he hated liars. “You know how much I despise liars.”

  “You and me both.” Ernesto said before looking down at the picture laid before him. The picture was of a very dead Booras with a single gunshot to each eye.

  “Mm. Well, then I went to visit Spanelli after several other trips around. The shocking news he had to reveal sounded almost similar to that of what Booras had to report. After a bit of convincing he was all too willing to disclose his dealings with whomever is conspiring to have me taken out. Spewing so much horse shit that I thought my ears would bleed from the sheer disrespect.”

  “To think he was only the messenger relaying things that he ‘claims’ to have heard through the rumor mill.” Antonio grunted. “That dreaded rumor mill is and will forever be a pain in my ass. He and some others that shall remain nameless because they are no more, had plenty to say about a certain young lady. Because I was seen with her, these derogatory statements have been spread throughout.”


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