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Hunger (Jane Thornton Book 1)

Page 5

by C. E. Black

  Grasping my neck, Kaden pulled my head down until I faced him instead of the moon. His thumb pulled at my chin, then his mouth was on mine. Hot and hungry, he devoured me with his kiss and the tension snapped.

  As my mouth opened in a silent scream, Kaden’s lips and tongue trailed down my throat. A shudder ran down my spine causing my inner muscles to spasm a second time. Stiffening, Kaden grunted, then lifted me off his cock before burying his face in my neck. It had been irresponsible of us to not use protection. If he even had any. But for a moment, a tiny moment when his release warmed the front of my stomach, I’d wished he could have come inside me. Now that would have been stupid.

  Exhausted and overwhelmed by the intense encounter with Kaden, I leaned my head against his shoulder. His arms were wrapped around me, holding me tightly. Safety. Not a feeling I was used to.

  “Jane,” he whispered against my neck. I held him tighter so he wouldn’t say anything else. It had been the first word spoken that night, and if I had any say in it, it would be the only one.

  A shadow passed the dark entrance to the barn, catching my eye. Feeling me stiffen, Kaden’s palm ran up and down my back as if to soothe me. But as much as I enjoyed his touch, nothing could ease the guilt twisting my stomach into knots. What had I done?


  “Morning, sunshine!”

  Wiping the sleep from my eyes, I sat up to look at the man with the too cheerful voice. The bright sunlight streaming through the roof of the barn caused me to wince. Damn it! I’d overslept.

  “What time is it?” I signed, forgetting Mason didn’t know what I was asking. The dimming of his smile had me rushing to find another way to ask. I tapped the top of my wrist. The hand gesture must have made perfect sense because his grin spread.

  “We let you sleep in. It’s almost lunch time. Hungry?” he asked.

  Nodding, I eyed him suspiciously as I took the bag of jerky from him. I wasn’t imagining things the night before. He’d seen Kaden and me.

  Maybe he’s not as into you as you thought, Jane. That was entirely possible, I agreed with myself.

  As I chewed my breakfast, I watched him carefully. He grabbed a bottle of water and took a sip before passing it to me. His gaze landed on my mouth as I drank. Seeing the blatant hunger in his stare caused me to swallow hard sending the water sliding down the wrong way. Coughing, I set down the bottle and wiped at my mouth.

  “Are you okay?” Mason patted my back firmly until the coughing stopped. “Hate when that happens,” he said.

  Pointing at my pack, I waited for him to look back at me before using two fingers in a walking motion, hoping he knew what I was asking.

  His head tilted to one side. “You want to know when we’re getting on the road?”

  Smiling, I nodded.

  “We will in a little while.” Leaning toward me on his knees, he said, “You have a beautiful smile.” When my cheeks warmed, he chuckled and sat back. “Will you show me how to say that in sign language?”

  My face was flaming, but I lifted my hands and showed him. He tried a few times before he finally got it right.

  “That’s amazing. Will you show me more, later?”

  As I nodded, I reached up to scratch my scalp, frowning when I encountered the greasy feeling between my fingers. Hopefully, we’d find somewhere we could bathe soon.

  “What’s wrong?” Mason asked.

  Shaking my head, I showed him a chunk of my dirty hair.

  His lips formed an O of understanding. “Dirty?”

  “A bath would be nice,” I signed.

  “She said a bath would be nice,” Kaden repeated from across the room.

  As our eyes met, I blushed. More than just my hair needed a good cleaning after last night. The corner of his mouth tilted up in a knowing smile and I had to look away. I already felt guilty about the night before. No way would I flirt with Kaden. Especially in front of Mason. Although, he wasn’t acting at all like he cared.

  “Thanks, but I don’t need you to interpret,” Mason snapped before turning back to me with an easy smile. “A bath, huh?” he asked, his voice back to being soft. “I think we all need one.”

  The difference between the way he’d spoken to Kaden and then to me was so significant I couldn’t help but glance at Kaden. He looked as shocked as I did. Or maybe a bit more surprised than me. As far as I knew, he didn’t know Mason had seen us together.

  “The river isn’t far from here,” Mason continued. “I saw a spot less than a mile back that had calm enough waters to use for bathing. The water will be pretty freaking cold, but it’s a warm day.”

  It was warm, I realized. “Okay,” I signed.

  Mason smiled, then rose to his feet. “Great! Let’s go. I’ll take you.”

  “I’ll go with you,” Kaden broke in.

  Mason stiffened, his eyes narrowing a fraction as he turned to his friend. They stared at one another for several seconds before Mason finally gave a clipped, “Fine.”

  Was it fine? I looked between the two men and had a feeling that things were far from fine.

  “If we continue south then turn west when we hit—

  “No. We should keep moving southwest in a diagonal path. It will save us time.”

  “Exactly the opposite, actually. Your route gets us farther into the mountains sooner than we need. That’ll slow us down.”

  “I disagree.”

  Gritting my teeth, I hitched my pack higher on my shoulders and sped up my steps, hoping to get far enough ahead of the guys that I wouldn’t be able to hear them anymore. Their bickering hadn’t let up since we’d left the barn, and I’d just about had enough.

  “Hey, Jane! Wait up!”

  Ignoring Mason’s request, I pushed through some underbrush toward the sound of rushing water. When I reached the bank, I stood still and breathed in the refreshing scent. A small smile lifted my lips. In this one spot, in this one moment, with the birds chirping and the hush of running water as background music, the world was once again a beautiful place.

  First Mason, then Kaden, came to stand next to me. “Wow,” Mason murmured. “This place is gorgeous. Don’t you think… Jane?” He called when he noticed my retreating back.

  I waved away his question as I walked down the bank toward the stream pool. I wasn’t trying to be rude, and I wasn’t mad at Mason, but listening to the two of them arguing all morning had taken its toll. Quiet. I needed quiet.

  Dropping my bag to the ground, I surveyed the area, then pointed to a large cluster of rocks. The men must have understood, because they both nodded, then headed that way. The rocks were large, tall enough to be our natural shower curtain. Undressing, however, couldn’t be done in private.

  Turning my back on the guys who stood only a few feet away, I quickly stepped out of my clothes and laid them over my backpack. A breeze caused my skin to prickle, but it wasn’t so bad. It felt more like spring than fall. I was more worried about the water. Mountain rivers were notorious for their icy waters. Which was why I hadn’t jumped in yet.

  I dipped the tip of my toe where the water lapped gently on the bank, then pulled it back quickly as I sucked in a sharp breath.

  “What’s wrong, Jane?” Mason yelled. “The water too cold for you?”

  I’d totally forgotten they were behind me. Both watched me, unabashed at being caught in the act. Kaden lifted an eyebrow, while Mason’s grin stretched ear-to-ear.

  Pursing my lips, I rushed headlong into the freezing cold water. Laughter following me, as my eyes widened in shock. Mason bent over, holding his stomach. Even Kaden chuckled.

  “Cold?” Mason called.

  I gave him my best glare, which only made him laugh harder. I wasn’t really mad. It was pretty ridiculous the way I’d jumped in the water just to hide something both had probably seen a million times over. And them laughing at me was ten times better than the constant bickering.

  Every thought in my head came to a frozen halt when I realized I’d missed something very im
portant. While they’d been watching me undress, they hadn’t been idle. Both were halfway to naked themselves. I had to blink to confirm what I was seeing was real. Not only was it real, I was seeing double. Double the broad shoulders and thick biceps. And abs. A lot of abs were on display. What was it about the V line that could make a girl forget her own name? Yeah, I was seeing double all right. Double the trouble.

  Though shivering, my insides were warming right up as I shamelessly stared. Hey, why not? They’d had their show, now it was my turn. Unfortunately, as they began sliding down their pants, both had glanced up and caught me in the act. After getting a wink from Kaden and an eyebrow wiggle from Mason, they turned around, showing off their perfect round asses instead. A pretty damn good consolation prize, in my opinion.

  Kaden looked over his shoulder and gave me a grin I’d never seen from him before. It was the type of grin a man gave a woman he’d known intimately and wanted to again. Flushed, I turned away, but not before I caught Mason’s glower.

  I sighed. These wicked thoughts were so unlike me. The longer I stayed with the guys, the stranger I felt. It was like I didn’t even know myself anymore. But denial wasn’t pretty. I’d slept with Kaden, but I lusted after both men. What did I do about that? Truth was, I probably shouldn’t do anything. I sighed again.

  A splash from the other side of the rocks was followed by a shout. “Holy shit!” Mason exclaimed.

  I smiled as the men made the plunge into the cold water.

  “Fuuuuuuu…” was Kaden’s response.

  My shoulders shook as I silently laughed at their antics. Then I leaned back and ran my fingers through my hair, letting the river wash away the dirt and grime. My body had gotten used to the cold water and I no longer felt the shock of it. Instead, it felt invigorating. Though that might have something to do with the way my body had heated up at the private show the guys had given me.

  “We should get on the road soon,” Kaden said, catching my attention.

  Mason snorted in response. “I’m surprised you’re ready to move on so quickly.”

  “What do you mean? The sooner we get to your Uncle’s place, the better.”

  “I won’t be going with you,” Mason said softly.


  Dread sat heavy in my stomach, and I moved to the edge of the rocks to get a better listen.

  “You and Jane should go without me,” Mason continued.

  “What is this about?” Kaden asked.

  “I just think three’s a crowd, is all.”

  I sucked in a startled breath. Then my shoulders slumped against the side of the rock as the silence stretched on the other side. How did I fix what I’d done? Mason and Kaden couldn’t split up. Whenever I thought of the two men, they were always together. Best friends, through thick and thin.

  I closed my eyes and hung my head in shame. I couldn’t get in between them. I had to leave. It was the only way.

  “So you know,” Kaden whispered.

  “Yeah,” was Mason’s murmured reply.

  “Mace…” The thickness in Kaden’s voice caused my eyes to well with tears.

  “Was it just a one-time thing?” Mason asked, hope lifting his voice.

  Part of me wanted Kaden to say yes, it was nothing but a one night stand. That we’d been out of our heads. The full moon had made us do it. Or better yet, that I’d seduced him.

  Another part of me, a deeper part, was scared to death that he would admit just that. That I meant nothing more than a silent screw under the stars.

  I wiped at my nose, holding back the sniff that might remind them I stood mere feet away and could hear every word.

  “Truthfully, Mace,” Kaden said. “I don’t know.”

  I blew out the breath I’d held. He answered exactly how I would if I was being honest.

  “That tells me it was more than just one night,” Mason said. “And I can’t watch the two of you together. I thought I could, but… I just can’t.”

  I’d had enough. I couldn’t let Mason leave. His place was with Kaden. I was just a tag-a-long that had over stayed her welcome.

  Kaden and Mason faced each other, but their gazes were on the water below. As I got closer, the splashing water alerting them to my presence. Their heads jerked up, their eyes widening at my presence.

  “I’m mute, not deaf!” I signed.

  Upset, I put my hands on my hips and glared at the men. Neither noticed. I followed their stares, looking down at my chest. My dark, rose colored nipples jutted out, rock hard from the icy water. Goosebumps covered the milky flesh surrounding them and I shivered as a cool breeze blew over my flesh.

  Looking back up, I pursed my lips and brought my hands in front of my breasts to sign, “I think I should leave.”

  Both men blinked as if coming out of a trance. Mason blushed and looked away. Kaden, however, showed no signs of embarrassment. Instead, he nodded. “Good idea.”

  It hurt at first, him agreeing so quickly that I should leave. What had I expected? I’d ruined his friendship with Mason.

  Taking a deep breath, I ignored how both men glanced at my heaving chest and signed, “Thank you for everything. I won’t forget it. Or you. Either of you.”

  Turning quickly before I lost the nerve, I began wading back to shore.

  “Wait! Jane!” Kaden called behind me. “I thought you meant you were ready for all of us to leave.”

  “What did she say?” Mason asked.

  “She’s leaving.”

  “Leaving? Without us?”

  “Leaving us,” Kaden corrected.

  The break in his voice gave me pause, but I couldn’t do this to them. I couldn’t split them up. What if it didn’t have to be that way? I shook my head at the image of both of them naked and hovering over me. No, I couldn’t ask that of them. What if they thought I was depraved for wanting two men at once?

  “Jane, talk to me. What’s going on in that head of yours?” Kaden said, coming up behind me.

  Pausing at the edge of the shore, I stared at the tiny pebbles below my feet, my mind swirling with fantasies and realities. Shivering, I wrapped my arms around myself. I wanted what was best for Kaden and Mason. I liked them too much to ruin their friendship. But I was a selfish woman as well. Could I ask them? I wasn’t ignorant. I knew they both wanted me. Was it enough?

  “Jane,” Kaden whispered. I turned to find him standing right next to me, his face contorted in pain. “Why are you leaving?”

  “I messed up,” I signed. “You and Mason are fighting because of what we did. I’m sorry.”

  “What did she say?” Mason came to stand next to his friend, his expression just as worried.

  Kaden sighed. He knew I was right. I looked back and forth between the men, my nerves getting the better of me. Maybe it was best to just leave before I did any more damage.

  “She’s leaving because of what happened last night. Between us,” Kaden explained.

  Mason sucked in a breath and looked away. His hands landed on his hips as he turned away from both of us. When he finally faced me again, I mouthed, “I’m sorry.”

  “No,” he whispered as he squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head. “No, I’m sorry. You did nothing wrong. It’s why I should go—”

  I cut him off with a shake of my head. “No,” I mouthed.

  His pained expression deepened. “Please, Jane. I can’t stay and…” he trailed off with a sigh. “I’m sorry. But it’s for the best.”

  My jaw tight, I glared at the annoying man as my hands flew into motion.

  “She said it doesn’t matter if you leave or not, she’s going. So, you might as well stay with me,” Kaden repeated what I signed.

  “Don’t do this, Jane,” Mason groaned. “It’s safer if you pair up.”

  Mason was more stubborn than I’d thought. My only option was to make them my offer. I rolled my eyes internally. You’re such a martyr, Jane. You know it’s not your only option. You want this. Don’t pretend like you don’t.

  Taking a deep breath, I let it out slowly. “It’s safer in pairs. But three is better,” I signed.

  Kaden’s gaze moved from my hands to my eyes. Something in my stare must have alerted him to my meaning because the corner of his mouth lifted, and his gaze darkened.

  Without looking away from me, he said, “Three is better.” The wicked gleam in his eye said he meant the innuendo.

  “Jane,” Mason sighed, oblivious. “I know I said that once, but it just won’t work. Things have changed between us—”

  Before he could finish the sentence, I stepped forward and pressed my lips to his.


  Mouths fused together, we stumbled into the barn, our bags and clothing falling to the ground with a thud. Mason shoved my wet jeans down my legs, his lips never leaving mine. Until my legs tangled up, and with a gasp, we both tumbled to the floor. Mason twisted, taking the brunt of the fall and my weight. As I hit his chest, I winced, then smiled at the wide-eyed look he sported. A sudden grin split his lips, then he was laughing.

  The arms banded around me tightened as he pulled me up for a kiss. I sipped at his lips, enjoying the taste of him, my hips rocking against the solid length pressing against my stomach. My nipples scrapped against the soft hairs on his chest, and I wiggled harder, trying to get as close as possible.

  Mason groaned into my mouth. “Jane,” he whispered.

  I deepened the kiss, causing him to groan, but eventually, he was able to pull away.

  “Wait, wait,’ he murmured breathlessly. “We need to slow down.”

  I shook my head no and leaned in for another kiss except he pulled away. I blinked, more curious than hurt. I tilted my head and mouthed the word, “Why?”

  Sighing, his head hit the floor with a thump. As he stared up at the broken roof, his Adam’s apple bobbed when he swallowed. I licked my lips, wanting nothing more than to taste him there too. But he had something he needed to get off his chest first. I understood. And I didn’t want him to be uncomfortable. It was already a strange situation. So, I waited, somewhat patiently as he ran a hand over the top of his head. His fingers slid easily through the wet strands of hair…


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