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Longing (Legacy Book 1)

Page 14

by Ciana Stone

  Joe was standing inside the front room. The man introduced as Gabriel smiled and held out one hand to Joe. Joe grinned and they each grabbed the other’s forearm in what seemed to Logan as a kind of warrior’s greeting.

  “It’s been a long time, Jophiel,” Gabriel said.

  “Indeed. I appreciate you all coming.”

  “You indicated it was of grave importance,” the dark-haired man, Severin, answered.

  “It is,” Logan replied. “An Umbra has taken Joe’s daughter and my sister and I believe he intends to kill them both.”

  “Why would the Umbra want them dead?” Augustus asked.

  “Because she’s my and Kinah’s daughter to start with,” Joe said.

  “Kinah?” Gabriel was clearly surprised. “You and my sister had a daughter?”

  “Yes, Sabine.”

  “Well, thanks. It would have been nice to know.”

  “I didn’t know myself until recently. Kinah kept that bit of news all to herself.”

  “Why— never mind, that’s a discussion for later. Why would the Umbra want to kill her? She’s not the only Angel on earth.”

  “She’s the only one pregnant with the child of a man who has Shifter and Daemon blood.”

  Everyone looked directly at Logan. He felt like the deer caught in headlights. “Pregnant?”

  “Pregnant,” Joe repeated. “And your child will have the ability to open the doorway.”

  “Which the Umbra do not want,” Severin said. “They will do everything in their power to keep the Light from controlling the portal.”

  “Even killing an innocent unborn child?” Logan asked.

  “Even that,” Augustus answered. “Either they will destroy the child or they will imprison Sabine and take the child from her when it is born.”

  Neither option was viable in Logan’s book. He had to save Sabine. “Then we have to go. Now,” he insisted.

  “Yes,” Augustus agreed. “Do you have transportation?”

  “A helicopter is ready and waiting. It’s fifteen minutes from here.”

  “Then after you.” Augustus gestured.

  Logan headed out of the house with the others following. They all got into Augustus’ double cab truck and followed Logan, who took his own.

  Logan wasn’t aware of much during the drive except his fear for Sabine and his shock at hearing that she was pregnant. They’d not been together many times since their reunion, but then, it only took once. Still, he’d never thought to consider that pregnancy might be a result of their lovemaking.

  That made his fear even greater. No matter what it took, he had to save Sabine and their child.

  Or die trying.


  Sabine could feel Ravyn’s fear and wished there was a way to reassure her. She knew Joe had received her message, just as she knew that he, Logan, and others were in route.

  Whether they would arrive in time was anyone’s guess. The car was slowing down, bumping as if on a dirt road. She suspected they were nearing their destination.

  A minute later, the car stopped. Sabine could hear the car door open, felt the shift as Marcus exited the car and then the rock as he slammed the door.

  A few seconds later, the trunk opened. She blinked in the sudden flood of light, her eyes watering. Marcus untied the rope binding her wrists to her ankles and freed her feet. He then hauled her out of the trunk and dumped her unceremoniously on the ground.

  Sabine tried to stand but her legs would not support her. Her feet were numb from being tied and her legs were stiff from being forced into one position for so long. She sat on the ground, looking around and suddenly realized where they were.

  The car was parked in front of an old storage barn. A line of shacks stood to one side of the barn beside it. Sabine recognized it. This was on Ravyn’s grandmother’s estate. At one time, the shacks had housed slaves and later tenant workers. The barn was a storage facility.

  All the buildings had been abandoned and out of use for years. Still, knowing where they were allowed her to communicate the information to Joe. She would fight to save herself and Ravyn, but didn’t know who or how many she’d have to face.

  Marcus hauled her to her feet once he had Ravyn out of the truck and leaning against the car. With one tug, he ripped the duct tape away that covered her mouth, then yanked out the fabric.

  Sabine coughed and gulped in air greedily. Her mouth was as dry as a desert and felt raw, but it was a blessing to have that damn gag out. She stumbled forward as Marcus shoved her.

  He kept one hand locked around Ravyn’s arm and continued to push Sabine toward the barn. “Open the doors,” he ordered when they reached it.

  With her hands still tied, it took her a minute to open the first door. The moment she looked inside, fear that had been lying curled in her belly like a snake, threatened to strike and consume her mind.

  Sabine fought to keep the fear at bay and opened the other door. Marcus shoved her viciously and literally slung Ravyn into the opening. She lost her balance and tumbled on the dirt floor.

  Sabine hurried to try and help her to her feet but Marcus kicked her and sent her sprawling. She cried out, then mentally cursed herself for it. She couldn’t let him see her pain and certainly not her fear.

  She’d been here before. Ten years ago. She remembered the fear and the pain. She remembered the excitement of the people who witnessed her suffering. She also remembered the rage, the desire to destroy all of them.

  Perhaps she could have. The strength of an Angel far exceeded that of a human. But she’d been warned. If she resisted her punishment, Logan James would suffer and she couldn’t allow that.

  Now, however, was a different time and she would not be victim again to their brutality. She would wait for the right moment. Marcus Bannon was not in charge. She believed him to be possessed by a low-level Umbra, one who answered to a superior.

  She wanted to know who that superior was because that was who she wanted. It was who she would destroy. Until that identity was revealed, she’d play the role of the cowed and frightened.

  Marcus grabbed her by the hair and dragged her to the center of the barn where four thick metal stakes with shackles welded to the top of each had been driven into the ground. He fastened shackles to both her wrists and then did the same to Rayne.

  Sabine wished she could calm Ravyn, reassure her, but she couldn’t let on that anyone knew where they were. Still, she felt sorry for Ravyn, who was crying and trembling like a leaf in a storm.

  All she knew to do was beg. “Please, set Ravyn free. She’s no use to you. You have me. Just let her go.”

  Marcus laughed. “Fat chance. That little bitch dug her own grave when she betrayed her family. Now she’ll pay. Just like you.”

  “She didn’t betray anyone. It’s my fault. I tricked her, spelled her. She didn’t know what she was doing. Please, you have to let her go. Whatever pain you want to inflict on her give to me, but please I beg you, release her.”

  He walked over and grabbed her by the crotch, digging his fingers into her as far as he could, shoving underwear and skirt inside her. She gritted her teeth and glared at him.

  “I hope they let me have you before you die. I’m going to fuck you bloody.”

  Sabine spat in his face. “I’ll rip your dick off and shove it down your throat.”

  She prepared for the blow as he drew back his arm and tightened his hand into a fist. Just then, the sound of a car had him whirling to look out of the door.

  A long dark limousine had stopped in front of the barn. The driver got out and opened the rear passenger door, then offered his hand to the occupant. Clarissa Legendre Beaudreaux got out of the car.

  “Grandmother!” Ravyna screamed. “Oh, thank god. This man abducted us and—”

  “Silence,” Clarissa ordered.


  “But nothing, you ungrateful strumpet. You betrayed your own blood and for what? A hard rod between your legs and the love of a deg
enerate mutant who would slit your throat to further his own goals?”

  “That’s not true!” Ravyn drew herself up and shouted. “Wayne isn’t a degenerate and he’d never betray or hurt me.”

  “You deluded harlot. I almost feel sorry for you. The Garens are thieves and liars. For centuries, they have kept the Umbra’s property hidden from them—refusing to return what they have no claim as their own.”

  “That’s insane. Wayne’s family doesn’t even know about the Umbra.”

  Clarissa laughed. “Well, the Umbra certainly know about them.” She snapped her fingers in the direction of her driver. He opened the back door and the limo and Wayne climbed out.

  The moment she saw him, Sabine realized that the man she was looking at was no longer Wayne Garen. It was his body, but he was no longer in control. He was possessed by an Umbra.

  He walked over and stood beside Clarissa, smirking at Sabine and then Ravyn.

  “No!” Ravyn pulled at her bonds, screaming at her grandmother. “What have you done, you evil bitch?”

  “I simply made your beloved acceptable to the family. He was resistant, but now…well, now he understands and is quite pleased. Isn’t that right, Wayne?”

  “It is. I woke a mere human and now I am so much more.” He laughed and looked at Sabine. “Now we know how you have betrayed us—how you convinced Ravyn to participate in that betrayal. Thanks to you, she’ll suffer punishment.”

  Sabine felt the blow of his words almost like a physical attack. He was right. She had convinced Ravyn to betray the family. Whatever happened to Ravyn was her fault. She had to do something.

  “Take your pleasure with me, but let Ravyn go.” She looked at Clarissa. “I will ask you this but once. Release Ravyn and save yourself.”

  Clarissa cackled. “Brave words for a woman about to die.” She spoke next to Wayne. “Do what you want with Ravyn, but first, destroy Sabine.”

  “No. She’s mine,” Marcus argued.

  “Then both of you have her,” Clarissa said. “But do it quickly. I want her dead.”

  “No! Wayne don’t,” Ravyn screamed.

  At first Wayne sneered and started toward Sabine, but Ravyn continued. “Please. Wayne, I know you’re in there. Please. I love you. Please fight for me. Fight for us. I love you, Wayne. I love you.”

  Sabine could see that Ravyn’s words were having an effect. Wayne’s expression was changing from one of rage to fear and uncertainty. Meanwhile, Marcus was advancing on Sabine.

  She turned her attention fully to him. “You’re pathetic.” She put as much scorn as possible into her words. “Hiding in that human’s form, too afraid to face me yourself.”

  “I’m going to rip you apart,” he roared.

  “Not with human hands.”

  Marcus stopped and she laughed. “What? Forgot who I am? As I suspected. You don’t have the strength or the balls, Umbra. You’re nothing.” She spat on the ground and Marcus threw back his head and howled.

  Black oily smoke boiled from his mouth. It twisted and writhed like something alive.

  The sound of another howl drew her attention. Wayne had both hands clamped to the sides of his head, his mouth stretched open wide as the Darkness poured from him. Sabine felt her confidence wane. She’d felt sure she could defeat one Umbra, but two? Did she have the strength?

  There was but one way to find out. She closed her eyes and concentrated on releasing her Angelic nature from the restraints holding her. Her attention was diverted by the sound of Logan’s voice, shouting her name.

  Sabine opened her eyes and there he was—standing just inside the barn. Joe and three other men were with him, one of them an Angel. She sensed the Umbra moving and saw the Darkness closing in on Logan James.

  “Logan James!” she screamed.

  Logan James heard her scream a split second before he noticed the tendrils of darkness reaching out toward him. It was like a living well of dark oil, thick and putrid and it meant to kill the woman he loved.

  Rage sizzled through him, burning like wildfire. A vision flashed through his mind of a great dragon with fire shooting from its mouth, igniting the darkness. In the next moment, pain more intense than anything he could have imagined gripped him, blinding him to everything but agony.

  And then it was gone. Logan James raised one hand and was shocked to see a clawed foot before him. That was when he realized. He was a dragon. And one about to go to war.

  The Darkness lashed at him and he blew a blast of fire. The tendril ignited, sending sparks flying and the rest of the Darkness retreated. He saw it slash at Sabine, striking her across the torso.She hissed out a breath and broke free of the shackles. Her arms threw out wide and her wings emerged. She was mesmerizing, magical and terrifying. Light shot from her eyes, clashing with the Darkness to create a whirlwind of darkness and light.

  Tendrils from the main body of the Umbra. They reached for her and she slapped them away, countering with shards of light from her hands.

  Logan turned his head to see Severin battling with the Umbra in Wayne, continuing to lure it out. The moment Wayne’s body collapsed, Severin made a throwing motion. A ball of light shot from his hand and slammed into the Darkness. Logan shot a long flame from his mouth, hosing the Darkness and hearing it pop and explode.

  Augustus released Ravyn and carried her outside, his movements almost too fast to see. He returned to lift Wayne off the ground and carry him to safety.

  Sabine and Gabriel had the last Umbra trapped between them. Logan marveled at the sight. Two Angels, wings outspread with ropes of light emerging from every finger, wrapping the Darkness.

  The ropes of light tightened and the Darkness within them howled and roared, shaking the old structure. Logan wondered if it would come down on top of them and raised his wings, shielding them.

  Suddenly the Darkness exploded into what looked like shards of dark glass, showering down to the ground and then dissipating until nothing remained.

  Sabine rushed to Logan, putting her hand on his scaled chest. Her touch instigated the change and after a flare of pain, he was once more in human form. Nude but human.

  “Looks like you could use this.” Augustus’ voice had them both turning. Augustus held out a pair of black dress pants. He smiled and nodded his head in the direction of the car. The driver was now tied up on the ground—minus his pants.

  Sabine looked around and spotted Clarissa, cowering against the far wall. “We need to know who controls the Umbra.”

  “I can help with that.” Augustus was suddenly on the other side of the room, lifting Clarissa off her feet with one hand. He held her up off the ground by her throat.

  “You will tell me who you answer to and who rules the Umbra.”

  “Would you look at that?” Logan said as he finishing fastening the pants.

  Sabine was amazed. Clarissa looked like someone in a daze. Augustus put her down and she cleared her throat. “My family serves a powerful Daemon—Galen Zayne. We have since before I was born. You can’t defeat him. His power is too strong and his followers too many.”

  “Why do you follow him?” Severin asked.

  “It is from him we received our power. He can also take it away if we do not obey.”

  Severin looked at Augustus. “We need to find this Daemon.”

  “You’ve never heard of him?”

  “I do not believe he would give them his true name.”

  “You’re probably right—on both counts.” He looked at Clarissa. “You will go to sleep now and will wake in your bed and remember none of this. However, from this day forward, you serve me and will report everything your former master asks of you.”

  Sabine hurried over to him and whispered. “We need to protect Ravyn and Wayne from Genevieve. She’ll know something is wrong with Clarissa.”

  “Yes, you’re right.” Augustus turned his attention once more to Clarissa. “You will tell your daughter that you were in error. Her daughter Ravyn has never betrayed the family. No
r has Wayne any knowledge of his family ever being involved with the Numina. He is simply a businessman who is in love with her daughter.”

  “Yes, of course.”

  With that, Clarissa collapsed. Severin looked from her to Augustus. “Do you think that wise?” Severin asked. “He may suspect your control.”

  “Possibly, but you could reinforce it.”

  Severin smiled. “Indeed.” He knelt beside Clarissa, put one hand on her head and closed his eyes.

  Logan had been silent until now. “I have a question. Why do the Umbra want to Sabine dead so much?”

  “Because Kinah, Sabine’s mother, is my sister,” Gabriel answered.

  “And you are?” Sabine asked.

  “Your uncle, Prince of the ArchAngels, Gabriel.”

  “Oh. You’re quite beautiful.”

  “As are you.”

  “Thank you, but beauty aside, why would I be a target when you and my parents are not?”

  “Because Jophiel is the child of an ArchAngel and a very powerful Daemon who was also the product of an Angel-Daemon pairing. Therefore, you possess the blood and power of both races of Fae.”

  “So does my father, so why can’t he open the door?”

  “Because of a curse.” Gabriel said.

  “A curse?” Sabine looked at Joe.

  He nodded. “If I were to open the door, all who share my blood will die.”

  “But why?” Sabine asked. “Why were you cursed with that?”

  “Because I killed a Daemon who served the Queen of Vampires and she ordered me to be cursed.”

  “But that curse doesn’t extend to your children?”

  “No, it does not. And Kinah knew that. I suspect that’s why she kept your existence a secret—to protect you. If Asha had known of your existence, she would have come for you.”

  “Then Genevieve and her family do not know this Asha?”

  “No, they fell into service of a powerful Dark Fae two centuries ago, a man who married one of Genevieve’s ancestresses and started her family line.

  Sabine looked at Gabriel. “So I can’t do it on my own?”


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