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Sweet Surrender

Page 4

by Maya Banks

Page 4


  She leaned closer. Houston. The address was Houston. For an exclusive, private, members-only club. “Specializing in themes of dominance, bondage and a variety of fetishes guaranteed to satisfy even the most discerning palate. ”

  One of her eyebrows went higher. Thought highly of themselves, apparently.

  Intrigued, she clicked on the ad and was transferred to a surprisingly sophisticated website. Not your average trashy porn site high on shock value.

  It was discreet, a website that could host a variety of different businesses. Subdued colors. Easy on the eyes. No pop-ups or flashing little boxes screaming that you just won an iPod.

  Her pulse fluttered as she read on. Membership was exclusive and only open to a limited number each year. Security was a high priority, and the “club” wasn’t a flashy, neon-sign-bearing business in the heart of Houston’s downtown. Instead, it was a stately home in the northern outskirts of the city. Big wrought-iron gates. High security fences. No sign advertising what went on behind closed doors. Basically a meeting place for like-minded individuals.

  She shivered. Could it be that easy? Somehow she doubted it. But where else was she going to start her search? Her cursor hovered over the telephone number listed on the site. She reached for the cordless phone she kept by the computer and punched the On button.

  For several long seconds, she listened to the dial tone. When it started its obnoxious loud beeping to let her know it was still on and she wasn’t dialing, she turned it off and stared at the computer monitor.

  Then she turned the phone back on. And off. And on. Cripes. What could possibly be so bad about calling the place? It wasn’t like they could reach through the phone, snatch her bald and leave her tied up and naked on the floor. Though, if the guy were hot enough, she might be up for it.

  She touched the phone to her forehead and closed her eyes. Just do it, Faith. You just want information. They don’t even have to know your name.

  Taking a deep breath, she punched the On button and quickly dialed the series of numbers. She put the phone to her ear and squeezed her eyes shut in dread. Maybe they wouldn’t answer.

  Her stomach gave a painful lurch when a smooth male voice offered a greeting.

  “Hello?” he said again when she didn’t respond right away.

  “Uh, hello,” she offered, barely able to squeeze the words from her lips. “I was calling for some information. I mean, I saw your club, er uh, your establishment on the internet. ”

  “What’s your name?” the man asked cheerfully.

  Damn. She guessed they would know her name after all.

  “It’s Faith,” she said, not volunteering her last.

  “Hi, Faith. My name is Damon, and I’ll be happy to answer whatever questions you may have. ”

  She relaxed a teeny bit. “Well, the thing is, you see, I’m not sure what questions to ask. ”

  “Ah. Okay then let me ask you a question. ”

  “Oh. Okay. I guess. ”

  “What is it you hope to find at our establishment?”

  “Not much of a loaded question,” she muttered.

  Damon chuckled. “Don’t be shy, Faith. There isn’t anything you could possibly say that would shock me. Or make me judge you. I can’t help you if you aren’t honest with me. ”

  Her mouth went dry. Moment of truth. How to tell a complete stranger what it was she was looking for when she wasn’t completely sure herself?

  “I want…” She sucked in another deep breath and started over. “I want a man to take control. Take. Not ask. In all aspects. Not just sexually. ” She broke off, but still Damon waited, as if sensing she wasn’t yet done. “I want to be taken care of,” she finished softly.

  “You want to be dominated. ”

  The word still made her uncomfortable, but in essence, that was precisely what she wanted. So she muttered a low agreement.

  “There’s no reason to feel shame for your desires,” Damon said gently. “A woman who knows who she is and what she wants is the most beautiful of creatures. ”

  The compliment brought a delighted smile to her face until she realized she was giddy over a phone call with a stranger who, for all she knew, could be getting his rocks off while listening to her fantasies.

  She cringed at that mental image.

  “Membership is very exclusive here and offered sparingly. If you like, you can set up an appointment time to come and tour our facility. Once you’ve seen what we have to offer, then you can make a decision as to whether you’d like to pursue membership within our confines. ”

  She swallowed the knot growing in her throat. “I’d like that. ”

  “Fair warning. If you come, you should know what you’re getting into. This won’t be a trip through the halls of the manor where you’ll look at empty rooms and unused furniture. You’ll come at our busiest time. And you’ll see all. ”

  Her eyes widened, and she wondered just what all she would see. Her heart did a strange pitter-patter, and she realized she was excited. Looking forward to the tour.

  “When can we set it up?” she asked.

  “I can show you around Friday starting at 11 P. M. Things tend to get started late around here. If you give me your e-mail address, I’ll send you detailed directions and the address. ”

  Faith supplied him her e-mail, and they confirmed her appointment time. She thanked him for the information, and they rang off. She dropped the phone on the desk and leaned back, puffing her cheeks out and blowing a long, hard breath.

  Friday. Eleven o’clock. She let out a small groan. She had all week to do nothing but wonder about what she’d see.

  She licked her lips nervously then smoothed a hand over her bubbling stomach. What the hell had she gotten herself into? And worse, she couldn’t wait to find out.


  “Hey, baby doll,” Micah Hudson said as he rounded the corner into Faith’s office.

  She smiled as she put down the phone. “Hey, yourself. ”

  He flopped into the chair across from her desk, his long legs sprawling in front of him. Arching his hips up, he fished in his pocket before pulling out a crumpled pack of cigarettes. Seconds later, he shoved one end of the cigarette in his mouth and flicked his lighter.

  She emitted a sigh just as he inhaled like a man drawing his last breath.

  “Micah, what have I told you about smoking in my office?”

  He flashed her a sexy grin and exhaled a long plume of smoke. “Come on, Faith. You know I’m trying to quit. Down to just a couple a day. Pop gives me hell, so I can’t smoke around him anymore. You’re my only safe haven. ”

  She rolled her eyes. “So because I’m a softy, I get to die from secondhand smoke inhalation. ” She rummaged in her drawer for one of the old plastic ashtrays she kept on hand and shoved it across the desk at him. “At least use this so you don’t get ashes everywhere. ”

  He grinned at her and blew her a kiss as he reached for the ashtray. She shook her head. It should be a sin for any one man to be so damn sexy. Micah was a man clearly unused to being told no over anything, and with good reason. What woman could possibly stand her ground against his wicked charm?

  “You’re the best. ”

  He tapped his cigarette against the ashtray then looked back up at her, his warm brown eyes questioning. Still holding his cigarette between his fingers, he reached up and tucked his unruly hair behind his ear. His diamond stud earring glittered as it was exposed to her view.

  A lock of hair, upset by his impatient shove, fell forward over his brow. He thrust his free hand through his hair above his forehead, pulling it tight against his head in a backward motion. When he let it go, the loose curls flopped over his head once more. She grinned at the disheveled image he presented. Somehow he just made it work. Messy was sexy on him.

  “What you got going on today? Have you met Gray Montgomery yet?”

  She cursed the rush of heat that flooded her chee
ks and hoped like hell her fair skin, so prone to blushing, hadn’t just given her away.

  “Yeah, I met him yesterday. Showed him to his office. ”


  “And what?” she asked, arching a brow at him.

  “What did you think?”

  “Uh, I didn’t think anything. He seems nice. Quiet. Maybe a little brooding. He should fit in well around here. He and Connor could be best friends forever. ”

  Micah burst out laughing. “Just what we need. One more brooding bastard. ”

  “Well, someone has to even things out. You and Nathan give poor Connor so much shit. ”

  “Well hell, someone has to. Nobody should be that serious. ”

  Faith cracked a small smile. Finally she started giggling and raised a hand to cover her mouth. “Okay, so he’s a little uptight. ”

  Micah snuffed his cigarette. “A little? You could bounce a quarter off his ass. ”

  “Whose ass are we talking about?” Nathan asked as he sauntered in.

  “Uh, well, Micah seems to have developed a fetish over Connor’s ass,” Faith said innocently.

  Micah flipped her the bird.

  “Jesus, man, you been smoking again?” Nathan asked as he wrinkled his nose. “It smells like a damn bar in here. ”

  Faith heaved a sigh of exasperation and reached into her drawer for the air freshener. Both men coughed as she sprayed a cloud of the floral-scented spray.

  “I wish you guys would get off my ass,” Micah grumbled. “I’m doing my best. ”

  “Yes, you are,” Faith said loyally. “But in the future, I wish you’d do your best outside my office. ”

  Nathan chuckled and shoved his hands into his pockets. His shaggy, light brown hair curled outward over his ears and flipped rebelliously at his neck. A goatee framed his mouth and chin. It was in need of a good trim. Green eyes, full of mirth, rested underneath a set of ridiculously long lashes. Lashes that Faith would kill to have. It was so not fair that eyes that gorgeous were wasted on a man.

  “When are you going to get a haircut?” she asked.

  Micah snickered.

  Nathan ran a hand through his hair and looked at her in surprise. “What’s wrong with my hair? You don’t bug Micah about getting a haircut, and his is longer than mine. ”

  “Because he looks good with long hair. You don’t. ”

  “Ouch,” he grumbled, shooting Micah a resentful glare.

  She shook her head. “I swear you both need a woman to keep you in line. And I wish you’d hurry up and find one so I can stop babysitting your asses. ”

  “Or you could just volunteer for the job full time,” Micah said, shooting her another sexy look. Damn the man.

  “I don’t think John would appreciate you propositioning his woman,” Nathan said dryly.

  Faith tensed for a minute and sat back in her chair. “Uh, about John. ”

  Two sets of curious gazes focused intently on her.

  “Is something wrong, Faith?” Micah asked. All the teasing had dropped from his voice, and now he sat forward, his face drawn into complete and utter seriousness.

  She’d forgotten how protective they could be. That was usually Connor’s job. As much as Micah and Nathan liked to tease, they still watched over her like a hawk.

  “No, nothing’s wrong,” she said, injecting the right amount of lightness into her voice. “It’s just that John and I won’t be seeing each other anymore. ”

  Nathan raised his brow in silent question.

  “Relax. It was my decision,” she said. “It just wasn’t working. And don’t you go interrogating him. ”

  Another blush worked its way up her neck. The last thing she wanted was John to share the reasons for their breakup with Micah and Nathan.

  “And for God’s sake don’t tell Connor,” she muttered.

  They both hooted with laughter.

  “I’ll make you a deal,” Micah said, an evil gleam in his eye. “I won’t rat you out if you don’t rat me out for smoking. ”

  She blew out her breath in annoyance. “You’re such a manipulator. ”

  He grinned. “But you love me. ”

  She smiled. She couldn’t help it. “Yes, I love you. Now get out of my office. I’ve got work to do. And so do you two clowns. ” She checked her watch. “Pop’s going to have a coronary if he finds out you’re both here and not out on the job. ”

  The phone rang, and her stomach fell. She reached over to pick up the receiver but hesitated, willing the sick nervousness to abate. When she noticed Micah and Nathan looking suspiciously at her, she swallowed and yanked up the phone.

  “Malone’s. ”

  Pop’s gravelly voice barreled through the line. “Faith, tell those two lug nuts to get their asses out of your office and out to the job they’re supposed to be doing. ”

  She burst out laughing, her relief nearly overwhelming. “Good morning to you too. ”

  He chuckled in her ear. “Good morning. Things going okay at the office?”


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