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Sweet Surrender

Page 9

by Maya Banks

Page 9


  “Governor’s daughter?” Gray asked. “I didn’t know she could get a date. Last I heard, her daddy was pulling some serious strings to get her an escort. ”

  Nathan laughed harder. “She can’t. Well, except Micah there. He tripped all over himself to go out with her. ”

  Micah glowered at Nathan. “Shut the fuck up, bald boy. ”

  “Now this I gotta hear,” Gray said.

  Faith cleared her throat. “Not that I don’t enjoy seeing Micah squirm, but we already know about the governor’s daughter. ” She looked apologetically at Gray as she spoke. “I’m sure Nathan will be more than happy to fill you in later. What I want to know is why Nathan had to shave off all his hair. ”

  “Because he bet me the Astros wouldn’t lose yesterday afternoon,” Micah said smugly.

  Connor regarded Nathan with an incredulous expression. “Dude, you bet they’d win with their best batter out with a torn rotator cuff?”

  “I didn’t know that when we placed the bet,” Nathan said tightly.

  “Oh, but I bet Micah did,” Faith said.

  “How would he know?” Nathan asked.

  Micah slid an arm around Faith and squeezed her shoulders. “How indeed. Just a lucky thing, I guess. ”

  “You know something we don’t, Sis?” Connor asked.

  “Just that Micah happens to be very good friends with the team doctor. Micah was the one who replaced his security system last year. ”

  “You son of a bitch!” Nathan exclaimed. He launched himself at Micah, who ducked and backed away just as Nathan flew past Faith to grab Micah’s head in a lock. “You knew. You knew the whole time. That’s why you made the bet with me. ”

  Micah laughed even as Nathan flipped him to the floor. “The stunt you pulled with the governor’s daughter was far worse, so don’t give me that shit. ”

  “He’s got you there,” Connor said with a laugh. “I’d rather shave myself bald than have to endure what Micah did. ”

  “You guys really have me curious,” Gray grumbled.

  Micah picked himself up off the floor, and Nathan clapped Gray on the back. “I’ll tell you all about it over lunch today. ”

  “Asshole,” Micah muttered.

  “Well, if it’s any consolation, I think you look hot,” Faith spoke up.

  Nathan looked at her in surprise. “Really?”

  She laughed. “Yeah, I like it. I’d definitely do you. ”

  “Well, hot damn, let’s blow this joint and go back to my place. ”

  Connor scowled at Nathan. “Not funny, man. Not funny at all. ”

  “All you need is an earring,” Faith said.

  He gave her a horrified look. “An earring? Are you serious? So I can look like sissy boy over there?” he said with a flip of his head in Micah’s direction.

  Faith shrugged. “I think his earring is hot. You’d look great with one. Shaved head, goatee, a diamond stud or even a gold hoop, a small one. Mmm, I get all quivery just thinking about it. ”

  Nathan massaged his earlobe between his fingers. “Are you shitting me? You really think I’d look good with an earring?”

  Faith nodded. “Yeah, and all you’d need is a little sun on that lily-white skin of your scalp, and you’ll be a regular lady killer. ”

  “Give it to me straight, Faith. Speaking as a woman. Quit trying to make me feel better. You honestly think the bald look is hot?” Nathan asked doubtfully.

  “Vain bastard,” Connor teased.

  “Well shit, if Faith’ll do Nathan because he’s bald, I think I’m gonna go make an appointment with the barber,” Gray said with a sly grin.

  Connor and Micah both turned around, frowns on their faces. Even Nathan eyed Gray through narrowed lids.

  Faith cleared her throat again. “Yes, Nathan,” she began, pretending she hadn’t heard Gray’s provocative statement. “Bald looks very good on you. I never did like the shaggy look. I wouldn’t have thought I’d like a bald guy, but you look seriously hot. ”

  Nathan grinned and gripped her by the shoulders before planting a sloppy kiss on her face. “You’re a sweetheart. ”

  “Get your damn hands off my daughter,” Pop grumbled as he walked through the door.

  “Mornin’, Pop,” Faith said as Nathan dropped his hands off her shoulders.

  Pop laid a hand on her shoulder as he walked by her en route to the coffeepot.

  The others voiced their greetings, and Pop nodded his acknowledgment as he poured his coffee. Cupping the mug in his hands, he looked over at Faith. “You got that schedule printed out for me?”

  She walked around the back of her desk and reached inside her drawer to pull out the pages she’d printed off earlier. She handed them over to Pop.

  “We have a couple new jobs,” Pop said. “Nothing that should be too much trouble. But we have a couple queries that could be a bigger deal. Nathan, I want you and Connor to take the first. It’s an entertainment gig. Some bigwig performer is coming to town in a couple of months. They want to line out security well beforehand so that everything goes off without a hitch. I want you to listen to what they want then come up with a proposal to throw at them. ”

  Connor nodded. “No problem, Pop. ”

  Pop eyed Micah and Gray. “I want you two to take the other two queries, meet up with the prospective clients and do what it takes to land the deal. Then I want you to tackle jobs A and B on the list. I’ll take C and D and Nathan and Connor can take the remaining one. That should keep us all busy for the next week or so. ”

  He paused and looked over at Faith with a soft smile. “And you’ll keep us in line as always. ” He glanced around at everyone else. “Be sure and keep in contact with Faith. Update her regularly so she can stay apprised of our progress. If there are any problems, let her know immediately so she can relay them to me. ”

  Then as if just noticing, he stared at Nathan and shook his head. “What the hell happened to you, son? Get into a fight with a lawnmower?”


  Faith drove by Cattleman’s after work, looking to see if Micah and Gray were there. She knew Nathan and Connor were still out on jobs, so they wouldn’t be around. She’d talked to Micah earlier, and he made it sound like he had a date after work. Which meant that Gray might be here alone. Or he could have just gone home to his apartment.

  Still, she pulled into the parking lot and scanned the area for Gray’s silver Chevrolet pickup. When she spotted it, her stomach lurched, and she whipped into an empty parking space.

  She got out, ran a hand through her long hair, tucking the strands behind her ears as she headed for the entrance. A nervous thrill tickled down her neck when she saw Gray sitting at the bar, his back to her. For a moment, she simply stared, trying to work up the courage to walk over and pretend this was yet another chance meeting.

  But then why should she pretend? Direct. She was supposed to have a pact with herself to be more direct. That didn’t mean playing stupid games reminiscent of high school girly ploys.

  Finally she started forward, and when she got to the bar, she slid onto the stool next to Gray and smiled when he looked up at her.

  “Hey,” he said, a genuine-looking smile lighting his face. “Fancy seeing you here again. ”

  She’d had more practice trying to control her mad blushing since meeting him than she ever had before.

  “I wanted to see you,” she said simply, mentally applauding how cool and casual she sounded. And direct. No pussyfooting around for her.

  One of his eyebrows lifted, and he cocked his head to the side. “Is that so?” he said softly.

  She hid her hands in her lap to control the trembling of her fingers. When the bartender stopped in front of her, she ordered a Coke.

  “So how was your day?” she asked as she turned once more to face him.

  “It just got a lot better. ”

  This time she did blush, and he grinned. His fingers reached out and
touched her cheek. “I love that you blush so easily. It’s very feminine. ”

  His finger trailed to the corner of her mouth, and her lips parted the barest of centimeters in response. He rubbed his index finger over her bottom lip before slowly pulling it away.

  “I’ve been wondering all day what you taste like,” he murmured.

  She swallowed then licked her lips. What to say to that? Invite him to see? Damn, but why did they have to be in a public place and double damn, why did she have to be at a hair appointment in an hour?

  “Maybe I could arrange a sample sometime,” she said lightly.

  “I’d like that. I’d like that a lot. ”

  The bartender shoved her Coke across the bar at her, and she took it, grateful to have something to cool her rising temperature.

  “So what’s the deal with Micah and the governor’s daughter?” Gray asked in a swift change of subject.

  Faith grinned and chuckled lightly. “Nathan didn’t get around to telling you?”

  “Nah, not yet. ”

  She shook her head. “Those two, I swear. Ever since Micah came to work with us, he and Nathan have been pulling prank after prank on one another. Micah moved here from out of state, so he had no idea who the governor’s daughter was. Pop had the job of providing security for the governor’s ball he held here in Houston. Only his daughter needed a date after hers stood her up. It came down to Connor, Micah or Nathan. Connor, of course, was over the entire security so he couldn’t, not that he would have anyway. Nathan immediately started in on how gorgeous the governor’s daughter was and how the only fair thing was for them to flip a coin, but he sure hoped he’d win because he’d heard that in addition to being drop-dead gorgeous, she was also a complete nymphomaniac. Now knowing what you know about Micah, you can imagine he was chomping at the bit. He wheedled and cajoled until finally Nathan gave in graciously and allowed Micah the honor of escorting the daughter for the evening. ”

  “Ah shit,” Gray said as he dissolved into laughter. “I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall. ”

  “It was pretty funny,” Faith admitted. “She was velcroed to Micah the entire evening. They spent most of it on the dance floor with her hands glued to his ass and her lips wherever she could plant them. I thought Micah was going to kill Nathan the next morning. ”

  Gray chuckled and shook his head. “Those two are pretty funny. ”

  “Yeah, they’re great. ”

  “So you think bald is sexy, huh. ”

  She raised her head in surprise. “Uh, well, on him it looks good. ”

  His eyes twinkled. “Do I need to shave my head so you’ll drool over me that way?”

  To her never-ending irritation, she blushed again. “So uh…” She scrambled to direct the focus from her bemusement. “We’ve talked enough about me. What about you?”

  “What about me?” he asked.

  “Got a girlfriend? Someone back in Dallas you see?”

  He shook his head. “Nope. ”

  She frowned. “I find that hard to believe. ”

  “Oh? Why is that?”

  “You’re too damn good-looking not to have at least one woman in the wings,” she muttered.

  He grinned. “Well, I’m glad you think so, but there’s no woman. Scout’s honor. Truth is, I haven’t really gotten around to looking for a woman yet. ”

  “And what are you going to be looking for when you do?” Faith asked softly.

  He looked surprised by her forward approach. He shifted forward in his chair and rested his elbow on the bar. Then he turned to look at her, his expression pensive, as if deciding whether or not he wanted to tell her.

  “Soft and feminine. Not too soft, but not harsh. ” His lips curled upward in a rueful smile. “Someone who doesn’t feel her femininity is a strike against her. ”

  She cupped her cheek in her palm and leaned her elbow on the bar as she stared at him. “Given this a lot of thought, haven’t you?”

  He shrugged. “Not really. I just know what I want. ”

  That makes two of us. She wanted someone strong, unyielding, someone who could take care of her, someone not afraid to make decisions. Could he be that person?

  She looked down at the napkin under her drink and played with the ends. Natural power radiated from Gray. Like a second skin he was comfortable wearing.

  “Want to hear my other deep, dark secret?” he asked.

  She grinned. “Of course. ”

  “I want a woman willing to let me call the shots. ”

  She stared at him in shock, unable to formulate a response. The seconds ticked by as silence settled between them.

  Gray cleared his throat. “I’ve shocked you. It’s hard to make a statement like that and not come across as a knuckles-dragging-the-ground Neanderthal. ” He shrugged again. “I don’t see a lot of women lining up for a guy like me. ”


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