9 ISC Report, ‘Rendition’, Cmnd.7171, HMSO, 07.07.
10 J. Risen and D. Johnston, ‘Agency is Under Scrutiny for Overlooked Messages’, New York Times, 20.06.02.
11 ISC Annual Report, 1999-2000, HMSO, 08.00, para.66
12 Aid, Secret Sentry, p.207.
13 ISC Annual Report, 1999-2000, HMSO, Aug. 2000, para.29.
14 S. Shane, ‘Excessive Caution Kept NSA Passive’, Baltimore Sun National Staff, 23.07.04; D. Campbell, ‘How the Plotters Slipped US Net’, Guardian, 27.09.01.
15 Omand, ‘Intelligence Secrets and Media Spotlights’, p.34.
16 S. Stellin, ‘Terror’s Confounding Online Trail’, New York Times, 28.03.02.
17 M. Lane, ‘How terror talk is tracked’, BBC News Online, 21.05.03 http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/em/fr//2/hi/uk_news/3041151.stm ; P. Kaihla, ‘In the Company of Spies’, Business2 Magazine, 05.03, http://www.business2.com/articles/mag/print/0,1643,49068,00.html
18 Andrew, Defence of the Realm, p.803.
19 N. Fielding, ‘Phone Call Gave Away al Qaida Hideout’, Sunday Times, 15.09.02.
20 N. Fielding, ‘War on Terror: Knocking on al-Qaeda’s Door’, Sunday Times, 22.09.02.
21 M. Lane, ‘How Terror Talk is Tracked’, BBC News Online, 21.05.03. http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/em/fr/-/2/hi/uk_news/3041151.stm; P. Kaihla, ‘In the Company of Spies’, Business2 Magazine, 05.03, http://www.business2.com/articles/mag/print/0,1643,49068,00.html
22 S. Shane, ‘Inside a 9/11 Mastermind’s Interrogation’, New York Times, 22.06.08.
23 ISC Report, ‘Rendition’, Cmnd.7171, HMSO, Jul. 2007.
24 S. Shane, ‘Inside a 9/11 Mastermind’s Interrogation’, New York Times, 22.06.08.
25 The failure to secure convictions remains troubling in this case.
26 D. Bamber, O. Craig and F. Elliott, ‘Blair Sent in Tanks After “Chilling” Threat’, Sunday Telegraph, 16.02.03.
27 ISC Annual Report 2003-4, Cmnd.6240, 06.04, paras 48, 67.
28 Aldrich, ‘The UK and Iraq’. SIS fairly quickly discounted the defector held by the Germans and code-named ‘Curveball’.
29 ‘US Plan to Bug Security Council: The Text’, Observer, 02.03.03; M. Bright, ‘GCHQ Arrest Over Observer Spying Report’, Observer, 09.03.03.
30 Svendsen, Intelligence Cooperation and the War on Terror, pp.132-3.
31 S. Schlesinger, ‘Cryptanalysis for Peacetime’, pp.217-35.
32 S. Shane and A. Sabar, ‘Alleged NSA Memo Details US Eavesdropping at UN’, Baltimore Sun, 04.03.03.
33 Entry for 07.03.03, Campbell, The Blair Years, p.672.
34 The nature of the coup is still disputed. See Gustafson, Chile.
35 M. Bright, E. Vulliamy and P. Beaumont, ‘UN Launches Inquiry into American Spying’, Observer, 09.03.03.
36 M. Bright, P. Beaumont and J. Tuckman, ‘British Spy Op Wrecked Peace Move’, 15.02.04.
37 Blix, Disarming Iraq, p.128.
38 M. Bright, ‘GCHQ Arrest Over Observer Spying Report’, Observer, 09.03.03.
39 Arguably, Jock Kane had tried in 1984 with his banned book, GCHQ: The Negative Asset.
40 M. and T. Mitchell, The Spy Who Tried to Stop a War, pp.6-7.
41 BBC Radio 4, Saturday Live, interview with Katharine Gun, 11.02.09.
42 Ibid.
43 Blunkett, The Blunkett Tapes, pp.457-8.
44 Ibid. See also Wilkinson, ‘Balancing National Security and the Media’, pp.147-8.
45 Bamford, Pretext for War, p.362.
46 Aid, Secret Sentry, p.249.
47 Short, An Honourable Deception?, pp.242-3
48 N. Watt, ‘Top Civil Servant Tells Short to Shut Up’, Guardian, 01.03.04.
49 ‘How GCHQ Spies Cracked Saddam’s Top-Secret Codes’, Western Daily Press, 09.04.03.
50 J. Borger and S. Millar, ‘2pm: Saddam is Spotted. 2.48pm: Pilots Get Their Orders. 3pm: 60ft Crater at Target’, Guardian, 09.04.03.
51 L. Cpl. Hark, ‘Y Troop’ at http://www.onceamarinealwaysamarine.co.uk/3cdobdetelic.htm
52 Ibid.
53 Aid, Secret Sentry, p.254.
54 This was especially true of the CIA, which was prescient about the insurgency.
55 R. Norton-Taylor, ‘IT Expert Named as New Head of GCHQ’, Guardian, 01.02.03.
56 J. Gerard, ‘All Systems Glow at Spook Central’, Sunday Times, 31.08.03; ISC Annual Report 2003-4, Cmnd 6240, HMSO, 06.04, para.54.
57 Allen et al., Working Without Walls, p.16; Graham, ‘Giving the Information Message Traction: Embedding Knowledge Sharing at GCHQ’, pp.25-30.
58 David Pepper, Select Committee on Public Accounts, Minutes of Evidence, Examination of Witnesses (Questions 1-19), 01.12.03.
59 Public Accounts Committee, Government Communications Headquarters New Accommodation Programme, 23rd Report of Session 2003-4, HC 65, HMSO, 05.05.04.
60 The ventilation shaft for this secret Cold War bunker complex was hidden within the southern light-well of the Ministry of Defence main building, Johnston (PSA) to Chope (PSA), ‘Project Pindar’, 11.11.86, CM 46/26.
61 Fensome (PSA) to Hawtin (T), ‘Project Pindar’, and enclosure DCA/SRA 17469/01, 19.04.85, ibid.
62 PSA to Hawtin (T), ‘Project Pindar’, 30.04.87, ibid.; PSA to Bevan (MoD), ‘Pindar’, 19.02.87, ibid.
63 ‘The Spies’ Biggest Secret’, Punch, Issue 134, 04-17.07.01.
64 ‘GCHQ Criticised for Huge Move Overspend’, BBC News, 16.07.03, http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/uk_news/england/gloucestershire/3069501.stm
65 Andrew, Defence of the Realm, p.793.
66 ISC Annual Report 2002-3, Cm. 5837, 06.03, para 23. http://www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/intelligence/annual_reports.aspx
67 F. Elliott, ‘Millions Wasted on Faulty GCHQ Signals System’, Telegraph, 15.06.03.
68 ISC Annual Report, 1999-2000, HMSO, 2002, para 14. See also S. Fidler and M. Huband, ‘A Special Relationship?’, Financial Times, 06.07.04.
69 D.R. Nicoll, ‘Knowledge of Intelligence Analysts Under Examination’, The Times, 06.02.04.
70 Aldrich, ‘Four Enquiries’, pp.74-7.
71 CBS 60 Minutes Transcript, Interview with Drumheller, http:/thinkprogress.org/60-minutes-42306.
72 Aldrich, ‘Four Enquiries’, pp.73-5, 81.
73 Seldon, Blair Unbound, p.140. Butler was more forthright in his interview with Seldon than in his own report.
74 Butler Report, ‘Review of Intelligence and Weapons of Mass Destruction’, Cmnd. 898, 14.07.04, para 427.
75 Entry for 03.09.02, Campbell, The Blair Years, p.577.
76 Conversation with Peter Freeman.
77 Butler Report, ‘Review of Intelligence and Weapons of Mass Destruction’, Cmnd.898, 14.07.04. Beginning in 1990, the report avoided looking at the failure of the Foreign Office to take any notice of intelligence specialists, who were warning them loudly that the Russians were cheating on their arms control treaties and running a vast and terrifying biological weapons programme in the 1980s.
78 Jervis, ‘Reports, Politics and Intelligence Failures’, pp.3-52.
Chapter 26: From Bletchley Park to a Brave New World?
1 D. Leppard, ‘Internet Firms Resist Minister’s Plan to Spy on Every E-Mail’, Sunday Times, 02.08.09.
2 Seldon, Blair Unbound, pp.372-8.
3 Hoffman, ‘The Global Terrorist Threat’, p.49.
4 Van der Reijn, ‘Germany and the Netherlands’, pp.223-4.
5 Primarily from 226 Squadron.
6 ‘Lightweight Emitter Acquisition, Recording and Analysis System (LEARAS) (Project Scarus) (UK), Intelligence system – Signals Intelligence’, Jane’s C4I Systems.
7 UK AOC Newsletter ,10.07, http://www.ukaoc.org/newsletters/oct07.htm
8 N. Britten and J. Petrie, ‘Proud to be a Muslim, a Soldier and British’, Telegraph, 04.07.06.
9 ‘GCHQ Staff Spend Christmas in Afghanistan’, Cheltenham Citizen, 23.12.08.
10 Aid, Secret Sentry, p.282.
11 UK AOC Newsletter, 01.09, http://www.ukaoc
12 G. Adams et al., ‘Bridging the Gap: European C4ISR Capabilities and Transatlantic Interoperability’, National Defence University, 2004, p.38.
13 M. Evans, ‘Biggest Military Loss Since Start of Afghanistan War is a Terrible Accident’, Sunday Times, 3.10.06.
14 N. Allen and J. Kirkup, ‘Royal Marine Killed on Christmas Eve in Afghanistan’, Telegraph, 25.12.08.
15 J. Lewis, ‘Spy-in-Sky Patrols Over British Cities in Hunt for Taliban Fighters’, Mail on Sunday, 03.08.08.
16 Wright, Spycatcher, p.108.
17 N. Tweedie and D Gardham, ‘A Hole in the Road Here Means MI5’, Telegraph, 01.05.09.
18 P. Kaihla, ‘Weapons of the Secret War’, Business2.com, 11.01.
19 ISC Annual Report 2005-6, Cmnd.6864, HMSO, 06.06, paras 57-8.
20 ISC Annual Report 2006-7, Cmnd.7299, HMSO, 01.08, paras 47, 54.
21 ISC Report. ‘Rendition’, Cm.7171, HMSO, 07.07.
22 J. Risen and D. Johnston, ‘Agency is Under Scrutiny for Overlooked Messages’, New York Times, 20.06.02.
23 K. Ahmed, ‘Police to Spy on all Emails: Fury Over Europe’s Secret Plan to Access Computer and Phone Data’, Guardian, 08.06.02.
24 S. Millar, ‘Internet Providers Say No to Blunkett’, Guardian, 22.10.02.
25 ISC Annual Report, 2004-5, Cmnd.6510, HMSO, Apr. 2005, paras 93-4.
26 D. Rose, ‘Juries “Should Hear Phone Taps” to Nail Crime Gangs’, Observer, 08.09.02.
27 ISC Annual Report 2006-7, Cmnd.7299 HMSO, 01.08, paras 113-14.
28 Sean O’Neill, Daniel McGrory and Philip Webster, ‘Police had Hamza “Murder Evidence” 7 Years Ago: Phone-Tap Record Inadmissible in UK Will be Used by Americans’, The Times, 09.02.06
29 ISC Annual Report 2007-8, Cmnd.7542 HMSO, Mar. 2009, para.171.
30 Evidence by Ken Macdonald and Keir Starmer to Home Affairs Select Committee Inquiry into Home Office Counter-Terrorism, 10.11.09.
31 R. Verkaik and N. Morris, ‘Exclusive: Storm Over Big Brother Database’, Independent, 15.10.08.
32 C. Williams, ‘Spy Chiefs Plot £12bn IT Spree for Comms Überdatabase’, The Register, 07.10.08, http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/10/07/detica_interception_modernisation/
33 Sommer and Hosein, Briefing on the Internet Modernisation Programme, pp.18-19.
34 D. Leppard, ‘Internet Firms Resist Minister’s Plan to Spy on Every E-Mail’, Sunday Times, 02.08.09.
35 B. Waterfield, ‘Claims of Big Brother Surveillance at Google’, Age, 27.05.07.
36 J. Bamford, ‘Who’s in Big Brother’s Database?’, New York Review of Books, 56/17, 05.11.09.
37 David Leppard and Chris Williams, ‘Jacqui Smith’s Secret Plan to Carry on Snooping’, Sunday Times, 03.05.09.
38 Gandy, ‘Data Mining, Surveillance, and Discrimination’, pp.163-84
39 Jobs at Government Communications Headquarters – GCHQ Lead Researcher – Stream Data Mining, 21/01/2009. CommsRD/1/08(9). https://www11.igrasp.com/fe/tpl_gchq01ssl.asp?s=raCzFK hUsJVaXxJsp&newlang=1&jobid=26073, 1251216561&key=3153107&c=40727254 3425&pagestamp=dblmimnuarjgycsxay.
40 Sir Ken Macdonald QC, CPS Lecture – ‘Coming Out of the Shadows’, 20.10.08, http:/www.cps.gov.uk/news/nationalnews.comi.
41 ‘Surveillance is a distinctive product of the modern world. Indeed, surveillance helps to constitute the world as modern.’ Lyon, ‘Surveillance Technology and Surveillance Society’, p.161.
All books referred to in the bibliography are published in London unless otherwise stated. All references to primary documents in the endnotes are to the UK National Archives unless otherwise stated.
Major Repositories of Unpublished Documents
British Telecom Archives, Holborn, London (BT)
Canadian National Archives (CNA)
Firestone Library, Princeton University (PU)
Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center, University of Boston (HGARC)
India Office Records, British Library (IO)
Library and Archives of Canada (LAC)
Modern Records Centre, University of Warwick (MRC)
National Archive for the History of Computing, University of Manchester (NAHC)
The National Archives, formerly the Public Record Office, Kew Gardens, Surrey (TNA)
National Archives of Australia (NAA)
Royal Navy Submarines Museum, Gosport (RNSM)
US National Archives, College Park, Maryland (NARA)
US Naval Operational Archives Branch, Navy Yard, Washington DC (USNOAB)
Private Papers
I. Great Britain
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Tony Beasley (LHCMA)
Patrick Beesly and other Ultra historians (CCC)
Sir Frederick Brundrett (CCC)
Sir Winston Churchill (CCC)
Arthur Cooper (in private hands)
Dr Alan Crick (LHCMA)
Sir Andrew Cunningham (BL)
Alec Douglas-Home (Scottish Record Office)
M.J. Hurley (RNSM)
General Sir Hastings Ismay (LHCMA)
Admiral Louis Le Bailly (CCC)
Selwyn Lloyd (CCC)
Stuart Milner-Barry (CCC)
Sir Walter Monckton (BOD)
Field Marshal Lord Montgomery of Alamein (IWM)
Admiral Lord Mountbatten (HL)
Admiral William Parry (IWM)
Major General Sir William Penney (LHCMA)
Commander Alfred Roake (RNSM)
Vice Admiral Gerard Rushbrooke (IWM)
Duncan Sandys (CCC)
Air Commodore Colin Simpson (LHCMA)
Lord Strang (CCC)
George Strauss (CCC)
Lord Swinton (CCC)
Lord Weatherill (Templeman Library, University of Kent at Canterbury)
Solly Zuckerman (University of East Anglia)
II. United States
Stewart Alsop (HGARC)
Henry Brandon (LC)
William Bundy (PU)
General Charles Cabell (BAFB)
William Colby (PU)
Charles H. Donnelly (USMHI)
Allen Dulles (PU)
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Clare Booth Luce (LC)
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Cord Meyer (LC)
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General Samuel Phillips (LC)
General Walter Bedell Smith (DDEL)
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Cole, D.J., Geoffrey Prime: The Imperfect Spy (Robert Hale, 1998)
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