Eden, Anthony 46, 85, 129, 140, 141, 142–3, 155–6, 160, 178, 189
Eemnes (Netherlands) 415
Eger (Norwegian ship) 117
Egypt 58, 109, 155–9, 259, 263–4, 271, 277, 290–2, 295, 320, 467
Eichmann, Adolf 307–8
Eisenhower, Dwight D. 140, 157, 158, 202, 205, 219
Electrical Trades Union 368
Electronic Warfare Conferences 122, 123, 307–10
elint (electronic intelligence); air-based 111–14, 118–19, 122, 124, 250–2, 267–73; and Anglo-American relations 111–12; and European cooperation 591; in Germany 247, 250–1; and invasion of the Falklands 401, 413; and jamming of Whetstone monitoring station 190; land-based 117–20, 123; naval 114–17; near the Soviet Union 169; postwar expansion 110; rejection of 247; in Turkey 306; wartime use of 110
Elizabeth II, Queen 480, 482
Elkins, Robert 143
Elliott Brothers Ltd 598
Ellis, James 490, 492
Elmers School (GC&CS Diplomatic Sections) 23
email 488, 507, 513–14, 521–3, 541
embassies 151; Anglo-US-Canadian intercepts in Moscow 280–1; attacks and raids on 193–5; as forward listening stations 31; KGB in 82–3, 283–4; and MI5 watcher operations 183–90; security headache 195–7; sifting of waste-baskets in 56; spies in 84; tapping and bugging operations 171, 176–82, 193, 197–8, 281, 477; ultra-secret short-range sigint stations in 244–5; worldwide collection of intercepts from 45, 53, 79, 112, 159, 242–3, 385
Employment Select Committee of the House of Commons 424
Engulf (Egyptian Embassy cypher machine operation) 216
Enigma (German cypher machine) 1, 20–2, 23, 25–6, 27, 35, 38, 39, 42–3, 43, 51, 68, 78, 80, 354, 387
EOKA (Cypriot guerrilla force) 163
Episkopi (Cyprus) 234
Erim, Nihat 306, 312, 315
Eritrean Liberation Front 336
Escobar, Pablo 538, 549
Ethiopia 299, 334, 335–6
European Convention on Human Rights 433, 483
European Economic Community (EEC) 284
European Principals Meeting 450–1
European Union (EU) 540
Evatt, Dr H.V. 85, 86
Evere (NATO-GCHQ cell) 254, 255–7
Exocets (sea-skimming missiles) 390, 406–7, 414, 415
Faisal, King 160–1
Falkland Islands 6, 424, 429, 441, 442, 452, 467; Argentinean ambitions towards 389–92; Argentinean invasion of 392–3, 394–401; British troops on 408–14; comint and elint on 401, 413; diplomatic exchanges with 403–4; effect of war on British sigint 415; French help on 415; improvised communications with GCHQ 402–3; inadequate intelligence on 392–401; leaseback idea 392; naval action 404–8; near-miss air disaster 408; Norwegian help on 401, 442; scrap-metal incident 393–4; surprise attack on 388–9; Task Force sent to 398, 401, 403, 404–8; US denies pre-knowledge 601
Famagusta (Cyprus) 163, 235, 327, 328
Far East 39, 69, 78, 93, 129, 148–51, 164–8
Farrell, Terry 496
Faslane naval base (Scotland) 145, 146
Fatah (Palestinian organisation) 304, 308
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) 76–7, 81
Federation of Malaysia 164–8
Ferranti 349, 598
‘ferrets’ (flying intelligence stations) 111–14, 203–7
Fetherstone-Haugh, Timothy 383
Fetterlein, Ernst 17–18
Fieldhouse, Admiral 392
Fiji 446
Finland 31, 32, 76, 83, 91, 371, 489
First World War 14, 15, 16–17
Firyubin, Nikolay 279–80
Fischer, David 407
Fish (encyphered teleprinter) 28, 48, 49, 51
Fitz, Harold 127
Fleet Headquarters (Northwood) 400, 401, 402
Fletcher, WPC Yvonne 455–6
Florida 341
Flowers, Tommy 28, 349
Foden, Arthur 242
Foot, Michael 433
Ford, Gerald 297
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 16, 22, 45, 46, 56, 58, 66, 70, 83, 103, 128, 171, 172, 190–1, 192, 220–1, 239, 245, 273, 281, 287, 333, 335, 339, 353, 355, 360, 392–3, 398, 417, 420, 428; South-East European Department 317; Technical Maintenance Service 182
Forest Moor (wireless station near Harrogate) 96
Fort Bridgelands (Kent) 63
Fort Knox (Kentucky) 101
Fort Meade (NSA HQ, Washington) 102, 157, 174, 223, 271, 513, 528
Förvarets Radionstalt (FRA) 91
Foss, Hugh 21, 64
Fox, Katherine 598
FRA (Swedish sigint service) 421, 438, 456, 483–4
France 21, 32, 44, 52, 52–3, 109, 130, 268, 442, 445, 450, 467, 492
Franks, George 382
Free French 28, 52
Freedom of Information Act 482–3
Freeman, John 279
Freeman, Peter 531
French Guyana 415
Friedman, William 39, 44, 95, 213, 214
Friedrich, Lt Colonel 50
Fuchs, Klaus 72, 82, 83, 87, 104, 238
Fyjis-Walker, Richard 316
Fylingdales (Yorkshire) 287
Gaddafi, Muammar 455, 457, 531
Gagarin, Yuri 301
Gaitskell, Hugh 141
Galvin, John 474
Gambier-Parry, Richard 57, 181, 186, 188
Gamma-Guppy (Soviet intelligence intercepts) 244–5
Gardner, Meredith 75, 79, 80
Garner, Joe 249
Gates, Robert 457
GC&CS (Government Code and Cypher School) 361; and Anglo-American collaboration 40–1; civil achievements 28–9; and cypher security 56–7; diplomatic centre at Berkeley Street 27–8, 37, 43–4, 52–3; divided into civil and military sections 27–8; and European collaboration 20–2; military interests 19–20; post-war role 61, 63–7; relocation to Bletchley 22–7; Russian interests 17–19, 30–2; setting up of 16
GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters) 1, 31, 104; and al Qaeda 511–12; Benhall 350, 360, 497, 526; and Bosnian-Croatian conflict 472–5; Bude (formerly CSO Morwenstow) 342, 343–4; budget figures 587; building of ‘Doughnut’ 9, 497, 526, 527–8; ceases exchanging intelligence with NSA 289–90; and changing nature of global threats 504–5; and closer relationship with MI5 and SIS 503–4; and Cobra Mist/Orford Ness problems 285–7; code-breaking and intelligence-gathering 6–8; combined NATO-GCHQ cell at Evere 254, 255–7; computers in 527–8; cooperation with NSA 222–3, 278, 282–3, 346, 347–54, 438, 448–58, 461; declining position of 422–3, 438, 441; development of new systems 342–54; diplomatic initiatives 108–9; Directors of 551–2; domestic surveillance and interceptions 540–50; DWS operations 186; E Division (Personnel) 425, 427; and economic intelligence 493; Empress Building (Earl’s Court) 382; encryption problems in banking and commerce 487–93; and end of Empire 148–55; expansion of 79, 169; F Division 476; file storage 598; funding of 219–23, 334, 458, 493, 494, 495; Free Trade Union 430; future purpose of 485; and global sigint 92, 94, 95–100; and Gulf War (1991) 466, 469; H Division (mathematicians and cryptographers) 432; and hoax letters prank 469–70; increased intelligence operations 120, 121–4; influence on foreign policy 321; installation of dedicated computer unit 507–8; and internal surveillance 9–10; and internet 100; and invasion of the Falklands 392–403, 405–6, 411; and IRA 498–503; and Iraqi dossiers 516–17, 530; J Division (Special sigint—Russian) 346, 374, 376, 419, 429, 434–5, 438, 495; J-Ops 429, 434–5, 438; K Division (non-Russian sigint) 218, 222, 402, 420–1, 478, 495; and KGB espionage 108, 189, 424–5; and Korean War 101; language problem 512–13, 516; legal identity of 484–5; and Libyan Embassy affair 455, 456; London office (Palmer Street) 192, 497; loss of Hong Kong listening station 475–8; merger with com sec 241–2; and Middle East 155–64; moles in 368–85; move to Cheltenham (1952) 102–3, 120–1, 122, 191; need for 8–9; ‘need to share’ problem 503–4; Nimrod programme 267–70,
271–4; and Noye affair 505–7; Oakley 360, 380, 427, 496, 497, 526; ocean-going activities 6, 136; organisation overviews 563–5; overhaul of operations 493–7; positive vetting at 227–8; post-war organisation and location 67–71; and Princess Diana 482, 483; and problems with ‘special relationship’ 441–3; promotion and career structures 576; purpose-built sigint ship 260–4; R Division (security) 425; reads HVA traffic 605; reinstatement of unions at 497–8; relationship with private companies 240; removal of trade unions at 416–36; and Russian problem 46, 71, 75, 78, 169, 299; S Division 261; secret pact with armed services 5–6, 117–18, 132–3; size of 227; ‘Station X’ 69; as successor to Bletchley Park 1, 5; suicides connected to 382–3; and supply of cypher machines to NATO 209–15; T Division 123; Tempest 216–18; Trade Union Campaign 498; Turkish operations 300–1, 311–19; unmasking of 355–64; use of deaf and dumb civilian personnel 153; use of name ‘GCHQ’ 61, 67; and use of polygraph at 425–6; and Venona Project 77–81; visibility of 1, 2, 8, 341, 436, 484; W Division 261; and War on Terror 533, 539–40; and West German defections 455–6; whistleblower in 521–3; X Division 6, 350, 353; Z Division (use of sigint) 388, 503; Zionist interests 109
GEC-Marconi 433
General Belgrano (Argentine cruiser) 404–6
General Strike (1926) 18
Geneva (Switzerland) 178; Peace Conference (1954) 178
George VI, King 59, 191
Georkadijis, Polycarpos 323–4
Geraldton (DSD site, Australia) 477
Germany 15, 29, 30, 31, 32–3, 44, 47–50, 55, 62, 78, 96, 127–9, 130, 142, 170–1, 219, 229, 247, 256, 270, 492; Army 26, 29, 43, 47; High Command (OKW) 49, 349; Navy 42; see also East Germany; West Germany
Gezmiş, Deniz 310, 311
Giant Reach (SR-71 flights from US to Middle East) 292–3
Gibraltar 162, 398, 415
Gibson, Sir Peter 502
Gilbey, James 479–81
Glazebrook, George 92
Glidwell, Mr Justice 430–1
Glover, Sir James 413
Godfrey, Admiral 32
Golan Heights 297
Golden Valley Hotel (Cheltenham) 432–3
Goldsmith, Lord 522–3
Golombek, Harry 25
Goodpaster, Andrew 256
Goonhilly Downs (Cornwall) 342–3, 597
Goose Green (Falklands) 404, 410, 411
Gorbachev, Mikhail 456
Gordievsky, Oleg 385, 478
Gore Booth, Sir Paul 339
Gosport (Hampshire) 134
Gouzenko, Igor 85
Government Communications Staff Federation 428, 429
Government and Overseas Cable and Wireless Operators Association 418
Government Technical Assistance Centre (GTAC) 507, 547
Government Telecommunications Advisory Centre 504
Gow, Ian 482
Gowrie, Lord 428
Grab (Galactic Radiation and Background) satellite 208
Grant (MI5 computer scheme) 528
Grantham, Sir Alexander 152
Granville (Argentine frigate) 395
Grechko, Andrei 245
Gredjeva, Nina Michailovna 189
Greece 163, 259, 319, 320, 324, 334, 450, 472
Green Light (US special atomic demolition munitions programme) 249
Greenhill, Denis 239, 284
Greenock naval base (Scotland) 144
Greenpeace 446
Grey (US diplomatic code) 40
Grindley, Mike 430
Gromyko, Andrei 205, 206
Groupe de Synthèse et Prévision (France) 284
GRU (Soviet Military Intelligence) 88, 173, 230
Guardrail (US airborne tactical sigint systems) 251–2, 272
Guernica bombing (1937) 22
Guevara, (Ernesto) Che 300
Gulf War (1990–91) 452, 465–71, 529
Gulf War (2003) 479, 516–26
Gun, Katharine 521–3
Gurdon, Adam 396
Gurkhas 164–5
Gurney, Sir Henry 149
Habbaniya (Iraq) 20
Hagelin, Boris Jnr 212–13
Hagelin, Boris Snr 212
Hagelin (cypher machine) 56, 78
Haig, Alexander 403–4
Halifax, Lord 24
Hall, Theodore 73
Hallock, Richard 74–5
Hamilton, Alexander 432
Hampshire, Sir Stuart 221–5, 260
Handel, Michael 362
Hankey, Lord 36
Hanley, Michael 361, 587
Hanley, William J. 305, 306
Hanslope Park (Buckinghamshire) 57, 58, 182, 185, 186, 187, 192, 196, 418
Hanssen, Robert 444
Hardy, Tim 166
Harland & Wolff 261
Harman, Harriet 368
Harrier jets 403, 404, 407, 408, 441
Harris, Robert 59
Hart, Herbert 225
Harty, Russell 359
Harvest (computer) 350
Hashmi, Jabron 535
Hastings, Edward 95
Hawaii 92
Hawkes, John 216
Hay, Malcolm 15
Hayden, Michael 508
Hayter, William 97
Healey, Denis 168, 245, 256, 399, 426, 429, 433
Heath, Edward 4, 239, 279, 315, 337, 338, 439
Heliopolis (Egypt) 92, 155, 162
Hellenbroich, Heribert 452–3
Hellman, Martin 490
Helmand province (Afghanistan) 534, 535
Helms, Richard 292, 356
Hemblys-Scales, Roger 86
Henderson, Nicholas 2–3
Hennessy, Peter 90, 577
Herman, Michael 261, 287, 419, 421, 435
Heseltine, Michael 426
Hibberson, Anthony 189
Hill, Jim 86–7
Hill, Major 120
Hillenkoeter, Roscoe 85
Hillgruber, Andreas 59
Hinsley, Harry 59, 64
Hiroshima 2
Hiss, Alger 88
Hitler, Adolf 3, 5, 29, 30, 31, 32–3, 48, 221, 290
Hoad, Norman 132
Hokkaido (Japan) 112
Holden Agreement (1942 & 1944) 43
Hollis, Sir Roger 79, 86, 182, 367
Holmberg, Elena 389–90
Home Office 507, 538, 544
Honest John (battlefield missile system) 249
Honeywell (computers) 458
Hong Kong 19, 30, 32, 96, 100, 151–5, 219, 256, 277, 419, 475–8
Hooper, Joe 191, 222, 223, 228, 273–4, 285–6, 343, 353, 419, 448, 466, 585
Hoover Commission 219
Hosenball, Mark 358
House of Commons Public Accounts Committee 440, 459
House of Commons Select Committee on Employment (1985) 433–4
Howard, Edward Lee 384, 444, 447
Howard, Michael 364
Howarth, Jack 189
Howe, Geoffrey 426, 427–8, 429, 431–2, 436, 460
Howse, Philip 79, 84
Hughes, Chief Inspector 187
Hughes, Robert D. 111
Hungary 46, 158
Hunt, Sir John 329–30, 337–8, 356–7, 361
Hunters Stones Post Office Tower 346
Hurd, Douglas 495
Hurley, Michael 144–6
Hurn, Roger 495, 526
Hussein, King 161, 164, 290
Hussein, Saddam 467, 516, 524, 525
Husum-Milstedt (intercept station, Germany) 50
Hutton, Lord 529
Huxley, Aldous 549
HVA 605
Iacobescu, Ion 253
IBM 350, 352, 489
Igloo White (ground sensors) 252
Imre, Nahit 254
Incirlik (Turkey) 326
India 4, 18, 19, 30, 32, 85, 95, 178, 334
Indonesia 153, 164–8
Information Research Department 156
Ingebrigsten, Jan 450
Ingham, Bernard 428
Inman, Bobby Ray 399, 422, 601
Intelligence Assault Units 47–8
Intelligence and Security Committee 484–5, 529, 539
Intelligence Services Act (1994) 484–5, 488
Intelligence Support Activity 168
Intelsat 342
Intercept Control Centre 250
Intercept Modernisation Programme (IMP) 543–5, 547–8
International Control Commission on Vietnam 178
International Regulations on Sigint (IRSIG) 90
International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) 533
internet 8, 488, 507–8, 541, 544–5
IRA 345, 455, 479, 481–2, 494, 498–503, 593
Iran 109, 112, 155, 268, 295, 299, 302, 421, 467, 472, 605
Iran, Shah of 299
Iraq 155, 156, 160–2, 259, 295, 320, 465–71, 479, 516–17, 528–31; 124 Electronic Warfare Regiment 525
IRSIG (Instructions and Regulations concerning the Security of Signals Intelligence) 503–4
Iscot (wartime Comintern traffic) 37–8
ISI (Pakistani intelligence service) 514
Ismailia (Egypt) 32, 185
Ismay, General Hastings ‘Pug’ 27
Israel 97, 164, 263–4, 277, 290–1, 293, 307–8, 415, 471; Israeli Sea Corps 264–5
Istanbul 307, 309, 310, 316, 318
Italy 19, 44, 52, 96, 345, 452; Italian Cryptographic Bureau 54–5
ITT (telecoms company) 341, 342
Ivy Bells (undersea cable-tapping) 384
Jakarta (Indonesia) 167, 168
Japan 17, 29, 39, 40, 44, 65, 100, 110, 152, 445, 446
Jebb, Gladwyn 64
Jenkins, Roy 51
Johnson, Lyndon B. 50, 238, 353
Johnson, Robert 346
Johnstone, Sir Charles 164
Johnstone, Colonel Hugh 327–8, 359, 360
Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC) 67; and Arab states 109; Chevaline project 440; circulation of BJs 70; collection of elint on Soviet air-defence capabilities 132; considers Soviet threats a bluff 204; Crabb incident 141–2; D-Notice affair 239; deployment of equipment in Eastern Bloc 123; failures and inaccuracies of 108, 245–6, 387–8; focus on economic, technological and scientific subjects 241; French cooperation 284–5; intelligence failures 387–8; and invasion of the Falklands 391, 395–7; and Iraq 466; Joint Intelligence Committee Far East 167; and new technology 353; and Palestine 97; and possible Soviet move inside Eastern Europe 256; rethinking of European targets 345; review of aerial and submarine surveillance 207; review of GCHQ spending 221; and Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia 245–6; and Soviet Union 46; and surprise Soviet nuclear attacks 321; and Turkish invasion of Cyprus 319, 325; and Vienna tunnel 171; and Yemen Civil War 164
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