Joint Technical Services Language School (Tangmere, Surrey) 370
Jones, Eric 46, 121, 132, 142, 159, 188, 191, 197, 418, 585
Jones, Colonel H. 411
Jones, R.V. 102–3, 110, 111, 579
Jordan 157, 164, 308
Joseph, Keith 286
Jowell, Tessa 498
July Bomb Plot (1944) 221
Kabul (Afghanistan) 533
Kagnew (Ethiopia) 335–6
Kaiser, Michael 240–1
Kapustin Yar (Soviet Union) 112, 131, 301
Karadſić, Radovan 473
Karamursel (Turkey) 301
Karlshorst (Germany) 371
Katanga (Congo) 336
Kazakhstan 107
Keepnet (recording equipment) 458
Keith, Bruce 69, 93, 94
Kelly, Gerry 500
Kennan, George 177
Kennedy, Jacqueline 180
Kennedy, Paul 59
Kenya 125, 334, 370, 511
Ker, Leonard Douglas 189
Kern, Dick 449–50
Kerr, Sir Archibald Clark 84
Key Recovery (or Key Escrow) 492, 506–7
KGB (Russian secret service) 137, 230, 285, 419, 538; agents working for 36–7, 185–90, 224–5, 231–7, 354–5, 369–85; and Airborne Rafter programme 267; defections from 478–9; Eight Directorate 377; expulsion from London embassy 283–4; intercepts on 53, 96; microwave intercepts 281; and miners’ strike (1982) 368; and release of material on GCHQ 355; Sixteenth Directorate 377; surveillance operations 4, 183–5, 190–1; tapping and bugging operations 170, 173, 175–82, 193; and Tempest 216–17; and Venona Project 72–88, 98, 104
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed 514, 515
Khrushchev, Nikita 4, 140, 142, 173, 179, 180, 202, 204
kidnapping and hostage-taking 452, 513–14; in Turkey 302–19; see also terrorists, terrorism
Kiev (Soviet Union) 126
Killian, James R. 219
King, Tom 426, 427
Kingsdown (Kent) 34
Kinnock, Neil 433
Kipling, Rudyard 13–14
Kirknewton airbase (Scotland) 118
Kirkpatrick, Sir Ivone 130
Kissinger, Henry 277–81, 283–4, 287–90, 292, 293, 294–7, 319, 324, 326, 329, 330, 331, 337–8, 403, 441, 444
Kizildere (Turkey) 312–19
Klemme, General 50
Klugman, James 36, 188
Knockholt (Kent) 120
Knox, Dilly 21
Kohl, Helmut 453
Kola Peninsula (Soviet Union) 118, 136
Komer, Robert 303
Korea 6
Korean War (1950–53) 99–101, 116, 118–19, 120, 129, 152, 178
Kosovo 8, 512
Kosygin, Alexei 280
Koza, Frank 517–18, 521
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) 150–1
Kubat, Ferit 313, 314
Kuching (Malaysia) 166
Kurchatov, Igor 107
Kurku, Ertugrul 313–14, 315
Kursk (Soviet Union) 36–7
Kuwait 465–70, 524
Kuznetsov, Pavel 183–8
La Belle discothèque (West Berlin) 457
Labuan (Malaysia) 166
Lagos, Ricardo 519
Lamphere, Robert 76–7
Lander, Stephen 494
Lange, David 444–5
Langley (Virginia) 292, 441
Laos 446
Larnaca (Cyprus) 384
Latakia (Syria) 331
Law, John 312–16, 318
Lawson, Nigel 460
Le Bailly, Louis 246, 286–7, 291, 439
Leach, Henry 395
Lebanon 161, 308
Lee, Raymond 39, 40–1
Libya 109, 295, 334, 455–8, 531; Libyan People’s Bureau (London) 455–6
Liddell, Guy 367
Light Electronic Warfare Teams (LEWTs) 534–5
Limassol (Cyprus) 325
Lindsay, Michael 151
Little, Peter 420–1
Little, Rod 402
Little Sai Wan (Hong Kong) 153, 475
Livebait (comparison of different signals) 458
Llanos, Gonzales 408
Lobban, Ian 542
Lockerbie incident (1988) 457–8, 605
Lockhart, John Bruce 171
Lockheed 476
Loehnis, Clive 31, 197, 210–11, 223, 466
Lohan, Sammy 239
Lombardo, Juan 393, 395
London bombings (2005) 532–6
London Communications Security Agency (LCSA) 103, 191–3, 210, 211, 213, 217, 585
London Communications Security Board 585
London Processing Group (LPG) 372–3
London Signals Intelligence Board 51–2, 109, 142; London Signals Intelligence Centre 69; London Signals Intelligence Committee 267, 268
Longfellow (Soviet cypher system) 78
Lonsdale, Gordon 238
Lord (Vienna tunnel code) 171
Luanda (Angola) 59, 455
Lucas, George 144, 145
Luftwaffe 26, 33–4, 35, 36, 43, 50
Luga airport (Malta) 295
Luneburg Heath (Germany) 127
Lunn, Peter 171, 172, 174
Lyalin, Oleg 283
Lyttelton, Oliver 149
MacArthur, General Douglas 45
McCormack, Alfred 45
Macdonald, Ken 543, 548
McGuinness, Martin 500
Machon, Annie 456
Mackay of Clashfern, Lord 484–5
Mackenzie King, William Lyon 94
Maclean, Donald 8, 37, 72, 73, 76, 82, 84, 87, 104, 238, 367
McManners, Hugh 409, 410
Macmillan, Harold 3–4, 143, 179, 204–7, 226, 364
McNamara, Robert 168
McNeill, Hector 224
Magdeburg (Germany) 50
Magic (Japanese cypher) 29, 39, 41, 44, 69
Maguire, Harold 268, 269
Major, John 398, 484
Makarios, Archbishop Mihail 163, 296, 320, 323–5, 328, 330
Malatya (Turkey) 306
Malaya 6, 30, 38, 125; Malayan Communist Party (MCP) 149, 150; Malayan Emergency 149–51
Malaysia see Federation of Malaysia
Malinovsky, Rodion 204
Malta 156, 162, 295
Maltby, Ted 58, 79, 187
Manchester University 349
Manchuria 19
Mandelson, Peter 498
Manhattan Project (Los Alamos atomic bomb project) 75, 76, 82, 219
Manningham-Buller, Dame Eliza 515
Mao Tse-tung 4, 151, 193, 195
Marchetti, Victor 356
Marconi (company) 311
Marconi, Guglielmo 13
Marenches, Alexandre de 442
Marr-Johnson, Patrick 77
Marshall, George 42
Marshall, William 184–90
Martin, William H. 176, 355, 423
Marychurch, Peter 428, 434, 445, 448, 449, 451, 458–60
Mask operation 19
Mason, Roy 332
Mathison, Alan 25
Mauborgne, Joseph 18
Mauritius 334, 335, 338
Mazzini, Giuseppe 14
Medical Research Council 434
Mediterranean 16, 44, 114, 273, 295, 319
Meir, Golda 290–1
Menendez, Mario 412–13
Mentyukov, Igor 201–2
Menwith Hill (Yorkshire) 345–6, 347, 421, 449
Menzies, Sir Stewart 23–4, 26, 27, 28, 38, 39, 42, 45, 51–2, 55, 67, 82, 142
Methods to Improve (MTI) 220
Mexico 15, 517, 519–20
Meyer, Cord 358, 595
Meyer, John C. 271, 272
MI5 see Security Service
MI6 see Secret Intelligence Service
Middle East 7, 15, 16, 19–20, 32, 34, 41, 51, 97, 148, 155–64, 181, 182, 271, 277, 282, 290–5, 299, 320, 333, 334, 336, 376, 385, 454, 467, 472, 479, 494; Middle East Technical University (Ankara) 303, 304; Middle East War (197
3) see Yom Kippur War
Middle Six countries 519
Millward, Bill 63, 121, 221–2, 253
Milne, Alasdair 459
Milner, Ian 86
Milner-Barry, Stuart 25, 27, 364, 387
Milošević, Slobodan 473
Ministry of Defence (MoD) 240, 272, 286–7, 291, 312, 368, 423, 456, 495, 510
missiles see rockets and missiles
MIT (Turkish National Intelligence Agency) 304, 314
Mitchell, Bernon F. 176, 355, 423
Mitchell, Graham 367
Mitchell, J.R. 118
Mitterrand, François 414–15
Mladić, Ratko 473, 474
mobile phones 492–3, 505, 538, 541, 548
Modin, Yuri 82–3, 84
Moffit, Bill 296–7
Molotov, Vyacheslav 178–9
Monterey (California) 332
Montgomery, Field Marshal Bernard Law 58, 85
Moon-bounce project 262–3
Morgan, Gerry 78
Moriarty, D.M. 587
Morocco 334
Morris, Gareth 433
Morwenstow (Cornwall) 342
Moscow 4, 18, 19, 30, 33, 35, 36, 37, 45, 47, 53, 59, 74, 82, 84, 86, 104, 126, 148, 151, 175, 176–8, 179, 185, 186, 189, 201, 203, 205, 284, 465; Moscow Peace Treaty (1942) 32
Mossad (Israeli secret service) 291, 299–300, 307–8, 444, 472
Mottram, Richard 577
Mount Tumbledown (Falklands) 413
Mountbatten, Lord Louis 110, 143, 192
Mowlam, Mo 500
Mubarak, Hosni 467
Mullah Dadullah 535
Muller, Wilma 127
Mullet Creek (Falklands) 397
Munich Crisis (1938) 3, 22
Murmansk (Soviet Union) 133, 143
Murray, Len 416–17, 426, 427, 428
Muslims 472, 473, 474, 537, 538, 542
Mustard (Enigma key) 35
Mutual Balanced Force Reduction programme 287–9, 319
Mutual Weapons Development Programme 211
Nagasaki (Japan) 2
Nan-Szu-Pu (Taiwan) 152
Narvik raid (1940) 55
Narwal (Argentine trawler) 407–8
Nasser, Gamal Abdel 155–6, 161, 164
National Central Electronic Reconnaissance Agency (NSEI, Croatia) 473
National Council for Civil Liberties 361
National Criminal Intelligence Service 504
National Infrastructure Security Coordination Centre 609
National Security Agency (NSA) 7; and al Qaeda 510–12; and Berlin tunnel operation 174; and BND 422–3, 438, 447–51, 452–4, 455; and Bosnian-Croatian conflict 472–5; ceases intelligence exchange with GCHQ 289–90; and commercial encryption 488, 489; cooperation with GCHQ 222–3, 278, 282–3, 346, 347–54, 438, 441–3, 448–58, 461; creation of 101–2; data silo in Utah 546; development of new systems 345–6; development of Technical Research Ships 260; and documents on Princess Diana 483; and downing of Powers’ U-2 202–3; elint and comint responsibilities 122–3; funding of 334, 346; influence on foreign policy 321; and internet 8, 508; and invasion of the Falklands 398, 399, 415; and North Korea 100; and polygraph 434; and Prime case 376; public mention of 242–3, 355, 358, 361–2; relationship with US armed services 271–2; and Russian nuclear forces 119; Russian spies in 384–5, 444; and sale of cypher machines 209–15; and strategic elint 267; and Suez crisis 157, 158; and Tempest 216–18; and trade unions at GCHQ 421–2, 424, 429; Turkish operations 300–19; use of security measures 381; visibility of 341; and Yom Kippur War 291–2
National Service 117, 153, 219, 229, 369
NATO 126, 130, 209–15, 217–18, 242, 247, 248, 253–7, 268–9, 270, 272, 283, 300, 319, 328, 345, 429, 448, 452, 456, 467, 533, 534; Military Committee 256; Nuclear Planning Group 332; Special Committee 257
Nauticus Corporation 265
Naval Intelligence 32, 116, 143
Naval Mechanics School (Buenos Aires) 389
Nave, Eric 19
Nazi-Soviet Pact (1939) 31
Neff, Paul 50, 76
Netherlands 442, 443
‘Never Again’ agreement (1982) 440–1
New People’s Army (Philippines) 452
New Zealand 89, 90, 92, 93, 98, 164, 165, 438, 442, 444–7, 448, 487; Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) 445–6
Newman, Dr 145
Newman, Max 28, 70
Nicoll, Douglas 387–8, 396, 421, 529
Nicoll Report (1981) 388
Nicosia (Cyprus) 326
Nimrods 268–70, 271–4, 326, 414, 415, 442, 474, 515, 536, 537
9/11 9, 509–14, 531
Nixon, Richard M. 4, 277–8, 279, 281, 283–4, 288, 290, 293, 297–8, 304–5, 325–6, 337, 338, 434
Noakes, John 348
Noise-Induced Hearing Loss 608
Noise Investigation Bureau 110
Nokia (telecoms company) 489
Norland, Selmer 48, 78
North Atlantic Council 254
North Cape, Battle of (1943) 60
North Korea 100, 120, 129, 175, 264
Northern Ireland 329, 498–503; Peace Process 501
Northwood Hills (communications security establishment) 192, 400, 401, 402, 469
Norway 55, 99, 116–17, 134, 139, 269
Nott, John 395, 396, 397–8, 414–15, 429, 601
Noye, Kenneth 505–6
Nuclear Planning Group 255
Oakleigh Park North (Soviet-radio monitoring station, Whetstone) 190–1
O’Connor, Morris J. 144, 145
Odette (Army intercept equipment) 474, 525, 534, 536–7
Odom, William ‘Bill’ 214, 385, 413, 434, 442–4, 446–52, 454–5, 457, 458, 471, 476
Oedipus (computer) 349
Oeljeschaeger, Major 50
Office of Strategic Services 87, 91
Official Secrets Act 8, 359, 360, 363, 383, 522
oil 298, 336, 356
Okinawa (Japan) 152
OKK-5 (Soviet codebook) 35
Oldfield, Maurice 82, 358
Omagh (Northern Ireland) 501–3
Oman 271, 345
Omand, Sir David 9, 272, 398, 495–7, 498
one-time pads (encryption system) 18–19, 20, 56, 74, 81, 83, 108
Operation Citadel (1943) 36
Operation Claret (1956) 140–2
Operation Damage (Comet sorties in the Mediterranean) 273
Operation Debenture (1954) 152–3
Operation Defiant (1955) 137
Operation Desert Storm (1991) 467–9
Operation Duster (sigint flight operations during Yom Kippur War) 295
Operation Gold (1948) 97
Operation Halfmoon (1948) 96
Operation Hem (sigint flight operations during Yom Kippur War) 295
Operation Musketeer (1956) 156–9
Operation Nigeria (against journalists and their sources) 506
Operation Overlord (1944) 59
Operation Pat (Comet sorties over the Baltic) 273
Operation Sanjak (1955) 137–9
Operation Storm (1995) 472–3
Operation Tartan (1955) 136–7
Operation Trail Hammer 536
Orford Ness (Suffolk) 285–7, 322
Organ, Helena see Prime, Helena
Orion (sigint satellite) 437
Ormsby Gore, David 206
Orwell, George 549
Oshima, Baron 29
Ottawa (Canada) 57, 85, 92, 94, 97
Over the Horizon Radar 285–7, 322
Owen, Dr David 299–300, 332–3, 360, 391
Padeborn (Germany) 248
Pakistan 323, 334, 384, 513–14, 519, 537
Palestine 97, 109, 155, 156, 320
Paris 21, 25, 52, 53, 158, 194–5, 243, 284–5, 510
Parker-Bowles, Camilla 480, 482
Parliamentary Select Committee on Foreign Affairs 529
Patagonia 393
Patchett, Brian 228–30, 369
Brian 507
Pearl, Daniel 514
Pearl Harbor attack (7 December 1941) 29, 290
Peking 150, 151, 194
Pelton, Ronald 384–5, 443–4, 447
Penkovsky, Oleg 322–3
Penney, William 192
Pepper, David 526, 527, 528, 532, 539
Perkar (Ceylon) 160
Perkins, Alice 495
Permanent Secretaries Committee on the Intelligence Services (PSIS) 219–20, 241, 260, 423
Perrin, Ken 267, 270, 363
Peshawar (Pakistan) 384
Petersfield (Hampshire) 133
PGP (Pretty Good Privacy, code-making programme) 490–1
Philby, Kim 37, 82–3, 84–5, 225, 226, 238, 242, 354–5, 367, 385
Philco (telecoms company) 350
Philippines 445
Phillips, Cecil 75, 79
Pilsey Island (Sussex) 140
Pincher, Chapman 17, 226, 238, 239, 240, 242, 386
Pine Gap (Australia) 345
Pinner (Middlesex) 68, 69
Pinochet, Augusto 519
Pirinclik Air Base (Turkey) 301–2, 306
Pither, Judith 383
Plessey (telecoms company) 212, 267–8, 311, 433
PLO (Palestine Liberation Organisation) 277
Poets Systems (Soviet cypher machines) 78, 81
Poland 21–2, 31, 46, 178, 387, 421, 515
Polaris missile system 266, 322, 335, 337, 438–40
Pollard, Jonathan 444
Polyarnoe (Soviet Union) 34, 36
polygraphs 381, 383, 424–6, 433–4, 444
Port Said (Egypt) 156
Port Stanley (Falklands) 390, 397, 413
Portsmouth (Hampshire) 134
Portugal 44
Poseidon (missile system) 439
positive vetting 88, 227–8, 229, 229–30
Posner, Gerald 483
Post Hostilities Planning (PHP) Committee 46, 85
Post Office 241, 286; develops fibre-optic cables 604; Research Department (Dollis Hill) 28, 68, 171, 172, 349; ‘Secret Department’ 14
Potts, Archie 154–5
Poulden, Teddy 93, 94, 352–3, 354
Powell, Jonathan 500
Powers, Gary 8, 201–7, 208, 226
Prague 244; Prague Spring (1968) 387
Prime, Geoffrey 8, 368–86, 423, 424, 425, 444, 447, 600
Prime, Helena 374–5
Prime, Rhona 375, 378–9
Princeton University 350
Prior, James 422
Profumo affair (1963) 8, 226, 228
Project Clipeus (British ADM programme) 249
Project Cobra Shoe (US intelligence station on Cyprus) 323, 348, 356
Project K (NSA HQ) 102
Project Minaret (US illegal monitoring of domestic radicals) 357
Project Sambo (tracking low-frequency submarine radio transmissions) 378
GCHQ Page 76