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Fire Me Up [Merricks, Montana 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 4

by McKinlay Thomson

  He pushed her harder against the wall and buried his face between her cleavage. Big, beautiful women turned Grayson on, and her extra weight meant he wouldn’t crush her as he drove his big cock into her.

  He needed to calm down before he took her up against the wall with a crowd of people around the corner. No one had tested his control this easily. He was moments away from tearing her jeans off her and burying his cock in her pussy until he was balls deep.

  “Well, well, well. What do we have here, brother?” Grayson lifted his head at the sound of his brother Pierson’s voice.

  “Looks like our big bro has caught himself a filly,” Brock added. “And Sarah’s sister at that.”

  Grayson wanted to tell his brothers to piss off. He was in the middle of something. Kate had grown still at the intrusion, and by the way she was looking at them, she wasn’t happy about it.

  “You can let me down now, please, Grayson,” she said. He slowly let her feet slide down to the ground, but he didn’t let her go.

  “Don’t let these two idiots upset you, baby,” he told her. Her head was bowed as she tried to button up her shirt. Grayson hoped she wasn’t too embarrassed about being caught in such a compromising position. He turned to his brothers. “Watch your mouth, assholes.”

  “It’s fine,” she said. “I really should get back to the party.” He let her go, and she walked toward his brothers. She paused when she reached their sides, but didn’t look up at them.

  “I’m not a horse,” she said and then scrambled away as if the bats of hell were on her tail.

  Grayson sighed and looked at his brothers. He was tempted to whack the both of them for upsetting Kate. He would go after her once he sorted them out.

  “What’s her problem?” Pierson asked.

  “Apparently she doesn’t like to be called names,” Grayson replied, smiling. His brothers had missed her getting worked up when he had called her beautiful. She was sassy and hot, and he couldn’t wait to spend more time with her. Kate was going to be worth the effort needed to woo her. He could feel it.

  “She’s a feisty one,” he told them. “That’s for sure. Just the kind of woman we are looking for.”

  “Yeah. You think she could be the one?” Brock asked. Grayson smiled at the hopefulness in Brock’s voice. His brother’s need to settle down wasn’t a secret to either of them. He just hoped he didn’t put the cart before the horse, so to speak.

  “She is certainly worth perusing. She is one hot lady. A little misguided perhaps, but we can set her straight.”

  “What do you think, Pierson?” Brock turned to his other brother.

  “I’m in,” Pierson replied. “Just don’t start hearing wedding bells yet, brother.”

  He wondered what she would say when he told her that he and his brothers shared their women, and they had all decided that they wanted to get to know her better. She would probably go running for the hills, but he was faster and they would soon have her right where they wanted her.

  “Yes. I agree,” he said. “She is here on vacation, Brock. She might only want a fling before she returns home, and I don’t want to see you left brokenhearted again.”

  “It’s all right,” Brock added. “By the time we are through with her, she will never want to leave.”

  Grayson sighed. His brother wasn’t listening and he was only going to get hurt in the end.

  “Let’s get back to the party and start planning out our approach. Pierson, you can talk to Sarah and find out what you can about her. Brock, you hit Blake and James, and I’ll see if I can talk Kate into going to the festival with us next weekend.” Grayson barked out orders to his brother with his usual cop precision.

  They made their way back to the party, Grayson following behind his brothers. He needed to walk slowly. His great erection was still yet to go down. It was so hard it was almost painful, and Grayson could do nothing other than smile at his predicament. She had done a number on him, that was for sure.

  As much as he wanted Kate and had every intention of pursuing her, he hoped his baby brother Brock didn’t get too attached too quickly. She had already gotten under his skin and he had only known her ten minutes. But Brock tended to fall easy and fall hard. He was so desperate to find the one that he tended to fall in love with any woman that they dated for more than a minute. Then when Grayson and Pierson, or the woman at the time, decided that they didn’t fit and they broke it off, he was left brokenhearted and moped around for weeks.

  Grayson didn’t blame Brock. He wanted to settle down, too. He just wasn’t rushing into anything. He had seen friends time and again get married quickly and divorced just as quick. When he settled down it would be for good. It would take a strong woman to take on the three of them. Not just because they were Doms, either.

  The three brothers worked hard and argued amounts themselves. They were demanding and set in their ways. It wouldn’t be any easy road for the woman who decided to take them on permanently.

  They approached the party, and Grayson looked around. Kate wasn’t anywhere to be seen. She was running. Grayson smiled. She could run all she wanted. It just made the catching all that much more fun.

  Chapter Four

  Kate walked with her sister into the diner and sat down. It had been nearly a week since she had met and kissed Grayson Carter, and she hadn’t seen him or his brothers since. Everywhere she went she watched out for them. Her sister had dragged her all over Merricks and she had looked for them everywhere.

  Kate hadn’t told Sarah about the kiss or what had sent her running from the barbeque. She had just told her that she had a headache and needed to lie down. She knew that Sarah hadn’t believed a word of it, but thankfully she didn’t say anything.

  “So, what do you feel like?” Sarah didn’t look up from her menu when she spoke. “They have great burgers, and their pies are to die for. It has been ages since I’ve had to order for myself. James usually orders for me.”

  “Why?” Kate asked. “You’re perfectly capable of deciding what you want to eat. He doesn’t think you’re fat, does he?” Kate was pissed on her sister’s behalf. She had once dated a man that constantly complained about her weight. It was one of her few horrible dating experiences. Really it was no wonder she was a virgin, if she thought about it.

  “Calm down, Kate. James loves me just the way I am. It’s a Dom thing with him. He likes to be in control.”

  “Please don’t go into another long-winded description of your sex life. I couldn’t bear it.” Kate lifted her menu in front of her face and hoped her sister got the hint. She loved Sarah, but really didn’t want to hear all the gory details.

  “Well, now that you mention it. Last night whilst I was lying in bed, Blake slipped in behind me and most unexpectedly grabbed my…”

  “Okay, Okay, that enough…no more, please.” Kate scrunched her face up, and Sarah started to laugh.

  “You are no fun, Kate. You can be such a prude sometimes.”

  “Hey, I lasted a good thirty seconds then. Better than last time.” Kate smiled back at Sarah. God, she missed her. Missed all the sisterly bantering and just spending time in each other’s company.

  “So,” Sarah asked. “What happened between you and the Carter brothers at the barbeque the other week?”

  “How…? Who told you?” Kate was shocked. She hadn’t said anything, and she didn’t think anyone saw her. How did her sister know something happened? If one of them said something, she was going to have their balls.

  “This is Merricks. Everybody knows everything. Besides, Ruby saw you.” Ruby was the old librarian at the library her sister worked at since moving to Merricks. She was a sweet old lady, even if she was a bit of a busybody.

  Kate wanted to wipe the smug look off her sister’s face. Kate was surprised that she had lasted this long without saying something. She thought her sister would have ribbed her about it ages ago.

  “Nothing happened,” she said. “Grayson kissed me, and then his brothers foun
d us and gave us a hard time, so I left.”

  “They are single, you know, and they share. Pierson is a fireman, and Grayson and Brock own a security company. They are really nice blokes.”

  “They are maddening and annoying. I wouldn’t date any of them even if you paid me. Grayson even threatened to spank me. Me! Like I’d let some smug, arrogant, and bullheaded moron touch me with a ten foot—”

  “Urgh, Kate…They’re um…”

  “They’re standing right behind me, aren’t they?” Shit!

  “I may be arrogant and bullheaded, darling. But I don’t remember asking you out on a date. And when I spank you—and trust me when I say it will happen—you’ll enjoy every minute and beg me for more.” Grayson’s deep voice washed over Kate as he spoke. She closed her eyes and hoped that the chair would open up and swallow her whole. Her big mouth had run away with her again. She always managed to say the wrong thing at the wrong time.

  How was she to know they were standing right behind her? Sarah could have damned well spoken up.

  “Thanks for the warning, sis.” Kate sent her sister a disgruntled look and then slowly turned to face not only Grayson, but Pierson and Brock as well. They all wore similar expressions of amusement, which drove Kate nuts. This was only the second time she had met them and they were still just as annoying as the first time.

  “May we join you?” Pierson addressed his question to Sarah. Probably knew that if he asked her she’d say no.

  “Sure,” her sister said. “Have a seat. We were just about to order.” Sarah smiled shyly and the men sat down. She had to scoot over in the booth, and Pierson moved in beside her. Brock jumped the booth bench so she was sandwiched between them, and Grayson moved to sit next to her traitor sister.

  “I’m starving, Brock said. “What you thinking of having, darling? They make a great burger.” He placed his arm along the back of the bench seat. He was so close that it was almost a hug. Kate shifted over away from Brock, but that only brought her up against Pierson. Her thigh rubbed against his and she jumped.

  “I err…I’m going to have…” Kate coughed and tried again. “I’m going to have a salad.”

  She wasn’t sure what had come over her. She wasn’t usually this jittery around people, but these men made her feel things, and that made her nervous. She was so small sitting between them, and it made her feel feminine and delicate. Kate had never felt small before, and she wasn’t sure she cared for it.

  If she was honest with herself, yes, she did like it, and that just made her mad. She didn’t want to feel things around these men, and she was certainly going to ignore the fact that her pussy was damp and her mouth was watering. They were three big, sexy men, and she wanted nothing to do with them.

  “You can’t come all the way to Merricks, Montana, baby, and order a salad. This is meat territory. You need to try the burger or a steak,” Grayson told her. She loved his accent, so deep and twangy, even when he was telling her what to do. Especially when he was telling her what to do. She was so screwed.

  “I’m getting the chicken salad,” she pointed out, which just made all three of them laugh. She kicked Grayson’s shin under the table, and he scowled at her and bent down to rub it.

  “Oh baby, you are asking for it,” he told her. Kate blinked innocently at him and lifted her menu once more. He may have turned her on, so much so that when she got home she would need some alone time with BOB, her battery-operated boyfriend, but she wasn’t going to fall for that voice and its charm, and she wasn’t going to be told what to do. Not by him and not by his brothers.

  The waitress came around, and Sarah introduced her as Ethel, the owner. Kate had heard all about the owner of the diner and her husbands. Both of them. Kate smiled and they passed pleasantries. She was a lovely woman, and Kate liked her straight away.

  When it was time to place the orders, Sarah ordered the burger, and Kate her salad, and then all three brothers ordered burgers, too. Kate probably would have ordered the burger if the brothers weren’t there, but after her defiance she had put herself into a corner and was too proud to change it and let them win.

  “What do you plan to do whilst you are here, Kate?” Pierson asked. Out of the three brothers he got under her skin the least. He was polite and hadn’t done anything yet to piss Kate off. She hoped that wasn’t going to change.

  She noticed Grayson get up and leave the table. He went and spoke with the waitress, but he was too far away to hear what she was saying. She thought nothing of it and turned to answer Pierson.

  “I’m not sure,” she said. “I have seen most of Merricks and the ranch. I’d just like to spend more time with my sister and get to know her men better. I’m not looking for adventure.”

  “That’s a shame, darling,” Brock added. “We could show you a whole lot of adventure.” Kate couldn’t resist the urge to roll her eyes. She ignored him and kept her focus on Pierson.

  “I hear you’re a fireman. Are there a lot of fires in Merricks? It must be dangerous.” Grayson returned and sat back next to Sarah.

  “Yes,” he replied. “I am one of six firemen. Three man the station at all times, and we also have an on-call roster. Plus the chief. It isn’t fire season at the moment, but there has been an unusual amount of fires lately.” He smiled down at her, and her heart stopped and her pussy gushed. Geez, that smile was killer. “As for danger, we are trained and highly professional. There is nothing to worry over.”

  Kate returned his smile and tried not to think about this gorgeous man rushing into such a dangerous situation. She wasn’t sure why she cared and knew she shouldn’t, but the little twist in her gut was persistent and didn’t want to be ignored.

  Before she could examine her feelings too closely, the food arrived. The waitress placed her order down in front of her last. When Kate looked down at her plate, it wasn’t the salad she had ordered, but a burger like the rest.

  “Excuse me, Ethel. I’m really sorry, but I ordered a chicken salad.” Kate was polite as she could be. She didn’t want to upset the owner, even if she did get the order wrong.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, hun,” Ethel replied. “But Grayson came over and changed your order. Said you had changed you mind. I can take it back and get the salad.”

  Kate glared over at Grayson and tried to kick him under the table again. He must have been expecting it, because all she kicked was air.

  “No, that’s fine, Ethel. I’ll eat the burger. Sorry for the trouble.”

  “No trouble. Enjoy your food.”

  Kate had no idea why he would change her order. He probably did it just to get under her skin. She was going to get her payback, that was for sure. Grayson had declared war and he was going down.

  * * * *

  Grayson smiled at the expression on Kate’s face when she discovered that he had changed her order. He knew she wanted to order the burger, she was just too proud to admit it. She was a spitfire for sure, and she was getting under his skin. She was beautiful and feisty and would be able to handle all three of them without it breaking her spirit.

  They would tame her, that was certain, and get her to channel all that passion into more pleasurable pursuits, but for now it was fun riling her up and watching the fire in her eyes.

  His brother’s flirty comments weren’t helping their cause, either. Grayson was surprised. Brock wanted to settle down so bad, Grayson thought he would try and be on his best behavior. The only one who hadn’t pissed her off was Pierson, and he was usually the flirty one.

  Being a fireman, Pierson had seen his fair share of action. Women threw themselves at him and he liked to catch them, but here he was acting the gentleman and holding up a decent conversation. It wasn’t that he didn’t think his brother could talk normally to a woman. He just never had. It was as if Brock and Pierson had changed bodies.

  His attention was drawn back to Kate when her angry voice pierced his thoughts.

  “Why would you do that?” she snapped at him. “Who are you to deci
de what I eat? Of all the bossy, interfering—”

  “Careful what you say, darling,” Grayson said, interrupted her rant. “I’d stop before you say something you can’t take back.” His burger was getting cold, and all her fire and indignation was giving him a hard-on.

  “Where are Blake and James?” he asked, turning to her sister and taking a bite of his burger.

  “Blake is on duty and James is at the ranch.” Sarah looked down at her plate as she spoke. She was such a shy little thing, total opposite to her confident sister. Whilst he thought she was cute, it was Kate that had his blood boiling and his cock hard. Blake and James were lucky men and had brought her out of her shell, but she was still too timid for his taste.

  “Have you got your cell phone on you?” He used his stern Dom voice on her. Grayson watched as panic washed over her face and was replaced with relief.

  “Yes, sir,” she answered. “It’s in my purse and fully charged.” He smiled down at her and took another bite of his burger.

  Just because she wasn’t his sub or his woman didn’t mean he wasn’t going to watch out for her and make sure she was safe. He knew that Blake and James insisted that she always carry her phone when she left the house, and if she had forgotten it, he would have made sure she got home safely.

  He would do the same for any woman in this town. All the men would. It was the way things were. They all protected the women of the town despite whose woman she was. They were a close-knit community and liked it that way.

  It was one of the reasons he and his brothers had settled in Merricks. They liked the community spirit and knew that when they settled down with the right woman, she, too, would be watched over and protected by everyone.

  “Don’t sir him,” Kate said. “Geez, Sarah, have some pride.” Kate was getting pissed again. Grayson was tempted to put her in her place, but as he opened his mouth to speak Sarah spoke up first.


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