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Fighting for Desire

Page 14

by Sarah Bale

  “I want to.” And she did.

  She closed her eyes and pretended she was at home, in her own room. She lifted her breast and massaged it through the material. Her nipple budded and she pulled it free from her dress.

  The air was cool against her skin but she didn’t mind. She pretended it was Dev’s hand against her and cupped her breast. She lifted the vibrator and let it skim over her nipple. A moan left her lips as she felt the vibrations all the way to her pussy. She quickly freed the other breast and gave it the same treatment.

  Each time the vibe touched her nipple a flash of fire swept through her body. She let the vibe rest in the valley between her breasts and moved both hands down to the hem of the dress. Her legs opened and she reached beneath, tracing little patterns on her thighs.

  “Pull up the dress, Shannon. I want to see this.” Dev’s voice broke through her sensual haze.

  She kept her eyes shut and slowly lifted the skirt of the dress until it was around her waist. Then she moved her hands back to her thighs. With one hand she opened the lips of her pussy. With the other she spread her juices.

  Oh, she knew she was wet for Dev. She was always wet for him. She then reached up and picked up the vibe. One click of the button set the speed to high and it buzzed loudly in the room.

  She took in a deep breath and held it as she ran the vibe through her juices, coating the toy, and then she touched her clit. Her hips jerked and she held the vibrating ears against the hardening bud for a moment before pulling it back. She opened her legs wider and bent her knees, propping her heels against the mattress.

  This position served two purposes. One, it gave her better access to her own body. Two, it gave Dev a better view of…everything. She moved the vibe to her clit again. This time she pushed the button to slow down the speed so the vibration wasn’t so harsh.

  She moved the vibe back and forth. The “ears” of the rabbit flicked her clit and she moaned in approval. Her loud breathing filled the room. She moved around until she felt her stomach tightening and then pulled her hand away.

  She put the toy next to her until she was sure she wasn’t going to come. When the tension in her body lessened she began teasing her clit again. This time her orgasm began to build quicker and she stopped right before she came.

  “Shan.” Dev’s voice held a growl behind it. “Why aren’t you letting yourself come?”

  She opened her eyes as she put her hand and the vibe between her thighs again. He held his cock in his hand, pumping it up and down. Her lips parted in a gasp as she felt her orgasm build instantaneously.

  She pulled the toy away until the urge to come had passed and said in a husky voice, “Because you didn’t say I could.”

  His hand stilled for a moment and he groaned.

  “Baby, I want to see you come.”

  The raw desire in his voice had her panting and she turned up the speed of the vibe. The next time the little pink rabbit touched her clit she would come on the spot.

  She took one last look at Dev with his hard cock in his hand and then shut her eyes. She held her breath, anticipating the pleasure she was about to feel, and moved her hand to her pussy.

  As soon as the vibe touched her clit, her world exploded as she climaxed. Her hips lifted and she pressed the vibe against her clit, needing to prolong the orgasm. She wanted to close her legs around her hand but Dev couldn’t see if she did.

  At the thought of him, her body shook in pleasure.

  “Oh, Dev!” she cried out.

  She sensed him beside her without opening her eyes. He lifted her feet from the bed and threw them over his shoulders. She pulled the vibe back, knowing he was about to slam into her.

  “No, hold it against your clit,” he ordered.

  She put it back and her body jerked.

  “You are so fucking sexy, Shannon,” he said as he entered her in one swift thrust.

  She opened her eyes to find his eyes shut as he moved slowly in and out of her. She had expected quick, short thrusts so he could come too. Instead he took his time until she felt the tension building in her body again.

  Between his controlled thrusts and the rapidly buzzing vibrator, her senses were on overload. Her internal muscles clenched as she came, screaming out Dev’s name again.

  “That’s right, baby, come for me!” he said as his body tensed.

  Her muscles held onto his cock as he poured himself into her. She moaned and tossed her head back and forth, trying to absorb all the pleasure she was experiencing.

  When she finally came back from cloud nine she opened her eyes to find Dev looking down at her. He had pulled out but still loomed over her.

  “I didn’t use a condom,” he said in a voice filled with awe.

  She expected him to pull away and get angry as he did before but he looked into her eyes with an expression she couldn’t quite understand.

  “Why didn’t you?” she heard herself whispering.

  He shook his head. “I’m not sure. I had plenty of time. Hell, I even had one in my pocket.” He moved so he was next to her. “You swear to god you’re on the pill?”

  She nodded. “Yes. I take it every morning. I can even give you the name of the doctor I’m seeing in Miami.”

  For some reason she held her breath, still expecting his anger even though it truly wasn’t her fault this time.

  He sighed. “Good. I know it’s not as safe as using a condom too but since I keep getting caught up in the moment I think it might be okay, don’t you?”

  He wasn’t making any sense. “I don’t understand.”

  He ran his hand through his hair. “What I’m trying to say is that we don’t have to worry about a condom since you are on the pill, if that’s okay with you.”


  “Oh.” She echoed her thought.


  Then she asked slowly, “Dev, are you sure?”

  “Yeah I am. Besides, when the month is over, you are still taking a test, so even if something…happens then we can still take care of it.”

  She forced away the pain his words caused and nodded, afraid to trust her voice. She was so close to blurting everything out—so close to telling him she wasn’t the monster he thought she was. But she remained silent, still too weak and broken to deal with that discussion.

  Instead she said, “As long as you’re sure…”

  “I am.”

  She smiled. It was a start.

  Chapter Twenty

  Dev blinked at the sunlight filling the room. He stretched and grinned—Shannon had her arm around his waist. Obviously dead to the world, she didn’t even stir as he moved it aside and he couldn’t blame her. Untangling their legs was another issue though, and he gently unwound himself.

  Quietly he slipped from the bed and padded to the bathroom. After relieving himself, he grabbed his sweatpants and left the room. Man, he was starving and he figured Shannon would be too when she woke up.

  He picked up the phone and ordered some breakfast. He needed to maintain his high protein, low-carb diet for the fight, which also consisted of eating six times a day. Sometimes eating so often was a hassle but the diet worked out best with his exercise regimen.

  He flipped on the TV, wanting to catch some news before he headed to the gym. Only the news wasn’t on.

  “What the hell?” he muttered as he flipped channels.

  He hit the info button on the control to see the time. His mouth fell open. There was no way in hell that was right. He spotted his cell phone lying on the table and picked it up.

  Fuck. He had a ton of missed calls and most of them were from Marco. His phone rang and he answered it.

  “Dude, where in the hell have you been?” Marco asked, panic in his voice. “I have been calling you for hours! You missed the training session this morning and the sponsors weren’t happy. I don’t think they bought my excuse that you needed time to meditate either.”

  Dev groaned. “How many were there?”

  Sometimes the
sponsors came to watch his training sessions to determine how much they wanted to put behind his name. Since he had a fight coming up, it was more important than ever to impress them. Even though he had his own money, the sponsors could make or break a bout.

  “Enough that I’m worried. If I were guessing, I’d say about ten of them.”

  “Fuck.” What else could he say? “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.”

  Marco took in a breath. “I think we can do some damage control at the party but you are going to have to be at your best. Give them the Devlin James they want to see. Impress them. Just don’t fucking be late!”

  His mind was racing. The commissioner’s party wasn’t until tomorrow. That gave Arizona twenty-four hours to lure over the sponsors, get them on his side…take away some of Dev’s support. No, there had to be another solution.

  “I could call them up and have them meet me at the gym…” he said, trying to figure out a solution.

  “Wouldn’t work. Dev, it’s three in the fucking afternoon. They were all at the gym at eight, when you were supposed to be there.”

  Dev ran his fingers through his hair. “I’m sorry, man. I don’t know how I slept through my alarm…”

  Now that he thought about it he couldn’t even remember setting his alarm. He meant to after the Cirque show but… Fuck!

  “Well, on the plus side you can spend the rest of the day amusing yourself however you wish…”

  Marco’s meaning was clear and Dev had to grin.

  “Speaking of amusing yourself, I noticed you didn’t come back last night.” Dev had to point out that little tidbit.

  Marco laughed. “I’m surprised you noticed.”

  Dev didn’t tell his friend that he noticed Marco’s absence while chasing Shannon naked through the suite after they’d made love in the swimming pool. And on the couch. And the table. And the floor…

  He shook his head. “Yeah, I missed your annoying presence. So where did you end up? Or who did you end up with, I should say.”

  “With Katie.”

  That didn’t surprise him. He knew as soon as Marco saw Katie their meeting would open a door that had never been fully closed. And since she hadn’t been able to keep their date in Miami, meeting up in Vegas was inevitable.

  “Just Katie?” he asked.

  “And her husband,” Marco confirmed.

  Dev didn’t comment. None of his business. He just hoped his friend took his own advice and didn’t punish Katie or her husband for their past.

  Marco saved him from speaking. “Anyway, I need to get off here and make some phone calls. I will see you later tonight so don’t get too wild.”

  Dev laughed as the call ended. Marco always had to have the last word in any conversation they had. But he always had Dev’s back and that counted for something.

  Dev turned off the TV as he waited for the room service to be delivered. He couldn’t believe it was three in the afternoon. He hadn’t slept past noon in a long time, even after partying all night long.

  He knew what was giving him peace, though. Shannon was the reason. She found a way under his skin more than ever. He thought back to when he told her he didn’t want to use a condom anymore. The words left his mouth before he could stop them but what shocked him more was that he’d meant what he said.

  Chances of her getting pregnant while on birth control were slim so he wasn’t worried about that. An image of a very pregnant Shannon standing in his bedroom at home flashed through his mind. His gut tightened and he closed his eyes. Not a bad image…

  A knock on the door caused the thought to hide in a dark corner in the back of his mind. Once room service had delivered their food he walked slowly back to the bedroom. Shannon still slept, though she had wrapped her upper body around his pillow.

  He considered kissing her awake but then a better idea crossed his mind. Marco had told him to enjoy his free day and Dev was going to do exactly that. He pulled off his sweatpants and tossed them to the floor. Then he went to the bed and gently pulled her legs apart. Time for breakfast.

  Shannon moaned as a most delightful feeling spread across her belly. She reached to find Dev but her search came up empty. The warm feeling swirled through her body again and then she felt hot breath against her…

  “Dev,” she gasped as his tongue made contact with her skin again, revealing the source of her joy. “What are you doing?”

  He lifted his head from between her legs and grinned at her. His dark hair was tousled from their night together, making him look oh-so-wicked. Without saying anything, he ducked back down and resumed his nibbling and teasing.

  She grabbed onto the sheets as his tongue swirled around her sensitive clit.

  “Oh!” she cried out.

  Her nipples budded. She was close to coming. Dev must have sensed this too. He pushed her legs farther apart and lifted her hips. Oh, god…it felt as if his mouth was everywhere.

  Tension began to build as her heartbeat sped up. Her hips lifted higher, pushing her closer to Dev’s mouth, and then her entire body exploded. She screamed out his name as her pussy clenched around his tongue.

  Suddenly he was on top of her, sliding into her wet, throbbing folds. His movements became slow and deep. She moaned and wrapped her legs around him, matching the pace he set. His dark eyes never left hers and for a second she swore she saw love dancing in their dark depths.

  The way he gazed at her reminded her of the way he used to look at her—with no hate or contempt. She closed her eyes and expected the look to be gone when she opened them. But when she checked again his expression hadn’t changed and she couldn’t deny the meaning.

  Her breath hitched and she pulled him down to capture his lips in a kiss. Their tongues danced slowly together, matching the pace of their love-making. Love making…that’s what this is… The thought pulled at her heartstrings. He wasn’t fucking her to get her out of his system or to punish her. He was making love.

  Her nerve endings felt supercharged and her body began to tingle as her orgasm began to build. Dev’s thrusts turned shallow and fast. A cry left her lips and then all she saw was white as she climaxed.

  Her body clenched around Dev’s cock, milking it. She squeezed her inner muscles and he yelled her name as he came.


  She wanted to cry out how much she loved him but simply moaned his name instead. His orgasm sent her into another wave of pleasure and somehow she knew they were different—that things had changed.

  * * * * *

  A few hours later Shannon sighed in bliss as she rolled over on the poolside chaise lounge. The sun was setting but the temperature was still warm enough in the Nevada desert to be comfortable. Dev climbed out of the infinity pool and sat next to her.

  Water dripped on her naked skin and she grinned at him, admiring his equally naked state.

  “Hi,” he said as he kissed the tip of her nose.

  “Hi.” She yawned. “Was I asleep for long?”

  He shook his head. “Maybe an hour. You needed it though.”

  He began massaging her back, and her arms fell to her sides as she enjoyed his hands on her skin.

  A giggle left her lips. “Why, Mr. James…if you hadn’t taken advantage of me, then I wouldn’t be so tired.”

  “I couldn’t help myself. You looked so delicious in bed.”

  “What about the shower?”

  He moved to her leg and replied, “Delicious.”

  “And the dining table?”


  “And the balcony?”


  She laughed again. “And the—”

  Dev’s phone rang on the table next to them.

  “What’s up, Marco?” he answered.

  He winked down at her and she felt herself melt. This had been one of the best days of her life. Dev had seemed more relaxed than she could remember. And if his body was as tender as hers…well…she grinned.

  “Yeah that’s fine. We will be decent by the time y
ou get up here.”

  Her heart fell a little. She didn’t mind that Marco was coming back. She just didn’t want Dev to go into his “work mode” when his friend got back. She sighed and turned away from him until he got off the phone.

  He kissed her left shoulder and said, “Marco will be here in about an hour.”

  “Guess we should get dressed then,” she replied in a wistful tone.

  He laughed. “We have plenty of time to finish up out here.”

  She sat up with a grin and grabbed the towel hanging on the back of the lounge chair.

  “You know as well as I do that if we stay out here much longer, we will get…distracted.”

  He leaned in. “And is that a bad thing?”

  “No, but I don’t want to traumatize Marco. Besides, I need to take a shower.”

  He wiggled his eyebrows. “Need some help?”

  She chuckled at his boyish behavior. “No thank you.”

  “Well while you’re in the shower I’m going to make a few calls.”

  She hadn’t expected him to get back to work so quickly but she didn’t mind. She stood and grabbed her shoes as she made her way back into the suite. Her phone was on the table by the bed and she picked it up. She hadn’t heard from Joe and wondered how he was doing.

  She really shouldn’t have been surprised at what she saw but a gasp left her lips nonetheless. Johnny had texted her several times.

  I see you took my words to heart. Good girl.

  The mighty Devlin James missed a training session? I wonder what was holding him up??!!

  Good thing I was there to calm the sponsors.

  Still haven’t replied. Hmm. What on earth could you be doing?

  Listen, you slut. You better be in bed fucking him and not ignoring me! Text me when you get this.

  Her phone buzzed in her hand and yet another text from Johnny came through.

  Shannon, don’t fuck with me…

  She quickly sent a text back.

  I just got to my phone. Stop texting me, you asshole.

  Ah…good girl. I’ll be in touch later. You just keep doing what you’re doing. And don’t worry about our texts being tracked. I’m taking care of it so your boyfriend doesn’t suspect…


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