Touched by the Boss (Tempted Series Book 2)

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Touched by the Boss (Tempted Series Book 2) Page 6

by Hazel Kelly


  “No one will even notice me when I walk in with you.”

  “Don’t you ever get tired of flattering me?”

  “Never.” He raised his eyebrows. “And that’s not the only thing I never get tired of.”

  I shook my head. It was becoming increasingly clear that he intended to make things difficult for me tonight.

  “Do me a favor?” he asked, reaching in his pocket. When he opened his fist, two cufflinks rolled to the center of his palm. “Normally I’d do it myself, but these fancy ones are a bit tricky.”

  I took a sip of my wine and set it down on the long wooden table. Then I grabbed the first one and turned his large wrist over in my hand.

  “Have you ever put handcuffs on someone before?”

  I looked up at him.

  “Sorry,” he said with a wicked sparkle in his eye. “I meant cufflinks. Have you ever put cufflinks on someone before?”


  “Just fold that flexible part back and stick it through the hole so the top part shows on that side.”

  I tried to steady my shaking hand and do exactly as he said.

  “That’s perfect.”

  I grabbed the other cufflink and turned my focus to his opposite wrist. I could feel my pulse quicken as his eyes swept over me.

  “You smell nice,” he said.


  “What perfume is that?”

  “J’adore,” I said, suddenly glad I’d sprung for it.

  Will dropped his voice to a whisper. “Where did you put it?”

  My first thought was the usual places, silly, but when I looked back and forth between his steely green eyes, I decided that if he was going to keep teasing me, maybe I should give him a taste of his own medicine. So against my better judgment I lowered my voice and leaned in to his ear. “Everywhere,” I whispered. “I put it eve-ry-where.”

  When I stepped back he was breathing through his nose and his jaw was clenched.

  I batted my eyelashes at him. “Are you ready to go?”

  “I have one more surprise for you.”


  “Come here.”

  I followed him over to a dresser that was below a large mirror. He opened the top drawer and pulled out a flat, square box.

  “What’s that?”

  “Open it.”

  He held the box in his palms while I lifted the lid. Inside there was a necklace and a pair of earrings featuring the biggest diamonds I’ve ever seen.

  I looked at him. “Will. I can’t-”

  “Relax. You can’t relax.”


  “They’re only on loan.”

  I let out the breath I was holding.

  “I like you a lot, Ella, but a two million dollar necklace at this stage is too generous even for me.”

  I was so relieved.

  “I just thought you might want to wear them tonight.”

  “Wear them?” I put my hand over my chest.

  “It’s not that I don’t like the jewelry you’re wearing. I just-”

  “You’re serious?”

  He laughed. “I think you’re the only person that can’t tell when I’m joking and when I’m being serious.”

  I looked at the shining jewels.

  “You want to try them on at least?”

  I nodded. I reached behind my neck to open the clasp on the necklace I was wearing and set it down on the dresser. Then I removed my earrings one at a time.

  Will picked up the diamond necklace and stepped behind me. Then he reached around and lowered it down. It was cool across my chest compared to his warm fingers brushing the back of my neck, and when he secured the clasp, it was surprisingly heavy.

  I put the first earring in, and the tear shaped diamond dangled against my neck when I released it from my fingers.

  Will stayed behind me, watching me in the mirror as I bent my head to put in the other one.

  “I look like a real princess.”

  “You’ve always looked like a princess,” he said, “but do you feel like one?”

  A smile spread across my face. “Yeah, I do.” I turned around and looked at Will. “I can’t believe you did this for me.”

  “It’s no trouble. You’re doing me a favor coming along to this thing. I want you to have a good time.”

  I couldn’t believe how glamorous I felt. “I will never forget this.”

  “I just need you to try and do one thing for me, Cinderella.”


  “That’s just over two million dollars’ worth of diamonds you’ve got on there.”

  I felt my lower lip drop.

  “So please don’t forget you’re wearing them and run off again at midnight.” He pushed my hair behind my ear and looked me in the eyes. “Deal?”

  That’s when I decided I didn’t want to overthink things anymore.

  Chapter 12: Will

  She was really something. It was one thing to see her in her work clothes with a pen sticking out of her hair looking flustered, but in her designer gown and jewels, she was positively radiant.

  It occurred to me the moment I saw her that it would be impossible to keep her to myself at the gala. Everyone would want to meet her, and I wasn’t going to do anything to rain on her parade. It was stressful leaving her side in a room with so many wolves in sheep’s clothing, but I didn’t want to hover too much. Plus, I appreciated every chance I got to admire her from afar.

  “I should’ve known, Will.” Frank leaned an elbow on the bar and shook his head. “You’ve always had fantastic taste.”

  “I’m glad you like her,” I said, looking over my shoulder and thinking I shouldn’t leave her alone with Becky for too long.

  “She’s lovely,” Frank said. “A little young for you, but lovely.”

  I looked at him. “Spoken like a jealous man.”

  “Does she look as good out of her clothes as she does in them?”

  “I’d say it’s none of your business, but that would only encourage you.” I raised a hand and gave Ella a little wave. “The truth is I don’t know.”

  “What do you mean you don’t know?”

  “I mean she’s a colleague, Frank, and we don’t have that kind of relationship.”

  “Yet. You don’t have that kind of relationship yet.

  “I don’t know. I’m in no hurry,” I lied. The truth was I was counting down the minutes until I could have her all to myself again.

  Frank laughed. “I’d say you’re the only one who’s not in any hurry. Unless all your colleagues look at you that way.”

  “I wouldn’t expect you to understand.”

  Frank rolled his eyes.

  The bartender put half our drinks down and went to make the rest.

  “You guys should come over for dinner sometime.”

  “We’re not a couple.”

  “I’m just saying she might enjoy herself. Meeting the girls and that.”

  “Maybe.” But Ella wasn’t like Becky and her friends. She wasn’t a gossip. She wasn’t obsessed with money. I didn’t actually know what she was obsessed with. All I knew was that I wished it were me.

  When the rest of our drinks arrived, Frank and I made our way back to our dates.

  “Thanks,” Ella said, taking a glass of wine from me. “Becky was just telling me how long you’ve all known each other.”

  “Well we met in our twenties,” I said. “So what is that now? About five years ago?”

  Ella nudged me with her elbow. “You look pretty good for thirty.”

  Frank nudged me with his eyes.

  “Ladies and Gentleman, could I have your attention please?”

  Everyone looked to the stage at the far end of the room. Ella stood shoulder to shoulder with me and I felt a stir in my groin.

  “Thank you all so much for coming. I’d like to offer a special thanks to our sponsors: Charlotte Vogelman, Bob and Phillip Pratt, The Elliot Family, and William A

  I felt Ella look at me when they mentioned my name, but I kept my eyes on the stage.

  “I think you’ll be pleased to know that tonight has been our most successful event to date, and with your help, we’ve raised eighteen and a half million dollars for the Children’s Hospital.”

  Everyone applauded politely- except Ella who stuck two fingers in her mouth and whistled like we were at a baseball game. I was inexplicably proud.

  “I hope you’ve all enjoyed yourself this evening, and I wish you a pleasant and safe journey home.”

  “You didn’t tell me you were one of the sponsors,” Ella said, turning towards me.

  I shrugged.

  “You’re full of surprises tonight.”

  “What do you say we get out of here?”

  “Really? You don’t have to stay?”

  “I don’t have to do anything. I do what I want.”

  “And you want to leave?”

  “I want a nightcap, and I want to enjoy it without having to share your company.”

  She smiled. “Where to?”

  “Would you be opposed to going back to my place? I have a vintage whiskey there that’s calling to me.”

  “It better be old. You know I won’t drink that cheap, fresh whiskey.”

  I laughed. “I wouldn’t dare serve you something you could get in a bar.”

  She feigned a snobby nod- probably something she learned at the gala- and hooked her arm in mine.

  When we got back to the Abbott, I held the elevator door for her and stepped in behind her.

  “Wait a second.” She turned to me and brought her hand up to the necklace. “Did you only suggest we go back to your place because you don’t trust me with your jewels?”

  I looked out of the corner of my eye while I entered the code for my floor. “I thought I made it perfectly clear that I trust you with my jewels.”

  Her face turned red, and I wasn’t even trying yet.

  When we reached my place, I opened the door for her and followed her inside. “So what did you think of the party.” I removed my jacket and hung it in the closet. Then I stuck my hand out for hers.

  She looked at me like she was afraid to take it off. Which she was right to be.

  “Don’t worry,” I said. “It’s not really my style.”

  She slipped it off and gave it to me. The sight of her shoulders- even though it had only been a few minutes since I last saw them- made me hungry for that drink.


  “I thought it was fabulous,” she said. “The decorations were so sexy with all the bare white trees everywhere, and I loved how the tablecloths looked like jumbo snowflakes. Plus it was for a great cause.” She kept talking as she followed me to the kitchen. “It was really a night to remember.”

  “I’m so glad you enjoyed yourself. You were a terrific date.” I went to the wine rack and pulled out the Limited Edition Midleton I’d been looking forward to.

  “That’s nice of you to say.”

  “It’s true. Everyone was going out of their way to tell me how lovely you were.”

  I grabbed two short glasses and placed them on the counter. “You’re going to absolutely love this.”

  “I don’t want you to waste your good whiskey on me. I probably won’t be able to tell the difference.”

  “That may be true for wine, but anyone can appreciate a good whiskey. Trust me.”

  “Just don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  I poured two small measures and handed her a glass before raising my own. “To an enchanting evening.”


  I kept my eyes on her as she took her first sip.

  “Wow.” She licked her lips. “That is smooth.”

  “I’m glad you like it. It’s about a hundred dollars a glass.”

  “You’re joking.”

  “That’s what I thought when they told me what it cost, but I guess they only made four hundred bottles.”

  “Where did you get it?”


  She took another sip and held the glass out to admire the light brown color. “What made you decide tonight was the night to open it?”

  “Well it’s sort of the theme of the evening, isn’t it?” I leaned against the counter top. “I went out with an exquisite woman in exquisite jewels. It only makes sense to finish the night with the finest whiskey.”

  She sighed. “It was a pretty amazing evening. One I’ll never forget anyway.”

  “Me neither. Can I top you up?”

  She looked into her glass. “I don’t know. I have work tomorrow.”

  “Oh that’s right.” I pretended to smack my forehead. “And I forgot your boss is a real tyrant.”

  She looked me straight in the eye for a second before pouring the rest of her whiskey down her throat in one go.

  Then she put the glass down on the counter and slid it towards me.

  Chapter 13: Ella

  I was in big trouble. It was all too much. His company, the gala, the expensive whiskey. It didn’t even feel like my feet were on the ground… except there was no way I could float away wearing all those heavy diamonds.

  But I was definitely buzzed. And tired. Mostly of fighting so hard to keep my walls up. Will Abbott was the most amazing man I’d ever met and maybe the only real man who ever expressed interest in me.

  Plus, I wasn’t an idiot. They say guys don’t even go out of their way to be nice to girls when they don’t have ulterior motives, and Will had passed nice weeks ago.

  Tonight especially, I couldn’t believe how far he went out of his way so that I would have a good time and feel comfortable rubbing shoulders with the most elite socialites in the city. At the gala, he hardly left my side, and every time he let his hand graze my lower back it just wasn’t enough.

  I was still afraid though. The confidence he exuded intimated me, and his undeniable sexuality made my insides quake. Standing in his bachelor pad on the secret fiftieth floor of the Abbott Hotel was intense enough, but to have his capable hands on me again…

  Hard as I tried I couldn’t even imagine what he might do if I stopped resisting and welcomed his advances. All I knew was that I would never be able to keep up with what he had in mind. I would be defenseless to his intentions. I would be his to do as he wanted with.

  And that was what I feared the most. Because I didn’t have to hook up with Will or even kiss him again to know he was more of a man than any I’d had in my wildest dreams, and I didn’t want to fall short of his expectations.

  But I was thinking again.

  Which is what I didn’t want to do. I just wanted to enjoy myself. Why shouldn’t I? He literally took care of every last thing all night. The least I could do was be good company.

  I watched him pour two more whiskeys.

  He handed me my glass. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Sure.” I walked over to the window. I couldn’t help it. It was so easy to forget what you were a part of when you lived in New York and spent most of your time at street level. And something about surveying the overwhelming cityscape made me feel insignificant. Which gave me courage. Which is exactly what I needed when I was alone with Will.

  He followed me over and leaned against the long wooden dining table behind me.

  “Don’t you want to look at the view with me?” I asked, glancing over my shoulder.

  “I prefer this one, thanks.” He took a sip from his glass.

  I turned back around to face the city and swallowed. Being the subject of his attention was exhilarating. “What did you want to ask me?”

  “Do you think I’m like those people?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The other people at the gala? Do you think I’m the same?”

  I wasn’t sure what he was asking but I had an answer. “No.” I kept my eyes on the view. “You’re different- you’re…”

  Suddenly his body was behind mine and one of his hands was draped on my h

  “What?” he asked, running his fingers up my arm.

  My whole body stiffened.

  He stuck his face in my hair so I could feel his warm breath against my neck. “Ella.”


  I felt his fingers clasp the zipper against my spine. “I can’t do this anymore.”

  I took a sip of my drink and pretended not to notice. “Can’t do what?”

  He kept speaking into my hair as he pulled the zipper down one tooth at a time. “I can’t keep pretending that I don’t want you.” He pulled my hip back so I could feel what he meant.

  My insides clenched when I felt the shape of him against my ass.

  “I can’t be around you like this and not have you.” One of his hands had the zipper halfway down my back and the other reached around to my stomach so he could press himself against me harder.

  I couldn’t breathe, but I felt warm all over. I put my glass down on the end of the counter within my reach and turned to face him.

  His expression was intense and primal. He looked intoxicated with desire.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  “What?” he asked, stopping my zipper’s descent.

  I put a hand on his chest. “Are you my boss tonight?”

  “I don’t have to be. I can be whoever you want if it means-”

  “I want you to be the boss,” I whispered. “I can’t do this anymore either. I want to know what it is you think about when you look at me like that all the time.”

  He kissed me hard, flooding my body with warmth as he parted my mouth with his lips and swirled his tongue around mine. I felt him lower the zipper all the way down. A moment later his hands grabbed the straps of my dress and pulled them off my shoulders.

  “Careful. I have to return this.”

  He smiled. “I accept full responsibility.”

  “And the jewels,” I said, my hand going to my neck. “I should-“

  “Keep them on.” He pulled my dress halfway down so it hung on my hips and slid his hands around my lower back.

  I put my arms over his shoulders and kissed him again.

  He stuck his hands down the back of my dress and dragged his nails against the top of my butt, sending chills up my whole body.

  I pressed my hips against him and he curved his hands under my ass, picking me up and taking two steps over to the chaise lounge in front of the window. He set me back on my feet and sat in front of me, pulling my dress down over my hips until it fell to the floor.


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