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Hunger of the Heart (Wolves of Ravenwillow Book 1)

Page 12

by Magenta Phoenix

  Eric’s eyes narrowed.”You think Damon can give you what I did?” he growled out.

  Turning around, Rebecca grabbed her purse off the back counter. Spinning back to Eric’s stubborn face, she smirked coldly up at him. “Perhaps. If not; I am sure I can find someone else.”

  Moving toward the front door, Rebecca was jerked to a stop when Eric’s hand clamped roughly around her forearm. Jerking her fully against his front, he looked down at her, his eyes burning with anger and jealously at her words.

  “Know that if someone touches you, they will be taking their life out of their hands. You are under my protection.”

  “I don’t need your stupid protection!” she frowned; attempting to break free of Eric’s restraining hand.

  Eric lowered his head until their noses were touching. “I. Am. Serious.” He bit out. “Don’t put an obstacle between us that I will have to remove.” He warned in a low voice. Tangling his freehand in her loose hair, he held her immobile as his lips came crashing down over hers. He dominated her mouth with a near punishing force. His teeth captured her bottom lip, nipping at it before sliding his tongue over the tempting flesh. Rebecca gasped against his lips. The force of his kiss made her want to return it; all the while she knew she should fight it.

  Twisting out of grip, Rebecca broke the kiss. Her lungs burned for air, and left her panting heavily. Without saying a word, she ran. Jerking the front door open, she rushed out of the house, allowing the door to slam behind her. She didn’t stop her running legs until she had slid into her small car, pressing her back tightly against her seat. Her chest rose and a fell with her heavy breaths, her heart thundering in her ears.

  Her trembling hand reached up to touch her pulsing lips. She could still feel him touching her, kissing her as only Eric could. Her stomach clenched and trembled all at once with need. She wouldn’t go through this again, she silently promised. Eric didn’t own her or own her reaction to him. She was needy and that was easily fixed. Perhaps it was time that she did.

  Then prove it… Eric’s rumbling words from earlier echoed in her mind.

  That’s just what she would do. The only way to prove that Eric had no hold; sexual or otherwise, over her was to prove it. The only way that she could prove it to Eric was to prove it to herself.

  * ~ * ~*

  Gulping against the lump in her throat that threatened to chock her, Rebecca stared up at the glowing red lights of the Red Horns Bar and Grill sign. With apprehension she looked up at the angry image on the sign of a fiery red bull’s face. Within the small town of Ravenwillow the Red Horns was the only bar within miles, which meant this was her only option.

  Rebecca had succeeded in avoiding Eric for the last few days thanks to Sarah wanting to spend for time with her grandchildren. She knew eventually she wouldn’t be able to hide from him. All it would take was a touch or a kiss and she’d melt, just as she’d done that night at her apartment and a few days ago in his kitchen. There was no way she was letting that happen again.

  Which was why she had to do this and she couldn’t back out now. Just go in there, get it over with and get on with your life… she told herself, pushing away her uncertainty. She could do this. She would do this.

  Releasing a held breath out slowly, She pulled away from the red brick wall she had planted herself against, when her mind began filling with doubts. Walking around the corner of the red brick building, she entered the side entrance to the Red Horns bar. With every step she took, she tried to prepare herself; mentally, for what she was about to do.

  She was dressed in a dark scarlet blouse that hid her scares yet dipped low over her breasts and a short black shirt that fell just a little above her knees. Her feet were cupped tenderly within the sexy pair of black high heeled sandals that she wore. Her sinful outfit combined with her dark makeup, she was dressed to tempt.

  Tonight she was going to find some hot stud, work out this need that had built up within her and forget all about Eric Daniels. Looking around, the bar was flowing with people, people ready to have fun and hopefully a mouth-watering man looking to get laid tonight.

  Spying an attractive man sitting at the bar, she was just about to walk up and introduce herself when she noticed Jason; one of Eric’s friends that she’d met, sitting at the bar. His eyes were focused on the flat screen TV mounted on one of the side walls as he bought his beer bottle to his lips. She wasn’t getting close to him. With no doubt, he’d call Eric and then she’d have a bigger problem than she already did.

  Turning to look back at the bar as patrons took drinks handed to them; she noticed that her hands slightly trembled with apprehension. A bit of liquid courage may just be what she needed. Walking up as served customers moved away from the bar, Rebecca stood across from a tall, burly man that stood on the other side of the bar. He looked more like a bouncer than a bartender. Made nearly entirely of heavy muscle and wide shoulders, the man stood nearly seven feet. He possessed dark wavy hair that he held back in a small ponytail. His expression as he served customers was far from inviting and made Rebecca want to back away. Forcing herself not to turn around and flee, she waited for him to notice her.

  “What can I get you?” His tone was harsh as his dark hazel eyes bore into hers.

  Jerking her eyes away from his, she nodded. Normally, she was the furthest thing from a heavy drinker, but tonight she would need the extra courage to go through with her plan. “I’ll just have a scotch.” She replied. With a curt the rough looking bartender moved to get her drink. Inhaling a calming breath, she turned to look up and down the length of the bar for any appealing men, but none seemed to catch her interest. Turning around she took notice of a small group of men at a table, enjoying a pitcher of beer and laughing. For some reason none of them seemed appealing either.

  She was startled when a glass was slammed down on the bar in front of her. The amber liquid sloshing over the sides of the small, ice filled glass. Murmuring a thank you, she slipped the money into his hand and pick up her drink, tipping it against her lips. The fiery liquid burned her throat as she took a small sip, causing her to cough at the sensation. She had never been much of a drinker, but now was a good time as any to learn.

  Finding a table, unoccupied in a dark corner, she sat down; taking another small sip of her beverage and surveying the crowd. Several men looked her way, when they caught her looking at them, but none approached her. Hopefully she get so drunk, some guy would just take advantage of her and make it easier on her.

  So caught up in her own thoughts, Rebecca didn’t realize that she was no longer alone until she turned to adjust her seat. “Oh God!” She exclaimed with surprise, her free hand flatting over her heart. “You scared me.” She whispered.

  “So I see.” Jason smiled friendly at her as he leaned back in his seat. “I saw you sitting alone, thought you’d like the company.”

  “Maybe I was just waiting for you.” She murmured softly as she leaned into him with an "I want you" smile.

  Jason’s friendly smile fell. “Rebecca, what are you doing?” He asked, confused.

  Moving away from him, she slouched in her chair looking suddenly depressed, she took another swig of her drink. “Forget it.”

  Reaching over, Jason pulled her glass from her hand, bring it to his face, he sniffed the contents. “Why are you drinking scotch? I never pegged you for a heavy drinker.”

  “I have my reasons.” Reaching over she jerked the glass out of his hand, “Give me that! It’s mine.” She said stubbornly, as she finished off the remaining liquor, making a face of disgust and shivering as she swallowed it down.

  Turning back to look at the crowd, she suddenly felt eyes on her. Her gaze swept the room until her eye met a pair of bright blue ones. On the other end of the dance floor; lounging relaxed against the wall, was a tall, blonde haired man whom was watching her with visible interest. He was attractive in a college jock way; but she could only feel her skin crawl at his gaze. Unwilling to back down from the reason that she
came here tonight; she attempted to shoot the man an interested glance.

  “Rebecca.” Jason called out next to her, attempting to get her attention. “Rebecca!”

  “What?” She asked; irritated. If her plan was to succeed she was going to have to get rid of Jason. With his looks and presence, Jason was surly bound to scare off any potential men.

  “What do you think you’re doing?”


  “Browsing?” Following her gaze, Jason noticed the tall man that leered at Rebecca like she was a treat to be devoured. This was not good. “Rebecca, why don’t you just let me take you home?”

  Rebecca whirled around to face him with a dark scowl on her face. “Why?” she bit out.

  “Rebecca. What do you think you’re doing?” He asked again, cupping the side of her face, forcing her to remain looking at him, when she turned back to her eye candy. “How do you think Eric would react if he knew what you were doing?”

  Rebecca’s face paled for a brief moment before she shrugged off the weight of her uncertainty. “Eric has nothing to do with this or me. I came here for a reason tonight and I’m not leaving until I do it. You can either help me or leave me alone.” She stated plainly, daring him to say anything otherwise.

  “You know, once you do this; you can’t take it back.”

  “That’s the idea.”

  Resting his forearm against the tabletop, Jason leaned closer to Rebecca. “I thought you were Eric’s, did something happen?” his gaze softened and nearly pled with her to listen to him.

  Teeth grinded together, her lips pressed together in a thin line, as her anger flared. “I am not Eric’s anything.” She bit out. “I work for him—that’s it. He has no control over who I sleep with or see outside of the conditions of my contract with him.”

  “I don’t think Eric would see it that way.”

  Refusing to listen to Jason’s attempt to reason with her, she turned away and searched for her mystery man again; only to find he’d vanished. Rebecca immediately felt a wave of disappointment wash over her.

  So much for that one, she thought bitterly. Perhaps Jason was right. Maybe she should just go home and call it a night. There was always another night.

  “Excuse me.” A masculine voice whispered on her from beside her. Looking up, her eyes met the familiar blue ones that belonged to her blonde, mystery man.

  “H-Hey.” Her words stumbled out. Get it together! Straightening in her chair, she attempted to look as confident that she wished she was in that moment.

  “You look like your searching for someone, anyone I know?” He teased with a wolfish grin.

  “Depends,” She replied coyly. Laughing at her teasing he sat down in an empty seat on her other side.

  “I’m Josh.”


  “Rebecca.” He whispered. “Nice to meet you,” Smiling at her, he lifted her hand to his lips, planting a soft kiss in the center of her palm. On the other side of her she could practically see Jason rolling his eyes.

  I can do this…she told herself, Eric is nothing to me.

  Even though the very voice of this man, promise hot, sweaty nights in the bedroom. Strangely, something about the idea of going home with Josh didn’t sound at all appealing. Gazing out over the small dance floor, she watched as couples clutched at each other, while dancing to the up tempo number that played.

  “Are you alright? Did I say something wrong?”

  “Rebecca?” Jason asked concerned. She could have mentally slapped herself. What was wrong with her?! She was going through with this even if it killed her!

  Shaking her head, she smiled up at him “Not at all.” Gesturing to the dance floor, she stood up. “Let’s dance.”

  Reaching out, Jason grasped a hold of Rebecca wrist, preventing her from moving out of her chair. “Think about this, Rebecca. This will end badly.” He cautioned quietly, preventing Josh from hearing them over top of the pounding music.

  “I’m done thinking.” She’d made up her mind and nothing would make her change it. Not Eric, not Jason, and most importantly; not even herself.

  Not waiting for an answer from Jason, Rebecca grasped a hold of Josh’s hand, pulling him onto the dance floor. Finding an unoccupied space on the dance floor she fitted her back against his strong frame. As the beat of the music picked up, she attempted to dance as she once had with friends before her life had been forever changed. Thrusted back against him, she grinded her ass against his groin as she teased his swelling cock.

  In result; he in turn wrapped his arm around her waist, while the other stroked down the underside of her arm as she lifted her arms to circle his neck from behind. Their bodies moved as one. Thrusting and stroking against one another, leaving them panting for air—well; one of them panting, but Rebecca was determined to see this through.

  Leaning his mouth close to her ear, his hot breath fanned over her neck and bare shoulder. “I never would have thought that I’d be dancing with someone as sexy as you tonight.” He whispered.

  Be strong, you can do this…

  “Who says I just gonna dance with you.”

  The words tasted like bile in her mouth. She had lost her edge—if she’d even possessed one to begin with. It wasn’t as if she’d never done this before or anything close to it. she was a virgin. The word was like a shameful badge in her mind. A reminder of how much her attack had paralyzed her in her life. No longer…

  In the past; she would have instantly went for someone like Josh, but now…it somehow felt wrong. Why did her skin crawl when Jason touched her? Whenever she was near Eric, it was never like this. Just the feel of his body heat pressing to hers, his hands on her skin or his lips brushing enticingly against hers; it was explosive with Eric. What made him so special!

  As Josh nuzzled his face into her neck and her loose hair, Rebecca forced herself not to shrink away from him. “Really? What did you have in mind?” He breathed out, his voice weighted down with desire.

  “Maybe I should take you some place and show you what other type of dancing I can do…” The words were meant to entice and from the hard evidence that stirred against her, it was working.

  “Sounds like the best idea, I’ve heard all week.” He murmured, as his fingertips grazed the edge of her breast and down the side of her body with deliberate slowness. Her head began slightly swimming with a feeling of floating, a delicious buzz as the effects of her drink hit her.

  This is going to be easier than I thought…

  “This is going to be the best night of your life.” She whispered temptingly, whether it was to him or herself; she didn’t know.


  Exiting the men’s room, Eric straightened his dark blue t-shirt over his tan cargo pants. Several of his workers had come to the Red Horns to unwind from the first day with the construction crew as they’d begun building Damon’s home. His mother had taken pity on him and offered to stay with Emma and Travis while he went out for an hour or two.

  With a grimace, Eric felt his thoughts turn back Rebecca. The woman was testing his wolf’s patience. He’d called her several times in the last few days that she’d been able to elude him whenever he came home late nights. Frankly; he was getting at his wits end. If he didn’t see her soon, he may just show up on her door step and force her to face him.

  Before he could return to the table where himself and his work crew had been enjoy a large pitcher of beer, he was immediately hailed over to the bar by Mick. Mick Torus was the owner of the Red Horns bar and grill. He also was a rouge bull shifter, more precisely; an Ankole longhorn bull. Mick was an enforcer that worked for Eric outside the pack. Mick’s job was to police rouge shifters and maintain the peace; not only between other packs, but between ignorant humans as well. Walking up to the noisy bar, he leaned close to hear Mick as he spoke over the loud music and idle noise.

  “How’s it going, Eric?” He greeted as they gripped each other’s forearms, a display of their long friendship.

bsp; “It’s going. How's business and other things?”

  “Business is good tonight. But I have some information for you that you will not like.”

  Frowning, Eric braced his weight on his palms that rested against the edge of the bar. “What is it?” he asked grimly.

  “I looked into the favor you asked a few months back. I’m afraid you may be on to something.”

  The favor that Eric had asked of Mick was one that had to keep secret, especially from the pack elders. For several years, shifters from different packs all throughout Virginia had mysteriously gone missing. Women, men, and children simply disappeared without a cause or trace. He suspected that there were more cases throughout the U.S. but he needed to confirm his suspicions before he could take action.

  Reaching into the breast pocket of his button up black shirt, Mick withdrew a thick white envelope. Laying it on the bar, he discreetly shoved it toward Eric. Taking the envelope, Eric reached inside to pull out a large pile of photos. The photos were of shifters that had been reported missing in the last ten years. On the front of each photo was the shifter’s name, date they disappeared and location. Flipping through several he was dismayed to see that several of the children missing were no older than Travis and Emma. What the hell was going on?

  “Do you think we may have some fanatical humans hunting shifter again?” Mick asked. His tone told Eric that he was enraged as much as he was at the unexplained disappearances.

  Shoving the photos back into the envelope, he tucked it into one of his deep pants pockets. Sighing, Eric shook his head at Mick’s theory. “I don’t think humans did this. If this was the work of fanatics, there would be bodies and evidence. These shifters are disappearing without a trace, leaving no sign of whom or what took them.”

  Mick nodded solemnly with a grunt “Plus; humans would leave a scent behind. Every place I’ve investigated where there was a disappearance, the only scent I could find was an overly sweet scent. I’ve never encountered it before. Have you?”


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