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Crystal Warriors

Page 6

by William R. Forstchen

  "Even if they are from another world―kill them now, my lord, before they grow strong. Too often the victim does not see his undoing when it is still helpless in the cradle."

  "My, we are bloodthirsty tonight. As usual, Varma, you see plots everywhere."

  "No one watches the fool watching them, and so I often see what is hidden in men's hearts."

  Allic was silent as he pondered Varma's suggestion. These men could one day rise in power to be rivals. But they could be allies as well. If Pina's report was accurate, they would be a tremendous boost to his power. But was the gain worth the risk?

  "Fetch me a brandy. A large tumbler, Varma."

  "Drink so early, my lord?" Varma asked with a note of concern.

  "Don't mother me, Varma."

  "My lord, it's only that you know how you get at times...."

  "Damn it, just get me the brandy!"

  Varma scurried to the sideboard where he filled a large snifter. Returning, he placed the glass in Allic's hand.

  Allic had barely sipped it when he heard a high-pitched shrieking. It was soon matched by a similar tone, and then another, so that within seconds he was overwhelmed in cacophony.

  "The alarms," Varma screamed. "A Presence is coming!"

  There was a stirring of wind, though they were in a sealed room. The wind became a roaring thunder, a cyclonic fury that twisted and turned upon itself, spitting fire and thunder.

  "It is a god!" Varma shouted as the winds bowled him to the floor.

  A pillar of fire filled the far side of the room. Allic was motionless, silent, waiting.

  "Varma!" It was a deep thundering voice from the pillar of flame. "Varma, you are in a Holy Presence. Begone from My sight."

  With a cry Varma pushed open the door and was gone.

  Still motionless, Allic waited.

  "Well, how do you like my entrance?" the booming voice asked.

  "Little heavy-handed, isn't it, Jartan?"

  There was a rolling peal of laughter and then the pillar of fire collapsed inward, taking a form of light that looked somehow human as it shimmered and shifted.

  "You know, father, some people might think that this pillar of fire stuff is a bit much."

  "I like it. Impresses the hell out of everyone, except for jaded family members like you," Jartan replied. "It looks to me that you're hitting the bottle a little early this morning."

  Allic waved the comment aside.

  "I think I should talk to Varma about your drinking. He should look out for you."

  "Now you do sound like my father. Besides, don't do it to Varma―he'd die of an apoplectic fit if you approached him. Jartan, I'm surprised to see you here so early, I'd have thought that you'd be in human form right now entertaining one of your female companions."

  The vision lifted its head and laughed.

  "The son of your mother, to be sure. She never was impressed by my powers―that is why I loved her as I did. But let's be on to business: I felt the disturbance and I can tell you, so did nearly everyone else on this continent with the Power. These are the first humans to have arrived here in some time from the realm of another god. I sense as well that their Essence of magic could be developed on this plane of our existence."

  "I surmised as much myself. Pina reports that already, though they are not yet aware of it, their bodies are absorbing and merging with the Essence."

  "Then you must assume, my son, that others will be looking to use them as well."

  "Sarnak, of course. His demons attacked and carried one of them away."

  "That's not good. I wasn't aware of that."

  "And you a god," Allic chided with a smile.

  "You know as well as I do that there are limits to my powers."

  "There are times when I wish you were all-powerful. It could make these games a little easier."

  Jartan chuckled. "Now, if you're willing to accept my advice, I'd think it would be wise for you to go out and meet these men."

  "Why? They should come to me―-they are pledging vassalage. Should not the servant come to the master?"

  "I am a god, but I come to you out of my love and concern. For those who rule there should be no fear of what the forms require. Such things are beyond them, and they prove themselves by not doing what is usual or expected. Go to them now, my son. Their power is growing by the minute. If you come to them when they still think themselves weak, you will gain respect and gratitude in their eyes. With that gratitude you can win their friendship and alliance."

  Allic considered this. "You're right. I'll go."

  "I knew you'd see it my way."

  "Talk about conceit," Allic laughed. And Jartan laughed with him.

  The form started to grow again, the waves of light expanding outward.

  "Please, don't trigger any alarms when you leave. It scares my people half to death."

  "Oh, all right." The pillar of fire held for a moment. "Something to warn you about before I go. I can imagine there'll be a great deal of interest in the outlanders from my darling niece."

  "Oh yes," Allic said with a sigh of despair. "Patrice."

  "Precisely. She'll see the value of these men as well. Her game will be completely different from the one you are playing with Sarnak. And Patrice is not the only one. You are lucky that they arrived in your realm, but you can expect that others will want to use them also. Best move quickly, my son; your all-so-friendly neighbors are probably plotting their next move. Act now before you regret it."

  "Father, can't you just this once give me a little more help, at least against her?"

  "Not this time, son. I have other concerns right now that would wither if I were not there to direct them. Besides, you are a match for Patrice. It just means you have to work a little harder."

  Allic bowed his head. "And this strange attempt to open a portal inside my realm―do you have any idea who might have done that?"

  "I can't imagine Macha working such a scheme, even though this incident did take place near his territory. Could be Sarnak, since it was his demons that showed up afterwards. Could be Patrice as well. That's for you to figure out. I have other business to worry about at the moment."

  "Some help," Allic mumbled, shaking his head and giving his father a rueful smile.

  "I'd best be going," Jartan replied, ignoring his son's last comment.

  There was a faint shimmering, a flash of light, and he was gone.

  The room was silent. Stirring at last, Allic used his communications crystal to call the watch officer.

  "Allic here. Control code: Moons Lama and Rega. Alarms off, all in control. Prepare my escort and inform Pina that we are leading a patrol out to him shortly."

  Arising from his chair he walked out of the room and through his private chambers to the balcony that overlooked his capital city.

  The sun called Yirtan washed the city of Landra with morning light. Already the merchants and street vendors were astir, their voices crying out, filling the city with the bustle of life. The golden light shimmered across the river, giving it the appearance of a river made of that most precious metal.

  The pure white marble of the temple to Jartan caught the light as well. From its high rounded turrets came the blue-green clouds of incense which the temple priest alighted each dawn. The sweet scent wafted through the air, giving it a smell of pine forest and mountain air.

  Allic smiled, wondering if Jartan had dropped in for a moment to scare the daylights out of the acolytes who tended the fires. His father always enjoyed such things.

  Looking down from the castle keep, be could see both the east and west sides of his city with the river in between. Already the river was aswarm with commerce as vessels ranging from scows to schooners set out for the distant sea.

  This was all his realm, and he felt a surge of love for this city of Landra. Landra of the thousand domes. Landra of the ten-league walls, made of polished limestone, which ringed the city in a girdle to the height of twenty men. All his to control―but now ther
e could be war with Sarnak over the betrayal on his borders, since in his mind it had to have been Sarnak. And conflict as well over the powers that these strangers had brought into this world.

  He touched the crystal again. "Allic here. State of readiness increase to level three. Have a mounted escort from the outpost nearest to the incident join me for a ground surveillance patrol. I'll return before sunset, new code word, Jartan's Voice. Acknowledge."

  The voice of his central command post replied with an affirmative.

  Smiling, Allic drew upon the Essence and his body began to glow. As he soared in the air, five triads of sorcerers flew up to surround him. They flew with increasing speed towards the south.

  Chapter 5

  "Mistress, we await your command."

  Patrice turned away from the crystal, pushing back her flowing red hair. She turned to face the sorcerers she was sending after the outlanders in Allic's realm.

  "You know where to go then?"

  "Yes, my mistress."

  Patrice examined the witch and two sirens before her. They were perfect for the task. The sirens were silent, under the control of the witch who would command them when the time was right to weave their song of seduction. The witch had already created around herself the image of an innocent maiden. Patrice could see the cold hardness underneath―the power that could lash out and paralyze weaker forms. But that was hidden beneath silky red hair which cascaded to her waist; hidden in a slender girl-like form, pale doelike eyes, and a gentle expression.

  It was a mirror, Patrice realized―a mirror of herself from a time so distant she could barely remember it. She forced that thought away. It would only bring back the pain of things long lost.

  "Capture as many as you can―and don't fail me in this. Your reward will be great, but your punishment will be greater if you do not succeed."

  The witch bowed low, attempting to hide her fear in the presence of the demigod.

  "I will watch through your crystal, but I cannot direct: to do so would reveal me to my cousin Allic and to Sarnak." Patrice pointed to the crystal around her throat. "Go then, and succeed."

  The witch beckoned for the two sirens to follow, and the throne room was empty.

  Patrice turned back to her seeing crystal and held it with her gaze, searching for clues about these strangers. There was some power here to ponder. She couldn't quite place a finger on it. It was not the Essence alone of the men that caught her. There was something more―a vague reawakening of an older memory which she had tried to turn away, but its haunting presence would not let go.

  * * * *

  Pina stood before the assembled offworlders.

  "Let me explain the situation to you, so you can see that Lord Allic is offering you something in return for your services. There are powers in this world that far surpass those feeble weapons you carry." Pina waved at Lieutenant Mokaoto's pistol, lying on the ground where he had dropped it. In a flash the gun was sliced in half by a beam of light that snapped out from Pina's hand.

  The men looked at each other nervously.

  "You have made an enemy of Sarnak the Accursed," Pina continued. "Not a wise thing to do, even for experienced sorcerers of this world. To ones such as yourselves..."

  He fell silent for a moment, letting the reality sink in.

  "You have little food, no water, no shelter, and wounded to heal. What will you do when his demons come again this evening?"

  The offworlders muttered among themselves. A breeze stirred the trees and brought the stench from the smoldering demons lying on the ground. Mark looked from the alien sky to the beasts, suppressing a shudder.

  Pina smiled inwardly at Mark's anxiety. He knew a simple way of demonstrating his intentions and power. Walking over to Josh's stretcher, he gestured for the humans to draw back. The men looked to Mark, who ordered them to obey with a wave of his hand.

  This would be a drain to his power but Pina took one of the crystals from his belt, cupped it in his hand and laid it on Jose's wounds. Though he did not have the talent to completely heal the wounds, he could at least stabilize the injury and end the pain. Josh's eyes flickered open and met Pina's, and then turned towards Mark.

  "Captain, where are we?"

  Mark shook his head and smiled. "Later, Jose, later."

  * * * *

  The Americans and Japanese were divided into two groups facing Pina. The conference had been going on for over an hour.

  Finally Ikawa said, "Enough! You say that in return for three of your years' service, you will assist us in this world."

  "That is correct. My lord and master Aliic will provide you with food, shelter, and training in return for your enlistment under his banner. If you serve honorably, you will be treated honorably."

  "Our duty is to serve the emperor. We cannot serve him if we are dead or stuck here." Ikawa cast a steely eye at his men and barked a command. Each Japanese snapped to attention and bowed. Turning back to Pina, Ikawa continued, "So we will swear fealty to your Lord Allic for three years and then we will try to return home." And he bowed.

  Pina, using the knowledge he had assimilated from their minds, bowed back at the correct angle, and they straightened at the same moment.

  Conversation had ceased among the Americans while this took place, and as Pina turned to face them, Kochanski burst out, "I just can't believe this. Not only are we in a nightmare, but we're going from the twentieth century back to the middle ages and now we gotta swear to serve some feudal lord. It's too much."

  "Look at it this way, Sergeant," drawled Lieutenant Goldberg. "You're just enlisting in another army."

  "We sure as shit don't have much choice," agreed Walker.

  Mark heard them and said, "If anybody has any negatives, let's hear them now, 'cause we're going for it otherwise. Remember, this guy saved Josh's life." He pointed to where their comrade peacefully slept.

  No one spoke.

  Mark turned to Pina. "All right. We also agree to serve for three years. But no fast ones."

  "Elaborate, please."

  "I will not command my men to pull any bullshit like massacring innocents or if..." Mark floundered for a moment, then continued, "your treatment of us leaves anything to be desired. If you get too nasty all bets are off and we try to make it on our own."

  "You are giving a conditional acceptance then?"


  Pina stood straighter for a moment as if in communication with someone not present and then continued, "Allic has agreed, but rest assured, we do not massacre innocents, and your treatment will be honorable."

  "So what happens after this?" asked Walker.

  "We'll take you to Landra, our province's capital, and find you quarters. Then you'll start your training."

  "What kind of training?" Ikawa asked.

  "All of you outlanders have the potential to be sorcerers. The force you call magic is simply the ability to control your will, and then to draw upon the Essence and shape it to your desire. Very few here have this ability, because most humans are genetically unable to draw upon the Essence. Only the gods themselves, their heirs, and sorcerers like myself may use it."

  "You mean that you're a mutant, and this magic crap comes from the gods," Kochanski scoffed.

  Pina's gaze hardened, and the aura of diffused light that surrounded his body grew much brighter.

  Kraut kicked Kochanski lightly and muttered, "Don't piss him off, asshole."

  Mark was more blunt. "Kochanski, shut the fuck up!" And be stepped between Pina and his man, protecting him with his body.

  "Pina, a lot of what you're saying is hard for us to swallow."

  Ikawa joined in, "We deeply appreciate your enlightening us. Please continue." Mark shot him a grateful glance.

  Pina was still staring hard at Kochanski. "The ability to use the Essence is so rare and precious that families and clans thank fate when a child is born with it. It occurs in only one of a million births."

  He paused. There was another benefit to u
sing the Essence, but he didn't want to mention it yet. "And the gods are not like your god. Our gods are here with us, enormously powerful, and a permanent fixture of our world of Haven. When you swear fealty to Allic you are also swearing loyalty to his father and liege lord, Jartan, ruler of this whole region of the planet, and one of the Creators."

  There was silence as the men absorbed what he was saying.

  "I will see to it that you eventually meet Jartan, Kochanski. And we will see if you still have doubts."

  There was silence for a moment and Pina continued, "Once we get you settled in quarters, you will start your training."

  "Does that mean we're going to have to live with the slants?" Lieutenant Younger pointed contemptuously to the Japanese.

  As one man the Japanese turned, ready to face the challenge.

  "Unwashed foreign pig. Our ancestors were civilized before your forebears crawled from under rocks. Why should we want to live with you?" hissed Sergeant Nobuaki.

  A crack like thunder brought them back to reality. Pina brought his arms down and said quietly, "I grow weary of this. You are from the same world, fighting for survival in a hostile environment. I order you to put aside your hatreds. Failure to treat each other properly will be severely punished. I trust I am making myself clear."

  The two groups fell silent, eyeing each other suspiciously. Pina looked the two groups over for a moment and then indicated that the men should settle down and rest.

  Pina strode over to his two assistants and relaxed beneath the shade of a low hanging tree.

  "So none of them were aware of the Essence in their own world?" one assistant asked incredulously.

  "Remarkable, isn't it?" Pina replied quietly. "Apparently no one in their entire world has ever been exposed to the Essence in its pure form, and thus they have no built-in immunity to wielding it. A strange world, that."

  "Wait until they find out what having the ability to use the Essence means," the first assistant said, chuckling softly. "As off balance as they seem to be right now, which do you think is going to affect them more―the powers of a sorcerer or the increased lifespan?"


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