Devlin's Descendant

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Devlin's Descendant Page 12

by Felicia Tatum

  “We should have some sense of normalcy,” he muttered, jumping to open Olivia’s door for her.

  I had my hand on the knob, ready to pull Sadie’s open, when she barreled out, causing me stumble back. She stared at me, smirking, and I couldn’t stop myself from smiling. The girl was impossible. Impossibly frustrating, sassy, and beautiful. I shrugged and shook my head, stuffing my hands in my pocket so I wasn’t tempted to touch her.

  “Let’s go, guys,” Scott called. He led Olivia in, claiming a table for four. We all sat, Sadie and me on one side, Scott and Olivia on the other. They clasped their hands together, giving each other the doe eyes they so often possessed. I had to look away. A young server, a male about Scott’s age, came over, placing menus in front of each of us, and taking our drink order. He eyed Sadie, his gaze travelling from her hair to her face, and further still.

  The rage I felt, or perhaps the jealousy, was consuming. It took all I had to not knock his nose in for looking at her that way. How had Scott not noticed this guy ravishing his little sister with his eyes? Oh yeah, I forgot, he was ravishing Olivia with his eyes. Sadie was oblivious, studying her menu carefully. Server boy finally walked away, though he glanced over his shoulder to check her out a few more times.

  Leaning in, I hissed, “Sade, did you not see him checking you out?” Venom dripped from my voice like icicles pinking against glass.

  She raised a brow, turning to glare at me. “What’s it matter to you?”

  My breathing was ragged, unsteady. Scott and Olivia stopped their cooing long enough to watch us with intrigue.

  “He…he was…” I started, but stopped when he brought our drinks.

  He set everyone’s down without a word except Sadie’s. “Here you are, Beautiful.”

  She smiled slightly, her cheeks turning rosy. She blushed a lot lately, but it was usually because of me. Now this clown was making her do it. I clenched my fists under the table, jerking my knee up and down. Olivia glanced at me, hiding her mouth behind her hand to suppress her giggle. She winked at me, then paid very close attention to her straw.

  “Thanks,” Sadie said quietly, bending her head down.

  Maybe she didn’t like him. He took our orders, and I practically spit mine at him. I’m sure he’d return the spit later on. He eyed me carefully, noting our hands were not conjoined and we didn’t appear to be a couple.

  Because you aren’t, Aiden. The voice in my head was getting more and more annoying. I sat in silence, fuming over his eyes trailing her body, her blushing at his words, and everything else that happened. I didn’t bother to tell her what he was doing, because she apparently enjoyed it. Our food arrived, and the table was quiet while we enjoyed our meal. Well, while they enjoyed their meals. All I could do was think about the server who stood behind the counter staring at and watching Sadie. When he slipped her a piece of paper, with his phone number I assumed, I thought my head might explode. I stomped to the car, refusing to watch any more of their exchange.


  “What is happening?” I whispered to Liv. I watched Aiden curiously for the entire meal, his behavior growing more and more bizarre.

  She scoffed, giving me a wary side glance. “Seriously?”

  I shrugged. I was beginning to wonder if he’d just become the vessel again. He was acting that odd.

  “He’s jealous. The waiter was checking Sadie out,” she explained.

  Aiden walked out of the restaurant moments before, and Sadie got up and ran to the restroom moments ago. These two were giving me a headache.

  “Oh, Mr. Sexy,” she giggled. “You’re so oblivious to everything. The waiter liked Sadie…well, Aiden also likes Sadie, so when the waiter called her beautiful and she laughed, Aiden got mad with jealousy. I would think you would recognize that,” she said sassily.

  I wanted to glare at her, but I couldn’t. Her green eyes blazed with mischief, her hair swayed with each word she spoke. I don’t know how she managed to look incredibly sexy while telling me like it was, but she did. I found my eyes drawn to her lips, the perfectly pink pout she possessed. It drove me crazy.

  “Are you listening?” she asked. She watched me intently, then turned to look for Sadie. Satisfied she wasn’t coming back now, she brought her eyes back to mine.

  “No, I’m not,” I admitted. I reached out, sliding my thumb over her bottom lip. “I’m thinking about kissing you.”

  She smirked. Those perfect lips curving ever so slightly in one direction. “Oh, yeah? Why are you just thinking about it?” she countered, resting her elbow on the table and placing her head in palm.

  I took that as my invitation. Pulling her closer by gently tugging on her chin, I placed my lips on hers. The electricity ignited, our mouths melting into one. Her tongue darted in and out of my mouth, causing my brain to haze. I somehow remembered where we were, breaking off our intimate moment before the restaurant diners realized what we were doing. “Later,” I whispered. “We must be going.”

  Her emerald jewels met mine as she nodded. I paid our bill while she went to search for Sadie. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen when we all got in the car, but I imagined it would not be fun when it came to Aiden and my sister.


  Sadie stood in the restroom leaning against the counter and staring at herself in the mirror. She wasn’t acting like her normal self, and it shook me.

  “Sadie?” I asked, stepping close but not too close.

  “Why does he like me? Why does he act like this?” she questioned, not moving an inch.

  “Because you’re beautiful and amazing, duh,” I laughed, but stopped when I saw she was dead serious. “Hey, what’s going on?”

  “I’m not that pretty,” she muttered. She finally lowered her gaze, memorizing every inch of the counter.

  I grabbed her arm, turning her to me. “Hey, look at me. You are gorgeous, Sadie. A lot of guys like you. Why do you think Aiden was acting crazy? Did you not see the way our waiter was eyeing you?” I inquired.

  “He was not,” she growled.

  Was she angry about this? “Umm…” I said, making a scene and placing my finger to my chin like I was thinking. “I was there, yes he was.”

  “But why?” she stressed. Her chocolate saucers for eyes peered deeply into mine.

  “Because you are beautiful, inside and out,” I smiled. I pulled her close, hugging her tightly. “Sadie, where has your confidence gone?”

  “I’m not used to this boy stuff,” she admitted. “It’s making me crazy.”

  “Boys do that to us,” I laughed. “I know your brother makes me nuts sometimes, but it’s normal…I think.”

  “I hope so. I think I’m too young to go mental,” she sighed, face deadly serious.

  I laughed again, linking our arms at the elbows. “Let’s go shopping.”


  We dragged Aiden from the car, though he protested a little, and the four of us walked down the street until we found a clothing shop. The boys went in one direction, Sadie and I in the other. It’d been so long since I’d shopped…it took all I had to not stop and look at and try everything on. The silky dresses, the warm sweaters, the snowy boots, they all called to me.

  We decided a snow jacket, knee high snow boots, and a pair of extra thick jeans would be enough for each of us, and we shuffled through the racks until we found our sizes. The boys stood near the front of the store, bags items loaded in their arms, impatiently watching us head to the dressing rooms.

  I giggled, “Sadie, they’re mad we’re trying them on.”

  “Well, they’ll laugh when ours fit and theirs don’t,” she huffed from the room next to mine.

  I chuckled softly at her response, then tried on everything. Once we were satisfied everything fit and would keep us warm, we met with the boys. Scott purchased everything for us, though I wasn’t sure where he got all the money. He’d quit his job, but I didn’t ask questions. I sure as heck didn’t have any money, so I was more than happy for him to p
ay for it. I knew Aiden didn’t have any either. We stopped back at the café we dined at, using the restroom to change into our purchases. Our few hours of rest were over. It was time to finish the rest of our drive and find the council.


  There was so much snow. It covered the buildings, the ground, the light poles, it was even scattered across the power lines. How did people live like this? We drove slowly through the town, not stopping for any directions or anything. We knew we needed to be in the mountain, and Liv knew the street name that would get us there.

  “Spell it again,” Scott demanded from the front. He bent over the steering wheel, the wipers furiously clearing the falling snow from his windshield. He squinted his eyes, searching for the street signs, but it was hopeless. The snow was too thick, falling too hard. “We’re going to have to get out, guys,” he sighed. He drove on a few miles, before parking his truck in a small clearing between some trees.

  Bundling up even more, I glanced at Liv. She looked serene, but I knew she was nervous. Her eyes held her sadness and fear. We didn’t know what was going to happen, but it was certain she was finding out something heartbreaking.

  “Hey, concentrate on being warm. You can heat yourself so you don’t get too cold out there,” I instructed.

  “What about Aiden?” she whispered. “I’m not doing that if he can’t be warm, too.”

  Pursing my lips, I thought about it longer than I should have. I knew it would be up to me take care of him, and now it was time to start. “I’ll handle it.”

  “Are you sure?” she hissed, eyes wide in surprise.

  I nodded. “Aiden?” I called.

  He turned quickly, the brightness of his eyes catching my breath. “Yeah, Sade?”

  “You need to walk with me. I’m going to keep you warm,” I said, instantly regretting my word choice.

  I raised his right brow, and his lips turned in a side smirk. “Oh, yeah,” he asked, looking me over and raising his eyebrows up and down really fast. “How?”

  “With my magic,” I chuckled. The laughter couldn’t be contained. He looked so ridiculous giving me the once over that I had to let him know about it. “Don’t do that again,” I instructed.

  “Why not, Sade? You want to keep me warm, don’t you?” he mocked, feigning surprise and holding his heart.

  “Why do you call her Sade?” Scott asked.

  I wasn’t aware he was listening, but his question threw me. Was I flirting with Aiden in front of my brother?

  “It’s just a nickname,” I answered nonchalantly.

  He turned, peering at me. I knew Olivia hadn’t told him anything specific, but he knew enough. He started at me for a minute, then shook his head and declared. “It’s time.”

  We all stumbled out of the vehicle, the cold shocking our bodies. I felt the warmth of my magic spread over me. I created my own little fireplace inside my clothing. I walked to Aiden, dreading the next part of our conversation. “Give me your hand,” I commanded.

  “Why?” he asked. He eyed me suspiciously.

  “I have to hold it to keep you warm,” I sighed. I wasn’t looking forward to it. I knew it would bring a plethora of feelings I didn’t want to deal with to the surface. Not to mention, walking in to meet the council wasn’t the best time to catch a case of those nauseating butterflies.

  He stared at my hand for a moment, then gently interlocked our fingers. The warm I felt before was nothing to the fire Aiden stirred in me. I inhaled, then pushed my magic into his body, seeing his eyes widen in surprise when he, too, felt a fireplace glowing from within.

  “That’s cool,” he said.

  I shook my head, “No, it’s hot.”

  He laughed, like threw his head back and howled laughed. “Sade made a funny,” he joked, pointing at me with his free hand.

  “Ha. Ha. Let’s go, they’re walking,” I nodded to Olivia and Scott. They were just up ahead, also holding hands. They trekked through the mounds of snow, Olivia’s short legs almost completely disappearing with each step.

  Stopping, Scott turned and waited for us to catch up. “This isn’t going to work.”

  “What?” I questioned.

  “I’m going to carry Livvie. It’s going to take all day if she walks,” he said, turning so she could jump on his back. “I suggest you carry my sister,” he said to Aiden.

  Holding hands was intense…but now the boy had to carry me? I glared at Scott, about to spout off a few choice words, when Aiden’s grip on me tightened. I shifted my eyes to his waiting to hear what he had to say.

  “Just do it. I’m here to help and this may be the whole reason Abana wanted me to come. My boots and legs are high enough to keep me out of the large drifts, but you’re much shorter. Even with this furnace thing you’ve got going on, you’re going to get soaked.”

  I so desperately wanted to pick at my nails, but he turned, bending so I could climb on his back. I grasped his shoulders, and launched myself on to him. He held me behind my knees, and I reconnected the warmth to him. Our faces were close, merely inches apart, and I knew he could feel my heartbeat even through this heavy jacket. I repositioned myself, hearing him let out a slight groan, and urged him to follow my brother.


  Her smell was overwhelming, her nearness causing mass confusion in my brain. I held her legs tightly, praying she didn’t fall from my back, and trampled on behind Scott. Her breath was hot on my neck, her hair tickling as it hit when I walked. My legs sunk in the snow with each step, the ground feeling further and further away. The coldness seeped in, but Sadie’s heater thing sent it right back out.

  “I’m sorry he made you do this,” she sighed, resting her chin on my shoulder. She was light, as I imagined she would be, but her body being so close to mine was making me insane. The way her body covered over mine, snuggled perfectly against my neck as I walked. Her legs were tight around my waist, squeezing so hard I knew she was afraid I would let her fall.

  “I don’t mind,” I said, a little out of breath. It wasn’t from carrying her, but from her being so dangerously close. My body was reacting in ways that were inappropriate for this journey.

  “That’s it,” Olivia called from a few feet in front of us.

  I rushed forward, well, as fast I could in the two foot high snow, and stopped in front of a sign. A standard green street sign stood before us, housing the name Mountain Lane. Olivia hesitantly reached out, brushing the snow from it to get a better look. She looked at Scott, who turned to face us. Their expressions reflected what I imagined mine and Sadie’s did; despair, fear, eagerness, and wariness. I gulped, waiting for what came next.

  “We should just have to walk up this slope here and we’ll be at the entrance,” she said, pointing to the covered trail right behind her. Her voice was shaky, and I imagined it wasn’t from the cold.

  I felt Sadie tighten her grip on me, her thighs clenching my sides, her arms gripping my neck. “Sade,” I choked out. “Not…so…tight.”

  She gasped, sliding her hands down my chest and resting on the edges of the pockets. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  “It’s ok…just didn’t want to fall.”

  “We ready?” Scott asked, looking at us. We both nodded, and he trudged on.

  I followed behind. Sadie’s breathing was as heavy as mine. We both were silent, lost in our own thoughts. I stumbled my way through the drifts, my boots thick with the wet, fluffy stuff. Sadie occasionally helped, using her powers to sweep the larger drifts out of the way or to melt a few inches. When I asked why she didn’t do that the whole time, her answer was mind-numbing and a slap in the face.

  “I need to save my strength in case there’s a fight,” she meekly admitted.

  It was real. We were about to step into a cave, where no one knew where we were except a deer, and face down with a council of magical sorcerers who may or may not allow us back out. The nauseating feeling was back, and just in time…because Olivia announced our arrival.


  The dark, menacing entrance gloomed over us. Livvie slid down my back, landing with a soft thud, the snow up to her knees. She stepped up beside me, linking our hands together. Aiden and Sadie came up behind us. They took a place by my other side, the four of us standing in a row, silently staring and evaluating the cave before us.

  We were higher up the mountain, the road taking us a few hundred feet. The cave entrance was about seven feet wide, five feet tall. I’d definitely have to duck to get in. The dark, frozen rock pulsed around us, not inviting at all. The inside looked as dark as the rock, making my mind wonder what exactly was in there waiting for us.

  “We need lights,” Sadie stated.

  I nodded in agreement. She and I worked together, creating lanterns for us to carry. Each of us had one, illuminated from our magic, so it wouldn’t go out from a gust of wind or the cold. Another sorcerer…well, that was a different story.

  We each took one in hand. I stepped forward, then turned. I pulled Livvie to me, covering my lips with hers and kissed her with meaning. Our tongues tangled, our lips moved in sync. We parted, her eyes dark with desire.

  “Scott,” she said breathlessly. “We have to go in now.”

  Nodding, I grabbed her free hand, squeezing tightly. “Good luck, everyone. Remember, don’t antagonize anyone. Keep calm and collected,” I glanced around, stopping my gaze on Sadie, “Don’t be sarcastic.” I turned to Aiden, “Or snarky.”

  Rolling her eyes, Sadie agreed. “Fine. I know better, just so you know.”

  Aiden snorted, but removed his cocky expression when my eyes fell on him again. “I got it, man. This is important.”

  “We’re going in first, you two stay close behind.”

  We all faced the entrance again, and I stepped forward, bending to not hit my head and stepped inside. I instantly felt the magical pull to the center. It called to me, urging me forward. Livvie followed quickly behind and we scurried out of the way to allow room for Sadie and Aiden. They entered, Sadie perking to the energy hanging in the air, while Aiden was oblivious. He appeared nervous, though, because he looked around, searching for who knows what every few seconds.


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