Devlin's Descendant

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Devlin's Descendant Page 13

by Felicia Tatum

  “This way,” Livvie instructed, pulling me forward. We walked slowly, carefully. The rocks were damp and slick. How it wasn’t ice, I wasn’t sure, but I was grateful in this moment. It was probably negative degrees outside, so there was definitely something else at play here. There should be ice…we should be harmed. Nothing was as it seemed in this place, on this journey.

  We continued on, creating a train of people, each holding another’s hand. We still hadn’t found any people, or saw any lights. The cave was eerily quiet. It was the kind of quiet that scared you, because you could feel it deep in your soul. You knew something was going to happen, you just didn’t know what.

  Livvie suddenly stopped, glancing around. “I don’t remember which way to go now.”

  “Which way does your gut tell you?” I questioned.

  “Right,” she replied.

  “Then we go right.”

  Our steps grew slower, more gradual. I heard the faint sound of talking, and knew we were headed toward the council. Livvie’s breathing grew more intense, her grip more lethal. I stayed by her side, for comfort and support. We walked for twenty or so more minutes when a light began pouring in all around us. There was a bend up ahead, and the voices were louder behind it. We were almost there, the council mere feet from us.

  We slowed, inching forward now. I could hear all of us breathing heavily, the air thick where we all were on edge. Livvie rounded the corner first, dropping her lantern and covering her mouth with her hand to contain a gasp.


  The table, the drapes, it all was exactly as my dream walking. The only difference…there were people at the table now. One in particular stood out. His brown hair, his friendly eyes, the face I’d known for so long.

  Mark was a member of the council.

  He sat on the end, his face showing his desperation clearly. He was not happy to be there. I lowered my hand, staring at him intently. His eyes met mine, pleading with me to be understanding. Scott came to my side, gasping slightly when he noticed my reason for distress. Aiden and Sadie had similar reactions.

  “Mark?” I whispered.

  He put up a hand, shushing me. He darted his eyes to the side, telling me we couldn’t talk in front of them. I inhaled, straightening my back, and stepping forward. “My name is Olivia Whitehead and I’m here to find out where my parents are.”

  The center person, a large woman with long, flowing brown hair, and huge brown eyes spoke first. “Olivia, we’ve been expecting you. Please, come forward and introduce your friends.”

  I walked to the center in front of the table, stopping about five feet from it. I motioned to each of my companions, introducing them to her, then waited. Weren’t they going to tell me who they were?

  “I see,” she bellowed. She stared at me, not even acknowledging my friends or love when I’d told her their names. “Why have they come with you?”

  “For support.”

  “I understand that you have powers, and seeing your white aura, I would assume these rumors are true. Please explain what you can do and how it happened.”

  I glanced at Scott, who smiled reassuringly. “Well, it started about six months ago, around my seventeenth birthday. I woke up with a fever one day and was sick for a few days after. Then I could see things…when I touched my best friend, I saw her as a baby, at the present, and her death,” I gulped at the memory. It wasn’t a good one. Seeing it play out at the dance had been worse.

  “After that, we were attacked by The Crimson Calamitous,” I sighed internally for saying it the right way in front of them. “It was in the midst of the battle that I discovered I could create these little balls of fire in my palm. I wounded him…,”I glanced at Aiden sadly, “And his vessel that way.”

  “You fought The Crimson Calamitous…and not only survived but wounded him?” she questioned, obviously unbelieving.

  I nodded. “Then I was taken. Someone captured me…it turned out to be someone that was helping The Crimson Calamitous. I could project my spirit, which I found out is called espying, and that’s how we were rescued.”

  “We?” she interrupted.

  “Yes, Aiden here was captured as well,” I explained.

  “Why would they want this human?” she questioned.

  She was starting to get on my nerves with her demanding nature, but I stayed quiet and cooperative. “He was the vessel I harmed.”

  Her mouth formed an “O” and she turned to study him. It made me uneasy the way her eyes devoured him, how interested she was in him all of a sudden. I had to distract her, bring the focus back to me.

  “Anyway, after that I found out I could heal living things like trees, but I haven’t really, directly tried on a person. I can conjure things like food and lanterns, and move objects when I think about them.”

  “Go on,” she said, blinking several times.

  “That’s all I really can think of…I know my linage, and I do want to say I haven’t had any symptoms of becoming like my mother. I’ve not had any crazy cravings, or the urge to…bite anyone.”

  “Very well. It’s our turn to speak,” she stated. She rose, her long robes matching the large drapes hanging from the ceiling. It was almost comical, but I couldn’t think of that right now. Seriousness was essential in winning over the council. Before I could think any more about it, she decided to speak.


  The council was intimidating, to say the least. They all sat there, staring at Olivia like she was the last steak in the restaurant. And Mark was a member? What the hell was up with that development? I inched closer to Aiden, wanting with all my heart to protect him from them. I knew I couldn’t. None of us could if it came down to that.

  The billowy woman was standing now, gazing at Liv. She turned to the members, but they all kept their heads down, eyes on the paper in front of them. If there was paper there, shouldn’t they be taking notes? Not one of them held the pen provided. I focused back on the woman, whose name I still didn’t know, and listened intently.

  “You were bound, by this very council, minus two members, when you were just one year old, Ms. Whitehead. It was for a reason, and now you stand here, spouting off all the things you can do. You expect us to help you? Why should we? We need to bind you again.”

  My heart quickened. This was going downhill faster than I thought. Scott stepped forward, holding his arm out to protect Olivia. Aiden stiffened beside me, placing his hand on the small of my back. It was comforting, warm, but it also showed he, too, knew things were turning in the wrong direction.

  “Why do you have to bind me? Have I said anything that is dangerous?” she countered. Her voice didn’t waiver, her stance stayed confident. My heart soared with pride for her. Being true and strong would hopefully steer the council back in the direction we wanted them.

  “You’re too powerful,” a deep voice said from the far end of the table. A man, well over six feet tall, stood. He walked, slowly and deliberately to stand beside the woman. I really wish they would tell us who they were.

  “I beg to disagree,” she stated. Her hands moved a few times at her side, itching to move but she held her control.

  “You fought The Crimson Calamitous and survived, child, what do you mean you disagree?” he barked. His dark, angry face contorted. His robes blew around him, opening to reveal knives adorning his hips, jutting out of his belt.

  I couldn’t tear my eyes away from him, from the weapons. Was he planning on using these on us? Were we really going to die today? Aiden moved his hand, gripping my side. I leaned in to him, not caring if I was showing my feelings. It looked like everything was ending soon anyway, so did it matter anymore?

  “I would like to point out that everyone is against The Crimson Calamitous, and perhaps our knowledge of him,” she said, waving to us, “could help you defeat him.”

  They all looked at one another, Mark the only one keeping his head bowed. Why was he here? The past few weeks of his absence, the odd message from Grandma, it all w
as coming back to me. Was he against us? Was Mark truly an enemy? Did Juniper know of this….I didn’t know what to call it, betrayal, maybe? It sickened me. I desperately wanted answers.

  “It could…or you could try to destroy us,” the woman spat.

  Did the other council members not speak? Why had Grandma always told us they were the good people? They hardly seemed pure.

  Scott spoke next, taking two steps forward. “May I speak?”

  She gave him a glance, barely nodding her reply.

  “The Crimson Calamitous is working with someone…in the Tabors family. I want to destroy the monster that hurt my heart mate and stole my brother from me. I think that Liv…”he cleared his throat, “Olivia, here could be the answer. I believe she has the power to destroy him.”

  “Tabors you say?”

  He nodded.

  “Are you the Tabors that have the curse from Devlin Hart?” the man asked, honestly intrigued.

  This couldn’t be good. I placed my hand over Aiden’s, gripping tightly.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “And she’s your heart mate?” he nodded to Olivia.

  Scott nodded again.

  “And how old are you, girl?” he asked.

  “Seventeen, Sir,” she said. She sounded defeated.

  “So, you’re set to die on your eighteenth birthday? Or is it soon?” the woman asked, a little too delighted about the revelation.

  “We met too soon, because of The Crimson Calamitous,” Liv admitted. She stepped to Scott’s side, grasping his hand tightly. “I want him destroyed for everything that’s happened.”

  “This is quite the development,” the man pondered to the woman.

  “Indeed,” she answered, swiveling her head to stare at Olivia once more.

  “Did you know…that your father is working with Devlin? Did you know you’re the descendant that young Scott here has to kill in order to break the curse?”

  I swallowed hard, wishing this would just end. What had she meant, Olivia’s father is working with Devlin? Is that the heartbreaking news Grandma told us about?

  “I’m aware,” Olivia said snidely. “I’m not sure what you mean about my father, however.”

  The woman laughed, clearly enjoying herself. “Well, my dear, your father abandoned your mother, going to Devlin to help destroy this family you’re so taken with. We have your mother under protection because they’re set to kill her to get to you.”

  Olivia let out a strangled cry, collapsing against Scott. Mark, obviously distressed, stood quickly.

  “Harlow,” he started, quickly clenching his fists. “I’ve known Olivia since I was a young sorcerer. I’d like to point out that I was there for the battle with The Crimson Calamitous and have no doubt she can destroy him with the proper training and time. As for her father…she shouldn’t be punished for his mistakes.”

  The woman, I’m assuming Harlow, turned to glare at him. “How dare you speak? You are the youngest member and therefore, the least important. Take your seat,” she commanded.

  She paced behind the tables, then came around, standing in front of Olivia. “I have…a proposal.”

  Olivia looked at Scott nervously, then turned to Harlow. “Ok.”

  “If you can defeat The Crimson Calamitous and Devlin Hart by your eighteenth birthday, then we’ll let you live. Depending on how exactly you use your magical abilities and if any more appear, we will decide if you can keep them.”

  Olivia sighed, glancing around and settling her eyes on Mark. She closed her eyes, and I wondered what she was thinking, how she would answer. My grip on Aiden was still strong, using him for my support.


  The scene unfolding before me was something out of a movie. I held tightly to Sadie, knowing she needed me. This Harlow woman was vicious, and her hatred for Olivia shone through as bright as our lanterns. She and Olivia stood, facing off, as she laid her proposal out on the table. Olivia looked at Mark, the two of them having some silent conversation with their eyes. She moved a step away from Scott, jutting her chin out, straightening her back.

  “I want to see my mother before I make a decision,” she demanded. She was strong, her voice authoritative.

  “You’re making demands?” the man laughed. “You’ve got guts, kid.” He shook his head, turning and strutting back to his seat.

  Harlow’s eyes narrowed as she cast a deadly glance at Olivia. Her lips pursed tightly. She glared at her for so long I was beginning to think she was casting some sort of voodoo on her. Finally, she began to speak. “Very well. They stay,” she instructed, nodding to us. “Aaron will take you.”

  The big, bulky man from earlier stood, supposedly Aaron, and rounded the table. “This way,” he stated, leading Olivia away.

  My heart tugged, my head screamed at me to do something, to stop her somehow. What could we do, though? “Wait,” I called. I reluctantly let go of Sadie, noticing the shocked expression she gave me, and moved forward. “I’d like to go with her, please.”

  “I said only she can go,” Harlow snapped, the hatred swirling in her dark eyes.

  “I know, and I think I know why. They’re sorcerers, I get it. They could be dangerous. I’m just a human, though.”

  She inspected me, her eyes roaming over my body slowly. “You don’t have an aura…but you’re more than human.”

  Huh? “I beg to disagree, ma’am. I was merely a vessel,” I shrugged.

  “You can go. Aaron, keep a close eye on this one. He doesn’t know what he is.”

  He doesn’t know what he is. Her words played in my mind again and again. What was she talking about? What was I, if I was more than human? Had I been correct when I suspected The Crimson Calamitous left some of his evil in me? The thoughts consumed me as I silently followed behind Olivia. We ambled on, Aaron leading us through the dark and murky cave. Each step echoed around us, and I longed to speak to Liv, find out what was on her mind.

  Aaron finally stopped, opening a door I couldn’t quite see. We entered a small room, holding a lot of what Sebastian had for me when he’d captured me the second time. A woman, looking much like Olivia, was seated on the bed. At the creak of the door, her head snapped up, her eyes widening with shock at seeing her daughter.


  Aiden was more than human…I kept giving Sadie looks that spoke volumes, and I knew she was thinking the same, but being surrounded by the council was hardly the time to talk about it. Harlow circled me, surveying and watching me.

  “Are you willing to kill her to break the curse?” she asked.

  “Never.” And I meant it, I would die first.

  “You’re stupid,” she laughed. Then turned to Sadie. “You’re his sister?”

  Sadie nodded, her eyebrow arched. She wasn’t about to take this woman’s crap and I was a little scared about what was about to go down.

  “Are you willing to kill her to break the curse? That human boy, is he your heart mate?”

  “No, I’m not willing to kill her, and no he’s not,” she spat. Her face was defiant, her hands sneaking to rest on her hips. Sassy Sadie was coming out to play.

  “What if you meet him before you’re allowed? Will you kill her then?”

  Sadie rolled her eyes, and I groaned. She was going to piss her off even more. “No, I won’t kill Olivia.”

  Harlow moved swiftly, jerking Sadie’s face up by her chin. “Insolence…disobedience…you have it all.”

  Sadie’s eyes narrowed, “Let me go…please,” she hissed.

  Harlow dropped her hand, coming back to me. “Your whole family is as crazy as your grandmother,” she stated.

  I heard Sadie’s sharp intake of breath, and I clenched my fists. Harlow smirked, and I realized what she was doing. She wanted us to lose control, to give her a reason to fight us, bind us, or whatever it was she wanted. I bit my tongue, so hard I tasted the blood seeping out. I wouldn’t give in to her. I wouldn’t be the weak one. I darted my eyes to Sadie, who gave her a deathly glare, bu
t kept her mouth closed.

  “Not going to talk? That’s ok, I can talk for you,” Harlow cooed.

  She disgusted me. She rattled on about my family, how ignorant my brilliant grandmother was, how stupid the rest of my family turned out to be. Sadie’s face grew a deeper shade of red with each word spoken until I was sure her head would explode. I stayed silent, though I’d murdered this witch several times in my mind.

  The torture continued until finally Mark had enough. He stood, nostrils flaring with anger, and bellowed, “Stop!”


  “Mom,” I cried, running into her open arms. We sobbed together, reveling in finally being in each other’s company.

  “I’m so sorry,” she said through tears. She brushed my hair from my face, inspecting me over to ensure my safety.

  “I’m fine,” I reassured her.

  Aaron stood by the door, hand on the knob. He looked between the three of us, then pushed Aiden forward. “I’ll leave you three in here…but no funny business.” He clicked the door behind him and I heard the sound of it locking.

  “Mom, this is Aiden. They let him come with me,” I introduced him in a hurry. “Are you really being kept here to be safe from Daddy?” I questioned. I pleaded with my eyes for it to be untrue.

  The sadness that filled her face told me my answer. My heart broke in that instant, knowing my father betrayed us. No wonder The Destroyers were out to get us.

  “I’m sorry, baby,” she whispered. She pulled me in for a hug, wiping her tears. “What have they said?”

  “They said if I destroy The Crimson Calamitous and Devlin Hart, they’ll let me live…”

  She closed her eyes, pinching the bridge between them, “Dammit.”


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