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Devlin's Descendant

Page 14

by Felicia Tatum

  “What do I do?” I asked.

  “You have to go along with it, Olivia. They will destroy you right now if you refuse,” she hissed. “What of Kyle? Has his binding come undone?”

  I shook my head, but thought of his swift movements and strange behavior lately. “He’s been acting…off…though. I really don’t know him that well, so I could be wrong.”

  She hugged me again. “I’ve messed up so much with you, Olivia. I’m so sorry. When this is all over…I’ll fix it somehow.”

  “Dad really wants to hurt you?” I asked. It was hard for me to believe. The thought was weighing heavily on my chest.

  “He’s…consumed with power right now, Olivia. He’s not the same man I married. I don’t know that he won’t hurt you, so please be safe.” She turned to Aiden, “Keep my daughter safe,” she pleaded.

  He nodded in agreement. “We all will.”


  I was the bull, Harlow was the red flag. One more word from her ugly, bitter mouth and I would charge, full steam ahead and destroy anyone who got in my way. She spouted out the filth about my family, my ears bleeding from the cruelty of her words. How Scott stayed calm during this, I’d never know.

  “How dare you?” I spat, stepping forward. My anger gained the best of me, and without Aiden here to keep a hold on me…I lost it.

  “You have no right to speak to me that way,” she screamed, her voice distorted into a hideous expression.

  “You’re speaking lies about my family, I’ll speak to you how I want,” I countered, grimly looking her over. “Does it make you feel better about yourself to speak badly about us? Can you sleep better at night or something?”

  “Sadie,” Scott started, rushing to my side. “Stop,” he commanded, his voice low.

  I peered in his eyes, seeing the pleading desperation they held. Behind it…there was anger. His dark brown eyes blazed with the same consuming anger I felt, but he was better at self-control. “I can’t,” I admitted, eyeing Harlow.

  She watched us, enjoying the tension.

  “You have to,” he spat, gripping my arm. He turned to Harlow, “I apologize for my sister.”

  “Sure…can’t she apologize herself? She didn’t have any problems speaking a few moments ago,” she snapped.

  I bit my lip hard, about to lose my head again, when the footsteps of someone entering the room distracted me.

  “I accept your proposal,” Olivia stated.


  I followed closely behind, grasping Olivia’s hand in mine. She wasn’t crying anymore, but the emotional goodbye with her mother was heartbreaking. It made me miss my own mother. Mrs. Whitehead couldn’t leave. While she was under their protection, she was also an outsider…a vampire. They weren’t going to kill her, but they didn’t treat her the best either. My heart hurt for her, wishing there was something I could do, some way to help. I squeezed Liv’s hand, and she turned to give me a wary smile.

  “Thank you,” she mouthed.

  I nodded. We didn’t speak, because Aaron was trailing right behind us. He hadn’t said much, losing most of his macho exterior once we left the main council room. I wondered if he did it to impress the other members, or perhaps to impress Harlow.

  She made me sick.

  We approached, and I heard Sadie spatting off to Harlow. I cringed, torn between staying and protecting Olivia and rushing to her aid. After battling with myself, I stayed where I was. Olivia sensed my distress, because she squeezed my hand a few times and increased her pace.

  We entered, and she announced her acceptance. Everyone in the room stopped and stared, gaping at her. Harlow was the most shocked, her fight with Sadie forgotten at Liv’s admission. She stepped forward, eagerly clasping her hands together.

  “Well, well. I see you had a good talk with your mother.”

  “I have a few requests,” Olivia replied. “You can’t harm my mother and when this is over, I want her released.”

  “We have no use for the vampire, we are only keeping her because we don’t want an all out war between species.”

  “Ok, so she will be released, and once you determine I’m not a threat to you, because I’m not, you’ll leave us alone.”

  Harlow circled her like a hunter to prey. She was processing her request, her dark eyes glazed in hatred. She stopped, her nose inches from Olivia’s. They were toe to toe, nose to nose. The stand-off was fascinating, yet terrifying. She spoke low, her voice barely audible. “Very well.”

  Olivia sighed loudly, obviously relieved.

  “Don’t think you’ve won,” Harlow chuckled. “I’m only agreeing because I know you’ll fail.”

  “We’ll see,” Olivia replied. The disdain in her voice was thick, her expression hostile.

  Harlow narrowed her eyes into tiny slits, leaning even closer to Olivia, “We will.”

  I held my breath, watching all of this unfold. Scott and Sadie stood guarded. Sadie was beet red, the anger evident on her lovely face. Her hands were clenched, her chest heaving with her breathing. Scott was worried, I saw each line etched on his face. He didn’t speak, no one did. Olivia was taking control, showing how strong and confident she could be. It was amazing, but I feared for her. Would Harlow find a way to use this against her? Would this cause them to interfere so she didn’t succeed?

  How would she defeat the evil monster that held me captive, the evil sorcerer that took control of me, or the sorcerer who placed a curse on her love’s family…who was her flesh and blood? Would we face her father? Would he come for her? What about Mark? Was he friend or foe?

  The questions racked my brain, distracting me momentarily. I refocused my attention. All members of the council stood, exiting into thin air as they walked off. They took their time, making a show of leaving, until finally, only Mark remained. Olivia hurried back, to see if her mother was still here, but I knew she would be gone. The council wouldn’t be so careless, so stupid as to leave her here while we were still in the cave. I hurried to Sadie’s side, longing to know if she was ok.

  “What happened?” I questioned at the same time she asked me the same thing.

  “You first,” she directed.

  Without thinking, I took her hand in mine. The feel of her warmth comforted me, and when she didn’t pull away, it was even better. I rubbed a small circle with my thumb on her upper hand, hearing her breath catch. Gaining control, I told her what happened with Olivia’s mom. I explained what she said, how she told her to accept the proposal.

  She listened intently, telling me all the details of her stand-off with Harlow, the awful things she said about her family. I grew angry just hearing them, so I could only imagine how she felt. It was her family, her flesh and blood this evil, demented woman rattled on and on about. We comforted each other merely by our presence, each strengthening the other as we stood and waited.


  Narrowing my eyes, I stared Mark down. He was a part of the council, and now that they were gone, it was time for some answers. I waited for Livvie, knowing I would lose my head without her beside me. Feeling her body standing at my side, knowing she was there to keep me grounded, was enough. I needed that to make sure I didn’t rip Mark’s head off. He’d been a part of this, knowing we were coming here, and didn’t bother to warn us.

  Grandma hadn’t either.

  Her mysterious remarks about Livvie finding out devastating news, which was obviously about her father, told me she knew more than she’d let on. Had she and Mark both kept things from us? Why would they do that?

  I glanced at my sister, seeing her and Aiden holding hands. They appeared to be deep in conversation, both of them looking tragically broken and worried. I turned rushing in the direction Livvie went, desperate to find her, to hold her close. Feel her warmth, her comfort. I hurried through the darkened cave, using my senses and my gut as my guide. A light appeared to the left, leading me to a small room where Livvie lay helplessly across the bed, sobbing.

  “My love,” I whisper
ed, sliding to the floor beside her. “What happened?”

  Sniffling, she reached for my hand, holding it tightly,” Scott,” she whimpered into the mattress.

  I pulled her close, lifting her body and cradling her to me. “It’s ok,” I comforted, caressing her hair.

  “They were awful,” she choked, the sobs slowing.

  “I know,” I agreed. “I had no idea they were so…rude and mean. I’m so sorry, love. I wouldn’t have allowed this to happen if I’d known.”

  “Why is Mark on there?” she hissed. Her tear soaked face peered up at me, the anger she felt blazing in her green eyes.

  My anger reflected hers. I clenched a free hand, growling, “I don’t know. We’ll find out when we go out there, though.”

  “He has some serious explaining to do. I’m going to kill Juniper if she knew about this,” she murmured.

  “Hey, Livvie, I don’t think she would do that to you,” I said. I pressed my lips to her forehead, inhaling the sweet strawberry scent. I held her a few more moments, then stood, offering her my hand. “Let’s go find out the truth.”

  She sniffled one last time, wiped her face on the edges of her shirt, showing the smooth skin on her stomach. I gripped her side, shocking her with my nearness, and covered her lips roughly with mine. She responded immediately, wrapping her hands around my neck, delving her tongue deep into my mouth. Dipping her back, I pressed my body to hers, delighting in her skin on mine. We broke apart, breathless and lightheaded, and gazed into each other’s eyes. I finally caught my breath, taking her hand and leading her back to the main area of the cave.


  Mark was nervous. He kept shifting his weight from one foot to another with his arms crossed over his chest. His dark hair wasn’t ruffled and messy as it usually was, his clothing choice was…questionable. He, too, wore the long robes of the council members. His was a lot like a graduation gown, falling just below his knees, showing a pair of khaki pants beneath. Khakis? Since when did Mark dress up? I thought. Scott and I continued walking, stopping a few feet from him.

  “Liv…you have to let me explain,” Mark begged. He unfolded his arms, reaching for me.

  I nodded, allowing him to place his hands on my arms. Scott stiffened beside me, his back tense and rigid. I glanced at Scott, smiling softly to let him know it was alright, and focused on Mark. “Please, do. One of my best friends is a member of the council, knew my father was betraying me and my mother, and didn’t bother to tell me. You better have an explanation.”

  His eyes shifted, looking at everyone in the room, “Do you want to go outside?”

  “No. They all can hear it, Mark. Everyone in this room is important to me, including you…”I choked out. I refused to cry again. I couldn’t be this weak. Not with the problems and situations we were facing. Scott’s grip on me tightened, and Sadie and Aiden came to my other side. Sadie’s small, cold hand grasped mine, and she leaned into me, hugging me from the side.

  “Go on, Mark,” she said softly. I heard the despair, the sadness in her voice. Aiden hadn’t let go of her hand since I entered the room, causing me to question what exactly happened in my absence.

  He inhaled deeply, then sighed loudly. “My grandfather…the fifth gen…he set this up. I never wanted this, Liv. I still don’t. I’ve tried everything to get out of it. He thinks because he became a council member at eighteen that I should, too. So these meetings, and the ones I’ve been going to, are kind of like practice meetings. I have to be present, cooperative, and an active member in order to be a member on my birthday. I don’t know how this happened. I don’t know how to get out of it. Harlow…she knew we were friends and knew you’d be coming for your mother,” he paused. He closed his eyes, holding his head with his hands and took a shaky breath. “She placed a silencing spell on me. I physically couldn’t tell you! I tried, so many times. I even tried to tell Juniper, but I couldn’t. It took me over, completely, and I was helpless. I’ve been staying away from you because I feel horrible. Horrible, Liv.”

  His eyes were tired and pleading, each word he said sunk in. Mark had been my friend for as long as I could remember, and I knew he wouldn’t hurt me. I nodded, then asked, “How did Anna know?”

  “Anna knew?” he questioned, genuinely confused. His brows turned down in confusion.

  “You didn’t know?” Scott asked.

  Mark shook his head. “How would she know?”

  “I dunno, but she did,” I stated.

  “She may have sensed it…or seen it or something. Grandma has many ways of finding out information,” Sadie explained.

  “I’ll find out when we get home,” Scott promised.

  “Please, tell me you forgive me, Liv. I promise I didn’t do this on purpose. And I’m trying every way in the world to piss them off so I don’t have to be a member of this…I can’t lose you. I’ll lose Juniper, too,” his voice broke.

  I rushed forward, wrapping my arms around him. Shushing him, I told him it would be ok. “I forgive you. I believe you.”

  “We do, too,” Aiden said from behind me. He stepped closer, patting Mark on the shoulder.

  Scott came to my side, also showing forgiveness and grabbed my hand. I pulled from Mark, giving him a questioning gaze. He smirked, pulling me back to lean on his chest. “My love, I believe it’s time we all go home,” he sighed.

  Sadie and Aiden yelped in excitement, while Mark hung his head.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “I can’t go. I’ll have to meet you later. I have to go have a talk with the rest of them after each meeting. They’re probably already pissed at me,” he admitted. He looked distraught and sad.

  I reached for his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. “We don’t need another one of us in trouble. Go. And could you check on my mother while you’re there? I’m really worried about her.”

  “Liv…I’ve been keeping an eye on her since you found out she was there. I won’t let anything happen to her,” he grasped both Scott and me in a hug, then patted Sadie and Aiden on the backs before disappearing.

  Turning my head to face Scott, I felt his chest muscles tense at my movement. “Can we go?” I pleaded, peering up at him.

  He nodded, producing the lanterns we needed to make our escape.


  The trudge down the snow covered mountain seemed to take less time. Possibly because we weren’t dreading what lay ahead, or maybe because we used our abilities to melt the snow away, giving us a clear path. I didn’t have to catch a ride on Aiden’s back this time, a realization that relieved yet saddened me.

  We made it down in record time. After settling in Scott’s truck, we all leaned against our seats and released a collective sigh. Scott actually allowed Aiden to sit in the back with me, a shocking move considering how he kept us apart on the way here. He and Liv gripped each other’s hands tightly, their heads resting tiredly against the back of their seats. I glanced at Aiden, seeing him nervously playing with his hands and peeking side glances at me.

  We were quite the pair. Holding hands one minute, being terrified the next.

  “I just want to go home,” Liv said, her voice longing and broken.

  Scott turned back, “Sadie, you feel up to helping us transport us and the truck back?”

  I nodded, wanting to crawl into my own bed and relax for a bit. He held out his hand. Taking it, I reached my other over Liv’s shoulder to grab hers. “You gotta concentrate, Liv. It’s hard to move something this big with four people in it.”

  “What do I do?” she asked, glancing from me to Scott.

  “Think of us going home. Imagine us moving without driving and have all of us in your mind. We’re all going to think it at the same time and if done right, our energies will connect and make it happen,” Scott explained.

  We all relaxed, only the sounds of our breathing heard throughout the cab. Closing my eyes, I saw what I wanted, imagined every detail. I felt the power surge within me, flowing through my body and filli
ng the area around me. I felt Scott’s energy connect, the power growing and amplifying. I continued thinking, willing, and focusing, waiting for Olivia’s to connect. She was new to this and it took quite a bit longer for her to fully concentrate on the task at hand. When she finally projected her power, it surged into the combined Tabors’ power, filling the air thick with sorcery magic. In seconds I felt the pull and knew we were moving. I couldn’t let my mind drift, but I felt Aiden place his hand on my knee, letting me know he was coming along for the ride.

  How he knew what I was worried about, I’ll never know, but it was absolutely terrifying.

  I refocused my attention, feeling the air swirl around us. Liv’s grip on me tightened, as did Aiden’s, as I felt us descend. The truck eased down, closer to the ground. I heard Aiden gasp. He was the only one that could watch, so I imagined he was amazed and horrified at this point. I couldn’t comfort him, my hands magically locked to Scott’s and Olivia’s.

  I felt the truck fall, the impact causing a shake to ripple throughout the cab, bouncing us all around. Stupidly, I forgot to snap my seat belt and ended up sprawled in Aiden’s lap. He gripped my side, holding me so I didn’t fall in the floor. I lifted my body up, my face inches from his. My dark hair fell all over his shoulders and mine. Blushing, I scrambled away, looking around and gathering where we were from the surroundings. Grandma’s flowers peeked at me from the window, her house just behind it. We landed on the road, but we were all in one piece, and the truck was right side up, so I called this mission a success.

  Scott turned to Olivia, pulling her hand to his lips. After gently kissing her, he said, “Let’s go get some answers.”


  Travelling around by magic was something I didn’t think I’d ever get used to. It was nauseating, scary, and downright weird…but…Sadie allowing me to place my hand on her knee? Weirder.

  We stumbled out of the truck, all a bit dizzy from the interesting journey home. Scott wanted answers, but I think I wanted more. The evil Harlow mentioned I didn’t know what I was, and it had been eating at me ever since. What did that even mean? What more could I be? Is that why The Crimson Calamitous wanted me so badly? Was I special in some way? I’d be bombarding Anna with my own questions, but I’d wait until Olivia and Scott got theirs.


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