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A Cowboy's Dance (White Oak Ranch Book 1)

Page 13

by Diana McKinley

  Curiosity won out over his desire to take Cole on his terms, and Everest was well-rewarded seconds later when Cole clasped his hand and drew him into the shower. Cole turned him, so the warm water flowed over Everest’s body first. Everest tipped his head back and let it cascade over his head, soaking his shorter blonde locks.

  “Dreamed about doin’ this all day,” Cole admitted, his voice sinking deeper as his arousal heightened. “All. Damned. Day.”

  Everest slowly moved his head out of the water and looked at Cole, seeing such hunger and need in his lover’s green eyes. “What, honey?” he asked and reached out to run his hands over Cole’s arms.

  “Being wet with you,” Cole said and reached for the shampoo. He lathered up his hands and then slid them into Everest’s damp hair. “Bathin’ you.” Cole’s gaze flickered up to Everest’s. “Watchin’ you feel pleasure from whatever it was I was doin’ to you.”

  Cole’s unbridled honesty touched Everest deep inside. Made him pause long enough to swallow and find his voice again, too.

  “You thought about that all day?” he husked, thoroughly enjoying the way Cole massaged his head.

  “And so much more,” Cole confessed.

  Everest cupped Cole’s jaw and traced the stubble with his thumb. “Tell me, then.”

  Cole finished rinsing Everest’s hair and reached for a soft cloth, which he lathered before he spoke again. As he began gently scrubbing the hardened planes of Everest’s chest, he said, “Well, I thought about the future some. About what this land will look like when it’s all yours and mine – combined and put to a new purpose. I thought about how we’ll care for our staff and secure their jobs, too. At some point, I daydreamed about the family we said we’d create and how that dream is one I can’t wait to see through.” Cole grinned up at Everest as he made that confession and leaned in for an all-too-brief kiss.

  “And, I tried to anticipate what would happen when I told my hands about us. Prayed, in fact, that most of ’em would stay and that Mike, in particular, would accept me and not walk away. All of that worked its way through my mind over the course of the day. Spread your legs a little more for me,” Cole added in a whisper, and it took a few seconds for Everest’s mind to cue in to what he’d said and comply.

  Cole lowered himself to his knees and began to run the lathered cloth over Everest’s right leg before moving on to his left.

  Everest just stared down at his lover, unable to tear his gaze away from the sight of Cole tenderly bathing him with such meticulous attention to every inch of his skin. He couldn’t hold back the shiver that stole through him when Cole re-lathered the cloth and began to clean his balls and cock, twisting the cloth over his engorged shaft until Everest had no choice but to clutch Cole’s broad shoulders in order to keep his balance.

  “I also thought about us, Everest,” Cole said and leaned in to lick along the vein which ran up the underside of Everest’s cock once the soap had been rinsed away.

  “Oh?” Everest breathed out and slid his hands into Cole’s damp hair.

  Cole’s chuckle vibrated over his sensitive flesh and elicited another full-body shudder from Everest.

  “Oh, yeah.” Cole dipped his head and mouthed Everest’s balls, sucking on them one at a time, and then he rolled them on his tongue.

  Everest thought he was going to lose his mind from the sensations running through him, but damn, what a way to go! Still, he didn’t want to shoot too soon, and so Everest tried to find the brain cells to warn Cole.

  “Honey, you’re gonna have me comin’ if you keep that up,” he finally managed to say in a strained voice.

  Cole looked up at him through damp lashes as he gripped the base of Everest’s dick. He squeezed even as he sucked strongly on the nut in his mouth before he released it and regained his feet. Everest’s mouth sagged open as Cole gave his dick a few firm pumps and then he turned Everest to face the tile and began washing his back.

  Everest felt Cole’s warm breath ghosting across his ear as Cole moved in closer and slid the cloth down to his ass. Cole left no part of him untouched as he started talking again, and it took every ounce of control Everest possessed to listen to what Cole was saying and not lose himself in the sensations awakened by Cole’s attentiveness.

  “I thought about us a lot, Everest,” Cole said in a husky voice. “I kept drifting off into memories of your body no matter where I was on this ranch today or what I was doin’ – it all came back to how amazing it feels to physically connect with you and watch you take your pleasure. Oh, I imagined feeding you, like I’m gonna do in a few minutes, after bathing you, like I’m doin’ now. I hoped to share all of that with you, not knowing what the day would bring for us. But more than anything else,” he paused and slowly turned Everest, placing him directly under the stream, “I imagined sinking into your body and feeling your tight ass all around me. Claimin’ you as mine in the most private way I know how.”

  Everest sucked in a sharp breath and gave Cole a slow nod as he reached for his face. “You have all of me, Cole. Every last part is yours.”

  Cole smiled and nodded against Everest’s palms. He set the cloth aside and used his hands to caress Everest’s chest until one of his palms rested right over Everest’s heart. “Then let me finish bathing you so I can feed you and then make love to you.”

  “Food can wait, honey,” Everest rasped. “I won’t last long enough to eat with the thought of you inside of me.”

  “You’re sure?” Cole squinted, searching Everest’s eyes closely.

  “More than I can say. You’re not the only one who’s been daydreaming all day about us layin’ tangled up in each other’s arms. Let me wash you first, though.”

  It took a few seconds, but Cole acquiesced. Everest took the opening, and he quickly rinsed and then re-lathered the cloth, turning them, so it was Cole who was under the cascading water. He gave the same attention to his lover’s body as Cole had given to him, taking just enough time to wash every square inch of Cole’s body, but not so much that he prolonged his yearning for what Cole had promised.

  Cole resumed the lead when Everest turned off the water, reaching for plush towels and drying first Everest and then himself. Everest made sure his hands were involved with patting Cole down, though, and he growled when Cole played a bit and tried to pull the towel out of his reach. That earned Everest a light pop on the ass, which Cole immediately soothed with his palm, making his grunt of surprise morph into a soft groan of pleasure.

  Cole leaned in and kissed the shell of Everest’s ear, gently tugging on the lobe with his teeth. “Come with me,” Cole whispered and threaded their fingers together as he began to back out of the bathroom.

  Everest followed, tossing the towel somewhere behind him. He thought it might have fallen close to the sink, but he didn’t look back to make sure. His focus was on Cole and only Cole.

  Cole led him over to what Everest was coming to think of as his side of the bed and cupped Everest’s face in his warm palms. A slow, heated smile tugged at Cole’s lips as he leaned in and settled them on Everest’s. Everest immediately opened, sliding his tongue over and under Cole’s in an intimate dance he knew he’d never tire of. He sighed into the kiss, loving how one kiss bled into another so seamlessly that it felt like breathing to Everest.

  Everest felt Cole’s hands slide away from his face and then Cole was holding and turning him with one palm splayed out on his back and the other wrapped around his hip.

  “Lie with me,” Cole murmured against his lips, and Everest nodded.

  He moved onto the bed and reached for Cole as Cole came down on top of him, settling all those muscles against Everest and letting Everest’s larger body cradle him securely. Everest couldn’t help but arch upward, his body needing to be closer and to feel all of Cole. Cole smiled down at him and then he resumed their kiss, his tongue delving deeply as if he couldn’t get enough of Everest’s taste. Everest found himself doing the same as he mapped the recesses of Cole’s mouth
, drawing his lover’s taste into himself and reveling in it.

  “God, Everest,” Cole panted as he broke their kiss many minutes later. He trailed his swollen lips down Everest’s neck and over to his ear. “I could kiss you all night.” He licked around the shell and nibbled the lobe. “But I want so much more, too. Wanna watch you comin’ apart while I’m inside you. Wanna feel you constricting around my bare dick when you come and I fill you up.”

  “Take whatever you want, honey,” Everest rasped, his voice shot from his aching need to have Cole seated inside him. “Take me.”

  “Oh, I’m gonna. Because you’re mine, Everest. Only mine now.”

  Cole lifted his head and framed Everest’s face with his hands. Cole’s eyes bore into his with a startling mix of emotions that seemed too broad and too expansive for Everest to give them a name. It seemed the well from which they came was bottomless and all-consuming. Everest sucked in a breath, though, as he watched Cole nod and put voice to what he had always dreamed he’d someday hear from the younger man who’d stolen his heart many years before.

  “That’s right,” Cole murmured. “I can take and claim you, stand by you and someday marry you, Everest Cooper. I can say to everyone, including my former lover, that I am a blessed man to have caught your eye and your heart without fear that you’ll leave me to my declarations without support. And I can raise a family with you and know that my children will have a strong and smart father who’ll do his damnedest to love them and guide them all through their days.”

  “Cole.” Everest swallowed hard and reached up to slide his hand over Cole’s chest, needing to feel the cadence of his lover’s steady heartbeat. A heart which he knew was beating for him and him alone.

  Cole nodded again and leaned in to bestow a light, but tender kiss on Everest’s lips. “Yes, Everest. I can say all of this… because I love you, too. I do, with everything that I am and everything that I have to offer you.”

  Everest swore to himself that there weren’t tears in his eyes as his vision grew cloudy and his throat constricted.

  A tender look passed over Cole’s countenance as his fingers caressed Everest’s cheeks. “When we were standin’ out there with Robbie, I felt so torn – not because I wanted him in my life as anything more than a friend now – but because I knew I couldn’t give you the words you deserved to hear and not be cruel to him at the same time. Robbie was crumbling, but inside I was soaring, Everest.”

  “I could see it in your eyes,” Everest said softly.

  “I know you could.” Cole took another, deeper kiss. “I was standin’ there with my past and my future on either side of me. And when you mouthed that you loved me, all I honestly wanted to do was tell you that I loved you too and then turn and take shelter in your arms. I wanted to embrace my future – our future – because that is where my heart lies now. With you, Everest, because I love you more than I have the words to tell you and I can’t wait for what comes next in our lives.”

  “Come here to me,” Everest managed to say and reached for Cole’s face, bringing their lips back together in a kiss that Everest felt all the way to his toes.

  Cole groaned and moved against him, their cocks bumping and sliding against one another’s in a sensual dance that served as a promising reminder of Cole’s plan for the evening. Soon, Cole shifted to the side and reached for the lube he’d left on the nightstand that morning when he’d changed the sheets and made up the bed. And even though Everest tried to pull him back for another kiss, Cole chuckled and shook his head.

  “I’m in charge. Remember, love?”

  Everest growled and playfully nipped the underside of Cole’s chin.

  Cole laughed seductively and angled his head away from Everest’s teeth. “Just be patient,” he chided as he set about driving Everest out of his ever-loving mind with his skillful hands and moist lips.

  Cole proved himself an attentive lover once more as he explored Everest’s body as if it were his mission in life to discover all of the places which made Everest flinch or moan the loudest. And when Everest felt Cole’s lips move from his cock to his balls and then to his hole, he thought himself the luckiest of men to have a lover who cared enough to bring pleasure to all of his body without hesitation. Everest clutched at Cole’s head needing purchase, something to anchor him to the earth as Cole sent him soaring.

  His eyes snapped open when he heard Cole murmur, “Look at me, Everest.” Everest did, not realizing that he’d closed them while Cole’s fingers and tongue had skillfully opened his channel. Cole rubbed his fingers over Everest’s gland again, and Everest gasped as he momentarily saw stars.

  “You are so incredibly tight, love. Gonna take our time, here.”

  Everest nodded, unable to form a word.

  Ever so slowly, Cole removed his fingers, and then he slicked up his cock with a little more lube. He eased Everest’s legs over the crook of his arms and then Cole leaned in, letting his straining erection tap against Everest’s balls as it sought out his opening like a divining rod.

  Everest got himself together enough that he remembered to wrap his legs around Cole’s waist, angling his hips up so Cole could enter him. He looped his arms around Cole’s neck and held on as his cowboy moved over him and began to push inside. Everest breathed deeply through the breach but kept his eyes open, wanting to see every nuance of emotion that flickered over Cole’s face as their bodies merged into one. He was well rewarded for his effort when he witnessed a look of awe and wonder on Cole’s countenance give way to one of adoration. Everest had no doubt that he was now first in Cole’s life, in every way.

  “I love you,” Cole whispered and then sank in the rest of the way until his balls pushed up against Everest’s ass.

  “God, honey!” Everest swore. “Love you, too. So damned much! Never gonna tire of hearin’ it either.”

  “Yes!” Cole gritted out, his voice ragged as he pulled back and then reversed course, filling and stretching Everest in the best possible way. “Gonna be lovin’ you like this for the rest of our lives.”

  Everest lost the last vestiges of his composure at hearing that declaration. He pushed up, meeting Cole’s next downward plunge, heedless of the twinge in his ass from Cole’s thick cock filling him to the brim. Everest wanted Cole so deep inside him that he could feel him in his throat, and he grunted that very thought aloud, making something break loose within Cole’s stoic nature.

  Everest had never seen anything so beautiful in all his days as his lover coming alive and taking him in his arms as their bodies melded together over and over again. Cole’s hips rose and fell with an unerring ability to find Everest’s gland on almost every masterful thrust. And Everest was right there with him, matching each of Cole’s movements in counterpoint, all while he held Cole close and fused their lips together, needing that last bit of contact so that there was no space left between them.

  When Cole wrapped a strong hand around Everest’s cock and began to pinch his nipple with his other, Everest bucked wildly beneath him as the sensations came at him from multiple directions and sent him hurtling over the edge. He cried out Cole’s name as he came and painted their chests with his seed. The pleasure continued to cascade through Everest’s body as Cole nailed his prostate several more times until he too was crying out his release and shuddering in Everest’s arms.

  They panted and quaked against each other, holding on through the storm of bliss that held them in its thrall. Never, ever did Everest want to lose this – this connection to Cole or the feel of Cole in his arms. And now, Everest knew without a shadow of a doubt that he never would. If seeing Cole say goodbye to Robbie hadn’t been enough to convince him of his permanent place in Cole Gentry’s life, then hearing the younger man proclaim his love would’ve.

  Cole was his, at long last.

  “I’ll clean us up in just a minute,” Cole mumbled against Everest’s ear.

  A soft laugh rumbled through Everest’s chest as he caressed Cole’s back and then down to
his firm ass. He nuzzled the side of Cole’s head and pressed his lips there, inhaling his lover’s scent deeply. Cole flexed his hips, and Everest groaned as he felt Cole’s still-hard dick shift inside his channel.

  “Holy…” Cole shook his head and licked Everest’s shoulder instead of trying to finish his thought aloud.

  Everest laughed a little more. He moved his hands to Cole’s face and turned him so they were looking at one another again.

  “You mean the world to me, Cole Gentry,” Everest said sincerely. “And anytime you want my ass, it’s yours, honey. That was a perfect way to end our day.”

  “Being inside you is amazing.” Cole leaned in and rubbed their noses together. “Knowing there’s more to it than just our bodies coming together made it perfect for me.”

  “For me, too.” Everest didn’t think he could have said it any better than that.

  “Don’t wanna come out of you,” Cole groaned and gave Everest a helpless grin.

  “Then don’t.” Everest stared at Cole as Cole arched an eyebrow in question. Everest pushed up against Cole and nodded as he brushed their lips together. “We don’t have to worry about a leaking condom, and you’re still hard, honey. So stay right where you are, ’cause I don’t want you to pull out either.”

  “Oh, Lord!” Cole mumbled, though his hips were already moving in that slow undulation which seemed a natural cadence for his body.

  “There ya go,” Everest crooned and then let out a moan as his aching channel fluttered around Cole’s thick cock.

  Cole stilled and looked down at Everest. “Not hurtin’ you, am I?”

  “Only in the best possible way. Now move, Cole. Dance with me here.”


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