A Cowboy's Dance (White Oak Ranch Book 1)

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A Cowboy's Dance (White Oak Ranch Book 1) Page 14

by Diana McKinley

  Cole chuckled, and then he kissed Everest as he began to roll their bodies together again. “I like dancin’ with you like this.”

  “See that you don’t stop then.”

  Cole leaned in even closer and nipped Everest’s earlobe. “I’m in charge, remember?”

  “Honey, your dick is… ah… filling me to the brim. Don’t think I can forget, nor do I want to.”

  “If you can say all that, you’re entirely too coherent. Lemme see what I can do to change that.”

  A wicked gleam entered Cole’s green eyes that let Everest know his man was most definitely in charge at present. Everest chuckled and threw his head back against the pillow, giving Cole the perfect opening to kiss and nibble his exposed throat. Cole’s hips picked up the pace and Everest held on for the ride, knowing he and Cole were going to have one hell of a journey together.

  Everest had never been so grateful to have taken the risk of laying his heart, mind, body, and soul on the line. But now that Cole had accepted his offering and committed himself to Everest, he knew his partner was ready to walk it with him, every step of the way. Damn, but did he love his cowboy. His and no others.


  Cole stood on the back porch of Everest’s house and looked out over the small grove of trees that surrounded his partner’s abode. He could just make out the grassy hills that lay beyond them and the cattle which grazed there for the night. Cole drew in a deep breath, bringing the scents from nature into his lungs and letting the familiar calm his nerves as best it could.

  He heard the door creak behind him and then the sound of Everest’s boots striking the wood planks just before strong arms wrapped around his waist and his lover’s warmth enveloped him. Cole hummed as Everest kissed his neck before settling his chin on Cole’s shoulder.

  “Hey, honey.”

  Cole grinned, even as he shivered from the deep timbre of Everest’s voice. He felt the vibrations of Everest’s soft laughter all along his back. Cole exhaled and let Everest have a little more of his weight.

  “Burke and David are here now. So are Dad, Lyle, Lum, and Mike. Oh,” Everest chuckled, his breath warming Cole’s skin, “and Andre, too.”

  Hearing that made Cole’s smile grow. Loyal to a fault, his young hand had bent over backward to make Cole’s coming out as smooth a transition as it could be, given the area in which they all lived, as had all of Cole’s hands. No matter the few people who had shunned Cole and Everest and let them know they’d rather not associate with two men who were living together as a couple, Andre always proudly proclaimed himself a hand at the newly combined Gentry-Cooper White Oak Ranch. So, of course, Andre was one of the first to arrive at the game night Cole and Everest were hosting, now that they’d been together for just over a month. Cole had no doubt that Andre would be one of the last to leave, too.

  “Is he now?” Cole played back, thankful for Everest’s effort to keep his mind distracted.

  It wasn’t the only way in which Everest had sought to ease Cole’s case of nerves that day, though. No. His intuitive lover had realized first thing upon waking that Cole was not as easy in his skin as he normally was. Without a word, Everest had rolled over in bed and placed Cole beneath him, and then he’d set about giving him something else to concentrate on that day. Every time he’d moved in the saddle, Cole had felt the lingering sensation of Everest’s possession.

  When Cole had stopped by the house for a brief lunch later that afternoon, Everest had been waiting for him, and Cole had once more found himself the sole focus of Everest’s keen attention. Everest had pulled him into the bedroom, closed and locked the door, and then stripped him in record time. Then he playfully pushed Cole onto the bed and dove in, licking and sucking him to completion until Cole was a writhing, incoherent mess beneath him. Cole had just enough brain cells functioning afterward to reciprocate and take Everest into his throat until he came, shouting out Cole’s name to the rafters.

  Now, Everest was holding him, and that too was what Cole needed at the moment. Somehow, Everest just knew how to take care of him, and Cole was more than happy to rely on Everest’s steadfast devotion. He was happy to offer the same to his lover, too, whenever or however Everest had need of him. How, Cole wondered for what felt like the thousandth time, had he become so blessed to have a man like Everest love him?

  “Mmm-hmm,” Everest hummed and began to caress Cole’s abdomen with the flat of his palm. “Others will start arrivin’ shortly. You ready to go inside and greet them as they walk through the door?”

  Cole nodded. “I am.”

  This would be the true test of their neighbors’ good will. Cole wondered just how many would come to Everest’s house that night, knowing that if they attended the festivities there, it was an open declaration of support for Everest’s and Cole’s relationship.

  He could feel Everest smiling against his neck. “Me too, honey.” Everest gave him another quick kiss, this one just under his ear, and then he patted Cole’s hip. “Come with me, then.”

  Cole turned and took Everest’s outstretched hand. They stared at one another until Cole dipped his chin and relaxed a little more as he took in Everest’s calm demeanor.

  “That’s right,” Everest murmured, stepping in closer and smiling at Cole. “No matter who shows up or what’s said tonight, I know that I get to fall asleep with you in my arms and wake up beside you. It makes all the other stuff trivial, Cole.”

  “I love you,” Cole said, finding that the words rolled easily off of his tongue these days. All through the day and night, too. Whenever the notion struck him, he uttered those three words and Cole always found that Everest wanted and needed to hear them – appreciated that Cole felt free enough to say them as well.

  That beautiful smile, which Cole had come to adore, lit up Everest’s rugged countenance as he pulled Cole to him and lowered his lips to Cole’s. Cole let his eyes roll closed as their mouths fused together and just savored the last few moments of privacy he and Everest would have that evening. There was nothing like being held and cherished by Everest Cooper, Cole thought, grateful that it was he who was the lucky recipient of all the man’s strength and skill as a lover. No one knew how to make him soar like Everest did.

  Everest gently broke their kiss and let his forehead rest against Cole’s. “And I love you.”

  The sound of someone clearing their throat broke through their private interlude, and both men turned their heads to see Lyle leaning against the back door, grinning at Everest, though his cheeks were slightly pink from having interrupted them.

  “Yes,” Everest drawled, holding Cole close still as he stared at his younger brother.

  Lyle coughed and tried to stifle a chuckle. “Trucks are comin’ down the drive now. I thought you guys would want to be inside as they arrived.”

  Cole found his voice and said, “We do,” knowing Everest shouldn’t have to shoulder all the weight of leading them through the significant night. “Thank you, Lyle.”

  Everest smiled warmly at Cole, and he brushed another kiss against Cole’s lips before they walked into the house a few steps behind Lyle.

  “There you are!” Mike called out from the living room, holding up his beer in salute. “Startin’ to wonder if you were gonna be in attendance at your own party.”

  “Funny.” Cole smirked and shook his head. He gave Everest’s hand a squeeze before releasing him. He walked over to Mike and took the handshake Mike was offering. Mike pulled Cole in and gave him a slap on the back for good measure. “Thanks for gettin’ here early.”

  “I ain’t got nowhere else to be.” Mike shrugged and downplayed the praise.

  Cole huffed out a laugh and nodded slowly. “Still, it means a lot to me.”

  “Well,” Mike sniffed, “someone’s gotta be ready to sit and chat with old man Parson. And God knows Lum ain’t got a lick of tact in his bones, so someone’s gotta be ready to rein him in if need be.”

  “Indeed. Glad I’ve got you on my side for al
l that.” Cole gave Mike’s arm a light slap, and then he moved on to say hello to Everest’s family, Lum, and Andre.

  Andre was bouncing on the balls of his feet, looking like he was a kid on Christmas Eve. Cole simply arched an eyebrow at him and stared down at his younger hand.

  “What?” Andre laughed and grinned unrepentantly.

  “Did you eat a bucket full of sugar today or somethin’?”

  “Oh, come on! I don’t need extra stimulation to be happy.”

  “So you’re happy then, huh?” Cole crossed his arms over his chest, marveling at the interworkings of Andre’s mind.

  “Hell, yeah! Time for everyone ’round these parts to come together and really show you two that they’re with you. And hell, boss man,” he said and punched Cole’s shoulder, “if they’re with you, then that’ll just make my life that much easier when I try to find me someone ’round here to settle with.”

  Cole had thought there was nothing Andre could say or do anymore that would surprise him, but he was mistaken. He hadn’t seen that coming, though he should have. Everyone deserved someone to love who’d love them in return. Cole stared at Andre in something akin to shock for a moment or two before a wide grin lifted his lips.

  “Well, then, let’s both hope this night goes well.”

  “Damn straight,” Andre mumbled under his breath.

  “Nothin’ straight about it,” Everest chimed in, drawing Cole’s focus back to him.

  Andre bellowed, and Cole was right there with him.

  “That was perfect!” Andre said in praise. “Thanks, boss man number two!” He winked and then did an about-face.

  Cole watched as Andre sauntered off to the buffet of barbecue and ribs they’d set out all along the kitchen counters. He snagged a plate and began to pile it high.

  “That kid is a mess,” Everest said and shook his head, “but I’m glad he’s one of ours.”

  “Me too.” Cole couldn’t imagine Andre working for anyone else and thriving so well.

  The sound of the front door opening and voices in the hall had Everest taking Cole’s hand in his and leading him to greet their next arrivals. More of the employees from their combined ranches flowed in and then several of their closest neighbors followed shortly behind. Each man said something in the way of hello or their agreement that it was a good idea to host the gathering that month at Everest’s place. With each word of support uttered, Cole found himself breathing a little easier. Soon, the sounds of men laughing and chatting filled the house, and Cole couldn’t have been more pleased with the turnout.

  Bo was the next to knock on the door. Cole smiled as he welcomed their fellow rancher inside. Everest shook Bo’s hand and thanked him for the case of beer he’d brought along. Cole watched Bo’s gaze shift from Everest back to him before he pressed his lips together and gave a quick nod.

  “This seems right, ya know?” he said in a quiet voice, mindful of those further inside the house. He gestured between the two of them.

  “Oh? Everest replied.

  “Yeah. Been wonderin’ for a long time why neither of ya had a gal on your arm, being as how your ranches are far more successful than the rest of ours and you’d each be a good catch for someone. Now that you’re together, though, it all kinda makes sense.” Bo squinted and shrugged. “Got nothin’ but respect for what it’s takin’ for y’all to pull this off.”

  “Thank you for that, Bo.” Everest clasped his shoulder briefly. “We’re gonna need all of our friends’ support.”

  “Well, you’ve always had it. Don’t know why that would change now, do you?”

  Cole chuckled, and Everest’s light laughter followed.

  “No, Bo,” Everest said with a shake of his head.

  “Well neither do I,” Parson groused from the doorway, gesturing for Bo to move and let him inside. He stared up at Everest and Cole with a look of determination and authority that only the seasoned rancher could successfully pull off. “Can’t say as I understand it, but it ain’t got nothin’ to do with me or mine. You’re still the same men I’ve always known, so let’s put that out of the way and let me get these old bones to where supper is laid out.”

  “By all means.” Everest stepped out of the way and chuckled a little more. “Glad you could make it tonight, Parson.”

  “And if the others ’round here are too chickenshit to show, then they’ll hear from Lum and me about being too yellow-bellied to support their neighbors.”

  Cole couldn’t censor himself fast enough, and he murmured, “Wow!”

  Parson’s sharp gaze zeroed in on him, and Cole felt himself blushing, though he wished he wasn’t as the elder man gave him an assessing stare.

  “I mean what I say, young man.” Parson pointed a finger at Cole and dipped his chin. “I don’t have to understand it to know that you’re both the same good men I’ve always associated with. Just keep standin’ alongside Ev and let the cards fall where they may. Ain’t nothin’ else you can do except live your lives and ignore those who don’t approve. You listen to an old man’s advice, now. You can’t live your life to please others. Ain’t no happiness to be found down that path.”

  “No, sir,” Cole said in agreement and reached for Everest’s hand, needing to feel his lover’s solid strength as Parson left him momentarily stunned.

  Everest did him one better, and he wrapped his arm around Cole’s waist, pulling him in closer to the shelter of his body. Cole looked over at his partner and saw only love, warmth and, yes, even joy in Everest’s gray eyes.

  “Let’s show them where the food is, honey,” Everest said and grinned. “Get this night officially started.”

  “That sounds good.” Cole inhaled and then turned to let Parson and Bo precede them into the kitchen.

  For several hours, Everest’s home was filled with laughter, light teasing, and the sounds of friends and neighbors enjoying a night of easygoing competition. Though he tried not to take notice, Cole still observed that four of their neighbors had chosen not to attend. And though he wasn’t surprised by their choice, because he’d already heard through the grapevine that the men wanted no part of an association with him or Everest anymore, it still stung just a bit.

  Instead of dwelling on the losses, however, Cole held to what was right in his life now that Everest Cooper was his lover. He held to Everest’s unwavering presence at his side, as well as Parson’s wise words that there was no way to live his life for someone else’s pleasure or peace of mind. He’d done that already for far too long, and Cole had learned from the error of his ways.

  As the night was winding down, Cole felt his phone vibrate in his shirt pocket. He slipped it out and saw that it was none other than Robbie calling. Cole hadn’t heard from his former lover since the one simple text he’d sent confirming that he’d made it back to Chicago roughly a month before. Cole met Everest’s eyes as he mouthed that it was Robbie.

  Everest squinted but gave Cole a singular nod. “Talk to him, honey,” he whispered and kissed Cole’s temple.

  Cole answered the call and rose from the card table, intent on having the conversation out of the earshot of all their family and friends. Cole didn’t know what Robbie would say, nor what he’d say in return. He stepped out onto the back porch as he said, “Hello,” and then waited to hear Robbie’s reply.

  “Cole. Hi.”

  Robbie’s voice sounded so soft to Cole. He turned up the volume on his phone, so he didn’t miss a word.

  “Hey, Robbie. I’m here. How are ya?”

  “I’m okay. Well… I’m getting there, you know?” He gave a little self-depreciating laugh.

  “I do.” Cole looked off into the darkness and steadied himself against the railing. “You findin’ some peace now, Robbie, with everything that happened between us?”

  Robbie sighed, and Cole could just see him rolling his shoulders back as he tended to do when he was searching for the right words.

  “I think it’s going to take a while longer, but I’m at least
in a place where I knew I could hear your voice again and not jump on the next airplane out to see you.”

  “Well, you know you can always see me, Robbie. I told you I ain’t never gonna turn you away.”

  “As my friend,” Robbie qualified.

  “Yes,” Cole sighed and tipped his head back, “as your friend.”

  The silence on the line stretched out until finally, Robbie said, “Are you still happy, Cole?”

  “I am, Robbie,” Cole said without hesitation. “I don’t know how much you wanna hear, but I’ll tell you if you wanna listen.”

  “I think… I think I need to.”

  “Okay, then.” Cole closed his eyes. “Everest and I share our homes with each other, taking turns between the two ranches for now. We’ve hired an architect and just this last week we finalized the plans for a new, larger homestead that’ll sit at the center of the entire spread. We break ground on it in four weeks. We also hired a marketing firm, and they’re helping us get the word out to our customers about the renamed, combined ranches, ensuring our brand is marketable and stable. And sometime this fall, Everest and I are gettin’ married. Probably in early October.”

  “Married?” Robbie gasped in surprise.

  “Yes, married,” Cole said steadily, finding he couldn’t be anything but happy about that bit of news.

  “I’m… Well, I’m shocked, though I don’t know why.” Robbie sighed again, and Cole thought he heard him sniffle.

  “I’d like you there if you feel like you can come and be witness to us joining our lives officially. But if you’re not ready for that, I’ll understand.”

  “I want to be happy for you,” Robbie interjected. “I do, Cole. You just have to know that I’m still working on our new reality and… it’s hard.”

  “I’m sure it is for you. So remember that home is still here, and that we’ll never turn you away. Mom still asks how you’re doin’ and she’d love to see you too.”

  “Well… maybe I’ll be ready by October.”

  “Maybe,” Cole murmured.

  He felt a hand touch his cheek and Cole jolted slightly as he opened his eyes and found Everest right in front of him, smiling. Everest winked, and Cole found himself smiling in return. He angled his head into Everest’s palm and took comfort in his silent show of support.


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