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The Dying Art of Magic

Page 19

by Natalie Gibson

  It was working. Eitan’s strength faded. He writhed, turning this way and that, trying to get away, but the earth held. He clutched his head and yelled, “She breaks the law of the Daughters. Brother, how can she be trusted to follow ours? You will see…she will break Ereshkigal’s law as soon as it suits her.” His voice’s volume tapered off toward the end, sounding dry and raspy.

  It was working but Nathalia could feel the collected power dwindling. If it held out, she could win this. She pulled harder than she had before and forced it forward. Eitan grew older right in front of her. His hair grayed and fell out. His flesh withered and his skin wrinkled, discolored. His joints seemed enlarged and, as age spots appeared, he hunched over.

  Then she felt it click off. Maeve had done what Nathalia told her to. She’d held off as long as she could, but did what was best for the Capacitors. She had severed Nathalia’s connection with the holy ones and the white energy they held. Nathalia had pulled hard and fast from them, draining them in mere moments. It was done now. Once this limb had been amputated, it couldn’t be reattached. That had been Nathalia’s one shot and it was spent.

  She almost made it. At least she learned something from it. Some Daughters who had abilities like hers could be taught to defend themselves against Akhkharu. She wished…she wished for a lot of things. More time, more power, the weapon, more training, more time with Eiran. She could store up the physical pleasures of their time together to use next time. She hoped there would be time for her to reflect. Pushing all those feelings through herself and into the Akhkharu had forced her to put a name on what she and Eiran had. What they had together was real. It was love.

  “I love you too.” Eiran’s voice broke her out of her waking coma.

  Eitan’s brought her back to the task at hand. “Love makes you weak. I am glad I had the strength to snuff mine out when I found her.” His body filled out again. It puffed with the memory. “Yes, my sweet. You heard correctly. I found my Sinnis ages ago.”

  “She does not need to hear that.” Eiran looked scared. He knew what story Eitan was about to tell and was frightened for Nathalia and how she would take it.

  “Ah, then I see you have not told her yourself yet. I disagree brother. She does indeed need to hear.” He turned his attention back to Nathalia. “Your precious Nephilim mate is not as innocent as he would have you believe. He is not Keeper of the Betrayers purely out of a sense of duty. Do you know how long he kept me there this last time? When you released me, my sweet, I had been entombed for over 500 years. That is longer than any have ever had to endure. The body and mind are rejuvenated after only two, so you can imagine the anguish that solitary confinement of half a millennium brings. Shocking, I know. Every day I called out to him, begging for release. Do you know what he said? He would smile and say that I would never be released by his hand. He said that by killing Ereshkigal I had sentenced him to an eternity in solitary. He was punishing me the only way he could.”

  But, I commanded that none should avenge my execution.

  “Yes, but he did not care for that order. It did not make any difference to him that Ereshkigal had been my Sinnis. He stole the woman of our mother’s body and made her his own. Where is your law against that? What justice am I entitled to?” Eitan roared.

  “That is not what happened. I did not know that Ereshkigal was your Sinnis when she chose me. She chose me. I only found out later, after you had returned to the prison time after time. I may have said some unkind things to you, brother, but we both know why you could not be released.” He struggled to defend himself against his brother’s attacks to his honor. He could not bear to see the disappointment in Nathalia’s eyes. “He killed her…you. He didn’t…doesn’t…”

  Nathalia remembered. As Ereshkigal, she remembered in more vivid detail than she wanted. In his twenty fifth year as Sarrum, Eitan started a war, sending away all Nephilim not as dark as he. That included Ereshkigal’s husband, Eiran. Eitan exchanged blood with those that remained, becoming and creating the first Akhkharu. They had not known weakness and gorged themselves on violence. They created scores of children. No one was spared. Every citizen was killed or converted in less than a week.

  Ereshkigal had come out then. Alone, save her dagger, she’d gone to the ziggurat steps. She had no supernatural powers being human as she was, but she wouldn’t let them soil her house of worship. Her ability was so undeveloped that she couldn’t even call for Eiran’s help. She stood on that step knowing all the women inside were dead. She was unwilling to let their bodies be reanimated and so she guarded them.

  For this defiance, Eitan rewarded her with an order of torture and execution. She fought them, and even managed to kill an Akhkharu. Her knife slid through his neck like it was made of butter, severing his head and shocking everyone there. Even she had not known what the weapon was capable of. The body and head decayed while they watched, returning to the elements of which it was made. When the sun set, the streets filled with the dark children. There were too many and they overtook her. Eitan had arrived to take what he said was rightfully his: her blood. He drained her slowly and then tossed her down the steps to the waiting mob who took care of the flesh and bones.

  She managed to get a messenger out of the city before that. What he carried were Ereshkigal’s Laws along with instructions for Eiran to kill all of the dark children and bury the empty city. The Nephilim had tabalu’d home but it was too late for anything but posthumous obedience to her instructions.

  Eiran filled her in on what happened after her death. “He developed a taste for women of the bloodlines and set out to eliminate each one. I gave him many chances to prove himself noble, but he always chose the path of darkness. I had to keep him imprisoned for the safety of the family lines.”

  Eitan argued, “He did it because he enjoyed it. Even now, he enjoys my pain. He wants to see you reject me again, but fears you will not.”

  Nathalia could see the truth of both men’s hearts. Ereshkigal had chosen Eiran. She had seen that Eitan was evil even if on some level she had known she belonged with him. His beast was too strong and Eitan allowed it too much freedom. She could not align herself with such a creature. Eitan may have recognized her as his Sinnis, but he had not loved her.

  “Love is a useless obsession of humans. It is not for gods such as I to worry ourselves with. It is dangerous, in fact, as your attempt has shown me. Thank you for that lesson.” And with that, he was gone.

  His thoughts came to Nathalia from a distance. Ereshkigal chose Eiran. Weakness attracts weakness. You are strong. Choose me. You will be my dark queen, a goddess of death.

  Never, was her answer. It was met with mental laughter.

  Eiran started after his brother, but Nathalia stopped him. Eitan had been a distraction. She sent her mind out in search of cognizance, anybody who might have survived this blood bath. There might be hope of saving a few. She reported to Eiran even though she knew she was in charge and didn’t have to. I can only sense the holy Capacitors. I’m sure they’re safe, but I still feel like I should go down there. I need to.

  The pull was strong and Nathalia ran. The main building was in shambles but more or less held its shape. The metal door to the stairs (there was no elevator like in Texas) was rolled back, shaped into a cylinder still attached to the wall by massive hinges. Nathalia dropped down the stairwell without much thought to her own safety and without touching one step. Her feet thudded on the ground after free falling for three or so flights, but not nearly as hard as they should have. A normal human would have broken their feet and legs at the very least, maybe even died. Nathalia stepped forward as Eiran landed just where she had. His landing was silent.

  He grabbed her upper arm, holding her from going forward, Our brother has been here. Can you smell him? He could have laid traps.

  She pulled her arm away, I feel very strongly that the only safe place is with the Capacitors. We need to get there right away.

  She knew her reasoning was faulty. She
knew Eiran knew it too. But she couldn’t get rid of the overwhelming desire to move forward and so she went. She knew that other areas of the world boasted different abilities. She knew the desire was artificial, so maybe it was a type of security beacon. In case of emergency, it would call the nearest Daughter to the Capacitors.

  It was dark here, only lit by the luminescence of the holy women. They were fine, although the murder of their sisters had allowed blackness to seep into their golden power. The Akhkharu had not entered this room, but his children had. A couple bodies lay on the floor and they carried the same vicious marks of the violent animal attacks as those outside.

  A small noise alerted Nathalia to a woman crouched in the corner hugging her own knees. She was nude save the blood covering her smooth dark skin. A look of panic shot across her face when Eiran entered the room. She started making whimpering noises and tried to get further from the door by scrabbling back against the wall.

  Nathalia held up her hand, motioning back to Eiran, Stay there. Don’t come any closer.

  Eiran’s voice was loud and out of place here in the holy collection room, “But she…”

  Not another word, Eiran. Not another step. You’re scaring her to death. Nathalia began her slow approach toward the girl as soon as Eiran was held fast by her command. Be not afraid Sister. I’m here to help you and take you some place safe.

  Nathalia held out her hand to the girl and it was accepted. The girl’s hand was oddly cool. Maybe she suffered shock; she had just seen her whole community massacred. Nathalia squeezed reassuringly and the girl squeezed back. She smiled and when the girl smiled back, Nathalia knew there was a problem.

  This was no ordinary girl. This was a vitala, a vampire. Her teeth were all incisors and there may have been more than one row. Her eyes were pitch black, glossy and alien, from lid to lid, corner to corner. It was like looking into the face of a shark. Nathalia gasped, but that was all she had time to do before the vitala swung her around. Nathalia could feel the cool of the metal pressing against her throat.

  A horrible growl came from the doorway where Eiran stood trapped, completely unable to come to Nathalia’s aide, barred by her last commands.

  “One step and her head comes off. I know even an angel can’t survive that.” She had a thick accent and her voice had an odd quality to it. It was almost like a Guardian’s voice was under her own.

  The vampire pressed the knife against Nathalia’s scar, drawing blood and proving her point. Nathalia concentrated and brought her veins and arteries back from the surface, away from the blade. Not fast enough. She could feel two drips making a trail down her neck and between her breasts. She ran her finger up, collecting the blood and bringing the drop to her mouth. It gave her a rush and an idea.

  I am no angel. I am vitala too. I was telling the truth when I said I was here to help you and take you some place safe. I brought my own Nephilim to share with you.

  “I don’t believe you. I saw your eyes and they are not like mine.” The knife was really cutting now. A normal woman would already be dead, with a kitchen knife embedded a half inch in her throat.

  No, they’re not like yours, but I’m obviously not human or I wouldn’t be standing. You were made by an Akhkharu. I was made by him. My maker’s blood is untainted, because I don’t allow him to feed.

  “Allow! Women do not allow or forbid the Masters to do anything. Your lie is easy to see through.”

  It’s true; I am in control. He took my virginity and allowed me to live. He’s a fool and his weakness for women gave me the upper hand.

  THERE WAS at least a spark of truth to what the woman said. 603 had heard the Master speak about that. She had even been in charge of killing any virgin the Master took pleasures from. She knew he feared them and never allowed them to live for long afterward. 603 pulled the knife out of the woman’s throat.

  Look at him. Do you think he would still be over there if I wasn’t holding him fast?

  The Nephilim thrashed around and growled, but his feet hadn’t moved. Maybe she was telling the truth. 603 licked her lips. She had not tasted holy blood since the night of her change and then she had been repulsed by it, unable to truly enjoy the offering being made.

  Allow me to prove it. I will feed from him. Her voice took on a harder edge. Crawl to me. Your blood is mine.

  It was obvious the Nephilim didn’t want to do it, but her command was actually impossible to resist. She did have the power over him.

  He crawled across the dirt floor toward the two women. 603 stiffened and angled to keep her captive between herself and the unbelievably strong male who appeared submissive but could at any point do them both in without breaking a sweat.

  When he reached them, his arm shook as he raised it slowly, offering it to Nathalia. “My blood is yours,” he said.

  She took his arm and jerked it up to her mouth. 603 stood on her tip toes to get a better view as the woman bit down, but she was so tall and hard to see over. She made suckling sounds and Nephilim blood ran down his arm. The emasculated master moaned, sounding like the feeding was pleasurable.

  603 had feasted on the blood of the women who lived here and should have been satisfied, but she wasn’t. She wanted the holy blood. She decided to try to make a trade. In a flash she dashed across the room. Though she knew it would hurt, she reached into the sphere of power and dragged a girl out.

  NATHALIA LIFTED her head from Eiran’s arm. The puncture wounds in her lip healed up as soon as she pulled her teeth out, but the vitala didn’t see. Eiran clutched the arm, holding it close to his body to keep Nathalia’s blood from hitting the floor. He couldn’t very well tabalu. It would ruin Nathalia’s clever ruse.

  The vitala held the woman, obviously one of the sisters, by her hair and pressed the knife to her lower stomach. The vampire’s arm smoldered; it clearly pained her. She and her prisoner crossed toward Nathalia and the still crouching Eiran.

  Yes, a trade. How very thoughtful of you. I will take the woman and you can taste him. His blood is quite useful, but bores me.

  “I do intend to make a trade, but this is just an ordinary girl, hardly a fair offering to someone with such power. She’s nothing except a bargaining chip.”

  Nathalia was uncertain where this was going, so she let the vampire continue.

  The vitala gestured to the Capacitors. “It burns worse than the sun in there, but she can bring them out.” She kneed the girl in the kidney, making her “oof.” “Do it! or I’ll cut out your other ovary. And not one of those stony sisters this time, give us a nice, juicy live one.”

  The sister cried. Nathalia could see that there was a hole in her stomach where, presumably, the vitala had removed a reproductive organ. That was the worst thing that could be done to a Daughter of Women, eliminating her bloodline. Nathalia could feel it when the woman pulled power from the Capacitors. The blackness that Nathalia had become so intimately familiar with, hurt the witch, but she had to pull from the communal pool to work some kind of magic.

  A capacitor began to separate herself from the group. She moved slowly, but not because she was long into her years there and mostly stone. She was enthralled, unable to keep herself from moving toward the sister. Nathalia could tell she had not been plugged in long, maybe a year or two, but she was highly charged. She gave off a slight glow.

  “She’s not as delectable as them,” she gestured toward Eiran, “but she’s more than human and tastes better too. What do you think of my offering? Fair trade?”

  Nathalia couldn’t allow the blood sucker to get a hold of a holy one so she shook her head yes, and gestured to Eiran that he should go to the vampire. She couldn’t think of anything to get the injured woman out of the line of fire and to safety. It was about to get bad in here and she wished there was a way to spare these women the sight of it. This whole situation was too horrible to think about. All this violence in a storage room in front of the magically charged holy Capacitors? A vampire drinking from one of them!

bsp; Nathalia crossed to the capacitor, sending waves of reassurance and safety. She had to continue the ruse, but would not risk upsetting a holy one. She made sure both the sister and capacitor knew that they were being saved. No harm would come to them from her nor her Guardian. She took the radiating woman into her arms and dipped her like a ballroom dancer. She finished off the image as she had before, by putting her mouth to the skin and biting through her own lip to draw enough blood to be smelled by the vampire.

  Nathalia sent a question to Eiran, This vitala was not always this way. Is there any way to save her?

  There is no redemption for one such as she. Whoever she was before the Akhkharu converted her, that woman is dead, replaced with this monster. Look, even now after her Master has abandoned her, she is doing his bidding. She mutilates and kills to garner power for Eitan.

  The vampire woman was covered in thin light scars of varying ages. As they all watched she sliced herself and her prisoner all over the legs and arms. Hers healed up quickly but the sisters did not. It was obvious that if the woman had once been whole, the corrupted blood had damaged her mind irrevocably.

  “Make him come to me, crawling, like he did for you.” Thinking the exchange complete, she dropped the bleeding prisoner to the floor.

  Nathalia had placed the holy one back in the sphere and was standing over the fallen comrade in a second and the next, the battle was over. Nathalia released Eiran with a word and he had moved in, dispatching the vitala as humanely as possible.

  As he carried the body up to allow Ud’s light to eviscerate that evil, Nathalia tried to sooth the injured sister. She couldn’t tell if the woman’s injuries were mortal, but they were nasty, especially the forced organ donation locale. She thought about using her blood to heal the wounds, but didn’t want to risk conversion.

  She called to the only person she knew who might be able to help, Nanae Raphael, it is Ereshkigal of the Kafziel family line. I am returned. I mean you no harm as I can feel your mind is uncorrupted by brethren blood. Please come to me. An Akhkharu has attacked the Sisterhood near Gish Abay, Ethiopia. He and his children slaughtered all but one and she’s hurt. She could be a ‘Sinnis Ina Ummum Zumru’ for you or some other worthy Nephilim.


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