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Pursuing The Madam 2

Page 4

by Charmanie Saquea

  “Whoa, so what happened?”

  “One night he came home drunk, it was always worse when he was drunk. He started beating on my mom then somehow it turned to me. I got away and took the lamp off the table in the living room and hit him over the head with it. He went down and I kept hitting him. It was like I blacked out. I had to be about fifteen at the time. I called my granny and told her what happened at the same time my mom was on the phone with the police. My granny drove me all the way from Ohio to Florida that night to live with her sister. That’s actually how I met your dad.”

  “You didn’t work for him, did you?” Kaily asked with a raised eyebrow.

  Stacy knew that Kaily was asking her if she was one of Senior’s hoes, but in a nicer way. “Child, no. He did his business around the corner from where I lived. I will admit that I was young and fast in the ass at the time, I use to walk around the corner just so I would run into him. It took him a whole year to even think about messing with me. Now, I never knew that he was with Dolly at the time, but of course that didn’t stop him.”

  “So was it a one-time thing between you two that led to me or was it a continuous thing?”

  “It was a continuous thing, until I found out that I was pregnant with you. Then that’s when I found out about Dolly, she was pissed off. Apparently Senior had told her about me basically being on the run and that’s what she used against me for ending up pregnant by her man.” Stacy shrugged.

  “This is all just so crazy to me,” Kaily admitted. “I’ll be honest though, I like this story a hundred times better than I liked the version of you being a crack head.”

  “Yea about that, I’ve never touch a drug higher than weed a day in my life.”

  “I’m just relieved to know it wasn’t true. I should have known something was up with the way our names were spelled. K-A-I, and I still didn’t think anything of it.” Kaily laughed a little. “So do you have any other kids?”

  Stacy shook her head no. “No, I only had you. I wouldn’t have felt right bringing another baby in this world knowing that I couldn’t even raise my firstborn,” Stacy admitted.

  “I know we can’t go back and make up for the years that we lost but I would love for you to be in my life starting today. I want to formally introduce you to my boyfriend, and Kaiah and Kaison. I will cook a big dinner and we can start from there, if that’s fine with you.”

  “Yes, I would love that.” Stacy smiled. This meeting went way better than she thought it would have. She was thinking that Kaily would harbor some ill feelings towards her and wouldn’t want anything to do with her.

  “Okay, good. I’ll let you get back to work. Thanks for meeting with me,” Kaily said as she got up and hugged Stacy.

  “Anytime, you have my number so don’t hesitate to call me.” Stacy smiled.

  “Oh I won’t.”

  * * *

  Kaison was having a little family outing with Kalise, Keymani and even Angel came along. He was happy that he had two females in his life that he really cared about that could get along without all the baby mama drama. Keymani loved Angel, which was another plus in his eyes. He was treating them to a day at the mall.

  “You know what you’re wearing tonight?” Kalise asked Angel.

  “No, I need to find me something,” Angel said as she was bumped into, hard.

  She looked up to see a pregnant girl staring her and Kalise down. “Excuse you.” Angel rolled her eyes.

  “Mesha, don’t start no shit because you will get that ass whooped today,” Kalise said. Kaison and Keymani had went ahead to a different store, so she didn’t have to worry about her daughter seeing her act a fool.

  “Girl, please, our baby daddy wouldn’t allow that to go down. After all, I am carrying your daughter’s little sister or brother.” Mesha smiled as she rubbed her belly.

  “Bitch, please. That could be anybody in Miami baby,” Kalise said.

  Angel had never seen Mesha a day in her life because Kaison never brought her around and right now she was not impressed. She was trying to figure out what the hell Kaison even saw in her in the first place. She was a basic bitch.

  “Kalise, don’t argue with her ass, you can bet your ass that when she drop that load the DNA will prove that’s not my man’s baby,” Angel said.

  “Your man?” Mesha laughed. “What the hell Kaison doing, fucking both of yall at the same time?”

  “Do we have a problem?” Kaison asked as he walked up.

  “There he go, there’s my baby daddy.”

  “Bitch please, you and I both know that ain’t my damn baby,” Kaison spat.

  “We’ll find out in a couple of months. You just better get ready to come out them pockets for the next eighteen years.” Mesha winked as she walked away rubbing her belly.

  “Delusional bitch,” he mumbled.

  Later that day, he and Angel were laying in his bed watching Menace to Society. He had his arms wrapped around her with his head on her chest when out of nowhere, he started apologizing. “I’m sorry.”

  “For what?” she asked.

  “That shit at the mall today.”

  “It wasn’t your fault, she stepped to us on her own, and you didn’t make her do it,” Angel said as she rubbed his head.

  Kaison got quiet, he started running his hands up her thighs and Angel started quivering under his touch. Since she and Kaison had started getting serious, she hadn’t been working for Kaiah. She still lived there but she didn’t accept any clients.

  When he reached up to her shorts and pulled them down, she lifted up so he could get them over her ass. He stuck a finger in her pussy and she was dripping wet. Damn, he thought as he kissed up her stomach until he placed the head of his dick at her opening.

  “Wait, a condom,” Angel said.

  Ignoring her, Kaison went all the way in until he was balls deep. He threw her leg over his shoulder and started pumping. “Fuck that, you used that shit when you was fucking them other niggas. You fuckin ya man now so ain’t no need for all that.”

  Angel couldn’t even say anything because her breath got caught in her lungs and her eyes were rolling in the back of her head. Kaison was confused; for her to be fucking niggas like that, her shit was still tight as fuck.

  Angel started squeezing her pussy muscles and that drove him wild. From her experiences with her clients, she learned a couple of tricks that she wasn’t afraid to use on him.

  “Aye,” Kaison said.

  “Uh... Huh?”

  “I love you girl.” He said.

  Angel smiled while trying to hold back a moan. She had been waiting for the longest for him to say that and had been fantasizing about him saying it since the day she met him, but him actually saying it was music to her ears.

  “I love you too.”

  * * *

  Kaiah was extra happy today. Earlier in the day she had got her cast on her leg taken off and she was no longer on crutches. Kaiah thought that was a means for a celebration so she was taking Kaily, Angel and Kalise out for a girl’s night to have drinks and some fun. Kaiah was relieved so now she could get back to her girls and take her business back from her daddy.

  Deonte stood in the doorway of his and Kaiah’s bedroom and watched her as she sat at her vanity blow drying her hair. Damn, she’s beautiful, he thought to himself. Ever since the day that Carlos brought Sherae over, Kaiah had been acting different towards him. He hated that, they had just got back in a good place and he didn’t want any more unnecessary problems.

  Kaiah watched Deonte through the mirror wondering what he was thinking about. She could tell that he was in deep in thought because he was biting the corner of his lip which is something he did when he had something on his mind. She watched him closely as he walked over to her.

  “Has anyone told you that they love you today?” Deonte asked as he kissed her neck.

  “No,” Kaiah answered.

  “Well, I love you, Kaiah Andrea Smith,” he said, calling her by her full name.
  “I love you too, Deonte Martez Smith.”

  She looked deep in his eyes and asked him a question that had been weighing on her mind heavily. “Why did Shauntez tell me that I need to watch Carlos’ cousin around you?” she asked as she brushed her hair.

  Deonte took a deep breath before he answered. He was thinking of a way to answer it without having her go off on him. “Well, me and Sherae kind of have history together,” he said simply.

  “History like what?”

  “Like…she was my first love,” he said it low but Kaiah still caught it.

  “Oh,” she whispered. She didn’t know how to take this. She was wondering why the hell would Carlos bring this girl in her house knowing that she had a deep past with Deonte. She was feeling a certain way about that and wasn’t going to hesitate to let him know. She didn’t play that playing both sides shit.

  Without another word on the subject, Kaiah got up from the vanity and walked over to her walk-in closet to figure out what she was wearing for the night. She was done speaking to Deonte about that subject. She had heard all she needed to know.

  Deonte scratched his head nervously. Most niggas loved when their girls were quiet about something like that, but not him. He knew Kaiah and for her to be quiet could only mean that she was either secretly plotting or cussing him out in her head.

  "Talk to me baby," Deonte called out.

  "About what Deonte?" Kaiah said dryly.

  Oh shit, she called me Deonte instead of Tae, he said to himself. He knew she was mad at him now.

  Kaiah smiled a when she found the perfect outfit for tonight. She decided on wearing a short leather flare skirt, a black bra with little spikes and black Giuseppe wedges without the heel with spikes. She looked at the clock and noticed she had an hour before Kaily came to get her. "Perfect," she said.

  Since she had already showered and washed her hair, all she had to do was get dressed. She grabbed her outfit and walked back into the bedroom. Deonte was sitting on the bed watching her like a hawk. Kaiah dropped her robe and the only thing she had on was a black thong.

  Deonte licked his lips, remembering that it had been a minute since he had been inside of his wife. He watched her put on her skirt and tilted his head a little thinking her skirt was too short for his liking. Then she put her bra on and he almost flipped out.

  "What you wearing over that?" he asked.

  Kaiah looked at him like he was speaking a foreign language. "Huh?"

  "Huh my ass, you heard me," he retorted.

  Kaiah rolled her eyes and proceeded to finishing getting dressed. She sat on the bed to put her shoes on, all the while Deonte continued to watch her. After she was done she walked over to the full length mirror by the bathroom and examined herself. She smiled at what she saw. Her legs looked toned and sexy as hell thanks to her running track in middle and high school. She examined her hair to make sure her roots didn't need a touch up.

  Deonte had grabbed his phone and sent a group message to Kaison and Carlos.

  Deonte: What y'all on tonight? Wanna go out because I think my wife gon make me fuck her and some niggas up tonight.

  Carlos: I'm on the same shit! Kaily snuck her ass out the house without telling me where she was going

  Kaison: I'm down, I think Angel trynna roll with them anyways.

  Deonte smiled to himself. The girls weren't going to be having too much fun tonight. At least not without the men being there.

  "Where you going anyways?" he asked.

  "I don't know, Kaily picked the spot." Kaiah shrugged just as her phone rang. She took it out her clutch to see it was Kaily. "I'm coming down now, boo."

  "Okay, c'mon slow ass," Kaily laughed.

  Kaiah grabbed her short leather jacket and strutted towards the bedroom door.

  "Damn, no kiss or I love you?" Deonte asked. She doubled back and walked back to the bed, she leaned down and kissed her husband. She parted his lips with her tongue and kissed him like it would be the last time. Finally breaking the kiss, she wiped his lips.

  "Be good." He slapped her on the ass.

  "Always." She winked before walking out the door.

  * * *

  Kaiah was having the time of her life. Kaily had taken them out to a club in Miami Beach and she was living it up. Most of her time had been spent on the dance floor. It had been a long time she since had the chance to just go out and have fun.

  Angel, Kalise, and Kaily were sitting back laughing at Kaiah act a fool when Kaily saw something that belonged to her.

  "Oh hell naw!" Kaily said as she watched Carlos, Deonte and Kaison walk through the door.

  Angel turned to see what Kaily was talking about when she spotted Kaison. "Shit," she cussed under her breath as she tried to pull her short dress down a little. Kalise was trying to see if she could get Kaiah's attention so she could let her know that her husband was crashing the party, but Kaiah was in a whole other world.

  "What's up ladies?" Carlos said as he eyed Kaily. She rolled her eyes and folded her arms. The one night she had to go out with her girls and he just had to ruin it. "Don't look like that baby, act like you're happy to see ya man," he joked.

  Kaiah was on the bar dancing to “Strip” by Chris Brown when Deonte spotted her. He frowned up when he noticed the coconut Ciroc bottle in her hand. He didn't mind her going out and having fun, but it became a problem when she was damn near half-dressed and drinking, especially with her drinking history.

  "Hol up, y'all let her drink?" he yelled over the music. Everyone turned in Kaiah's direction and looked like kids that were being chastised by their parents.

  "We were watching her, Deonte," Kaily said. "She's grown and allowed to have fun. You think I would let her go too far with it?"

  "It don't fucking matter, Kaily! You out of anybody should know better," he fussed before going to get his wife.

  Kaiah had a little buzz from the liquor and she was feeling good. "I just wanna see you strip!" she sang along with the music. She looked up to see Deonte walking in her direction and smiled. "Heyyyy Tae, what you doing here?"

  "Let's go Kaiah, now," Deonte yelled over the music.

  "Girls just wanna have fun baby, lighten up," she said as she stepped down off the bar with his help.

  "You're fucking drunk," he said pissed off as he walked her back to the table.

  "I'm not drunk, I promise," Kaiah said as she wobbled. She was seeing double and couldn't walk straight. If it weren't for Deonte holding on to her, she would have fell on her face. "Hey Twin! Look Angel, it's Kaison," she slurred once they walked over to everyone else.

  "But you wouldn't let her go too far huh?" Carlos asked Kaily with his nose turned up.

  "Hol the fuck up! See what y'all not gon do is put this shit on me. Kaiah is a grown ass woman who will be twenty two in two weeks. She know what she not supposed to do, so why is this shit my fault?" Kaily asked with an attitude.

  "Because you're the one who fucking invited her out! You should have been watching her and making sure she didn't do this shit, that's why this is your fault," said Deonte heatedly.

  "Fuck you Deonte, don't try to play that fucking caring husband role now."

  "Okay, y'all just calm down," Kalise said. "Deonte, just take her home and sober her up."

  "I'm not fucking drunk! And stop talking about me like I'm not standing here. I'm grown as hell and will do whatever the fuck I want. Now Kaily, will you please take me home? My fucking night is ruined," Kaiah said.

  "Yea, let's go because Carlos left his fucking cousin in my house by herself and you know I don't play that shit," Kaily said as she got up.

  "The fuck you trynna say?" Carlos asked.

  "I think I said it." Kaily rolled her eyes. She had an attitude with Carlos for two reasons. One, because he crashed her night and two, because Kaiah had told her the story about Deonte and Sherae's history. She felt that Carlos was disrespectful for even bringing her around Kaiah knowing that shit. If anything went down that wasn't suppose
d to, she was coming down on his head.


  Synai was at home, bored. She hated the fact that her brothers and Kaiah were never home anymore. Shauntez only came home to shower and eat then he was right back on the go. She thought that he would have slowed down after he got out the hospital but she was wrong. She also hated the fact that Kaiah was back working and never home. She really needed to have some girl one on one talk with her but she never had the time.

  She felt like she had nobody to talk to and for a majority of the time, she was always at home by herself. She didn’t have any friends, so it wasn’t like she could go out and have any fun herself. All she did was sit in the house, in her room and stare at the four walls. Everyone was either so busy or had their own thing going on so she was feeling neglected.

  Since everyone was coupled up, she thought that’s what she needed to do to get some excitement in her life or for someone to care about her. She knew that would be hard with her crazy brother but then again, he never paid attention to her anyways.

  * * *

  Sammy had been real frustrated lately. He hadn't had a chance to get close to Kaiah since before she went into the hospital. He knew shit was about to get real once he realized that Kasey had been called back into the States. He hadn't seen him since he moved out of the country, and that was ten years ago. If there was one nigga that Sammy didn’t fuck with, it was Kasey "Sneaky" Parks. That was one crazy muthafucka that could put a bullet in ya head while he was blindfolded.

  His plan was to lay low and make them think he had went away until Sneaky left, then he could get Kaiah. Sammy didn't like how everyone thought he was crazy and sick. Yea, he had done some things that weren't considered the norm, but at the same time that was all he knew.

  His mother used to let her brother molest and do whatever he wanted to Sammy just so she could get high. She didn't give a fuck about what was going on or who was doing what as long as she had her glass dick full. Everything had been perfect in his life until the day his father was killed in an attempted robbery.


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