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Pursuing The Madam 2

Page 8

by Charmanie Saquea

  That was all Kaiah could bear to hear; she couldn't take it anymore. She had just spoken with Shemar earlier in the day yesterday and now he was gone. She was flipping out. She noticed that her text messages had been read the night Deonte slept over, so her mind instantly traveled to him. Did he read what Shemar said and get mad? Was that motive for him to kill him? Her mind was in overdrive.

  She was pacing back and forth. She didn't want to believe that he would actually do something like that. This little bit of information was scaring her half to death. On top of that, she just took a pregnancy test and she was not ready for the results that popped up. Apparently, she was pregnant and that scared her half to death considering what happened the last time. She heard a knock at the door so she walked out the kitchen and went to open the door. Kaily stood there with a worried look on her face.

  “What’s wrong?” Kaiah asked.

  “Me and Carlos got into again,” Kaily sighed.

  “Over what this time?”

  “His fucking cousin. It’s just something about her that I don’t trust. Ever since she sent that picture to Deonte, I knew she was foul as hell and he expects me to be fucking chummy chummy with her ass.”

  Kaiah tilted her head to the side and looked at her sister like she was crazy. “Sent what picture to Deonte?” she asked.

  “You don’t know?” Kaily asked, confused. “She sent Deonte a picture of you and Shemar all hugged up. That’s how he knew where to find you that day y’all two got into it. She called and told him where you were at,” Kaily said like Kaiah was supposed to have known that.

  “That bitch!” Kaiah yelled. “She’s the reason he’s fucking dead now, that’s all her fault,” she said on the verge of tears.

  “Wait, what?” Kaily said.

  “Let’s go. Take me to that bitch house, now,” Kaiah said, walking towards the door and Kaily had no choice but to follow her.

  Sherae had called Deonte over to mow her lawn for her. She was a little shocked when he agreed to do it. They hadn’t really had a chance to talk since she kind of blew up on him when she was at his house. He had gotten a little dirty and sweaty so he hopped in the shower before he decided to head out. While he was in the shower, Sherae sat on the couch and waited for him. She wanted to have a serious talk with him because they had some issues that they needed to discuss that didn't really get solved the last time they tried to have a civil conversation.

  Somebody was banging on her door so she jumped up to see who it was. Without looking through the peephole, she swung the door open. She was not expecting to see the two that were standing on the other side of the door.

  “What…what are you doing here?”

  Without responding, Kaiah punched her dead on her face. Sherae fell to the ground and Kaiah got on top of her, punching her in her face repeatedly. “I heard you like to run yo fucking mouth. Is that what you like to do, bitch? Huh?” Kaiah asked.

  Deonte heard screaming so he ran out of the bathroom with just his sweats on. “What the fuck?” he yelled when he saw Kaiah beating the shit out of Sherae. Kaiah froze up when she heard that voice. She got off Sherae and looked at Deonte standing there with no shirt on. She just nodded her head and rubbed her sore hand while Deonte helped Sherae off the ground. He walked towards Kaiah and she bolted out the door. Kaily stood there dumfounded; she didn’t want to believe that Deonte would do this to his wife…again.

  “Really Tae? Again?”

  “It’s not even like that Kaily. Shit is not how it looks,” he tried to explain.

  “I’m not the one you need to tell that to…”

  “Kaily let’s go…now!” Kaiah yelled from the car. Without another word, Kaily turned around and walked out the door. Deonte looked over at Sherae’s bloody face and sighed.

  “Imma kill that bitch, I swear I am,” she said.

  “You not gon kill shit. Go clean yo face up,” he said.

  Kaily pulled up in front of Kaiah’s house, she looked over at her sister and could tell that she was hurt. Kaiah wasn’t as strong as she tried to be sometimes and that wasn’t her fault.

  “I’m about to grab us something to eat. I know you’re hungry.”

  Kaiah just nodded her head and got out of the car. She felt her phone vibrating and knew it wasn’t nobody but Deonte calling her so she ignored it and let it go to voicemail. She locked up the house and kicked her shoes off, she headed straight to her private stash of drinks because she needed it real bad. Right when she was about to pour some Ciroc in a glass, there was a knock at the door. She walked over and looked out the peephole to find Carlos standing there.

  “What’s up? Kaily’s not here,” she said as she opened the door.

  “That’s cool, because I came to talk to you anyways,” he said, walking in the house.

  “About what?” She shrugged.

  “I heard what you did and I wanted you to know that shit is not cool. I don’t say much about the shit you do because I look at you like a sister and I love you, but Sherae is blood and I don’t want to see her hurt. That shit was real foul Kaiah and you know it.”

  Kaiah looked at him with her head tilted and her hands on her hips. She really didn’t give a fuck about shit he was saying. “Carlos, I could give two fucks about how that bitch feel right now and you must have lost yo fucking mind trying to come at me over some shit that doesn’t have shit to do with you. If you’re so mad, you need to check ya boy because he allowed the shit to go down.”

  Carlos laughed and shook his head. “You’re crazy as fuck Kaiah. Now I see what Deonte be talking about. Leave his ass alone, he has already made it clear that he doesn’t want you. You had your chance and you drove him away. In all honesty she did have him first anyways, so just give it up.” Carlos didn’t mean a word that he was saying but he was tired of seeing Kaiah get hurt. He wanted to push her away from Deonte so she could be happy. He knew she deserved better than what she was getting.

  “Carlos, get the fuck out of my house!” Kaiah yelled with tears in her eyes. She couldn’t believe that the man she called her brother would be talking to her like that. Without another word, Carlos left out of the house. Kaiah ran and grabbed the bottle of Ciroc and downed it.

  She was hating herself right now. She hated that she allowed people to get her to the point where all she wanted to do was drink her pain away. It had been a while since she had a drink and she felt like she was doing good up until now. She sat down after the drink because she was feeling dizzy. She put her head in her hands and cried. She felt like she couldn’t trust anyone right now. Everyone was turning on her or had betrayed her in some way.

  She heard keys turning in the lock but didn’t look up because she knew it wasn’t nobody but Kaily.

  “I’m tired of you always running away from me Kaiah,” Deonte said.

  “Do you love her Tae?” she asked without looking up.

  “You been drinking?” he asked as he noticed the empty bottle on the table. “What I tell you about that shit Kaiah?” he said, frustrated.

  Kaiah jumped up and got in his face, “Why the fuck do you even care, Deonte? You don’t want me, remember?” she yelled.

  “Kaiah chill out, you’re fucking drunk as fuck,” he said, lightly pushing her back.

  “Is that why you don’t want me Tae? Because I’m a drunk? I told you that before you married me that I was a drunk and you said you didn’t care,” Kaiah yelled as the tears fell. “You don’t want me because you want her, right?”

  “Kaiah go lay down and sober up please,” Deonte pleaded.

  “Is she prettier than me? Does she fuck you better than me? I know I’m not perfect Tae, but I fucking try!”

  Kaily walked in the house in the middle of the commotion and was confused. Kaiah was fine when she left, now she was a fucking mess. “What’s wrong?” she asked looking from Kaiah to Deonte.

  “She’s drunk,” Deonte said.

  “Carlos told me that Deonte doesn’t want me because I drove him away
and I just wanna know what I did, Kaily. All I wanted was for him to love me,” she slurred. “Why don’t you love me?”

  “Carlos did what now? When did you see him?” Kaily asked as she put the food in the kitchen and came back.

  “It doesn’t matter, he told me to let you go so you can be with her so that’s what Imma do,” she said as she tried to walk away, but she was seeing double and couldn’t walk straight. Kaily rushed over to her and helped her walk towards her bedroom.

  Deonte was confused. He had no idea that Carlos had even talked to Kaiah or why he would come see her. He had no reason to even come at her anyway concerning what they had going on.


  Today was the day that Angel was officially moving out of the mansion and in with Kaison. They had talked about it and since she just found out that she was pregnant, she was going to do it. After with a lot of pep talking from Kaiah, Kaily and Kalise, she decided that she was going to stop living in fear of what others might think of her and just live her life. She was going to do whatever made her happy and being with Kaison made her happy.

  “Aww, my baby is leaving the nest. I don’t think I’m ready for this,” Kaiah pouted as she helped Angel take boxes down to the front door.

  “We have so many memories here,” Natalia said. “I remember the first night you came here.”

  “Oh, please don’t remind me of that night,” Angel half-joked.

  "Sorry," Natalia said, feeling dumb for even bringing it up. "Well, you can think of it as the night you met your knight in hood armor."

  Everyone laughed at Natalia's silliness. She was always the one to bring light to any situation.

  Angel had something in her mind that she really wanted to get off, she wasn't the type to get in other people’s business especially family business but she wanted to have a conversation with Kaiah.

  "Kaiah, can I talk to you real quick please before Kaison gets here?" Angel asked.

  "C'mon," Kaiah said as she led her to the living room. "What's up?"

  "I know it's not my business and I shouldn't be in it, but I think you and Kaison need to talk," Angel said.

  "Angel, me and Kaison did all the talking we need to do."

  "He really feels bad that you're not talking to him. He may not admit it to you but he talks to me about it all the time."

  "I just can't do him right now. I'm happy for you two in finally taking the next step in your relationship and you know I'll always be here for you," Kaiah said. Right now, she didn't have any words to say to her brother. It wasn’t so much that she was mad at him, but she was more hurt and betrayed than anything.

  Angel sighed. She knew eventually the twins would get it together and get back on track so she wasn't really that worried about it.

  "Angel, Kaison just pulled up!" Natalia announced.

  "Alright mamacita, time to take your last walk in this big mansion." Kaiah smiled.

  They walked back to the front door where Kaison was waiting. Kaiah walked her to the door and made an about-face without saying a word to her brother. Kaison just shook his head. He knew his sister could be stubborn. They’d had their share of arguments and disagreements, but this was not like them.

  "How much long you plan on acting like a brat?" Kaison called after her.

  Kaiah proceeded to walk away, heading back to her office without saying a word. She did give him the middle finger to show him exactly how she felt.

  * * *

  Kaily and Carlos' relationship had been strained for a while now. They tried to act like they had it all together and were happy in front of everyone else but behind closed doors, it was a different story. Carlos felt like the cause of their problems was Kaiah. Every time she and Deonte got into, Kaily was running to her rescue, every time Kaiah was pissy drunk, Kaily ran to the rescue, and he was tired of it.

  He understood that she was just being a sister and she had always been protective over her, but Kaiah was a grown ass woman going through normal grown up problems. He wanted Kaily to stop being a crutch and let Kaiah live her own life.

  "All I'm saying is some shit she causes on herself," Carlos said. They were having one of their famous arguments.

  "Carlos, how do you sound? You went over to her house, confronted her about some shit that had nothing to do with you and then you tell her that she's the reason that her husband doesn't want to be with her. You did that shit!" Kaily yelled.

  "I have my reasons for doing what I did, which I'm not obligated to share with you," he stated calmly.

  "Fuck you Carlos, you gon fuck around and find yo black ass single like ya homeboy. Keep fucking with me if you want to," Kaily threatened as she walked out the front door, slamming it in the process.

  He just shook his head. It was funny how they were letting someone else's relationship problems cause problems in their own relationship. He heard a knock at the door and went to answer it. He was relieved when he saw it was Deonte.

  "Kaily just almost rammed into my ass. The hell wrong with her?" Deonte asked.

  "Too much to get into. What brings you by?"

  "Kaiah," he answered simply.

  "Why am I not surprised?" Carlos shook his head.

  "Help me understand what the hell happened. She said you came over and was basically trying to get her to leave me alone so I could be with Sherae. Now I'm confused because I don't ever remember me saying that," said Deonte.

  "Look man, I don't even remember all what I said, but yes I did tell her to leave you alone," Carlos admitted.

  "For what? You got something against us being together?"

  "I look at it like this, you don't even know what you wanna do. You claim you love her then you act like you don't wanna be with her. That girl is going through the motions behind yo ass, and for what?"

  "I just said let's take a little break because we both let our anger get the best of us that day, especially me. I was giving us some time to cool off, but never did I say I didn't want to be with her. Now you got her ass over there thinking that I'm fucking Sherae and wanna be with her and that shit will never happen," Deonte said heatedly.

  He was pissed off that Kaiah thought he didn't want her anymore. Yes, he said they should take a little break but not a damn separation. His heart damn near broke when Kaiah was trying to compare herself to Sherae.

  "Had I known that she was gonna take it that far, I would have never said nothing. I thought I was just looking out for her. We may have our differences right now, but I still look at her like a sister and I don't wanna see her hurt," Carlos said. He felt like shit that his plan had backfired.

  He really was thought he was looking out for Kaiah. He knew that his cousin wouldn't stop until she worked her way back into Deonte's harms and hated for Kaiah to go through that. He thought that if she left now, she wouldn't hurt as much when it finally happened.

  * * *

  Kaily drove to Bal Harbour Beach. This used to be her tranquility spot when she was in high school. She would come here to ease her mind because there was just something about the water that put her at ease and calmed her.

  The breeze from the water was a tad bit chilly so she had a fleece blanket wrapped around her. Her mind so was cluttered with thoughts that she thought her head would explode. She was always the type of person to understand where people were coming from or how they were feeling, but there was just something bothering her about the way that Carlos had been acting lately.

  She was deep in thought when she felt someone coming up behind her. She turned to see Orlando standing behind her looking out at the water.

  "You still come here huh?" he asked.

  "Not like I used to, I haven't been here for a while," she answered.

  "Remember what you used to say every time I followed you here whenever you got mad at me?"

  Kaily chuckled at the memory. "Yup. ‘Since you wanna follow somebody somewhere, how about you buy me one of those beach houses over there.’"

  "Just as feisty as ever." He shook his he
ad. "So what's up baby girl, what's on your mind?"

  "Too much," she admitted.

  "Like?" he asked, trying to get her to elaborate.

  "Did you ever feel like my relationship with Kaiah came before ours?" she retorted.

  Orlando turned her around so she was facing him. "What you mean?"

  "Did you think that I put Kaiah before you? Do you think she was a problem in our relationship?"

  "What? I never felt like that. Did you forget that I was around when that shit happened to her?" Orlando asked. Kaily shook her head no, letting him know that she didn't forget. "I know wasn't easy for her to go through that and I also know that you weren't about to let her go through it alone. Why do you think whenever you came over I always told you to bring her?"

  "Because her short ass was your little tater tot and you love her like a sister." Kaily smiled.

  "Yea that too, but also because I knew that she looked at you as her protector because you were there for her day in and out. You let her sleep in your room so you could comfort her whenever she had nightmares, you were there to tell her that everything would be alright, you were there to wipe her tears and to remind her to take her medicine. Yes, everyone else was there, but not like you were. I say you played a big part in her recovery from that shit."

  "See, well Carlos feels like I need to let Kaiah go through her problems by herself and stop being a crutch and I refuse to because I know that I'm basically the only one she will tell everything to," said Kaily.

  "I don't think you will or should ever stop being there for her," Orlando said. "Now you know I'm not the hating type, but fuck him if he can't accept the fact that you're a caring person and have a big heart. You've always been there for other people."


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