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Operation Trojan Horse: The Classic Breakthrough Study of UFOs

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by John A. Keel

  Sir Victor’s remarks are, admittedly, even harder to believe than the claims of the various UFO cults. If you are not familiar with the massive, well-documented occult and religious literature, his words may be incomprehensible to you. In essence, he means that the UFO phenomenon is actually a staggering cosmic put-on: a joke perpetrated by invisible entities who have always delighted in frightening, confusing and misleading the human race. The activities of these entities have been carefully recorded throughout history, and we will be leaning heavily on those historical records in this book.

  Recently the U.S. Government Printing Office issued a publication compiled by the Library of Congress for the Air Force Office of Scientific Research: UFOs and Related Subjects: An Annotated Bibliography. In preparing this work, the senior bibliographer, Miss Lynn E. Catoe, actually read thousands of UFO articles, books and publications. In her preface to this 400-page book she states:

  “A large part of the available UFO literature is closely linked with mysticism and the metaphysical. It deals with subjects like mental telepathy, automatic writing, and invisible entities, as well as phenomena like poltergeist manifestations and possession… Many of the UFO reports now being published in the popular press recount alleged incidents that are strikingly similar to demoniac possession and psychic phenomena which has long been known to theologians and parapsychologists.”

  Dr. Edward U. Condon, the physicist who headed Colorado University’s Air Force-financed two-year UFO study, has been criticized because he devoted part of his time to examining the claims of the controversial contactees. He earned the undying wrath of the cultists when his final report was published in January 1969, and he stressed an anti-extraterrestrial conclusion. He asserted that his scientific teams had failed to find any evidence of extraterrestrial origin or of serious UFO censorship on the part of the government. But both of these myths have been implanted too deeply in the UFO literature to be killed off so easily. The Library of Congress’ objective bibliography even had sections devoted to news management, censorship, and CIA plots. Was all of this just another government whitewash, as the cultists contend?

  In April 1969, Dr. Condon delivered a speech before the American Philosophical Society in Philadelphia, in which he was gently derisive of the popular UFO beliefs: “Some UFOs may be such [extraterrestrial] visitors, it may be postulated,” Dr. Condon said, “and some writers go so far as to say that they actually are. To discover clear, unambiguous evidence on this point would be a scientific discovery of the first magnitude, one which I would be quite happy to make. We found no such evidence, and so state in our report …We concluded that it is not worthwhile to carry on a continuing study of UFOs in the manner which has been done so far: that of going out into the field to interview persons who say they have seen something peculiar. The difficulty about using objective means of study lies in the rarity of the apparitions, their short duration, and the tendency of observers not to report their experience until long after it has ended …These difficulties led us to conclude that it is quite unproductive of results of scientific value to study UFOs in the traditional manner. But, contrary to popular belief, we do not rule out all future study.

  “Perhaps we need a National Magic Agency (pronounced ‘enema’) to make a large and expensive study of all these matters, including the future scientific study of UFOs, if any,” he concluded.

  The real UFO story must encompass all of the many manifestations being observed. It is a story of ghosts and phantoms and strange mental aberrations; of an invisible world that surrounds us and occasionally engulfs us; of prophets and prophecies, and gods and demons. It is a world of illusion and hallucination where the unreal seems very real, and where reality itself is distorted by strange forces which can seemingly manipulate space, time, and physical matter—forces that are almost entirely beyond our powers of comprehension.

  Nearly all of those who have finally come to an understanding of the true nature of the phenomenon have quietly abandoned the subject because they found it impossible to articulate their findings and make the incredible credible. They were not silenced by the Air Force or the CIA, as the cultists believe. They were rendered mute by the awesome and overwhelming realization that man is not alone; that the human race is merely a trifling part of something much bigger.

  That something is at the core of all human beliefs, ranging from the ancient myths of Greece, India and China to the modern myths of the friendly Venusians.

  Whatever “it” is, it is often inimical to the human race, and the manifestations range from childish mischief to acts of horrifying destruction. The phenomenon has driven many people mad; but it has also produced miraculous cures. A cosmic system of checks and balances seems to be an actual fact. There are now well-documented cases of people being seriously injured, even killed, by flying saucers. But there are equally well-documented events in which the mysterious objects and their enterprising occupants have interceded directly in human affairs and thwarted disaster.

  Many flying saucers seem to be nothing more than a disguise for some hidden phenomenon. They are like Trojan horses descending into our forests and farm fields, promising salvation and offering us the splendor of some great supercivilization in the sky. But while the statuesque long-haired “Venusians” have been chatting benignly with isolated traveling salesmen and farm wives, a multitude of shimmering lights and metallic disks have been silently busying themselves in the forests of Canada, the Outback country of Australia, and the swamps of Michigan.

  Before we can find any answers, we must first find the right questions to ask. We must understand the exact nature of these visitors, and of ourselves.


  The World of Illusion

  There have been hundreds of incidents in which electromagnetic effects, such as the stalling of automobile engines and power failures, have been noted and documented. Early ufologists were already aware of the fact that electromagnetism played a large role in many UFO events. The late Frank Scully, a reporter for Variety, wrote a contactee-oriented book in 1950, Behind the Flying Saucers, which contained a long chapter on electromagnetism.

  Now we have enough data to properly interpret the overall meaning of this force in the phenomenon. We will try to simplify it here, going a step at a time, before we outline the material that verifies these conclusions.

  Radio beams are waves of electromagnetic energy. They vibrate at various frequencies, and we separate them or tune them by adjusting the length of the waves with coils and condensers. Your local radio station is broadcasting a signal of electrical pulses, each pulse adjusted to a specific length. When you tune your radio to the station, you move a series of metal plates which sort out the various wavelengths and enable your radio to pick up and amplify only the signal coming in at a certain point—or frequency—of the electromagnetic spectrum.

  Your eyes are also receivers tuned to very specific wavelengths of the spectrum, and they turn the signals from those wavelengths into pulses, which are fed to your brain. Your brain, in turn, is also a very sophisticated, little-understood receiver, and it is tuned to wavelengths far beyond the receiving capabilities of manufactured electronic instruments. Most people are running around with crude biological “crystal sets” in their heads and are not consciously receiving any of the sophisticated signals. However, about one-third of the world’s population possesses a more finely tuned instrument. These people experience telepathy, prophetic dreams, and other bizarre signals from some central source. If you are one of that 30 percent, you know precisely what I mean. If you belong to the larger, ungifted two-thirds, you probably regard all this as nonsense, and we may never be able to convince you otherwise.

  Now let’s try to define this whole process.

  When moving electrons pass through a wire, a small magnetic field is created around the wire. If the current fluctuates, or vibrates, this fluctuation will also appear in the magnetic field. A voice speaking through a telephone mouthpiece (or microphone) causes the
current flowing through the phone to fluctuate, or oscillate. Your voice thus causes a flow of electrons to vibrate. At the other end, a magnet in the receiver responds to this fluctuation, and the minute vibrations are magnified. A thin piece of metal in the earpiece is vibrated in turn by the magnet, and these vibrations oscillate the air in the form of sound waves, which can be sensed by your ears and auditory system.

  Technicians are undoubtedly gnashing their teeth over my explanations here, but again, I am trying to oversimplify these things. It is necessary to understand elemental electronics before we can move on to our next point.

  Your voice causes the electricity in your telephone to vibrate at a very specific frequency. When that metal plate (diaphragm) at the other end responds to the magnet, it vibrates at this same frequency and duplicates your voice almost exactly. A part of you—your individual voice—has been transformed into electrical waves, transferred to a distant point, and then reassembled into sound waves that duplicate exactly every inflection and nuance in your voice. This is a very primitive form of teleportation.

  The wire carrying your voice is surrounded by a magnetic field that is also vibrating at your own personal frequency. If there are, say, twenty telephone wires on a pole, all conducting signals, we now have the technology to tune in a device to your personal frequency and intercept your telephone conversation instantly without cutting into any wires or tapping any lines. In other words, a panel truck carrying the necessary equipment need only park near a telephone pole bearing a wire hooked up to your phone. The operator can then tune in to your line (your personal frequency) in the same way that you tune into your favorite radio program by adjusting a condenser which cuts out all other frequencies.

  This method for tapping telephones is absolutely undetectable. It does not produce any clicks or noises on the phone at either end. However, the process can be reversed, and an operator can tune into the frequency of your telephone line and talk to you by radio waves vibrating at the very low frequency of the telephone current. Or, if he so desires, he can insert static, strange sounds, etc., onto your line. He can even place phone calls through the telephone system using your line (and you will be billed for them).

  The equipment needed for this kind of tampering is most complicated and expensive. It is highly unlikely that any ordinary practical joker would be able to obtain and operate such equipment. But my studies, investigations, and nationwide polls prove that somebody is using such equipment or is exploiting these principles.

  The telephone companies themselves now utilize high frequency radio for long-distance telephone calls. Microwave relay towers now dot the countryside. Telephone signals are stepped up to high-frequency radio waves and projected from tower to tower across the country. In the past few years there have been thousands of reports of low-level UFOs hovering directly above these microwave relay towers. Some researchers, such as Ivan T. Sanderson, have perused similar reports and suggested that perhaps the objects were tapping the power from power lines and telephone systems for their own purposes. I do not feel this is a valid theory.

  Rather, I now believe that the UFO phenomenon is primarily electromagnetic in origin and that it possesses the ability to adjust beams of electromagnetic energy to any given frequency, ranging from ultra-high frequencies (UHF) radio signals like those of the astronauts, to very low frequencies (VLF) which can be picked up only by special equipment, to very, very low frequencies identical to the magnetic fields surrounding telephone wires or the outputs of public address systems in schools and churches.

  I also believe that this same phenomenon is flexible to an unbelievable degree. It can create and manipulate matter through electromagnetic fields above and below the range of our perceptions and our own technical equipment.

  The phenomenon is mostly invisible to us because it consists of energy rather than solid earthly matter. It is guided by a great intelligence and has concentrated itself in the areas of magnetic faults throughout history. It makes itself visible to us from time to time by manipulating patterns of frequency. It can take any form it desires, ranging from the shapes of airplanes to gigantic cylindrical spaceships. It can manifest itself into seemingly living entities ranging from little green men to awesome one-eyed giants. But none of these configurations is its true form.

  The UFO sighting data confirm this theory, but we lack the necessary technology to prove it conclusively.

  Energy and Illusion

  Any high school student of physics can tell you that our reality is an illusion. The occultists have been saying this same thing for centuries. All matter is composed of confined energy. Tiny moving electrons and energy particles form atoms of varying weights and densities. These atoms are joined together to form molecules of specific substances. They are so tiny that the atom remained only a theory for many years. We cannot perceive the atom but now can prove scientifically that it exists and that it is made up of energy.

  Atoms and molecules form larger structures, even though they do not touch. If we could reduce ourselves to the size of an electron in an atom, the next nearest atom would seem like a distant star. We are so much larger than the atom that a collection of atoms seems to form solid matter to us. This page seems solid to you, but it is made up of billions of atoms. So are you. If you try to poke your finger through this page, you will tear it. But you can easily poke your finger into a cloud of cigarette smoke because its molecules are farther apart.

  We learned to reshape molecules long ago through chemical and physical manipulation. We can melt a bar of steel and mold it into a sword or a plowshare. We can cut down a tree and build a chair out of it—or a piece of paper. Such manipulations are primitive processes. But our industries and sciences have been built around them.

  Now we are beginning to learn how to manipulate energy itself. We started by finding ways to peel electrons off atoms and release the basic energy hidden in the atom. We naturally applied this important discovery to melting cities and disintegrating human beings.

  The chair you sit in is composed of billions and billions of molecules made up of atoms. Each cell of your body is also composed of millions of atoms. If the energy patterns or frequencies of the atoms of your body were radically different from the atoms of your chair, it is conceivable that they would intermix and you would sink right through the chair somewhat in the same way that your finger passes through a cloud of cigarette smoke.

  Our reality is based entirely upon what we can perceive with our physical senses. If we can touch something and feel it, we say that it is real and exists. If we can see it, smell it, hear it, and taste it, then we know definitely that it exists. But actually you may be sensing only a small portion of the existing universe. At this very moment you are surrounded by a wall of electromagnetic waves from dozens of radio and television transmitters. You cannot see or sense these waves, but you can transform them into movements of air with a radio receiver. You have the instrumentation necessary to perceive waves that exist beyond the limitations of your sensual perceptions. There are other waves around you that you can’t detect.

  There are thousands of microscopic life forms in a drop of water. You can’t see them, feel them, or taste them because they are too small. A teenaged boy with a cheap microscope can peer into that drop of water and invade the privacy of those microbes. But the microbes don’t know he is there. They swim about in their liquid environment totally unaware that their tiny world is actually an insignificant part of a much larger, and very different, whole.

  Our world may also be part of something bigger, something beyond our senses and abilities to comprehend.

  That bigger something is undoubtedly made of energies, too. But energies of a different frequency, forming atoms radically different from the atoms of our own world. These energies could coexist with us and even share the same space without our becoming acutely aware of them.

  The evidence we have outlined in this book does clearly point to this unperceived coexistence, and now we must come t
o terms with “it” or “them” or the Great Whatzit in the sky.

  Secrets of the Spectrums

  For thousands of years the occultists, spiritualists, and religionists have talked about and written about auras, frequencies, vibrations, and other planes of existence. Each group developed its own complex vocabulary for explaining and defining these things. Each tried to fit its theories into its own particular frame of reference. Thus, these “other planes” became the Valhalla where worthy spirits ascend upon death. The casual browser leafing through this mountain of literature is usually repelled by the nonsensical terminology and the abstract theories, yet, underneath all of the belief-ridden folderol, there lies a thread of truth that is now being verified by the many manifestations surrounding the UFO phenomenon.

  I will try to demonstrate that the UFO entities are directly related to the entities and manifestations involved in religious miracles and spiritual séances. There are many thousands of published messages from both the ufonauts and the spirits, all of which employ the same techniques for burying information deep in simple-minded descriptions about life on other planets or other planes. One of the most important correlations is that many of these messages have discussed in depth the existence of another reality that is formed by energies operating on another frequency, or vibrationary level.


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