Book Read Free

Can't Help the Way That I Feel

Page 13

by Lori Bryant-Woolridge

  It isn’t until I receive a postcard from Spain that my questions are finally answered.

  Hola Chris,

  I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch but I am in Barcelona on my honeymoon. Brunson and I got married and I really have you to thank for helping me to become a new woman—a woman ready and willing to take chances. You gave me the confidence to be who I always wanted to be. A woman my husband adores! By the way, the sangria here in Spain is even better! Good luck to you.


  Lissa Lawton-Alexander.

  Married? To Old Fucking Fuddy-Duddy? I crush the note in my hand and throw that fucker away in the trash.

  Damn. The playah got played.



  The best thing about writing erotica is getting so excited that I have to stop and open a window!



  The day started off like every Saturday in the month. Yori woke up at eight a.m.—for her that was sleeping late—showered, made a single cup of coffee, dressed in a blue jean skirt and white shirt and was out of the door before nine. She was the regimented type and even on the weekends adhered to a schedule.

  Yori Samuels had had a tough work-week. She was the assistant principal of one of New York’s worst public schools. During the course of the week, at least fifty kids had come through her office. Most of them had been brought in for fighting, carrying weapons or cursing out the teacher. Yori was looking forward to her Saturday morning ritual—shopping at Chelsea Market. Chelsea Market was a one-stop-shopping food emporium with everything from butchers to fishmongers to bakers to florists. Having quality vendors under one roof made it a consumer’s oasis. It was a pleasant shopping experience with a waterfall in the center of the complex and unique stores throughout. Browsing around the shopping center relaxed Yori, and today that’s exactly what she needed after her trying week.

  Instead of taking the subway or a taxi, she walked the twenty-something blocks to get in her morning exercise. The market wasn’t bustling with people when she arrived, which was perfect. There were only a small number of shoppers at that time of the morning, and she loved the peacefulness of the place. Yori was a private person, and didn’t like crowds, so she came early to avoid the masses.

  Yori’s first stop was the fruit and vegetable market. She loaded up on a week’s worth of freshness. Next she went to the fishmonger and bought salmon filets, tilapia, and half a pound of prawns. Before heading home, she had two more shops to visit, the butcher and the baker.

  “What can I get ya?” asked the butcher wearing a blood-stained apron.

  “A pound of ground sirloin, a half pound of smoked turkey, and…” Yori stopped talking when she felt someone brush against her shopping bags.

  “Excuse me,” said a man with deep baritone voice, smiling at her.

  She looked at the guy who was standing extremely close to her, invading her personal space. He was as dark as milk chocolate, tall and lean like a GQ model. He had a killer smile and dimples that pierced his cheeks when he spoke.

  Yori took three steps to her left to create some distance between them. Although he was fine as all get out, she wasn’t interested in men at the moment. Her last boyfriend had broken her heart by dumping her without warning, and the memory of the breakup was still fresh in her mind.

  She continued ordering, and when she finished, Yori headed out. Before she reached the door, a handle broke on one of her shopping bags, and her vegetables and fruit spilled out onto the floor. She kneeled down to retrieve the scattered produce.

  “Here, let me get that,” the handsome hunk said, rushing over and bending down to pick up a bright red, shining apple.

  Yori looked at the ripe piece of fruit that he was holding and couldn’t help but think that she was being tempted, like Eve tempted by the serpent in the Garden of Eden. She quickly took the apple. “Thanks.” She gathered up her bags and raced out of the shop without looking back.

  “Yo, Ma! Wait up!”

  Yori stopped in her tracks. She didn’t need to turn around. She knew the guy from butcher shop was coming up behind her. As his steps got closer, she could feel the hairs on the back of her neck stand at attention, and she got a tingling feeling in her legs.

  “You forgot this,” he said, holding up a banana. “It must have separated from the bunch.”

  The phallic symbol was making her wet, and she didn’t know why. On second thought, she knew exactly why the banana was making her horny. It looked like a hard strong dick, something she hadn’t had in months. Yori wanted to grab the banana, but she was frozen, frozen by the fine specimen of a man standing before her.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, looking at her face, which was turning crimson.

  Yori was feeling flushed and weak at the knees. Looking at him with the banana was turning her on, and her face betrayed her true feelings. “I think I need some food,” she managed to say, instead of telling him the truth.

  “Come on, let’s go to the baker and get some breakfast.” He took her by the arm and led her across the hall to Amy’s Bread. He ordered two croissants, two cups of fresh fruit, and orange juice. He then led them to a corner table.

  Yori had only had a cup of coffee before leaving home and was now starving. Although she was as hungry as a linebacker, Yori pinched small pieces off of the croissant and nibbled on the fruit. She didn’t want to wolf down her meal in front of the sexy stranger. Eating slowly took a little longer, but it gave her time to check out this guy on the sly. As she ate, she cut her eyes at him, hoping that he didn’t notice. She glanced at his left hand and was pleased to see that he wasn’t wearing a wedding band. When she finally finished, she looked over at him and said, “Thanks, uh…what’s your name?”

  He smiled a dazzling smile and said, “Tony. And yours?”



  “No. Yori. It’s like Lori but with a Y.”

  “Oh, that’s a pretty name for a pretty woman.” He smiled again, taking in her beauty. Yori was the color of a copper penny, with reddish-brown hair she wore cut in a bob. Her eyes were almond shaped, and her lips were full and kissable. She had a natural beauty, and wore little makeup. Tony’s eyes roamed the length of her body. Although she was sitting down, he could see that she had full breasts and a small waist. She wore a long skirt, so he couldn’t see her legs, but what he saw was appealing. She seemed on the conservative side, and Tony found the reserved type appealing. He was a full-blooded male and didn’t like aggressive women who took the chase away from the man. Yori presented a challenge and he found that alluring. His last relationship had ended a month ago, and he hadn’t been laid since. He found Yori extremely attractive and wanted the chance to get to know her—in and out of the sack.

  Yori felt herself blushing. She was enjoying his compliments. As much as she didn’t want to admit it, it felt good being in the presence of a handsome man, instead of a bunch of unruly adolescents. “Thanks. And thanks for breakfast, but I’ve got to be going.” Although Yori was enjoying his company, she didn’t know him, and didn’t usually engage strangers.

  He touched her hand. “Why are you rushing off? It’s Saturday.”

  A jolt of sexual energy surged through Yori’s body the moment he made contact with her skin. She looked down at his large hand resting on top of hers and couldn’t help but wonder if his hand size was an indication of his cock size. If it did, then he was packing a massive weapon. That thought alone made her clit twitch. Yori wasn’t the promiscuous type; nevertheless she loved a man with a big dick.

  She couldn’t think of a quick lie as to why she had to rush off. The truth was that she didn’t have anything else to do for the rest of the day and was a little curious as to what he had in mind. “Yes, it is Saturday, but I have things to do,” she said, telling him a little white lie, not wanting to appear easy.

  He took one last bite of his croissant, and then gave her hand a little
squeeze. “Do you think they could wait?” Tony asked, refusing to let this fine femme get away so soon. “Come on. I want to show you something.” He gathered her bags with his free hand and led her out into the hallway, into the florist next door.

  Tony picked out a dozen assorted flowers—birds of paradise, purple orchids, calla lilies, gerbera daisies and pink roses—and handed them to Yori. “These are for you, beautiful.” He then took her hand again and said, “Come on, let’s go.”

  “Wait a minute.” She pulled back. “You can’t leave without paying for these flowers.”

  “Oh, yes I can. I own the place.” Tony’s flower shop was directly across from the butcher. He had seen her from across the hall and had immediately come over, anxious to meet the beautiful stranger.

  “Wow, I would have never taken you for a florist,” Yori said, looking hard as she tried to juxtapose his totally male manner-ism with this surprising softer side.

  “I love being surrounded by pretty things,” he admitted, “which is why when I saw you, I just couldn’t resist coming over to say hello.”

  Oh, he’s smooth, Yori thought as she looked him up and down.

  “See anything else you like?”

  Their eyes met, and both could feel a magnetic energy drawing them together.

  Yes, you! Tony was bringing out feelings in Yori that she hadn’t felt in a long time, and she couldn’t deny them. Yori had a secret “bad girl” side that only her ex-lovers knew about. Although her mother had been a prude and taught Yori that good girls didn’t have sex out of wedlock, Yori hadn’t bought into that antiquated notion and had had plenty of sex without a ring. Yori hadn’t felt this way about a man in a long time. Tony’s sex appeal was bringing her bad girl persona to the surface, which rarely happened. Her wild side only appeared after she was in a relationship, but today her feelings of lust for him were overpowering her sensibility. The lack of heated sex in her life was making her vulnerable to his charm.

  Tony saw that she was checking him out and was glad that the flowers had softened her resolve. He used her silence to his advantage and grabbed her hand, and so they left the market, emerging into the bright sunlight.

  Yori started to pull away, but the temptation to be with him was too strong to resist. She felt an excited lustfulness every time their eyes met. Yori was curious to find out what was beneath his charming smile and polite manners. The mystery of the unknown had her intrigued, and she wondered what type of lover he would be. Sex appeal oozed from every pore in his body, and she could just imagine his full lips sucking her nipples and teasing her clit. She shook her head slightly, trying to shake loose those thoughts.

  They headed out of Chelsea Market together walking hand in hand, and Yori felt comfortable out in the open; besides what could happen in the broad daylight?


  Tony was pleased that Yori was willing to spend some time with him. He had been drawn to her from the moment he laid eyes on her. He could sense that she was apprehensive and knew he had to be careful with his approach. So far, everything was gelling. They were out of the market and walking down the street. As they waited at the corner for the light to change, he squeezed her hand and then caressed her palm with his thumb. Even after they had crossed the street, he didn’t let go.

  Yori was surprised at herself. Here she was walking down the street holding hands with a stranger, but it felt good, as if they had known each other for years.

  “Do you like browsing in antique shops?” Tony asked, breaking the silence.

  “Yes, I love them.”

  “Good. There’s a great little shop around the corner.”

  Yori couldn’t believe that this guy liked antiques; most men hated browsing around amongst old things. Tony was getting more interesting with each passing minute.

  They walked down Ninth Avenue and rounded the corner at Fourteenth Street, which was bustling with people. He stopped at a nondescript building. “It’s in here.”

  Yori looked at the building but didn’t see any stores. There wasn’t a storefront on the ground level or the second level. “Where? I don’t see any stores.”

  “It’s upstairs, on the sixth floor,” he said, walking inside.

  She hung back for a moment, trying to decide whether or not to go into a strange building with a strange man. Out on the street she felt safe, but she wasn’t so sure about going indoors with him.

  Tony noticed her hesitancy. “Don’t worry. It’s safe,” he said, as if reading her mind.

  Yori thought for a second, and decided, why not? She was already doing something outside her norm. The day had taken on a completely different spin, and she was enjoying the adventure. Tony was being the perfect gentleman, and she didn’t feel threatened. “Okay,” she said, and followed him inside.

  The building was prewar and had a dank, dusty smell to it. The original woodwork was ornate and the hardwood floors creaked with each step they took. At the far end of a narrow hallway was an old gated elevator. Tony pulled back the gate, and Yori stepped inside. The elevator was small and they practically stood shoulder to shoulder.

  She inhaled slightly and could smell his cologne, which was masculine with a hint of musk. The sexy scent was turning her on. Yori could feel a rush of excitement come over her. Being this close to Tony was turning her on and she was amazed at the urgency that she felt in her loins. The elevator stopped, bringing her out of her lusting trance.

  Tony took her hand and helped her out. “It’s down the hall.”

  Yori followed him—checking out his tight ass as he walked—until they came upon a quaint little shop. The plate-glass windows faced the hallway and were lined with antique dolls and toys. Tony opened the door, and it made creaking sounds like in an old black-and-white movie.

  Inside, the store was full of dust-covered relics. There were crystal champagne glasses with monogrammed letters etched into the glass, silver tea servers, old chandeliers—even a vintage gramaphone.

  Yori turned the crank to see if the turntable worked, and it did. “Wow, I’ve only seen these things in the movies.”

  “Yeah, this place has some amazing stuff.”

  They browsed around the store, taking in the items from yesteryear. When they finished their tour, they left and went back to the elevator. Tony slid open the gate, and then pulled it closed once they were inside. He pushed the operating lever to the left, and the elevator started to slowly descend.

  Yori looked at her hands, which were covered in dust. “Oh, my hands are so dirty from touching everything.”

  “Being dirty isn’t such a bad thing,” Tony commented with an alluring twist to his lips.

  Yori could only stare with curious disbelief.

  He pulled his T-shirt out of his waistband. “Well, if dirty girl isn’t your style, use this…” he offered, leaving the rest of his challenge unspoken.

  Accepting his dare, Yori stepped closer and began rubbing her hands on his shirt. She could feel his taut stomach muscles as she rubbed.

  Tony’s dick began pulsating faster and faster with each touch. He stepped closer until they were nearly chest to chest. He put her bags on the floor and put his hands on top of hers. He gently guided them down to his wanting cock. Tony moved her hands in a circular motion so that she could feel his protruding bulge.

  Yori swallowed hard the moment her hands landed on his crotch. His dick was pushing against his jeans. She wanted to pull away, but his cock felt too inviting. Lust began to possess her mind and body, forcing all rational thoughts out of her mind. She started rubbing his crotch, making his cock harder and harder.

  Tony reached behind him and pulled the lever to the right, causing the elevator to jolt to an abrupt stop. He then turned Yori around so that her back was to him. Tony started kissing the nape of her neck, while grinding his cock into her ass.

  Yori’s mind was trying to intercede, screaming, STOP!, but her body was screaming, FUCK ME! She dropped the flowers, and backed up farther into him. Tempta
tion had taken over her body, and she was now totally possessed with lust. At the moment, Yori felt like a real dirty girl, and she liked it.

  Tony lifted up her skirt, found her panties and slid them down her legs. He reached underneath her ass and started massaging her clit. He didn’t stop until she started moaning in ecstasy. He eased his finger into her hole and found that she was dripping wet and ready for what he had to offer. He unzipped his pants and took out his massive dick. He bent her over so that he could have easier access, then introduced the head of his dick to her pussy lips. He rubbed the tip back and forth, teasing her, making her want him more.

  “Fuck me!” Yori heard herself say in a raspy voice. She was surprised at herself and hardly recognized her own voice. It was like a seductress had invaded her body and taken over her will.

  Tony didn’t waste any time. He entered her with his enormous cock. Her pussy walls were warm and tight, and his dick felt right at home inside of her. He closed his eyes and began pumping in and out, in and out. He grabbed her hips and continued working.

  Yori held on to the elevator walls, as he rocked her world. He was riding her like she was a prized mare, and it felt good. Her last boyfriend had had a small dick and barely filled her up. Tony, in contrast, was giving her more beef than she could handle. Yori wanted to scream out in pleasure, but didn’t. She didn’t want to alarm the tenants, so she took the fuck of her life like a pro. She could feel her creamy cum oozing down her legs as she reached the verge of orgasm.

  Tony pumped a few more times before cumming. He felt his army of men escaping, pulled out and jacked off in his hands. Once his cum finished spouting out of his tiny hole, he rubbed the sticky goo on his T-shirt and put his dick back in his pants. He picked up Yori’s panties and helped her into them.


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