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Pregnancy Plan

Page 3

by Tina Gayle

Her soft yet rigid body refused to yield, her hands pressed against his chest. She mumbled into his chest, which still rumbled with his laughter. “Derek, please let me go.” When her head fell to his chest, the sweet strawberry scent of her hair seduced him, and his laughter subsided.

  “I’m sorry, Jillian. I know I shouldn’t laugh, but the thought is just too unbelievable. Why would anyone go to such extremes?”

  He held her tight, striving to reassure her. He rubbed her back, placed light kisses on her hair, and tried to cheer her up. He had to give her credit. She knew what she wanted and was going after it. The means by which she planned to achieve her goal were a little extraordinary, but he had to applaud her determination.

  Raising her head, she gazed sadly into his face. “Haven’t you ever wanted something so badly you would do anything to get it?”

  Staring down into her tear-stained face, he witnessed his own heartache reflected in her eyes. Too painful to unveil, he shoved aside those thoughts. Yes, he’d wanted things before, but he couldn’t remember ever wanting something so much he’d pursue such radical methods to achieve it. “I’m sorry. I guess I never wanted anything that badly.”

  She relaxed in his arms. “What do you live for?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Why do you get up in the morning?”

  “What do you want me to say?”

  She rested her head on his chest. Her hands slid around his waist.

  After a moment, she whispered. “Okay, let’s say you’re on assignment, and you get in a dangerous situation. What motivates you to survive?”

  He still didn’t know what she wanted, but he answered, “The will to live, to do the job I’m paid to do.”

  Jillian forced her way out of his arms. He let her go, but stood between her and the door. He traced her movements around the room. All evening he had studied her, observed her body react to his nearness. The stiff set of her shoulders revealed the same sexual frustration he was feeling.

  “That’s not what I meant.” She clenched her fists. “What if you had a child? Wouldn’t knowing he or she needed you encourage you to take the extra precautions to stay alive?”

  “No. I can see how that might work for some people. But if I had kids at home, I wouldn’t put myself into dangerous situations. I’d accept the responsibility and stay safe. That’s part of the reason I’m not married.”

  “So, you’re saying they would be your reason for staying out of harm’s way. Therefore, they would also be your reason for living.”

  “You’re stretching the point. But,” he said when she started to interrupt. “Let’s say for the sake of argument I agree with your need to have a baby. Why go to such extremes? Why not just do it the old-fashioned way?”

  “I told you. I don’t want to wait around until the right guy comes along.” Jillian strolled toward the window. “There aren’t any easy solutions.”

  He scanned her appearance and sank onto the bed. Her brown pageboy hair stood in disarray. Her jeans stretched tight across her round full hips and her oxford shirt clung invitingly to her breasts. Her face, devoid of makeup, showed every emotion. He couldn’t remember the last time anyone had intrigued him this much.

  He wanted her. He conceded that fact.

  But, did he want to give her what she wanted?

  Make love to her?


  Get her pregnant?

  No problem.

  But could he handle his responsibility as a father?

  Support? Yes. And he didn’t doubt her ability to be a good mother.


  “Look, Derek, I know we’ll never agree on this subject, so why don’t we agree to disagree and let it go.”

  She held her hands out as in surrender. “Jason couldn’t understand so I guess it’s just a woman thing.” Disappointment marred her face and hit him in the gut before she turned to the window.

  “No, Jillian. Like my brother, I can’t let you go through with this. It isn’t right.” He leaned back on his elbow to restrain himself from crossing to her. “Who are you going to ask to donate sperm for this crazy plan?”

  “Well, if you wanted to, you could.” Mischievously, she peered over her shoulder and grinned.


  “The turkey baster doesn’t care. It’s not picky about whose sperm I use.”

  Derek sprang to his feet. She couldn’t be serious. He crossed the room and crowed her against the window. “If I donate sperm, I’ll do it the old-fashioned way and make love to you. You won’t need a turkey baster.”

  “Okay, I was only kidding.” Her hands held him at bay.

  “Maybe that’s the answer.”

  “What answer?” She stared suspiciously at him.

  “Maybe we should make love.” He cupped his hands over her shoulders.

  Chapter Three

  “Now wait, I told you I don’t want to get involved or hurt anyone.”

  He tugged her closer. “But don’t you see? I know the ground rules, so I know this is a short-term affair for the sole purpose of getting you pregnant.”

  “But why would you agree to those terms?” She frowned at his offer.

  “Maybe I want to help a friend achieve her goal.” He smiled.

  Considering the benefits of the plan, he could find no reason to back out. He’d have a child to carry on the Harris name. He wouldn’t have to worry about leaving a wife alone for months at a time. And if something should happen to him, they’d both be taken care of.

  No downside.

  His hands slid over her back and he drew her closer until her breasts brushed his chest.

  “But why would you be willing to have a baby with me?”

  The uncertainty in her voice revealed her desire for him to carry through with the plan. He pressed his advantage. “Because with you, I won’t have to worry about an emotional commitment. No wedding, no marriage, no wife. We can enjoy each other and go our separate ways.” He brushed her shirt aside and lowered his head to rain kisses along her neck. “That’s not to say, I won’t support my child.”


  “I’d still expect to see my child when I’m in the States.” He found her speeding pulse intoxicating.

  “And you’d be okay with being a part-time father?” She didn’t sound convinced he’d be happy being a part-time parent.

  Having her so close blurred his ability to carry on an intelligent conversation. “Yes,” he mumbled between kisses and felt her shiver under his touch. Energy pulsed through his body.

  “Derek, this isn’t a good idea. After all, you’re the brother of my brother’s best friend.” She evaded his lips and buried her head into his shoulder. “It won’t work.”

  “Why not?”


  Pulse racing, Jillian scrambled for a way out.

  Making love to him frightened her more than never having children. He’d broken her heart once. If they made love and he left her again, she’d shrivel up and die.

  Cringing, she shoved out of his arms. “Okay.”

  He released her. “Okay?”

  She stepped quickly away and rushed for the door. “Call me in six weeks and we’ll get together.” He should be back overseas by then.

  “What?” His left eyebrow lifted. “Why not now?”

  “Well, I’m not ready.” She turned when she reached the door. “I have too many other issues that need my attention right now. The store, my house, they both have to be updated and remodeled.” Her voice sounded shaky, but she continued. “The timing is all wrong.” She waved her hands around for emphasis, and her right hand landed on the doorknob. She gripped it tightly.

  Derek laughed, undisturbed by her demands. He strolled to the bed and sank onto its surface. “I don’t believe this. All evening you’ve been trying to convince me that having a baby is the most important thing in your life.” He leaned back on the bed. “And now you don’t have time. Someone has developed cold feet.”

  She whi
pped around, hating his ability to read her so well. “Fine, if you don’t like it, you can leave.” She jerked the door open and waited for him to stand.

  “Not yet.” His innocent look only agitated her more. Then he patted the bed. “Why don’t you come over here and we’ll discuss it. Then once we’ve decided, we’ll go out for ice cream.”

  Couldn’t he give her some time to get used to the idea? But no, the obstinate man wanted things his way. The man was so exasperating, sexy, and totally wrong for her.

  Yet, she still wanted him.

  Slamming the door, she stalked to the bed. “Look, you can’t be the father of my child. I was only kidding when I suggested it.”

  He caught her by the waist, yanked her down on top of him, rolled, and pinned her to the mattress. Hair flying and face flushed, she struggled to gain control of her racing hormones.

  His muscular shoulders flexed under her fingertips. The weight of him felt like a fantasy come true--chest, stomach, hips, legs, every part matched up perfectly. The strength in him weakened her resistance. Besides, all her writhing under him only seemed to add to his determination.

  She surrendered, and his gray gaze claimed her.

  “You’re right, I panicked.” She admitted, “I’m not sure I can go through with this.”

  “Why not? This is what you said you wanted, a man to give you a child.”

  “I know, but I never expected…this.” She waved her hand up and down their bodies.

  “You want this as much as I do.” Slowly, he lowered his lips to hers, giving her plenty of time to know his intentions.

  She closed her eyes. His scent invaded her senses, and a tidal wave of longing swept through her. Soft feathery kisses rained over her lips. She fought to catch his kisses, but as quickly as she moved, his mouth skidded away.

  “Derek, I...”

  His mouth captured hers, and whatever she had intended to say was lost in the moist heat of his kiss. She’d forgotten his seductive power. Memory came too late. Giving him free access to her mouth, she melted in his arms. Or did she ignite? Either way, she felt as though they could go up in flames, a spontaneous combustion. She combed her fingers through his hair, tugged him closer. Then she drank in the spicy flavors of his lips.

  His hands traced the lines of her body as his wicked tongue slid against hers. His thumbs traced the undersides of her breasts.

  She broke for air. Her breathing labored, while he trailed butterfly kisses across her cheek to her ear.

  “Jillian, tell me you want this,” he whispered. “Tell me you want to make love to me.”

  Her mind splintered in a million different directions. “I can’t think, Derek. You’re driving me wild.”

  She played with his soft curls, twisting them around her fingers. She couldn’t let go, didn’t want to stop, yet if she didn’t, could she survive his walking away when it came?


  He nibbled on her ear and traced the outer rim with his tongue. He provided her time to recover from his kiss. He didn’t want to seduce her into making love. She needed to be a willing partner.

  The soft curve of her neck beckoned. He guided his lips to the opening of her shirt and stopped at the first button.

  “Can I?” His gaze indicated the obstacle in his way. His index finger brushed the delicate skin between her breasts.

  She nodded, then added, “I don’t want to disappoint you.”

  He smiled and unbuttoned her blouse. “There’s no way you could disappoint me, Jillian. Just tell me what you enjoy.” His gaze ran across the exposed skin, revealed as each button slipped from its slot--creamy white skin--full plump breasts covered by a lacy pink bra, both fascinated him. How could anything be so perfect?

  “God, but you’re beautiful.” He charted a path to her waist and then glanced up to catch the uncertainty in her huge eyes. “We’re in no hurry. We have all night.”

  He fought to hold his desire at bay, and waited for a response.

  “I want you to touch me.” Her hands drew his head to within an inch of her lips. “I want you to make love to me.”

  Heat shot through him as her lips covered his. This time when her mouth opened her tongue darted out, met his, and fought for control. Her hands raced over his head, shoulders, back. She wiggled beneath him, worked one leg free and draped it across his hip.

  Shoving the shirt off her shoulder, he helped her out of the garment.

  “You have such soft skin, Jillian. Just looking at you drives me crazy.” His hands continued their path toward her breasts. “It’s heaven to touch you.” He brushed her breast with his fingers.

  She moaned softly.

  “Can’t you tell how much your body wants me?” He bent his head and kissed her nipple through the thin fabric. She convulsed beneath him.

  “Did you like that?” He gazed at her, gauged her reaction. Her eyes squeezed shut, her breath ragged, her face taut with passion, she slowly opened her dreamy brown eyes. “You know I did.”

  He cupped her breast and removed the lacy material covering it. He licked the coral tip. Drawing it slowly into his mouth, he wrapped his tongue around a firm nipple and tugged gently. A groan escaped and mingled with his as he captured her other breast and squeezed.

  Kneading, stroking, he delighted in the pure joy of touching her delicate skin. She couldn’t stay still. Her impatient caresses lit briefly on his neck before rushing down his back.

  “Derek, that feels so incredible.”

  He shifted, releasing the catch on her bra.

  “Can you shed this sweater?” She clawed at the fabric, trying to tear it off his shoulders. He smiled and pulled free of the garment. Her hands rushed across his bare chest and into his hair before tugging his head back down to her seductive lips. Urgently, she opened her mouth beneath his, demanding entry.

  He allowed her to control the kiss, while his hands roamed free, exploring each delectable curve--waist, hips, thighs. He touched and stroked every inch of her he could reach. Rolling to one side, he released her lips to feast on her breasts.

  The lush swell fed his hunger while his hand journeyed downward. Jillian held her legs tightly together.

  Softly, he caressed her inner thigh, teasing her with a deep massaging rub, followed by a light tender touch. He drove his hand deeper and deeper between her legs. Finally, Derek placed his palm over her. She arched into his hand. Her wet heat seeped through her jeans. Good, she’s ready.

  His name whispered from her lips, and her nails scraped his shoulders. Greed raced through him, and he dragged his mouth from her breast to cover her lips. His impatient fingers found the button of her jeans. Then her zipper. Crisp hair tickled his palm as he rushed lower. Her intimate flesh begged for his touch. He opened her, then slid a finger inside, and teased her with slow, rhythmic movements against her budding point of desire.

  She ended the kiss, her breathing labored. He couldn’t believe the intensity emotions displayed on her face. A beautiful sight he’d never forget. Joy filled him at giving her so much pleasure.

  “Derek, you have to stop. I can’t take any more.”

  No way with her so close, she needed just a little nudge and then…He captured her lips, sliding his tongue into the same rhythm as his fingers.


  Jillian shoved at his hand, her body suspended in a vortex of fire, burning with the need to explode. She fought the raging emotion, but he continued to drive her, his probing fingers shoving her closer and closer to completion. Unable to stop him, she grabbed for him, running her hands down his stomach to his hard erection. She stroked him, matching her caresses with the rhythm he set.

  With a deep groan, he broke free. His quick movements made short work of their clothes. She laid her hands on his shoulders as he rose between her legs, his gray eyes dark with desire.

  He slid deeper, a thick smooth rod lancing through her, stretching her to the limit. Her nails clamped down on his shoulders, marking his skin.

  “Easy, we
’ll take it slow.” His words didn’t calm the overpowering heat racing through her blood. Her heartbeat hammered in her chest. The constant rhythm marked her soul as his possession.

  “You’re so tight.”

  She wrapped her legs around his waist and his pace increased. A breath escaped and she fought to caught the next one. With each thrust, her body jerked and shuddered.

  A mind-boggling tension expanded inside her, his name whispered repeatedly from her lips. Intense heat hammered through her, forcing her closer and closer to the edge.

  Out of control, he rocked back and forth like the piston of an engine. She couldn’t match his speed. Arching her back, she pushed forward as a wild turbulent wave washed over her senses. Pleasure coursed through her cells and she screamed.

  Her cry sent him over the edge, and Derek poured himself into her, the tension released. He collapsed onto his forearms, his head on her shoulder, panting for air. Their bodies still joined, he enjoyed both the physically and emotionally connection.

  “Did we survive?” she murmured in awe.

  “I certainly feel alive.” He kissed her neck. Then he lifted his head. “And you?”

  Her eyes closed. He read the satisfied expression on her face. “More alive than I’ve ever felt in my life.”

  Her eyelids fluttered open. The dazzling emotions reflected in them caught him off guard and he grinned. “Then you’re ready for ice cream?”

  She shook her head. “No. I plan on lying here for at least the next fifty years.” She brushed her hand over his hair and stroked his neck. “Why?”

  “Well, I did promise.”

  He rolled and drew her onto his chest. He followed the line of her spine, rubbing the soft skin of her back with slow soothing strokes. She melted into him, purring with pleasure.

  “I can’t move.”

  Unwilling to disturb her, he surprised himself by enjoying her body on top of his, her head on his shoulder, her legs straddling his.

  Contentment settled over him like a cloak. He didn’t usually snuggle with women once the deed was done. Usually, he made an excuse to leave, or slipped out of bed. The morning after could be a sticky situation. But this time, things were different. He only had a week to get her pregnant and he wanted to take full advantage of every opportunity.


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