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For The Love Of My Sisters

Page 15

by Shameek Speight

  As Agent Frank walked around the house looking at the arsenal of weapons on the floor next to the dead suspect’s bodies and a room full of guns, he knew he had found the crew that has been robbing all the Junkyard Crew’s drug spots and leaving dead bodies behind.

  Now all he had to do was sit back and let the forensic technician’s team collect the evidence and he’d fill out the paperwork.

  ‘Special Agent Frank here I come,’ he thought to himself as he thought of his promotion. He walks out the house and towards the Feds van. The media was already on the scene, so he straightens his collar and prepares to speak to them.

  ‘All gangsters go to heaven,’ Muscles said out loud then hits the send button.

  ‘BOOM!’ ‘BOOM!’

  The whole block shook as if there was an earthquake as the house blows up and into pieces, killing all the Feds and cops that were inside. Pieces from the house flew everywhere. The blast was so strong it blew over Police and Feds trucks and cars that were parked in front of the house. Pieces of metal from the house flew into cops and citizens back, chest and heads, killing them.

  “Call the fire department!” an officer yelled while lying on the ground, even though there was nothing left of the house but a giant hole with fire covering the night sky.

  Muscles and Homicide smoothly eased their way out the crowd and walked back down the block to the Tahoe then hop in and take off with the other two Tahoe’s behind them. Muscles looks back at Luscious who looked weaker, “Girl is you ok?”

  “Yes I just need you to get me some damn medical attention before I bleed to death back here, and what happen down there?”

  Muscles knew he didn’t have to tell her about the explosion, since it was her and Homicide who helped him wire the house with C-4 explosives that he brought from Fat Joey. When Luscious and Homicide was helping him to wire the house, they asked him what he was doing, and he replied, “It’s when shit hits the fan, there won’t be any evidence, and shit always hits the fan, every now and then.”

  Now Luscious and Homicide understood his madness. “Yo I really don’t know what happened, but they said Shells and the rest of the team got killed in the house by Five-0, but not before taking a lot of those Feds and cops out!”

  ‘Why the fuck was Feds there at the house, were they watching us?’ Muscles thought. He had so many unanswered questions that he needed the answers too.

  They drove down Rockaway Blvd. to 142nd and pull up in front of Muscles old building.

  “Come on!” He said as he hops out the truck and went to the back door and opens it then scoops Luscious up in his strong arms.

  Nina’s purple Range Rover was parked across the street, so he knew she was already inside.

  Velvet hops out the second truck, “Is she alright, what happened?” she asked.

  “I’ll tell you when we get inside,” he said while carrying Luscious up the stairs and into the apartment.

  “I can walk you know, but since you want to carry a lady, shit I ain’t going to stop you,” Luscious said in a trying to be sexy voice, but was too weak to pull it off.

  Nina was sitting on the couch waiting for him, when she sees him carrying Luscious she hops up.

  “Yo Nina I’m taking her to my bedroom, you got the things you need to help her?” Muscles asked while heading toward the bedroom with Velvet following behind.

  “Yes,” Nina replied and held up her medical kit. “What happened to her,” Nina asked.

  “She’s been shot in the thigh.”

  “How?” Nina asked. Then realizes why even ask questions already knowing the answer.

  Muscles gently place Luscious on the bed.

  “Nina if you need me let me know, Velvet will help you for now. I got something to handle,” Muscles said knowing he was racing against time. He had to dump the Tahoe’s before someone sees them and get those barrels out of them.

  Nina was paying Muscles no mind as she cuts off Luscious’ jeans and removes the shirt that was tied around her wound.

  “How can I help?” Velvet asked.

  “Dump all the bloody clothes in a bag and I’ll let you know what you can help me with in a minute,” Nina said as she pulls out a needle and give Luscious a shot of morphine, just enough to stop the pain so she wouldn’t feel anything.

  “Get me a clean wet rag from the bathroom,” Nina told Velvet.

  Velvet ran to the bathroom and came back with the rag and hands it to her. Nina wipes the blood away on Luscious’ thigh and looks to see if the bullet went all the way through, once she saw that it did, she began to work on stopping the bleeding.

  “Girl your ass is lucky that shit didn’t hit a major artery. If it did I wouldn’t be able to save your ass.”

  Back outside, Muscles sees Bones yelling at two of his workers and Homicide holding him back. While two more of Bones workers was behind Bones and Homicide like they was ready to jump off with Bones on the other two, but feared Homicide’s reaction.

  “What the fuck you mean my cousin was killed. You two were supposed to look after him!” Bones yelled.

  “We did Yo, but he went in there like Rambo and started shooting shit up and then he pulled the pin of one of those exploding tear gas grenades and held it too long and the shit blew up in his hand.”

  “What, you stupid motherfuckers!” Bones yelled trying to escape Homicide’s grip.

  “Yo we don’t have time for this shit, y’all making us hot, we’ll talk about this upstairs. Empty the Tahoe’s and take the barrels upstairs. Come on!” Muscles yells and grabs a barrel from the truck and drags it to the front door of the building then goes back and drags another one.

  Bones did the same thing but never took his eyes off his two workers. Soon all of them had taken out the barrels from the truck and starts carrying them up the stairs. Once all ten barrels were up in the apartment Muscles walks to the back room to check on Luscious. He peeps in the room to see Velvet holding something in her hand that looked like a clear bottle of disinfectant while Nina was stitching Luscious up. Velvet would pour some of the disinfectant on Luscious’ wound and wipe the bloody liquid away while Nina works. Muscles walked back to the living room to see Bones still looking as if he wanted to kill his two workers. That’s when Muscles noticed Peaches wasn’t there.

  “Everyone tell me what happened on your jux.”

  For the next twenty minutes everyone shared how their jux went down and how they lost a member from their team, even Muscles had to tell them how R.J. got killed.

  “Okay we have to get rid of those trucks. You four go and burn the truck with the guns inside them,” Muscles said pointing to Bones workers.

  “There’s a gas container in the back of them filled up.”

  “Yo I’ll go with them,” Bones said.

  Yo ‘B’ you don’t have to go,” Muscles replied.

  “I want too,” Bones responded.

  “Alright, just hold your head Bones.”

  “Alright Yo,” Bones said as he and his four workers left the apartment.

  He jumps in one Tahoe by himself and lets his workers jump in the other two. He starts up the truck and took off leading the way. He didn’t drive for long. He rode down five blocks next to the Holiday Inn by the highway on a dead end street. Tears ran down his eyes as he thought about his cousin. ‘He was only sixteen,’ Bones said while crying and hitting the steering wheel.

  He pulled over and parks, then looks under the seat, on the floor were the MP5’s, he picks one up. The other two Tahoe’s pulled up behind him and parked.

  “Fuck that!” Bones yelled as he jumps out the truck before any of his workers got out.

  He walks over to the driver side window with the MP5 behind his back.

  “Yo ‘B’ I’m sorry about what happened to Cory, we did our best.”


  Bones squeezed the trigger of the MP5 sending nine millimeter bullets through the driver and passenger’s face and body, killing them both.

otherfuckers, I think y’all killed my cousin,” he said with tears in his eyes, then spits on their bodies.

  His other two workers watched in shock at what Bones had just done. They started the engine of the truck they were in, to try to peel off. Bones looks up at them as the truck came to life; he raised the MP5 sending bullets through the front windshield. Bullets tore through the glass and their flesh leaving shattered fragments of bones and blood.

  ‘No fucking witnesses,’ he said out loud to himself.

  He quickly went to work. In each truck there was a container full of gas, he grabs them and pours the gas in the trucks and on the outside. He throws the MP5 he had back in the truck, he could hear police sirens closing in, someone had heard the shots and called the cops. He tossed a match in each truck and watched the fire blaze as the trucks went up in flames. He began to run for his life, running through backyards, as cop cars pull up to the scene.

  “I think I saw someone go in the backyard!” A uniformed officer yelled and pulls his flashlight out and draws his gun.

  “Call for backup and the fire department.”

  Another officer gets on the radio and requests for back up and the fire department.

  Bones knew he was running out of time, he could see the blazes from the trucks along with bright flashing blue, red and white lights coming his way. He began to run and jump over fence after fence.

  “Hey you, freeze!” a voice yelled in a booming tone as Bones kept running.

  The officer jumped over the fence after him and then jumps over the next one to only get his feet stuck and land on his face. Bones ran for his life, he was now about to hit Rockaway Blvd. when he sees police cars flying down the blocks all over Rockaway Blvd. He quickly made a left turn back down a side block.

  “Shit, where to go, where to go?” He said out of breath, then he remembers big booty Kim lived on this block.

  He ran four houses down through backyards, police cars were driving slowly down the block with a bright spot light from their car, shining into the backyards.

  “Shit, they’re going to get me.” Bones crossed over a fence as he made it to the sixth house. He knocks on the back door, please be home, please be home.

  “Who?” A woman’s voice yells from behind the door.

  “Kim it’s me.”

  “Me who?” Kim replied.

  “It’s Bones; I don’t have time for this shit.”

  The door flew open and Kim stood there posing sexy in some tight jeans, “Oh so now Mr. Baller wants to come and get some of this,” she said while looking him up and down.

  “Yea that’s it Kim, I want to come get some of that good stuff,” he replied while pushing himself in and locking the back door just as he seen more cops hoping fences and going through backyards.

  “Well we can’t make too much noise or we’re going to wake up my mom.”

  “Cool let’s go to your room.”

  Bones followed her to her bedroom by the back door and breathe easy.

  ‘Shit that was close,’ he thought to himself while looking at Kim’s big booty, ‘I might as well tap that ass,’ he thought to himself.

  Once in the room, Kim wastes no time to drop to her knees and unbutton and pull down Bones’ jeans and sucks him off.

  ‘I ain’t letting his ass go. I’m going to put this pussy on him so damn good he’ll fall in love. He’s running around here ballin’, shit a bitch need things,’ Kim thought to herself while she went to work on his dick.

  “Mmmm,” Bones moans from the pleasure as Kim works her neck back and forth taking him all the way in her mouth.

  “Damn girl, what you’re trying to do to a nigga? Ahhhh!”

  ‘Doom!’ ‘Doom!’ ‘Doom!’

  “Shit someone’s knocking on the door, let me go see who the fuck it is.” Kim said while standing straight up.

  Bones bent down and grabs his jeans and began to pull them up.

  “Wait! Hold up baby, don’t pull them up I’ll be right back to finish what we started,” Kim said not wanting to let her opportunity go, she knew once he got dressed he would break out and then it would be too hard for her to get her hands or that sweet pussy of hers, as she would say, on him again. ‘This nigga is a meal ticket,’ she thought as she went to the front door.

  “Who!” She yelled with an attitude.

  “Police ma’am, please open the door. I have a few questions for you.”

  ‘What Po-Po knocking on my door for?’ Kim thought to herself.

  She opens the door to see a young white uniformed officer with his black partner. The officers stood mesmerized at Kim’s shape. ‘Stop looking and say something,’ she thought to herself.

  “What seems to be the problem officers?” She said, snapping the cops out their trance.

  “Umm Miss, have you seen anything suspicious tonight, like a man running through your backyard?”

  ‘Maybe they’re talking about Bones, that’s why his ass just popped up out of the blue and in such a rush to come in. I got his ass now,’ Kim thought to herself.

  “No officers, I haven’t seen anything, good night.”

  “Good night Miss,”

  “Damn did you see the thighs and booty on her?” The white officer said.

  “Yea man that was some fine piece of ass right there,” his partner replied as they head to the next house to knock on the door seeing if they can find any leads.

  ‘Damn broke ass cops all up in my damn face, schmmp,’ Kim said out loud while sucking her teeth, ‘I have to use this shit to benefit me,’ she went to the bathroom and slid open the cabinet and pulls out a condom and sowing needle without opening the wrapper of the condom. She pokes little holes through it, piercing the condom then walks back to her room. ‘I’m going to get me a baller even if I have to trap his ass.’

  “Yo, who was at the door?” Bones asked.

  “It was nobody baby, just the police looking for someone hopping through backyards. Nothing important, I told them I didn’t see anything. Now where were we?”

  Before he could answer her lips were wrapped around his dick, “Ahhhh, yea mami, just like that.”

  She removes her cloths while giving him head.

  ‘Damn her ass is so fat you can sit a cup on it.’ Bones thought to himself,

  Kim pulls out the condom and rips the wrapper off and used her lips and mouth to roll the condom onto his dick, “Fuck me Bones, fuck me baby!”

  Bones wasted no time to bend her over and enter her from the back. He begins to think about his dead cousin and pounds on her pussy furiously.

  “Oh shit, oooo, ahhhh, damn you’re going to kill me!”

  “Shut up! ‘Smack!’ He slaps her on the ass and continues to hump and pound away like a mad man, taking all his pain out on her pussy.

  “Agghhh!” he groans as he watches her as shake, “Agghhh!” with four hard pumps he nuts as a tear roll down his eyes. ‘That one was for Cory,’ he thinks to himself.

  Kim lays there on the bed out of breath, her pussy was feeling bruised, “Damn nigga you’re crazy,” she moaned.

  “Did you cum?”

  “Yea I did, you ready for round two?” Kim said as she crawls on top of him and lowers her sore pussy on his dick. “You’re going to bust five more nuts fucking with me,” Kim moaned as she works her hips and they fuck through the night.

  Other Novels by Shameek Speight


  A Child of a Crackhead Series

  A Child of a Crackhead II

  A Child of a Crackhead III

  The Pleasure of Pain Series

  The Pleasure of Pain

  The Pleasure of Pain II

  For the Love of My Sisters Series

  For the Love of My Sisters I

  The S.N. Killer



  Novels by Shameek Speight

  Coming In 2013


  A Child of a CrackHead IV

  The Pl
easure of Pain III

  The S.N. Killer II

  BornBangers II


  For The Love of My Sister III

  More Titles by

  True Glory Productions



  A Short Story Series

  By Nisha Lanae


  A Short Story Series

  By Nisha Lanae


  A Short Story Series

  By Dez Iree



  A Short Story Series

  By Paige Green





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