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Ancient Ruins

Page 32

by Benjamin Medrano

  “But how—” Alissa began, but both of them jumped as Sistina simply appeared, as if from nowhere. And the expression on her face sent chills of terror down Evrial’s spine.

  “Bring Phynis,” Sistina said, naked rage apparent in her voice, and her tone fit to cut through iron.

  “Where to?” Evrial asked, not even considering disobeying the dryad as fear like nothing she’d ever felt before rushed through her veins. Sistina simply pointed at her tree, and began leading the way, her pace more rapid than she’d thought the dryad could move. And somehow Evrial managed to keep up.

  * * *

  “They must have an earth mage who closed the tunnel, sir. There’s no sign of a secret passage or other way of opening the cave wall, and we can’t hear anything through the stone,” Lieutenant Tarys reported, swallowing before she continued, “Twenty-one soldiers were inside when it shut as well.”

  “I see. Well, unless they can get it open from the other side, we aren’t going to be able to do a damned thing to help,” Evansly growled, his rage somewhat cooled, but not enough to make Tarys entirely comfortable. The lord paced slowly, still simmering with anger as he gave orders. “I want two platoons stationed here at all times, and get some of the workers to come out here with picks. We’ll see if we can’t dig the rats out of their warren.”

  “Yes, sir!” Tarys relaxed slightly at the orders, relieved that she wasn’t going to have her head taken off then and there.

  “Now, what about the princess?” Evansly demanded, glaring at the lieutenant. “Who shot her?”

  “That…” Tarys hesitated, then sighed and nodded. “Private Daniel Fisher. He reported that he was shooting at the ice mage, and that the bolt bounced twice before hitting her in the back. He looked pretty shaken by the whole thing, too.”

  “Do you think he’s telling the truth?” Evansly asked, his eyes narrowed.

  “Most likely, sir. He’s proven trustworthy in all previous tasks. And he’s been training with the adventurers in his free time, so I don’t think he’d risk getting clapped in irons,” Tarys replied honestly, swallowing again. She left it unsaid that he really wouldn’t want to be enslaved, either.

  “Right. Then he probably didn’t kill her. Damned bolt shouldn’t have done too much damage if it was a ricochet. Put him on leave for the time being. Unpaid leave, Tarys. I’m going to have to contact the Adjudicator. This is a right mess,” Evansly growled again, shaking his head. “I’m going back to Granite Point. Detail a detachment to accompany me.”

  “Yes sir!” Tarys replied in relief, though he felt bad for the news she was going to have to break to Daniel. Still, it could always be worse. He could be looking at an execution.

  * * *

  “Where’s the princess?” Desa demanded, looking around the exit of the tunnel at the rest of the guards. Most of them had minor injuries that they were treating, and it took a moment before one Lisa spoke up.

  “Farris said she was injured in the fight, and went to find her,” the uninjured woman reported, looking tired as she added, “She headed toward Sistina’s tree.”

  “Shit. Take care of the injured! I’ll be back shortly,” Desa hissed, and ran off toward Sistina’s tree, swearing internally at the debacle. If Phynis was seriously injured, she’d never forgive herself. And all of this because she’d decided to follow those damnable orders!

  Emerging from the trees, she saw Farris standing near the tree, staring toward where Desa could see Alissa and Evrial stood under the branches. In between the two, both of whom had hands covered in drying blood, was Sistina. The dryad was sitting down with Phynis face-down in her lap, thin branches draped over both of them. Desa bounded up next to Farris and began to speak. “Farris! Why aren’t you helping… oh, goddess above!”

  Desa felt the blood drain from her face as she got a proper look at what was happening. She’d been mistaken about the branches draping over Phynis. A large bloody wound pierced deep into her princess’ back, along with a series of smaller injuries across the princess’ skin. The thin tips of the branches were buried inside the wounds in a way that made Desa’s skin crawl. The broken stump of a crossbow bolt protruded from the central wound, and Desa felt a sickness in her stomach at where the bolt was located.

  “I… I can’t do anything but get in the way, Captain. She’s doing everything she can,” Farris murmured, shock almost immobilizing their healer.

  The tiny branches were moving, Desa realized, and one slipped out of a wound delicately, the thin branches gripping a shard of wood. The process was faster than she’d realized, as one piece after another was pulled from Phynis’ flesh and tossed aside. While she was doing this, Sistina raised her right hand, and a single leaf drew across her index finger. From the wound came not blood, but a huge, viscous drop of green liquid that shimmered like a tiny, emerald star. Desa could feel the mana roiling off that drop like a storm. It took her a moment to realize that as the drop came out, the vitality of Sistina’s body dimmed slightly.

  It was at that moment that the branches in the primary wound pulled, and there was a gush of blood as the bolt came free. Desa flinched, but Sistina didn’t hesitate as the branches threw the wood and iron aside, instead pressing that drop of liquid directly into the wound, and from her lips came a fountain of words. And those words echoed through the cavern like a crescendo of musical thunder.

  The thundering words were nothing that Desa could grasp. They were familiar, yet out of her comprehension. They brought to mind assurances, endearments, and raging promises of vengeance. They were life and light, and yet… there was a darkness to them as well. And each word formed runes of glowing emerald light in the air around Phynis’ wound. Two dozen runes formed before Sistina fell silent once more, the light of her tree dimming as well, and the echoes of her voice slowly dying. But with her silence, the runes slowly faded away. A moment later, Sistina wiped her hand gently across Phynis’ back. Where her hand passed, the blood was wiped away, revealing nothing but perfect, unmarked skin.

  “That’s… that’s incredible. Healing so quickly and perfectly…” Farris gasped in astonishment.

  Desa nodded numbly in agreement, taking a step forward. But when she did, Sistina’s eyes snapped up to meet her own, and branches and roots blocked Desa’s path instantly. And the dryad did not look happy as she spoke, her voice flat and angry. “Explain.”

  Chapter 43

  As she seemed to drift through darkness, Phynis couldn’t tell if she was awake or asleep. It was a strange sensation, as if she was in a near-dream, and yet she was somehow faintly cognizant of… everything. A tiny, stabbing pain from the back of her chest told her she was still alive, and yet she was somehow detached from it. It seemed like there was little that could sway her mind from the serenity of the near-dream, from the calm that enveloped her.

  The calm rippled when she floated from the darkness and into an immense curtain of light. Perhaps a bubble would be a better term, she realized, and she opened her eyes as she gazed upon it. It was huge, and formed entirely of golden-green light that twisted and braided together in an immense, incredibly intricate structure that connected everything. She could see everything, as each branch of threads stretched inward, deeper into the bubble that was slowly pulsing with life all around her. Even a strand extended from herself, she realized, as she looked down and saw that the brand burned brightly in this space, glowing with azure light that extended outward in its own thread to link into the tapestry that subsumed it. Looking deeper into the immense power, she gasped as she saw the being at its center.

  Glowing with deep golden light was an immense willow tree seemingly forged of the light itself, green, blue, and crimson energy flowing through its veins. Yet almost hidden within the tree was another figure. A figure composed of deep violet, almost invisible and yet… Phynis could see breathtaking features that vanished from her mind almost as fast as she could drink them in. Hints of wings wrapped around the woman’s body, and a tail coiling around her legs b
efore both tail and legs dissolved into the tree’s roots. But the body was seemingly asleep, subsumed almost entirely by the immense tree wrapped around it. And from the tree, Phynis felt a powerful, familiar mind that controlled the entirety of the tapestry. It was Sistina, and she was looking elsewhere.

  Looking ‘down’ to where Sistina’s attention was, Phynis saw threads being carefully woven into new shapes. Near where she saw creatures like her, ants linked to Sistina by glowing threads, she could see what appeared to be a powerful figure eight feet tall, an intricate lattice of power weaving through the stone of the figure as Sistina wove it, and Phynis admired the work for a moment. But a spike of pain surprised her, and she gasped, sending a ripple through the weave of the tapestry around her. That was a better term for it. It was a tapestry of life.

  But the ripple drew Sistina’s attention, and Phynis gasped as she finally realized the full measure of her love’s consciousness. It was like an immense creature like a dragon had turned to regard her, and its power was palpable, capable of crushing her like she wasn’t even there. In its absence, the power woven through the figure down below slowly fell into a useless tangle, the beauty of its form lost. For a moment, Sistina’s mind just regarded Phynis, and then the world rippled.

  The figure within the tree’s eyes flickered open just a crack, and anger blazed through the weave of the tapestry. A single finger of that dark figure sent a wave of indigo energy through the threads, aiming past Phynis, and Phynis turned her attention to what was behind her.

  Other consciousnesses were within the tapestry now, she realized. Two were carrying her, and she faintly realized that one was Evrial, linked to Sistina by a burning crimson brand, while the other was just so very faint, barely there. And behind them were others. Three glowed with crimson brands of their own, while one that must be Desa glowed with a bright silver brand. Each of them were connected to Sistina, and their light, their consciousness was more vibrant for it. All of the others were dim by comparison, and she felt sad for them, for how dark their light was within the realm of Sistina’s immense power. But beyond them were about twenty that were even darker, even more limited than the elves that she recognized. Behind them, the wave of dark power slammed the door shut. And then… the indigo light brought the ceiling down on those twenty faint lights. For a single, glorious instant, those lights grew as brilliant as stars, their luminescence emitting energy that merged with Sistina’s tapestry… and then they were gone, as though they never had lived at all.

  Sorrow rolled through Phynis as she saw the beautiful lights vanish, and she faintly wished that she could see it again. But that temptation vanished as she felt the power of Sistina’s consciousness focusing on her once more, and Phynis turned her attention to the tree, as she was carried under its very boughs. Phynis’ excitement and terror quickened as she realized that she was dying. The violet figure’s eyes were fixed on Phynis, as though a decision was being made. And then slowly, ever so slowly, those mesmerizing violet eyes closed again, and the tapestry pulsed around her.

  Pain came in spurts, but she could feel that it was a good pain. Her body was trying to fail, but she felt warm golden energy flowing into her body, supporting her and keeping death at bay. And she could see the tapestry drawing power from everywhere. It ripped the tangled power from the stone figure, leaving the giant to crumble to dust. Each ant, bear, bee, plant, wasp, and wolf grew weaker as they contributed a thread of their power. The entirety of the tapestry dimmed ever so slightly, as all that immense power condensed in a single point that rested in Sistina’s hand, a glowing sun of light and power. A final spike of pain shuddered through her consciousness, as her body began to fail her despite the supporting energy. Her spirit began to depart her body, but it was then that Sistina acted.

  The pure, immense power from Sistina’s hand flared brightly as it entered Phynis’ body, and she felt her body surge with life, her blood quickening, her bones mending, her mental acuity growing greater as pure power like nothing she’d ever felt flooded her body. That immense power purged her body of all flaws, remaking her mind to what it was meant to be. It slowly anchored Phynis back into her body, and that was when she felt Sistina’s mind and emotions. She felt the incredible depth of affection, not quite like the love she felt toward Sistina, but love nonetheless, and both a gentle desire and sense of fierce protectiveness. And then a faint voice spoke into her mind as her consciousness in that space faded.

  “I will protect you. I promise. So long as you remain with me, you will be safe.”

  * * *

  Waking up was different this time. Phynis slowly blinked as something she could barely comprehend having experienced wavered in the back of her mind. But despite the confusion, as she tried to remember what she had just gone through, a different part of her was marveling over the simple experience of waking.

  Never before had the scents of the cavern felt so incredibly potent, nor had the warm light of the orbs giving the chamber sunlight felt so good on her body. All the tiny aches and pains she took as simply part of living were gone as if they’d never been there. She felt better than she ever had in her life, and everything felt… better.

  And her head was laying in Sistina’s lap, as she heard Desa speaking. There was something warm and soft covering her body, but she just laid there for the moment, letting out a soft breath.

  “So, since Her Majesty demanded I take her home at any cost, I tried to not let anyone know. We were just going to take her back home, and then the attack came out of nowhere. I never expected them to attack now, of all times. Phynis’ safety is the most important thing in the world to me,” Desa explained, her voice almost breaking. “I never would have done this if I’d known she would be hurt. Never in a thousand years.”

  Silence came after her explanation, and Phynis could practically feel Sistina considering the words. No, not practically, she realized. She could actually sense the woman’s slow, methodical consideration of the words, as well as the awareness that Phynis was awake. And Phynis felt the dryad, if she could be called that with what she’d just experienced, encouraging Phynis to consider the situation as well. So Phynis did so, letting Desa shift from one foot to another as she thought.

  Her anger had passed. The stress of the ambush, and the serenity of her near-death had added an odd sense of perspective to the argument which had preceded it. Phynis’ mother’s control of her life was no longer necessary, instead, it was strangling her future. Despite the memories of the warmth that she’d been extended when she had met with her mother, she remembered the other part of the conversation. Phynis remembered how focused the queen had been on the practical consequences of what had happened, not allaying Phynis’ worries. And with the words from her deep sleep echoing in her mind, she came to a decision.

  “Wait.” Sistina’s iron word was filled with disapproval, and the dryad shook her head, sending a mental summons. “Lily coming.”

  “As… as you wish,” Desa replied uncertainly, and twigs snapped under her feet as Phynis’ guard paced.

  Phynis could feel Lily approaching quickly, and a few minutes later she heard the footsteps of the dawn elf. It was then that Phynis opened her eyes and looked toward Lily, even as the other woman came to a halt, not even breathing hard despite her run. “I came as fast as I could, given how urgent you indicated you needed me. What can I help with, Sistina?”

  Standing just a few feet outside the canopy of Sistina’s tree was Desa, her mouth agape with surprise as she looked at Lily. A few scrapes and smudges marred Desa’s face and hands, and there were other signs of battle evident on her armor. Beside her were the two guards who’d been carrying her back into the cavern, Alissa and Evrial. Both were looking at Lily nervously, and Phynis wondered why for a moment. But Lily, looking the same as always, looked down at Phynis and her eyes went huge.

  “Princess? What happened to you? There’s blood on your clothing!” Lily exclaimed in a near-panic as she took a step closer. Then she paused a
s she hesitated, her voice nervous. “The guards got in a fight outside, were you hurt? Can I help somehow?”

  “I was hurt. I don’t remember much, but I was healed by Sistina,” Phynis replied with a slight smile at the flustered woman, then sat up slowly. She looked down at the moss blanket that covered her in some bemusement, but considering that her clothing that was extremely bad shape, she pulled the blanket up a bit. “I’m not sure why Sistina called you, though. But I’m more curious why Desa and the others are looking at you like that.”

  “Oh, good! I’m glad you’re well,” Lily told Phynis in relief, then looked at Desa and paused before speaking. “Umm… I’m not sure?”

  “You ran here as fast as a deer. Faster, maybe. I’ve never seen anyone move that fast before,” Evrial said flatly, not looking away from Lily. “How did you ever get caught if you can move like that? And you weren’t even out of breath.”

  “I—” Lily began.

  “Dungeon mana,” Sistina interrupted impatiently. “Mana improves. Lily here. Strongest link.”

  “That’s… oh! You mean the rumors about how adventurers get stronger inside dungeons by absorbing the mana is true?” Phynis asked, her eyes going huge. “But they’re rarely inside for more than a few hours! Lily’s been in here for months!”

  “Combat superior. Living inefficient. Still effective,” Sistina told Phynis, smiling slightly, then looked at Lily. “Lily strong.”

  “I… I’m strong? What are you talking about, Sistina? I’ve always just run away. I can’t fight for you,” Lily protested, looking nervous. “That isn’t why you called me, is it?”

  Desa and the others looked stunned, but wisely kept their thoughts to themselves for the moment. Likely because they were afraid of Sistina, Phynis realized. But her attention turned back to Sistina as the dryad shook her head.


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