You Only (Cameron Farms Book 1)

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You Only (Cameron Farms Book 1) Page 9

by Jayne, Melanie

  “I don’t know how it happened.” Hale’s cheeks were on fire. She’d been so angry with Finn, but when he touched her, she hadn’t wanted him to ever stop.

  “So, how was it?” Ashley leaned forward eagerly, waiting for the answer.

  “It was hot, really hot.” Hale dropped her head into her hands. She was so screwed.

  “So, what are you going to do about it?” Jasmine questioned carefully.

  “Nothing, I’m not thinking about it and I’m not doing anything about it.” Hale answered. Liar, she thought about it all of the time. Thank God, she didn’t share that at the meeting, she could have sworn that Finn ran his hand over her ass. He was the only one standing near her. When she jerked her head to see who was touching her, he simply raised one eyebrow. God, she hated that look.

  “Wow, you and Finn. Was there more? Angry sex can be awesome.” Ashley added.

  “Ashley, hush,” Jasmine cautioned, but she was leaning in, waiting for the answer.

  Hale continued to sit in silence. Finally, she shared, “A little touching.”

  The trio sat quietly processing the second bombshell of the day.

  Jasmine broke the silence. “So, your dates with Major, do they have anything to do with the kiss?”

  Fucking Jasmine was way too perceptive. “Major is single, successful, and seems to enjoy my company.” Hale managed to hide the defensiveness she felt. Why couldn’t she find him attractive and forget Finn?

  “He has also been tagged as a serial dater and a bit of a social climber,” Jasmine stated. “But he does have that lovely accent and fine manners.”

  “But he’s starting to do the comb-over thing and I don’t think he’s sexy,” Ashley added. “The mayor is sexy and likes hot angry sex. No contest.”

  Hale snorted. “I will admit that the hair is unfortunate, but I can live with that. We’ve had a few dinners. I wouldn’t say we were dating.”

  Jasmine’s chuckle was sarcastic. “Please, he is probably thanking his lucky stars every night. You are exactly what he is looking for. Single, beautiful and rich.”

  “He sends her flowers every other day. He even calls to confirm their dinners with me.” Ashley made a gagging noise.

  “Y’all need to stop making fun. Major is the only man who’s asked me out. What’s wrong with wanting a little male attention?” Hale was whining. She could hear it and hated it.

  “Oooh, gross. Don’t tell me that you are doing it with him. That is so yucky.” Ashley looked horrified.

  “Oh, Hale, you aren’t fucking him are you?” Jasmine turned up her nose.

  “No, I’m not fucking him. Jeez, it’s not polite to tell, anyway.” Hale couldn’t keep from giggling. Through the years, she had taken great delight in sharing her sexcapades with Jasmine. Her best friend was more conservative than Hale. “Plus, you're a mother, you shouldn’t say fuck.”

  “Since when have you not kissed or fucked and told? Christ, I’ve had phones melt from some of your stories.” Jasmine joined in, laughing.

  Ashley swiveled her head between the women. “Wait, this is new. Hale, you have stories that are that hot?”

  “Girl please, Hale is a fuck-monster. Well she has been over the years.” Jasmine was laughing so hard, she could barely get the words out.

  Ashley stared at Hale in amazement.

  She tried to look innocent. “Well, what did you want me to say? Hi, I’m Hale Cameron and I’m a fuck-monster?” She laughed so hard she pounded on the table.

  “It would have made my interview easier. I wouldn’t have been so nervous!” Ashley tried for outrage but joined in the laughter.

  “But you don’t look like a fuck-monster, Ms. Cameron.” Jasmine took several deep breaths to help get the words out.

  “Bitch, I was one hell of a fuck-monster.” Hale raised her voice. “Still would be if I got the chance.”

  Ashley was still watching Hale closely. When the laughter quieted, she asked, “So, what all have you done?”

  “Oh, honey, do I need to buy you a book with pictures or should I bring some movies to Girls Night?” Jasmine’s laugh was throatier. “When two people like each other…”

  Ashley made a huffing sound. “I know a lot, Miss Proper Wife. What I mean is, what’s she into?”

  Hale shook her head.

  Jasmine dropped her voice. “She’s into everything. She’s a real dirty girl.”

  Hale raised both hands in the universal sign for stop. “Stop, I don’t want to upset Maria. She’s probably lurking around and I don’t want to get into trouble. I think she still believes that she can ground me.”

  “If only she knew some of the shit you’ve done, she would lock you in your room for five years.” Jasmine shook her finger at Hale.

  “I definitely want to know more. I’ll double the order for booze for our sleepover.” Ashley practically bounced in her chair.

  “Just remember, you two, anything you ask me, I can ask you. So, be careful.” Hale warned.

  Ashley stood and took her mug to the sink. “Wow, this is gonna be great.”

  “Hush, you can stop talking about my sex life.” She tried to look severe. “Now get to work.”

  “Yes, boss.” Ashley shot Hale a huge smile as she sauntered out of the kitchen.

  “Stop calling me that,” Hale yelled after her.

  “Maybe she will start calling you Mistress or ma’am after she hears a few stories.”

  Hale tried to sound exasperated as she shot Jasmine an evil look. “No she won’t, that lifestyle wasn’t for me. Some parts are awesome, but I couldn’t commit.”

  “I like it when Izzy restrains me, but I don’t get that master-slave thing.”

  “It’s about the dynamic and finding what you need and someone to interact with.”

  “So, Major can give you what you need?” Jasmine raised her eyebrows.

  “Not so far, but he is a slow mover. I’m giving him some time. He kisses me on the cheek, and held my hand once. We’ll see.” Hale shrugged. She was lying; she had no sexual chemistry with the man. Throughout her many sexploits, she had never found anyone that made her as hot or feel as much as Finn. Finally she concluded that what they had was a once in a lifetime kind of chemistry.

  Hale stood in the Benton’s backyard, wondering what time it was and how soon she could escape. This party had been a mistake. She was ready to bolt, go home and turn off the phones. Oh God, why had she come with Major? He was hovering, smothering her, adding to the misery.

  “Do you need anything to drink?” Major leaned into Hale’s side.

  “No, I’m good.” She held her beer bottle up and shook it gently.

  “I can ask the bartender for a glass. A lady shouldn’t have to drink from a bottle.” He sniffed.

  She was growing so tired of Major’s thoughts on how ladies should behave. “It’s a casual party, so I think the etiquette rules are relaxed.” She stated through gritted teeth. “You should go on, mix and mingle.” She hoped he would take the hint.

  “Well, all right, I’ll be back to check on you.”

  He tried to kiss her cheek, but she turned to take a long pull on her beer, he collided with her hair. After a flustered second, he left. Finally alone, she took the opportunity to unwind, until she felt eyes on her. She scanned the backyard space and saw Finn looking in her direction.

  He raised his beer in salute.

  “Fuck,” she mumbled to herself. She knew he had witnessed the defensive move to avoid Major’s lips.

  “Now what’s wrong?” Jasmine stood with her hands on her hips.

  “Nothing’s wrong. It’s going to be a great night.” Hale tried to pump enthusiasm into her voice. Jasmine claimed that she had invited only twenty people, it seemed like a few extra had shown, plus seven or eight kids ranging in age from seven to mid-teens.

  “You need to mingle with the guests, not stand to the side and hide.”

  “I’m not hiding, I’m standing in one place by the gate to greet any str
agglers.” Her answer was weak. She was hiding.

  “Come on, I’ll walk with you. I think that you know almost everyone here.” Jasmine scanned her deck and patio area. “Well, maybe not the plus ones, but almost everyone.”

  “I think Major is expecting me to be here when he gets back.”

  “All the more reason to move—he’s practically glued to you.” Jasmine frowned.

  “I shouldn’t have let him drive me here, he thinks he’s my date and so he’s being extra clingy.” Hale admitted to her friend.

  “I told you to bring Miller and your stuff to stay the night.”

  “I wish I had.”

  “Maybe you’ll get birthday sex—I thought that was why you let him drive you.”

  “I think that I’ll have to get him drunk for that to happen.” Hale laughed. “Honestly, I gave in because he was making me nuts, pestering me about it. He calls it escorting me. Who talks like that?”

  “You lived in the south for years, you should be used to the Southern Gentleman routine.” Jasmine did a terrible imitation of a southern accent.

  “Tampa isn’t that southern. I didn’t have to deal with it very often.” She wouldn’t have put up with a man with Major’s attitude for more than one date, back then.

  “It’s part of his charm.” Jasmine sniggered.

  “Does it work here?”

  “He’s dated a lot of women over the years. I’m assuming that at some point he slept with some of them. So, I would say yes.”

  “He’s not in my bed.” Hale gritted her teeth. She hated to admit that she liked having Major around to act as an escort. It was wrong, but she kept trying to convince herself that if she went out with Major, hopefully she would stop thinking about Finn.

  “We know that, but he does have a reputation, so I imagine others think he is,” Jasmine explained.

  “Great, more to deal with,” Hale grumbled.

  “I might point out that Finn was shooting some very unhappy looks your way, while you were talking with Major.” Jasmine smiled mischievously.

  “Finn is probably unhappy that he felt compelled to come tonight. He couldn’t exactly say no to your invitation.”

  “Oh, he could have. He could have made up an excuse, but he didn’t. I think you should pay attention to that, missy.” Jasmine jabbed a pointed elbow into her side.

  “Stop that.” Hale meant the jabbing and the talk about Finn. “Let’s mingle. You won’t leave me, will you?”

  “Of course not. Let’s go talk to Raine and Carrie. They’re really nice and you should check out their bookstore. I think they’re a couple, they’re really private about their personal life. Use your gaydar to check them out.”

  “Sure, I’ll just switch it on,” Hale teased as she followed her friend to meet the two ladies standing by the bar.

  Hours later, her night had improved and she had to admit that she was having fun. Major had been introduced to a vice president of a commercial property management company from Cincinnati. He’d been busy talking business for the last hour. Hale made her way to the bar for some water. She’d made the switch after two beers.

  There were several people milling around; she placed her order and turned to move out of the way of the line when she heard her name.

  She looked up to find a group of women staring at her. Great, she had gone to school with two of the ladies, and the third was married to an attorney at Benton and Lee. “Hey, ladies.”

  “Hale.” Veronica nodded, but didn’t smile.

  OK, not very friendly. “Veronica, I met your two boys tonight. I bet they keep you busy. They told me they love soccer.”

  “They do.” Veronica smiled. “You don’t have any kids?”

  “No, no kids. I have a dog and he’s taught me that I’m not ready for kids.” She laughed.

  “That’s too bad, I find being a mother to be the most important thing in my life.” Veronica sounded so superior.

  Jean Ann added, “I can understand why you don’t have kids, after the way you were raised.”

  “The way I was…what?” Oh no, she isn’t going there, now, is she? Hale stiffened.

  Veronica continued. “We were just telling Lauren how your mother was a drinker and tried to kill the both of you.”

  Hale took a step back in surprise, even Lauren had the grace to look shocked. Hale recovered quickly, unwilling to let them see the pain that remark had caused her. “Um, well, hello. I don’t believe that we have met. I’m Hale Cameron and I think I met your husband at the firm.” She held out her hand.

  “Oh, Lauren knows all about you.” Veronica sneered as the redhead shook Hale’s hand.

  “She has a daughter and when she moved to town, we just fell in love with her.” Jean Ann added.

  The silent Lauren didn’t make eye contact.

  “How old is your daughter?” Hale hoped that talking about their kids would keep things civil.

  “Twenty-five months.” Lauren answered.

  “A fun age.” Oh God, I need to move away from these women.

  “I’m surprised that Finn is here, since it’s a party for you.” Veronica’s voice carried.

  “Jasmine made up the guest list, it’s the people that she and Izzy wanted,” Hale answered truthfully and a little flippantly.

  “Well, with your history, I think it’s very nice that he would come. I guess since you’re a Cameron, he feels like he has to,” Veronica continued.

  “Plus, you do business with the firm.” Lauren, The Silent, found her voice.

  Hale felt an arm slide around her waist and she jumped. She turned her head to the left and Finn smiled down at her.

  He pulled her closer and kissed her cheek. “I heard my name over here, what are you ladies saying about me?”

  God, she was leaning into Finn. It felt so good, like she was safe and protected. She straightened, but he didn’t let go of her waist.

  “We were discussing how nice it was that after everything you had been through with her, that you would come to her party.” Veronica did everything but make those “tsk” sounds.

  “Now ladies, I know that you are not giving Hale a hard time about what happened when we were kids.” Finn gave his most charming smile. “I’m enjoying getting to know Hale all over again. I’m glad she chose to move back.” He gave her waist a squeeze.

  Hale gave Finn a smile of gratitude as she relaxed against his strong body.

  He winked at her. He shifted his hold to keep her close.

  “You aren’t saying that you two are friends now? I mean, I can see why you would be nice to her as the mayor, for business. I’d think you’d be avoiding her like the plague.” Jean Ann was like a dog with a bone.

  Hale could feel Finn’s arm tense around her. At that moment, she hated this party, and the women standing in front of her.

  “Now Jean Ann, shame on you. Hale and I are friendly. I’ve even stopped in at her house a few times to visit.” He made it sound like she borrowed sugar from him.

  It took everything she had not to laugh at his misleading comment. And just when she didn’t think things could get more uncomfortable, they did. Major joined the group, crowding her other side.

  “What was that you just said?” he asked sharply.

  “Well hello, Major.” Jean Ann blushed after speaking.

  “Ladies.” He nodded at the three witches. “Finn, what was it you just said?” Major’s tone held a challenge.

  Finn chuckled. “I was saying that of course Hale and I are friendly.”

  “Define friendly.” Major’s shoulders were hunched.

  “He claims he stops by her house to visit,” Jean Ann answered.

  Major did not take his eyes off Finn. “He does, does he?”

  “Problem?” Finn did that annoying single-eyebrow thing.

  It was time to enter this conversation, Hale tried to pull away from Finn, but his hand splayed open over her hip and onto her stomach. “Major, that’s what friends do.”

�How many times?” Major said through clenched teeth.

  “Several.” Finn threw out with a wolfish smile. “I don’t even have to call first. I’m always welcome.”

  Damnit, who told Finn that she required Major to call before stopping by?

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea for a man with your reputation to be visiting a single woman at her home.” Major managed to sound like a throwback from the fifties.

  Hale’s and Finn’s gazes met, and burst into laughter. The absurdity was priceless.

  Veronica always enjoyed stirring the pot. “Major, I noticed that you came with Hale, are you saying that you don’t want Finn coming around her?”

  “No he is not.” Hale’s hold on her temper was fraying. “First of all, I can be friends with whomever I want, and I am the only one who can decide who is welcome in my home. Secondly, Major, you don’t get to tell any woman what they can do. Welcome to today’s reality.” Her voice was strong but her body shook with anger. She was barely holding onto her temper. The idiot would not shut up.

  “Hale, you might not be aware, but Finn has a reputation with the ladies. He’s been with many women.”

  “Jealous?” Finn asked with a smirk.

  “No, I consider myself a gentleman. I respect the ladies that I have known.” Major managed to look sincere.

  “Oh that is so sweet.” Jean Ann held her folded hands to her breast.

  “That is a lovely story, Major, but you left out the part where you date the ladies who have prime real estate in the area,” Finn boldly stated.

  “That’s, that’s ridiculous. How dare you?” Major drew his slight body taller, as if he could add a few more inches to his height.

  Was this shit really happening? “Enough.” Hale raised her voice over the males. Were they really calling it a date or an escort instead of a fuck? She made sure that her tone was sweet. “Major, I’m sure that you meet many lovely ladies in your line of work and if it suits, you ask them out.”

  “I…I do.” He started to continue.

  Hale cut him off. “And, Finn, well you’ve always been attractive and successful. I’m sure there are plenty of women who enjoy your attention.” She smiled in his direction, not saying just how good his attention felt.


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