You Only (Cameron Farms Book 1)

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You Only (Cameron Farms Book 1) Page 10

by Jayne, Melanie

“Ah oh, here comes the Hale Storm,” Finn whispered near her ear.

  “But nobody is going to tell me what I can do. I will see who I want, and if this town wants to gossip, that’s fine by me. However, they should call me first, so they can get the details right.” Hale put both hands on her hips and glared.

  Finn laughed loudly and kissed her cheek. “Nobody puts Hale Cameron in the corner.” He changed the quote from Dirty Dancing, clearly remembering that she had loved that movie. He loosened his arm from around her waist and stepped away. He did manage to run his palm over her ass and give a squeeze to her cheek.

  Hale closed with a nod. “Ladies, I’m so glad you could come and help me celebrate, making me feel so welcome as I settle back into town.” She smiled sweetly as she turned and made sure to head off in the opposite direction as Finn. She was so upset, she wasn’t certain if it was with anger or humiliation. Damn this town and those catty bitches.

  “Hale, Hale, slow down, I’m not done talking to you.” Major’s southern cadence was rushed.

  “This isn’t a good time,” she snapped.

  “I know, I know, but I want to apologize. I acted rudely back there and I wanted to say that I was sorry.”

  She smirked. “I think there was quite a bit of rudeness all the way around.” She stopped and dropped to a bench beside the tall ornamental grass in the corner of the Benton’s yard.

  Major continued to stand in front of her.

  She raised her eyes, signaling for him to continue.

  “You might have noticed that Finn tends to rub me the wrong way. Now I know that you spoke well of him, but I have to believe that some of what you said was because you are a good woman and you respect his position.”

  Sweet Baby Jesus, why am I listening to this? “Major, I like Finn. I don’t have any issues with him.”

  “I’m sure that you haven’t paid any attention to the gossip about him. I know that it isn’t right to talk about others, but, well, Finn has been known to sleep around.”

  “Good for Finn.” She laughed. This night was surreal.

  Major looked confused. “My point is, he has slept with a number of women over the years.”

  “Okaaaaay.” She continued smiling as she drew the word out.

  “Well, I don’t think that is very proper behavior for a man of his station in this town.” Major’s tone was defensive.

  “Oh my God, Major, what year is it? What decade?”

  “I don’t think I like your tone.” He frowned down at her.

  “I don’t care to hear about Finn’s dating life. I hope he has sex, I hope he is getting lots of good sex.” Well that is a bit of an exaggeration. She continued, on a roll. “He is a red-blooded man, single and successful, it only makes sense that he’s getting laid.”

  “But, but—”

  “No let me finish, I like sex, and I hope to have more. It’s nobody’s business except mine and my partner’s.” It felt good, letting her frustration out.

  “I don’t know what to say.” Major’s hands fisted at his sides.

  She pointed at his chest. “You say nothing. Stop judging. It isn’t very flattering, in fact it’s damn ugly.” She started to stand.

  Major leaned forward and put his hand on her shoulder roughly, pushing her back down. His voice shook. “I consider myself a gentleman and I thought that you were a lady. I don’t like to hear talk about sex, especially not in public.”

  Hale’s voice was icy calm. “Get your hand off me.” She didn’t like the manner in which he held her down and lectured her. This was not going to happen again.

  “Now Hale…”

  “Get your motherfucking hand off me or I’m gonna break it,” she said a little louder.

  “Hale, you are making a scene!” He didn’t remove his hand, he gripped her shoulder harder.

  She grabbed his hand and as she stood, she bent the offending appendage backward. “I said get your fucking hand off me.” Her voice was vicious.

  Izzy appeared out of the shadows. “Hale, is there a problem?”

  She didn’t even look in his direction. “Yes, I’m tired of listening to his shit.” She kept Major’s hand bent back.

  The man twisted his body to offset the pressure on his wrist. “Hale, please, let go.” Major was gasping.

  “Hale, let go,” Izzy commanded.

  Izzy’s tone broke through her angry haze. She dropped Major’s hand.

  “Major, I think it’s time to go. Should I arrange a ride home for you?”

  “No, no I’m fine to drive.” He was holding his wrist as if it ached.

  “All right, you be sure to drive safely. Want me to walk you out?” Izzy stood close, towering over Major.

  “I’m fine.” Major ran a hand through his hair and headed toward the house.

  Izzy’s attention turned to Hale. “Honey, are you all right?”

  “No,” she answered softly. She had just lost it, flashing back to the past, and almost broke a man’s wrist. Her stomach cramped at the realization. She laid her hand on her rolling middle and pressed hard.

  Izzy leaned closer. “Was he bothering you? Did he do something that upset you?”

  “He, um, he kept talking about me acting like a lady. Behaving like a lady. He was holding my shoulder, holding me in place. I couldn’t take it. It was like the same shit Lydia used to say to me.”

  “Oh, Hale, I’m sorry.” He stepped into her, pulling her into his arms. “Major can be an ass.” He held her gently.

  “Christ, I’m a mess.” She drew away. “Did I make a huge scene?”

  “No, I don’t think so. I just happened to look and I saw him put his hand on your shoulder and I didn’t like how it looked. It seemed threatening to me so I came over to check on you.”

  “He wouldn’t shut up.” Her voice was ragged.

  “Come with me, I have something in my office that might be a help.” He kept his arm around her and led her toward the kitchen.

  Hale stared straight ahead, mortified by her behavior.

  They traveled along the hallway to Izzy’s office and the small half bath’s door opened. Finn exited in front of them and Izzy paused.

  Finn scanned both Izzy and Hale. “Everything good?” His tone was loaded with doubt and curiosity.

  There was a long pause. Izzy finally spoke. “We are going to break open my bottle of Scotland’s finest. Take a breather from the guests.”

  Finn’s eyes were on Hale. “A break sounds like something I need.” He leaned against the wall to fall into line behind them as they passed.

  They entered the home office, it was filled with books and soft chairs and a loveseat. There was a fireplace that he lit during the cold months. Hale loved this room; it was just like Izzy—masculine, filled with intelligence and warmth.

  She veered to the love seat and Finn selected the large leather wing chair while Izzy made busy at the bar.

  She could feel Finn watching her, and she became very interested in the magazines stacked on the end table.

  Izzy opened the bottle and poured. He served Hale then Finn. When he returned with his glass, he said, “I propose a toast to our Hale.”

  “Oh, you don’t need to do that.” She felt the heat spread across her cheeks.

  “Go on, Izz,” Finn overruled.

  “To sharing many more birthday celebrations.” They clinked glasses and sipped.

  The one sip of the aged liquid burned a trail down Hale’s throat. She settled back onto the sofa and felt her emotions start to calm.

  The trio enjoyed the quiet, each lost in their thoughts.

  “I’m sorry that I invited Major, he’s acted like an ass all night,” Hale apologized.

  “Oh, honey, you don’t need to apologize for him.” Izzy was quick to comfort.

  “Major is, well…” Finn attempted to explain. “I think he was trying to impress you.”

  “We’ve only been to dinner a few times.” She felt the need to explain.

  “I think he f
elt the need to assert his claim.” Finn pointed out.

  “His claim to what?” Hale was lost.

  “Um, to you.” Izzy answered, looking at her. “Major gets a little jealous of him.” He pointed at Finn.

  She grimaced. “I don’t want to be claimed by him.”

  Finn shifted in his chair, not looking at her.

  Izzy rushed to explain. “Major and Finn are the two most eligible bachelors in the area. I think that Major would like to be able to claim you as his girlfriend.”

  Hale laughed. “You’re joking. I’m not some trophy.”

  “No, but in their competition, you are a very nice prize.” Izzy informed.

  “I wouldn’t say that we’re in competition,” Finn said.

  “That’s because you best him on the golf course and with being mayor.” Izzy explained.

  “I don’t like it. I don’t like people wanting to be around me for those kinds of reasons.” Hale felt the tentacles of sadness dig in.

  “You are the richest woman in town. You’re still a mystery so I’m sure that people are curious.” Finn said.

  “That’s why I have tried to be selective in my associations. I listened to you and Jasmine about who was nice and who wasn’t.” She looked at Izzy.

  “I can’t believe that Jazz told you to date Major.” Finn shook his head.

  “I’m not dating him.” Hale laughed defensively.

  Both men stared at her.

  “I’m not serious about him, and after tonight, I’m really unhappy with him. The shit he said…it was like he lived in the fifties. ‘Ladies do this and ladies should do that.’ I mean times have changed, haven’t they?”

  “They change more slowly in a small town, but yes, times have changed even here in Whitleysburg,” Izzy replied.

  There was a knock on the closed door and Jasmine stuck her head in. “I knew when I couldn’t find you all, that you’d be sequestered in here.” She entered the room and dropped onto the arm of Izzy’s chair.

  He pulled her closer and kissed her cheek.

  “Where’s lover boy?” Jasmine looked at Hale.

  “He needed to go home,” Hale answered and grimaced.

  “Bored already?” Jasmine teased.

  “When Hale Storm is around, things are never boring.” Finn joined in.

  “Oh no, what happened?” Jasmine looked concerned.

  “The three witches were a little difficult, but she handled them,” Finn answered.

  Jasmine raised her eyebrows in a silent question.

  “I think Jean Ann has a thing for Major, and they all like Finn.” Hale glanced his way. “Let’s just say that group wasn’t particularly friendly to me.”

  “Almost every woman here likes Finn. It’s his boyish good looks, and charm.” Jasmine winked at the man being discussed.

  “Don’t forget my sharp intellect.” Finn shrugged his shoulders in an “aw shucks” kind of way.

  “And his humility,” Izzy teased, shaking his head at his friend.

  “Don’t forget his eyes, when he turns his gaze on you…” Hale grinned at Finn. For a moment, they were the only ones in the room. Her heartbeat accelerated as something passed between them. She could feel the need spread through her body.

  “Major got a little territorial and Hale wasn’t in the mood, so I sent him home.” Izzy made the statement like it was no big deal.

  “So, I take it that you are going to spend the night with us?” Jasmine didn’t even blink at that. She waited for Hale to answer. There had to be some kind of secret marriage-partner language. It was like Jasmine knew not to push and was sure that Izzy would fill her in later.

  “Yup, I’m good right here. Just toss a blanket over me and I’ll be fine.” Hale sprawled, laying her legs on the other arm of the loveseat.

  “No can do, Missy. You need to go back out and face your guests.” Jasmine stood.

  “Don’t wanna.” Hale smiled as she whined and stayed prone on the sofa.

  “Come on. Don’t make me have Finn carry you outside,” Jasmine threatened, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “I’m only doing this because I don’t want to hurt Finn’s back.” Hale sat up and smoothed her top.

  Finn stood and walked to the love seat and reached for her hand to help her up. “Come on, it won’t be so bad.”

  “Well the bar isn’t set that high,” Hale mused. She told herself that it didn’t mean anything that he held her hand the entire walk to the backyard.

  Three hours later, Hale was settled into the guest room, wearing one of Izzy’s T-shirts and her panties. Jasmine sat on the other side of the bed, waiting.

  Hale tapped the “end call” button. “Miguel is going to go over and let Miller out. He said it wasn’t a problem.” She laid her phone on the nightstand and repositioned her body against the bed’s headboard.

  Jasmine was wearing a silk robe that made her look like a movie star. She had stopped by to make sure that Hale had everything she needed.

  “I got a text from Ashley. They admitted her mom under a seventy-two hour hold. I guess she started saying that she was going to kill herself while she was in custody.” Hale knew that Ashley was trying to be strong, but dealing with an out of control parent was exhausting.

  “She called earlier and left a voice mail, apologizing for missing the party.” Jasmine’s expression was grim. “Izzy offered to meet her and help. I wanted to check with you before I called her.”

  “Let her know about Izzy’s offer, but I doubt that she takes it. She has tried to cut herself off from her family. She said she couldn’t deal with them any longer. I think she had to go this afternoon because nobody else would.”

  “That breaks my heart.” Jasmine let out a sigh.

  “She has us and she knows that we’ll help.” Hale could only hope that Ashley would ask, if and when she needed them.

  “We always say that nothing happens here, but I think we had plenty of action today.” Jasmine shifted positions, curling her legs under her.

  “Thanks for the party,” Hale told her friend.

  “I don’t think that you had any fun.” Jazz frowned.

  “I had some good moments. The thing with Major sort of ruined it for me.”

  “I’m glad Izzy was there. He said that you felt like it was one of your mother’s lectures.” Jasmine sat up and reached out for Hale’s hand.

  “I had had a run-in with the three witches and then Major and Finn had a back and forth. I wanted a moment of quiet and he wouldn’t leave me alone.” She sighed loudly. “I know he isn’t the man for me, but I thought we could have some fun.”

  “So, what’s the attraction, besides that he is Mr. Right Now?”

  “I like that he calls when promised and shows up on time,” Hale defended weakly.

  “Please, he wears more hair product than you do.” Jasmine broke into giggles.

  “The attention feels nice. I know that I can’t date a different man every night.”

  “Nor every week. Maybe you can change every third week, but that is pushing it around here with our shortage of decent single men.” Jasmine reminded her.

  “Well my phone isn’t ringing, so I don’t think that’s going to be a problem.”

  “Maybe it isn’t ringing because people see how you are with Finn.”

  “Oh please, that’s insane.” Hale laughed. Please God, let her not be that obvious.

  “I don’t know. You seemed comfortable with him tonight.” Jasmine eyed her suspiciously.

  “He was being nice to me. I’m your best friend and he is close to both of you. Do the math, Jazz. He’s going to be nice to me, to keep the peace.” She hoped that Jasmine would buy that explanation.

  Jasmine raised an eyebrow. She didn’t look like she was buying it. “Humph, we’ll see.”

  “Yeah, you will.” She prayed that Jasmine didn’t pick up on how unsettled Finn’s proximity made her. She could still feel every place on her body that he had touched tonight.

  Chapter Seven

  “Oh man, this is the life.” Ashley lay reclining on the loveseat in Hale’s room with a mask on her face and cucumber slices over her eyes. Hale sat on a chair with one foot soaking in the foot tub while the pedicurist worked on her callused heel.

  “I wish I could do this every week.” Jasmine was getting her nails painted.

  “You do go to the salon every week,” Hale pointed out.

  “I mean them coming to my house. Don’t be difficult Birthday Girl,” Jasmine cautioned by shaking one freshly painted finger at her.

  “Well it works for you, you always look great.” Ashley was still prone, with her head on two pillows.

  “Jasmine has always been beautiful. Growing up, I was totally overlooked when Jasmine was in the room.” Hale pulled her other foot out of the tub. “Beautiful, nice and smart, the total package.”

  “Stop it. However, I do appreciate the smart comment. Sometimes I don’t think that anybody notices.”

  Hale glanced in Jasmine’s direction.

  Jasmine met her best friend’s eyes and did a brief head shake, signaling that she didn’t want to discuss this in front of the others.

  “Well, I wish I had that problem.” Ashley couldn’t see the silent communication going on between Hale and Jasmine. “I’m known as the smart girl.”

  “Ashley, what are you complaining about? You are pretty and I know that you show off those long legs to their best advantage,” Hale pointed out.

  “I guess I’m kinda average.” Ashley agreed.

  “Honey, stop that kind of thinking right now,” Jasmine chastised. “You have plenty going for you. You have a bright future.”

  Ashley sat up and removed the cucumbers. “I know, just sometimes it gets hard. You know?”

  Hale’s tone was gentle. “Yeah, honey, we know.”

  The spa people were still upstairs packing up their wares, when the three ladies took their places around the kitchen table.

  “Jazz, this food is amazing, perfect for a hot day.” Hale took another bite of her salad with oranges, grilled chicken, and a spicy ginger sauce.

  “You’d better load up on the bread, or you’ll be drunk after your second shot.” Jasmine scooted the basket of rolls toward Hale.


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