You Only (Cameron Farms Book 1)

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You Only (Cameron Farms Book 1) Page 12

by Jayne, Melanie

  “You had hook-ups. I think you had a lot of sex.” Jasmine watched her friend.

  “When I first moved to Tampa, I worked fourteen hours a day, so when I could, I played hard too. Sex was a way to let off steam and I liked it.” Hale wasn’t embarrassed. It had been practical. A stress reliever.

  “Sex is good.” Ashley chuckled.

  “Over the years, I experimented, I went to clubs, had hook-ups. I was single, successful, and could do as I pleased.” Hale sank into the pillow at her side; it felt good to be open with people that she trusted. It was so freeing to let the walls come down for one night.

  “No serious loves?” Ashley took another sip.

  “It was hard because of the hours I put in and I didn’t date within my company. There was one guy, Neil. I thought that we might work out, but he took a transfer to Phoenix and that was that.” Hale had tried to love the man, but a part of her had still belonged to Finn.

  “I liked Neil, he seemed like a good guy, but I don’t think it would have lasted.” Jasmine swirled the tequila in her glass. “I met him twice, but never saw that deep bond that a couple needs.”

  “He got married about five years ago and has two or three kids. We exchange Christmas cards.” Hale took a sip of tequila.

  “You’ll meet another. Once you’re settled and ready, that’s what I think.” Ashley finished her shot.

  “She’ll have to want it. I do know one thing. Major is not that guy.” Jasmine gave her opinion.

  “I’m not looking for ‘The Great Love’.” Hale took another swig of water.

  “I just want you to be happy now that you’re home.” Jasmine licked her lips trying to catch a stray drop.

  “I’m working on that.”

  Chapter Eight


  “Jasmine, it looks like the festival is a huge success. I don’t remember it ever being this crowded.” Major greeted Jasmine and Izzy as they gathered in front Jerry’s Hardware and More.

  Jasmine looked tired but happy. “I think the weather is going to stay cool, so that brings more people out. Izzy checked the radar and no rain in sight. It should be sixty-three degrees for the parade start.”

  “Of course it won’t rain, this is a Jasmine Benton event.” Hale teased as she stepped forward to give her friend a hug. “Oh my God, you look terrific.”

  The Bentons had invited Hale to sit with them at tonight’s parade and at the last minute, she had relented and agreed that Major could join them. It was a telling weakness but she didn’t want to be the third wheel. They walked up one side of Main Street, browsing the artisans’ wares. Major watched Hale shop with an intensity that was starting to make her and everyone else uncomfortable. If she touched an item, he would immediately offer to buy it for her. He was trying too hard and she wondered why? Was it her money that kept him coming back when he wasn’t romantically interested in her?

  Soon she could smell the grilled meat coming from the Cattlemen’s Tent. “Yum, that beef sure smells good,” Hale exclaimed. “I can’t wait for a ribeye sandwich.”

  “Let’s make it our next stop,” Izzy agreed. His long legs picked up speed, the others followed.

  A three feet tall, hand-painted sign listing the offerings stood at the tent’s entrance. “Miguel is supposed to be working at the grill, I should go say hello.” Hale stood on her tiptoes looking for her farm manager.

  “Why don’t you wait until after you’ve eaten, then we both can go say hello.” Major tried to take her hand.

  “No, you don’t need to come with me, just hold my place in line.” She headed around the side of the tent.

  Hale returned to the group. She was filled with plans. “I told Bob Williams that I’d be happy to work a couple of hours tomorrow. Miguel brought up our idea about leasing animals, so more kids could get involved with 4-H projects. Bob was enthusiastic about the idea.”

  “You want to involve yourself with 4-H?” Major looked horrified.

  “Sure. Why not?” Hale drew her eyebrows together.

  “I would think that you would be more interested in planning the Spring Ball,” Major continued.

  “No, I want to work with Miguel on this project. It will get more kids involved with farming, and since we have the animals it’s a great match.” She gave him an aggravated look.

  Major let out a loud sigh. “Darling, you are so full of surprises. I tend to forget that you are quite comfortable with your farming roots.”

  Hale stared at Major. “I’m sure you meant that as a compliment, but somehow it didn’t sound that way.”

  Major started to sputter.

  Izzy cut in. “Hale, you mentioned the ribeye sandwich, are you sticking with that?” He smoothly diffused the tension.

  She said little during dinner; Jasmine and Izzy did most of the talking. Major tried to smooth things over with her. The foursome made their way up the street to take their seats in front of the law firm’s building for the parade. The employees, friends and families of Benton and Lee were able to sit on the elevated bleachers that had been reserved for them.

  “I need to go visit the ladies’ room. What about you?” Jasmine whispered to Hale as they neared the bleachers.

  “Sure, I’ll go with you.” Any opportunity to get away from Major. God, why did he have to smother her?

  “The code hasn’t changed, honey. Use the one on my floor.” Izzy recommended.

  The two headed to the large, glass front door.

  Jasmine punched in the four numbers on the security keypad and the light turned green. “We’re in.” Hale pulled open the heavy door and followed Jasmine inside. Jasmine paused to make sure the door closed and locked behind them.

  Jasmine led the way to the elevators, the motor rumbled loudly in the quiet building.

  “Do you think we’re the only people in here?” Hale scanned the shadowed foyer. “It feels a little creepy.”

  “I’m sure that if anyone else is here that they’re friendly,” Jasmine reassured. “I’m used to the quiet in here when it’s closed to the public. Sometimes I visit Izzy when he works weekends.

  “Before you say anything, I know that bringing him was a mistake.” Hale said.

  “So, why did you? I don’t understand why you can’t say no to that man.”

  “Because I’m an idiot.” She let out a low growl full of frustration. Because being around Finn makes me realize how much I want him. Major’s a poor substitute but he keeps coming around.

  The elevator door opened and they entered the car. Jasmine pressed the button. “You are an idiot. You don’t like him, he’s a total prig. So, again I’ll ask, why are you still going out with him?” She leaned against the wall and crossed her arms.

  Hale frowned and looked at her feet. “Because he asks and nobody else does.” She looked up at Jasmine.

  “Honey, I know that you aren’t telling me everything. I wish you would, maybe I could help.”

  The elevator door opened and Jasmine followed her out into the hallway. Hale paused. “It’s all messed up, Jazz.” She shook her head.

  When it became obvious that she would say no more, Jasmine took the lead down the hallway, the thick carpet muffled their steps.

  “You can use the ladies’ room on down the hall and I’ll use the one in Izzy’s office.” Jasmine motioned to the door a few steps away. Her cell rang; she pulled it from her pocket and checked the screen. “Damn, that’s Kitty, I hope she doesn’t have a problem.” Jasmine made a shooing motion.

  “I’ll meet you back at the elevator.” Hale spoke softly as her friend held her phone to her ear.

  “Don’t hurry, this could take some time.” Jasmine frowned and tapped the code into the key pad opening the office door.

  Hale stood in the hallway, leaning against the wall waiting for Jasmine to finish whatever she was doing in Izzy’s office. A door opened farther down the hall and Finn stepped out. She straightened as he approached.

  “Hello there.” He gave her a lazy

  “Hi, I’m waiting for Jasmine, she’s in Izzy’s office, probably on the phone.” Christ, he made her nervous, she was babbling away.

  “So, you’re just hanging out waiting?” He moved closer.

  “Yeah, for Jasmine. I used the bathroom down the hall,” she stammered, trying not to lean into his body. God, he smelled good.

  “Where’s your date?”

  “He’s down…how did you know I was out with Major?”

  “Jasmine invited me to join you all, but I told her I didn’t want to be around you.”

  Her heart felt like it had been stabbed. “Around me?”

  Finn leaned in, almost touching her. “Around you, when you are on a date with another man.”

  “Well, at least he asks me out on dates.” She cringed at her immature comeback. Thank God, she didn’t finish by sticking out her tongue.

  “Would you like for me to ask you out?” She swore his voice deepened.

  “I don’t know.” Yes. She wanted him to, but was afraid to show it.

  He chuckled, it was deep and sexy. “Want to go out with me, Hale?”

  She stared at him, trying to figure out if he was teasing or serious.

  “Say yes,” he whispered. His lips were inches from hers.

  “Yes.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, moving closer, melting into his body.

  The sound of the elevator’s motor broke the couple apart.

  “Come with me,” he commanded as he took her hand and started down the hall to his office.

  Hale followed Finn wordlessly. He stopped and punched in a code, opening the door. In his office there was a single light burning on his credenza, leaving the doorway cloaked in shadows.

  Finn closed the door softly and turned the lock. He pulled her into his arms. “Now back to the good stuff.” He kissed her hungrily.

  She ran her hands over his shoulders and into his thick hair, scraping her nails over his scalp. What was it about him that caused her to lose all sanity. The minute she was near him, she wanted him. What’s wrong with me? I should be angry about how we last left things but I can’t help myself. I want him.

  He made a sound deep in his chest; his left hand ran along her back and cupped her ass. He used it to pull her closer to his body.

  Hale slowly pulled her head back to catch her breath. “Ah, Finn.” Being alone with him was probably a very bad idea. Her date was downstairs. Well, Major wasn’t a real date. His kiss didn’t ignite her body straight to thoughts of getting naked.

  His lips traveled down her neck, gently nipping at the tendon that ran along her throat.

  God, that felt amazing. She let her hands drop to his chest as she followed the contours of his body. Her hunger for the man was growing stronger. She turned them and pushed him against the door. She shifted to capture his lips again, as she pulled his shirt free. She had to touch his skin.

  “God, Hale.” He sighed.

  She ran her hand over his cock straining against his pants, his thickness evident through the fabric.

  Finn shifted his stance so that she had greater access to his body.

  The need to taste him was the only thing that she could think about. Driven by that need, she dropped to the floor and started to pull his belt free.

  “What?” Finn started.

  “I need you.” Hale’s voice was ragged. “I have to taste you.”

  Finn’s hands joined hers, unbuttoning and pulling the zipper. He jerked his pants and briefs down, his cock reaching for freedom.

  She encircled him. God, he was so hard. She used her thumb to spread the pre-cum wetness over the head. She lifted her fingers to her lips and licked them.

  “Oh fuck, Hale. I want you… God, I want it. Please.” Finn’s eyes blazed and his chest heaved like he just finished a workout.

  She flashed a smile, loving this feeling of power and anticipation. She ran her hand along his length then slowly lowered her mouth to him.

  She pulled strongly, taking as much of his length as she could without swallowing.

  “Hale, baby, that’s good.” Finn’s fingers combed through her hair.

  She had learned a few tricks since she’d last gone down on him. She ran her tongue along the sensitive underside and cupped her hand around his balls. She went back to sucking his length in and pulling her head back, then running her tongue along the tip. She licked him from tip to base and reversed.

  Finn started pumping his hips. Hale could feel the muscles in this thigh jump under her palms. His hands in her hair tightened.

  The bite of pain from his tight hold on her hair added to her excitement, and this time when she sucked him in, she swallowed as he pushed against the back of her throat.

  “Oh Fuck!” Finn pumped with more force.

  She used her nails on his hip to signal that he needed to be careful with his thrusts. She worked hard to remember to breathe through her nose as he continued to cut her air supply each time she took him deep.

  She felt his balls draw up and she knew he was close. She pulled his hips to her holding him tight as he fucked her face with short strokes.

  The growl tore from his chest as he came.

  She swallowed greedily. After he softened, she used her tongue to clean him. Satisfied that she had lapped up every drop, she rested her head against his hip.

  He loosened his hold on her hair, but still cupped the back of her head.

  Hale kept her eyes closed as her body hummed; she loved oral sex. Giving or receiving, she enjoyed the sensations of taking and giving pleasure to her partner. She ran a finger around her lips, gathering the few drops of Finn’s cum. She looked up to check on him.

  He was watching her. He was still breathing heavily, but his expression was wary.

  She licked each finger, showing her tongue. She’d made him lose control. His hunger and responses showed that he felt the chemistry. She smiled, knowing that he wanted her, that she wasn’t crazy to be caught up in their attraction.

  He grabbed her upper arms and pulled her up and into him. “Jesus, Hale…”

  She didn’t want to hear what he had to say. She kissed him, sharing his essence with him. She slowly pushed away from him. “Have a good night, Mister Mayor.” She stepped back on shaky legs, bent to grab her purse from the floor and strode to the door. She didn’t look back.

  She closed the door behind her, took two steps before it felt like her knees would buckle. She put one hand against the wall for balance. Taking a few deep breaths, she ran a hand through her hair. Oh my God, what did I do? “Shit,” she said under her breath. She looked up to see Jasmine standing outside of Izzy’s office. She must have turned in Hale’s direction when she heard the door.

  Hale walked quickly to Jasmine. When she reached her best friend, Jasmine’s face registered shock and curiosity.

  “What the fuck was that? Did you just come out of Finn’s office?” Jasmine’s voice was loud in the silent hallway.

  Hale continued to the elevator, stabbed the button several times as she tried to figure out what to say.

  “Hale, what on earth?” Jasmine grabbed at her arm.

  She was on the verge of laughing hysterically. Jesus, she had just blown Finn while her loser date waited for her downstairs. God, this was a mess. Luckily, the elevator’s doors opened and they entered automatically. Hale pushed the button for the lobby.

  “What were you doing in Finn’s office?” Jasmine was looking at her mouth.

  She was sure that her lips were swollen and red. “Something stupid,” she bit out.

  A huge smile swept over Jasmine’s face. “Your hair looks like someone had his hand in it and you’re flushed. I think you and Finn were doing a little more than talking.” She giggled and did a little dancing in place.

  “Not another word, Jazz. I mean it, not a word.” Hale ordered. The doors opened and she stalked out. She had no idea how to explain what happened. How the lust took over as soon as he was near. She had to figure out what to do a
bout this crazy attraction between the two of them.

  “Hale.” Jasmine was right behind her.

  She turned on a dime. “What?” She glared right into her friend’s face. “Jazz, please. I don’t know what I’m doing.” Her words were a ragged whisper. “I can’t talk about it. Can you just leave it alone?” she pleaded.

  Jasmine searched Hale’s face and she must have seen how shaken Hale was. “OK.” She said softly. “I’m sure the men are wondering what happened to us.”

  Fuck, now she had to go back and sit with Major. “You had to take a call and another. That’s the only thing that happened. Got me, Jazz?” Hale’s voice shook with intensity.

  Her expression turned wary, as if she was only now seeing what a fucked up mess Hale was in. “Yeah, I got ya.”

  “Oh, there you are. I was getting ready to ask Izzy to send a search party for you.” Major looked unhappy. He reached for Hale’s hand as he led her to their seats on the fourth row of the bleachers.

  “My apologies.” Jasmine gave a sweet smile. “I had to take a phone call about a problem, and one became two. Hale didn’t want to leave me all alone in the building.”

  Hale flashed a grateful smile at her friend. Jasmine was irritated with her, but she had her back.

  “It’s all right, honey.” Izzy ran his hand along Jasmine’s knee.

  Major made a non-committal noise and became interested in the parade route.

  Hale took the moment of quiet to disentangle her hand from Major’s. Tomorrow she would tell him that there would be no more dinners and the phone calls had to stop. She attempted to do the calming breathing exercise she’d learned in therapy to get control of her buzzing body. She felt tight and a little shaky, plus her mind was racing. What the fuck just happened? What were they thinking? Well, Finn was probably thinking that he just got a fabulous blowjob. She let out a strangled laugh.

  “Did you say something?” Major was sitting too close.

  She scooted to her left to put more space between them. “Um. I was just thinking about how great it was to be here, to be a part of all of this.”


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