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Playing Passion's Game

Page 4

by Lesley Davis

  “The Baydale Reapers have ruled the scoreboard all day,” Kayleigh said seriously.

  Trent was proud of that fact. “That we have, but our last game is against the top players of the second place team. I have half an hour before that game starts. The other teams are still playing, but I thought you and I could go get some time in together before I have to leave you in there because the next match is seriously for adults only.”

  Kayleigh sighed. “Shooting again.”

  Trent nodded. “I know it sucks, but age restrictions are in place for a reason. For now, though, I’m in the mood for some fun before I have to shoot aliens. You up for it?”

  Kayleigh was out of her seat in a flash.

  Trent addressed Juliet. “After the last competition the Baydale Reapers will all go out to celebrate or commiserate with pizza. We were wondering if you three would care to join us?”

  Kayleigh looked imploringly at Juliet. “Can we?”

  “I promise we won’t keep anyone out late. We just eat, then go home. And it’s a family restaurant so we’ll be on our best behavior. I promise.”

  Juliet looked at Kayleigh’s expectant face. “You’re well in the lead already. I’d say your victory was pretty complete.”

  “We’ve played well, but this final match is the signature of the whole competition. If we lose this, we lose status points. But either way, win or lose, we have a pizza party after.” Trent eyed Juliet. “So you’ll come with me?” Juliet’s eyes widened and she hastily added, “And the rest of the team?”

  “Please, Jules, I want to see Elton and meet the rest of the Reapers. There’s another girl on the team I want to meet,” Kayleigh said.

  Juliet looked over her shoulder at Monica, who nodded her assent. “Count us in and thank you for the invitation.”

  Trent helped Kayleigh down the step and then looked back at Juliet. “Are you going to join us now?”

  Juliet once again turned to Monica, who shooed her away. “Go be with your sister. I want to see what this flag thing is these guys are chasing after. I know the Reapers are in the lead, but I’m sure the extra points the members of your team bring in will all help to elevate you to the dizzy heights of unequalled victory.”

  The large screen displayed a “Capture the Flag” game going on with two of Trent’s teammates against another team. “You’re watching two of our youngest members, but both Rick and Zoe are excellent players.”

  Kayleigh tugged at Trent’s sleeve until she bent to hear what Kayleigh wanted to whisper to her. “This is yet another shooting match I shouldn’t be seeing, isn’t it?”

  Trent nodded and whispered back. “Don’t worry. When you’re old enough you can learn how to play these games too.”

  “But you’re going to play with me now?”

  “Well, I’m told you’re a dedicated gamer. I only play with that kind of person.”

  “I’m very dedicated,” Kayleigh said. She shyly shifted her hand into Trent’s and squeezed. “Let’s go play.”

  Trent tried not to jump at the feel of someone’s hand in hers. She was even more surprised when Juliet put her own hand on Trent’s arm.

  “So come on, then. Show me this world you both are so keen to inhabit.”

  “Have you never played a game, Juliet?” Trent asked, letting Kayleigh lead them back into the children’s area.

  “Not properly,” Juliet said. “I don’t ever seem to have time these days.”

  Trent shook Kayleigh’s hand in her own. “I think you need to show your sister how we do things, squirt.”

  Kayleigh pulled away from Trent’s grasp to go gather up controllers for a game that was free from players. “I think she’d rather you show her, Trent.”

  Trent was intrigued by the rosy hue that suddenly heated Juliet’s cheeks.

  “Out of the mouths of babes,” Juliet said. She reached for the controller that Kayleigh held out to her. “Come on then, either one of you, show me how to play.” She flipped the controller over in her hand, testing its weight. “And don’t come crying to me if I manage to beat you.”

  Trent liked the determined set of Juliet’s face. “Oh, I do so love a challenge.”

  Chapter Four

  The crowd was cheering as the teams took their places at their screens for the final match of the day. The Baydale Reapers were already way ahead on points, but the final game was more a grudge match than anything else. Two teams of four players, one team an elite squad of soldiers going up against members of an alien race, all hell-bent on killing the other. Elton took his seat beside Trent and glowered at Eddie, who sat as far away from him as he could. Trent put on her headset and they all checked that the microphones were working and they could hear each other’s commands as they took up their controllers and prepared for war.

  “Nobody gets a bullet, or I will personally make sure you are stocking the ‘pre-owned’ shelf for weeks to come.” Elton’s dire threat hung in the air.

  “Good luck, team.” Trent rallied her people as the game began. She instantly made her character dive for cover as the other team began firing rockets. “Bastards, they learned that from us,” she said. “Chris, shoot their launcher and let’s get to higher ground.”

  The battle raged and they raced across the harsh terrain, ducking behind shattered buildings and shooting the enemy with everything they had.

  “I swear, Eddie, if you don’t drag your guy’s ass back and take cover I will shoot you myself,” Trent said as Eddie’s soldier got shot at from all angles. She edged forward, scanning the area carefully, then popped up from behind her wall and took aim at one of the enemy. The target dropped and the crowd cheered behind her.

  “First kill to us,” Elton said, “Great shot, Trent. Now let’s get the others. I can smell the scent of victory pizza from here.”


  The game was hard fought but the Baydale Reapers had earned their reputation through dedicated playing, and that shone through with their defeat of the other team. The last alien fell and Trent punched the air as the crowd erupted. Elton flung down his headset and faced the audience to roar at them. Trent got up to congratulate her team and mentioned for the last time that Eddie wash his robe or else. Then she leaned over to shake hands with the losing team, acknowledging each of them for what role they had played in the game.

  “Nice trick with the flamethrower, Evan,” she said, then narrowed her eyes at him. “And don’t think we won’t be ready to counter that next time.”

  Evan basked in her praise. He was an assistant from another shop in the same mall where Trent worked. “You still in for next week’s online game?” he asked.

  “Got it written on my calendar. And this time, you have to show me how you pulled off that move, the one where you all but fried Eddie. Thankfully, Elton pulled his dumb ass out of the fire just in time.”

  “You want me to show you my best move?”

  “In exchange, I’ll show you how you could have got Elton in that last play if you hadn’t left yourself wide open for me to sniper you,” Trent said.

  “You’re on!” They shook hands on it.

  “Well done, everyone. That was a brilliant match. But I need to go rescue Elton before he has the room whipped up so much they start a riot.”

  “He’s frightening with that face makeup on,” Evan said.

  “He’s just as scary without it,” Eddie muttered.


  Trent loved it when everyone got their trophies for playing. She knew the sponsors got a great deal of publicity for their wares. Her own company got a huge chunk of the recognition every time the Baydale Reapers won, and the teams got the satisfaction of playing with others just as dedicated as they were. She dutifully took her place at her team’s side as team leader Elton accepted the first place trophy.

  “Next stop, Chicago!” Elton said.

  Trent knew they were edging ever closer to being able to take on the professional teams that competed all around the world. She knew Elton hungered for
that, and there was a part of her too that enjoyed the competition. Trent enjoyed the games, win or lose. It was more about taking part and the experience. Jubilation was written all over Elton’s face as he lifted the trophy high. Trent had to admit that winning was a whole lot better than losing. She looked out through the crowd of faces and spotted Juliet on her feet applauding with the rest of the audience. But Juliet’s eyes weren’t on the team. They were fixed on her. Trent couldn’t help the fire that burned in her as she acknowledged Juliet’s stare. She barely remembered taking her place for the group photo that would be displayed in the shop to announce their victory to all budding gamers. All Trent could see was the bright blue of Juliet’s eyes seeking her out among the many.


  Trent pulled on her leather jacket after carefully folding up her robe and packing it away in her sports bag. Elton was beside her, making sure his hair was just the right amount of messy. Trent tried not to let him see her amusement at his preening, but sometimes he was way too fastidious in getting his appearance just so. She called to the rest of her team.

  “Everyone ready for pizza?”

  She was greeted by a chorus of “Hell, yes!” as they all filed out from behind the stage. There were still a lot of people in the hall. Some were playing in the children’s area, some chatting with the other teams.

  “I’ll come back later to help you all clear up,” Trent said to one of the men who had helped her and Elton set the place up the previous day.

  “I thought once the games were done the folks would leave,” he said.

  “This is a huge gathering of geeks, my friend. They don’t go until you physically pick them up and show them the door. The organizers are used to it. They’ll let it run for a little longer and then they’ll start flashing the lights to signal it’s time to go. I’ll go have my celebratory meal and then I’ll come back and help you all clear up.” She reached into her pocket and flipped open a small notebook. “There were ten of you yesterday, right? Same number today?” She scribbled something down as the man nodded. “Any preference to your pizza topping?” He rattled off a few pizzas and thanked her. “It’s no problem. You helped get this all set up. I’m just sorry you can’t join us, still being on duty and all, so we’ll have them bring the pizza to you.” She put away her pad. “I’ll get Elton to have them sneak in some beers for you all too.”

  “You’re a star, Trent.”

  “You contributed to our win. We can’t play if we don’t have the equipment.” She checked her watch. “I’ll see you guys later to help pack everything away.”

  “No one else buys the techie guys pizza,” Eddie said.

  “No, they don’t, which is why they don’t get the most comfortable seats or the cleanest controllers. We do,” Elton said, holding out his hand. “Everyone cough up ten bucks to pay for them.” He gathered the money and put it in his pocket. “That is how you earn a reputation, my team. We play fair, we look after our techies because they look after us, and we win with honor. And if you’re lucky, you get the girl at the end of it,” he added sotto voce for Trent’s ears only.


  With the team all gathered together, Juliet found herself intrigued by the unusual group they made. Elton and Trent literally towered above everyone else. There was a handsome red-haired man who bore a striking resemblance to the young boy Kayleigh had been friendly with all day. Then there was a younger girl who looked way more fashionable in her carefully torn jeans than the man beside her, who looked in desperate need of an ironing board. Both were chatting with another young man who was so blond his hair was almost white.

  “Strange little group, aren’t they? Led by giants,” Monica said.

  Monica’s comment registered but Juliet couldn’t tear her eyes away from Trent, who was bounding up the steps toward them.

  Kayleigh spoke to her first, her excitement bursting from her. “You guys won the biggest trophy!”

  Trent took the trophy from Elton’s hands. She held it out for Kayleigh to hold. “Careful, it’s heavy.”

  “This is so cool,” she said.

  “Get used to holding it. I’m betting in years to come you’ll be here holding a winner’s trophy all of your own.”

  Kayleigh’s eyes sparkled up at Trent. “Really?”

  “If you’re serious about playing, then I’d have to say yes.”

  “I would like that a lot.” She handed the trophy back to Trent. “I didn’t get to see everything you did today, but I know your team did excellent. Can I meet everyone now?”

  Trent introduced everyone to Kayleigh who was quickly taken in by the group as they chatted with her.

  “You’ve made her day,” Juliet told Trent.

  “She needs to make new friends. Nearly everyone on the team has younger siblings around them, so they are used to kids. Except for Rick, but he hangs round with Zoe, so he has her little sister Sam by proxy.” She stepped back to introduce Elton to Monica. “Monica Hughes, may I introduce Team Captain Elton Simons.”

  Monica held her hand out to shake Elton’s, but he gently turned it over and kissed the knuckles hidden in her glove. “The pleasure is all mine,” he said gallantly.

  “You’ve removed your face paint,” Monica said with disappointment.

  Elton scowled at Trent. “She said I would scare the patrons of the pizza restaurant so I had to wash it off.”

  “It was very fetching.”

  “Thank you.” His eyes were drawn to a small tattoo visible on her neck. “You’re a fan of Within Temptation?”

  Monica fingered the band’s symbol on her skin and faked a swoon. “I want ‘Ice Queen’ played at my funeral.”

  Elton clenched his fist and punched the air. “Finally! A real woman! I want ‘Deceiver of Fools’ played at mine. Please, let me escort you to dinner.” He guided Monica past Juliet, tucking her arm in his, and they began chatting together as if they were old friends.

  Juliet blinked as they passed by. “So much for that awkward first meeting.”

  “Fate obviously meant for them to meet. You and I were merely their conduit,” Trent said.

  Folding her arms loosely across her chest, Juliet regarded Trent steadily. “And what about us?” she asked softly.

  Trent froze, caught off guard by Juliet’s obvious teasing. She hesitated, then offered her own arm to Juliet. “I too have a healthy respect for fate and destiny and little sisters lost in the wild streets of Baydale.” She gave Juliet a shrug. “But forgive me if I haven’t picked my funeral music out just yet.”

  “I’m very glad to hear it.”


  The meal was a lively affair, full of loud talking and laughter. The gamers were seated at a large table that ran along the back of the restaurant in front of the windows. Kayleigh wasn’t the only child to join them at their table; Chris had gathered up his brother Wade, and Zoe had brought along her sister. The children were interspersed among the adults and kept highly entertained by their stories and jokes. Trent reached for a piece of pizza while speaking to Monica.

  “I wondered if you’d remove your gloves.”

  Monica lifted her own piece of pizza and sighed. “Had I known that today’s festivities would culminate in this food free-for-all, I would have dressed more accordingly.”

  “I think you look beautiful,” Elton said, his eyes never leaving Monica’s.

  She glowed at his obvious sincerity. “I can do jeans. I just prefer to express myself a little more differently on the weekend.”

  Trent stuffed a piece of pizza in her mouth and chewed, savoring the tangy cheese taste. “You look amazing. I’m used to seeing Elton all gothed up, but there’s something very striking about a woman in her regalia. You’re handsome and all, Elton, but you just wouldn’t look the same in that dress.”

  “Sad, but true,” he said.

  “Monica, I couldn’t help but notice your ornate earrings. They really are unusual.”

  Monica touched her ear and twisted the black bejewele
d design so it caught the light. “Thank you. I found them in a little antique shop.”

  “Elton, show her your ring. I think she’ll love it.” Trent leaned back as the two dark heads bent together as Monica excitedly exclaimed over Elton’s devil’s head ring.

  “Are you quite finished matchmaking?” Juliet spoke softly into Trent’s ear. Trent’s whole body tingled at the soft breath that had whispered against her skin.

  “They make a perfect couple,” Trent said quietly back, looking directly into Juliet’s eyes and marveling at how blue they were. Juliet blinked and Trent hastily drew back, conscious of how close she had been leaning into Juliet’s personal space. Step away, Trent, this lady is not for playing and you’re certainly not the sort she’d play with.

  Juliet moved back also and regarded Trent a moment before addressing the table. “So, you all work in the same shop?”

  “Elton is the manager and the rest of us are his underlings,” Zoe said. “He commands and we all bow before him.”

  Elton snorted. “I wish.”

  “So you started the team at work?”

  “Elton and I started working together at Gamerz Paradise at the same time and we’d been playing for years before that,” Trent said. “Then when Chris came and was interested too, we started to go online as a trio, which grew into a larger group. We turned professional two years ago when the gaming business really began to take off. Since then we’ve gained Eddie, Zoe, and Rick and become a formidable team.”


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