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Playing Passion's Game

Page 21

by Lesley Davis

  “God, I’ve missed you,” Trent said, taking Juliet’s mouth roughly. She couldn’t kiss her enough, couldn’t get close enough. Trent needed to touch Juliet everywhere and mark her as taken. Her heart pounded in her chest as she kissed her way across Juliet’s cheek and then moved to nip at the fragrant curve of Juliet’s neck. The sound of a very loud beep broke through her passion.

  “Shit,” she grumbled and ignoring the sound slipped her hands around Juliet’s bottom to lift her up. Juliet’s back pressed against the wall and Trent kept her pinned there, wrapping Juliet’s legs around her hips. Trent pushed into Juliet’s body and pumped her hips just once. Juliet reared back and she gasped for air as Trent obviously hit the spot that ached for her touch the most. Trent’s hips rocked, needing to be closer, wanting to push inside Juliet’s warmth. She cursed the clothing between them, but it didn’t stop Juliet’s heat from warming Trent’s flesh. Trent’s breath hissed out as she licked a path down to Juliet’s cleavage. The beep sounded again and Juliet managed to drag Trent’s attention up from where she was buried.

  “You’re beeping every minute,” Juliet panted softly, her eyes glazed and unfocused.

  Trent laid her forehead against Juliet’s chest. “It’s the five-minute countdown to my game.”

  Juliet tilted Trent’s face up and kissed her. Trent’s hips bucked at the sensuous ravaging Juliet’s lips wreaked upon her. “You need to go,” Juliet said. “Your friends are waiting for you.”

  Trent didn’t want to move from Juliet’s hold. How had they gone from hello to this? She couldn’t control herself around Juliet anymore. Carefully, she let Juliet slip back down to her feet. For a moment Juliet still clung to her, trying to regain her equilibrium. The watch beeped out its warning again.

  “You need to go play and I need to go to my own work.” Juliet pushed Trent away gently. “I’ll see you later if you come up for air.”

  Trent kissed her again lightly this time, running her hand through Juliet’s hair and marveling at her beauty. “You’ll stay?”

  “I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be right here.”

  Reluctantly, Trent pulled back, licking her lips and almost groaning at the faint taste of Juliet that clung to them. “I didn’t mean to ambush you. I’ve just really missed you this week.”

  Juliet ran her hand over Trent’s chest, resting it on her stomach. “I’m glad. I’d hate for this to be all one-sided and it only being me desperate to strip you naked and make you mine.”

  Trent’s insides clenched at the look in Juliet’s eyes. She shook her head ruefully. “It’s not one-sided at all, believe me.” Her watch beeped. “I’d better go before they start phoning me to get me online.” She gestured about her. “You have the run of the house, and you know where I am if you need me.” Trent started up the stairs.

  “Have a great night, Trent. I hope you beat them all.”

  “And I hope you get that presentation finished so you can forget it and concentrate on what’s really important to you.”

  Please let me be included in that, Trent wished.

  Once in her game room, Trent settled in her chair and picked up her controller. She logged in, put her headset on, and could soon hear her friends’ familiar voices.

  “About time you came online, Trent,” Elton said. “I had visions of having to come around your house and drag you into the game.”

  “I was just making sure Juliet was settled, being a good host, you know.” Trent ignored the sniggers from her other friends. “Shut the fuck up, all of you, and let’s play,” she grumbled playfully, taking their teasing well.

  Elton’s rich laughter was loud in Trent’s ear. “You heard her. Time to face the enemy.”

  Like she had done so many times before, Trent readied for the game. She closed her mind to everything but the task ahead, conscious only of the voices in her ear and seeing only the soldiers on the screen. She prepared to do battle, to immerse herself in the thrill of the game. But for all that, Trent was still well aware of the presence downstairs in her home. For the first time ever, Trent was safe in the company of someone else in her space.


  Three hours into the game and Trent was directing her team out of a sniper’s sights, her eyes quickly scanning the area as she barked out orders that everyone swiftly followed.

  “I swear that guy moves the second we do,” Zoe said as her counterpart on the screen crouched behind a sheltered wall.

  “You need to get closer, target him, and shoot the bastard,” Elton said. “He’s beginning to piss me off.”

  Trent could hear the chatter of their opponents, Elton’s cousin Dave among them and their gaming rival Evan. “You don’t want him pissed off, guys,” she said as Dave made a comment, “that’s when he borders on genius.” She could hear them all squabbling among themselves and moved her soldier forward, popping up from behind her cover and shooting Dave’s soldier dead.

  “Headshot!” Elton crowed as Dave let out a wail.

  “Where the hell did you come from?” Dave said.

  “Play or gossip. Either way, I’ll shoot you down,” Trent said as Zoe’s sniper rifle expertly took out Evan’s soldier. “Excellent shot, Zoe,” she said, enjoying hearing the men good-naturedly complain about being bested by a woman.

  “Damn it,” Evan said. “How long have you guys been playing on this?”

  “Long enough to put your clan to shame,” Elton replied as his soldier followed swiftly after Trent’s and they stormed into Dave’s hideout and wiped them all out. “Game over!” Elton said, and everyone on the Baydale Reaper’s side let out a cheer. Trent punched the air in delight, having enjoyed the competition Dave and his clan had given them.

  “Good game, guys,” she said once Elton’s jeering had quieted to a dull roar.

  “Up for a rematch?” Dave immediately asked.

  “Definitely, after a toilet break and time to go grab a cool beer,” Elton replied, giving everyone the signal that they had five minutes to get back to their screens.

  Trent hurried to the bathroom, then bounded down the stairs before she realized that her less-than-quiet entrance might be distracting to Juliet. She skidded to a halt, bare feet squeaking on the kitchen tile. Juliet’s amused face made Trent feel welcome.

  “Sorry for the intrusion. I have five minutes before the next round starts. I need a beer and then I’ll be out of your way.” She opened the fridge and waved an extra can at Juliet.

  “Please.” Juliet took the can and popped the tab. “Have I mentioned lately how much I hate my job?”

  Trent took a long drink from her can, taking in Juliet’s disheveled hair. She surmised that Juliet had been running her hands through it as the presentation drove her to distraction. “Once or twice you might have mentioned it.”

  Juliet turned the laptop away as if she couldn’t bear to look at the screen. “I take it by the exuberant yell of victory that your team is winning?”

  Trent nodded. “Sorry if I was too loud. I have to compete with Elton and Chris to be heard sometimes.”

  “It was delightful. It’s lovely to hear you having so much fun.”

  “I just shot Dave in the head,” Trent said, still on a high from her expert shot. She grinned even more at Juliet’s slow blink as she took this information in. “It’s just a game. He’s ready to do battle again, I promise.”

  “Glad to hear it.”

  Trent checked her watch. “Break time is nearly up. Gotta go steer our troops away from Dave’s team’s vengeful retaliation. I fear he’ll be out for blood now.”

  “You be careful,” Juliet said unnecessarily.

  “I’m always careful. I’m careful, cocked, and ready to roll.” She smartly saluted Juliet with her free hand and darted back upstairs. “I’d better go. I can all but hear Elton from here.”

  “I’ll wait to hear a winning cheer,” Juliet called.

  “I’ll do my best for you,” Trent called back and flung herself into her seat and set her heads
et back on. “Trent reporting in.”

  “We’re just waiting for Rick and Dave and then we’re ready to try a new map,” Elton said. “Everything okay in your world, Trent?”

  “As good as it gets, Elt, and can only get better.”

  “Exactly what I wanted to hear, soldier.” Elton’s delight was audible in his voice. “Oh, I can hear Dave’s heavy breathing in my ear, so I think we’re set to hand him his ass again.”

  “Can I at least take a drink before we start?” Dave asked, sounding like he’d run.

  “What were you doing in your five minutes, old man?” Elton asked.

  “I have a wife I need to check up on. She needed something from me.”

  Elton’s silence spoke volumes. “So that took care of one minute,” he drawled and everyone burst into hysterics at Dave’s expense.

  Trent chuckled at their family banter. “Boys, play nice. Save it for the battlefield.” The screen loaded their next scenario. “Reapers, prepare to reap.”

  “You’re going down, Elton,” Dave muttered.

  “Funny, that’s what your wife said the last time I saw her,” Elton shot back.

  Trent shook her head as the familiar bickering began. “If you two don’t shut up, I’ll shoot you both myself,” she said, readying her weapon and scanning the area ahead. “Zoe, I think this is our war.” She recognized one of the maps that she and Zoe had already fought through.

  “Bring it on,” Zoe said.

  Trent ran her soldier into battle, the voices of her friends all around her and knowing that Juliet was close. I love games night, she thought briefly before heading into the fray.


  Juliet blinked tired eyes as her laptop powered down and finally shut off. She lowered the screen, then stood to stretch the kinks out of her back. She tidied everything away then looked at her watch. It was well past one o’clock and now, with her laptop off, she could hear faint noises coming from upstairs. The war is obviously still raging, she mused and padded upstairs to get her night clothes out. The bedroom door had been left open and Juliet stepped in, feeling a mixture of excitement and apprehension at sleeping in Trent’s bed, even though Trent had made it clear she would be sleeping alone. She brushed her hand over the soft sheet turned back for her and mused at the sweet gesture Trent had made. She pulled her sleep shirt and shorts out of her bag, then went to make use of the bathroom. She brushed her teeth, washed, and changed, but still didn’t feel tired enough to lie down and sleep. Cautiously, she edged her way along the hallway and peeked into the game room. She could see Trent, eyes intent on the large screen, and could distinctly hear voices coming from the headset.

  “Stop dawdling! Evan’s already waiting to pick each of us off,” Trent said and Juliet slipped in closer to watch what was happening on the screen. Juliet had never paid attention to games, but seeing Trent play was fascinating and her interest was piqued. Silently, she entered the room and made her way unobtrusively to the love seat where she could still see the screen and also be granted a clear line of sight at Trent in action. Juliet snuggled into the soft sofa cushions and viewed the game unfolding like a movie. She quickly recognized that each player had their name displayed so she was able to follow her new friends as they ran across the screen dodging bullets.

  “Eddie, you shoot in my direction again and I’ll stick a mortar up your…”

  Juliet clearly caught Elton’s warning through Trent’s headset and she noticed Eddie’s soldier quickly altered his position. She followed Trent’s soldier keenly, holding her breath as Trent ran across an open field and not releasing it until the soldier was safely behind cover. She quickly got caught up in the game, watching the story unfold and hearing the constant chatter running through Trent’s headset. She stretched her legs out a little and laid her head down on the sofa arm to watch Trent play and just to be near her. Juliet loved that Trent had something she was so passionate about. Trent’s large hands deftly flew across the control pad and Juliet remembered what those fingers had done to her only hours ago when Trent had her held against the wall. She wished they could have continued what they had started downstairs without Trent’s watch signaling their time was up. She thought back to her own cell phone going off just as she was preparing to make love to Trent so many nights ago. Damn technology, but it won’t always stop us. Her eyes drifted shut, lulled to sleep by the music, the sound of game play, and the soft burr of Trent’s voice as she spoke to her friends. Amid the roar of the fighting, safe in Trent’s favorite room and close to Trent herself, Juliet fell into a contented slumber.

  Chapter Twenty

  Trent couldn’t believe Juliet had slept through the sounds of war and her constant chatter. The game was drawing to a close. Everyone had played their best, but the Reapers had once again won most of the night’s battles. Trent had bid her good nights to everyone and had answered Elton’s sly “Say good night to Juliet for me,” with a simple “I’ll do that,” before taking off her headset and exiting the game. Out of habit she checked their ranking and was pleased to see her clan among the top names, some of which she recognized as worthy opponents they’d be sure to go up against if they could get everyone online at the same time again. Trent switched off her console, turned off the TV, then rested her chin in her hand and just stared at the sight of Juliet fast asleep on her sofa. Trent hadn’t been in the least bit put off by Juliet walking in on her game. She didn’t distract her, hadn’t called for her attention. Instead she’d been so quiet Trent had almost forgotten she was there. Almost. Trent greedily took in the tiny pair of sleep shorts Juliet wore under an oversized shirt. Slowly, so as not to wake her, Trent eased herself out of her chair to kneel in front of the sofa.

  She let her eyes look everywhere, from the mane of blond hair, over the finely arched eyebrows, to the rich mouth that even in sleep quirked with a knowing smile. The sleep shirt was bunched up, revealing Juliet’s soft stomach, and Trent had to restrain herself from leaning in to press her mouth against the pale flesh and just breathe her in. She longed to lick her way up Juliet’s shapely legs, rest her face between her breasts, and slide her fingers deep inside Juliet, wringing out an orgasm that she could watch take hold of Juliet’s body before clutching her tight and relishing the closeness. Trent sucked her lip in between her teeth as she pondered her current dilemma. How the hell do I get you off the sofa and into my bed, seeing as where you’re sleeping is supposed to be my bed for the night? She was just wondering if she could slip her arms under the back of Juliet’s knees when Juliet stirred and her eyelids flickered open.

  “Hi, babe, are you still playing?” Juliet’s soft voice made Trent grow hot, as did the whispered endearment that Trent had never heard from Juliet’s lips before.

  “I’m all done for the night. Dave’s wife came and called time on him so we all decided to call it a night. You know what they say about gamers the minute they get married?” Trent paused for effect.“Game over,” she intoned darkly.

  “I’d never expect you to stop playing,” Juliet said. “You love it too much. It’s who you are.”

  Trent warmed at Juliet’s appraising look. “Can you get up?” She noticed Juliet’s surprise at being found on the sofa.

  “Did I fall asleep here?”

  “God knows how. We were blowing up buildings and shouting and you just slept right through it all. Even when I cursed at someone for lobbing a grenade in my direction.”

  “Wow, I must have been tired.” Juliet rubbed at her face and shifted to sit upright, bringing her legs between Trent’s knees.

  “This presentation is sucking the life out of you. The sooner it’s done, the better.” Trent stood and drew Juliet up with her. “You need to go sleep on a proper mattress. I just need to make sure everything is locked up for the night and then I’ll get ready to turn in too.” She undid her watch. “I can’t believe we all ended up turning in early. It’s only just past two in the morning. We’re usually still up when the milkman delivers.” Juliet’s hand s
lipped into hers and Trent took pleasure in the simple gesture. She turned out the main light and left just a small one burning for her return. She gently pushed Juliet in the direction of her bedroom. “I’ll just get my pj’s and then I’ll…” She gestured to the bathroom. Juliet’s warmth was spreading a fire all along Trent’s side.

  “Before I woke up, were you planning on picking me up and carrying me to bed?”

  Trent nodded. “I figured if I was careful enough I could slip my arms around you and lift you. I was just calculating the variables when you woke up.”

  “And saved you pulling your back out.”

  “You’re not that heavy. I could have done it with little strain. It was the waking you up part I was most worried about.”

  “It was nice to wake up and see your face.”

  Trent swallowed hard at the sensual, sleepy lilt of Juliet’s voice. It did nothing to calm her. She was still wide awake from her gaming, revved up and wired, and Juliet looked so damn sexy in her sleep shirt that Trent wanted to rip it off her and climb all over her. “I’d better go check all the locks,” she muttered and quickly took herself away from temptation. The house duly alarmed, Trent paused in the kitchen for a long moment, taking deep breaths as she listened to Juliet move around above her. Trent went back upstairs, gathered her nightwear, and slipped into the bathroom. She washed her face briskly, brushed her teeth, in fact did everything she needed to before being unable to delay any longer. She turned the bathroom light off and headed back down the hallway to her game room.


  She halted at the sound of Juliet’s call. The bedroom door was open and Trent could see Juliet kneeling on the mattress facing her.

  “Please don’t let me sleep in your bed alone.”

  Trent stood still in the doorway. “My invitation for tonight wasn’t for this, Juliet.”


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