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Descent (The Immortal Chronicles Book 1)

Page 8

by Sloane Murphy

  I put a picture of the four of us in a frame, surrounded by candles I managed to collect, and some wildflowers from the forest. I see it, and every bit of strength I just gained from Xander’s speech leaves me, and I crumble inside. The grief washes over me in waves, and it feels like I’m drowning. I can’t believe they’re gone. Losing Livvy is like losing my soul, but losing Logan too? It’s like losing my heart. People didn’t always get to see the real him, but he let me in. He opened up to me, and he made me feel special. He had the ability to make you feel like you were the most important person in the room. Hell, in the world! I feel so lost without them. Like I’m not even me anymore. It’s not just that they’re gone, it’s all of the things we’ll never get to do. We’ll never be able to take pictures like that again. That photo is one of the few I’ve got of them. What if I forget what they looked like? I fall to the floor in front of the mini memorial, and the guys all sit down around me. I know they do that for me, I must look like a complete mess.

  They start talking about Logan and Livvy, memories of them, fun times they had with them, laughing about the stupid stuff we’ve all done together. I just sit there and listen. I’m not ready to talk about them yet. I can’t talk about them like they’re gone. It starts to get dark, and everyone starts to leave, but I’m not ready yet.

  “Are you coming Addie?” Tyler asks. He’s crouched down in front of me, like he’s protecting me from the world.

  “Not yet, I just want to sit here a little while longer. Just be alone with her for a bit. I’ll be okay. I’ll come find you later?” I whisper to him, my throat hurts from the crying and saying so little all day. He nods to me, then stands up and walks back towards the dorms, only looking back at me once.

  I pick up the picture of us all and hug it to my chest. I push backwards and lean against the tree, closing my eyes. It’s almost like she’s still here when I close my eyes. I can hear the wind whip through the trees, the leaves rustling and the sounds of life going on from the courtyard that’s not too far away. It’s almost like I can feel her here with me, just sat quietly with me like we used to, when the world got too big for us, and just like that I fall apart, the sobs overtake me and wrack my body. I pull my knees up to my chest and wrap my arms around myself as I cry.

  I feel someone sit beside me, but I can’t bring my head up to see who it is. My sobs have taken over my body and all I can do is hold on to myself. I’m pulled sideways into a hug, and I land on a wall of muscle. I look up and see Xander holding me. His arms lock around me like a vice, and make me cry harder.

  “You’ll be ok Addie, let it out. I know it hurts now, but she’ll always be here with you,” he whispers to me. “I’ve got you.” I cry until I can’t cry anymore, and he hasn’t let me go, or moved once since he sat with me. I don’t know how long we’ve been sat like this, but I don’t feel like I can move.

  “Thank you, Xander. I’m sorry I cried on you for so long. I didn’t mean to; I didn’t even mean to cry.”

  “Never be sorry for feeling Addie.” He tucks my hair away from my face, behind my ear. “Are you going to be ok?” he asks. I realise how close I’m sat to him still; I can feel his breath on my face.

  “I will be. Thank you, again.” I stumble over the words, so very aware of how close we are, and how comfortable I feel here with him. I move to stand, but he beats me to it, Vampyr reflexes, and holds out a hand to help me stand. I take it and smooth down my trousers and blouse, suddenly very aware of how much of a mess I must look.

  “I’m just going to head back to my dorm, I didn’t realise how late it got,” I say to him.

  It’s pitch black out here now, the moon is shining so bright tonight, it almost reflects off of him. His hands are in the front pockets of his trousers, his shirt is slightly undone and his hair is ruffled. I’ve never seen him like this before. So, unguarded. He nods to me, as I turn and leave to head back to my dorm. I get to the back door of the building before I dare to turn back, and he’s still stood in the exact same spot, watching me as I walk away.

  I see her sat there up against the tree, curled into herself, and it kills me that she’s as broken as she is. This is my fault. I should have been there; I should have protected her better. My skin feels like it’s on fire with the vengeance I want to reap on Kaden. I can’t help but feel that he planned it so that I would be so far away, that I would never make it back in time. It’s crazy, but I know him. He’s an arsehole, and after the last time we met, it’s about fitting that he would try to hit me where it hurts. He knows how much the humans; this Academy, means to me.

  The urge to go and comfort her is overwhelming, but I know that it is not my place. I feel my regret burn through my veins, her tears are worse than any punishment that could ever be bestowed upon me, each one feels like a whip tearing open the skin on my back, the searing heat of fires branding into my skin. Fuck it. I can’t just stand here and watch as she drowns in herself. I almost run to her side, and she doesn’t even notice my approach. She seems so young in this moment. She has no idea of what is to come, of the pain that she is destined for, and I want to wrap her up and protect her from all of it. I sit beside her and wrap her in my arms. She fits so perfectly against me, and I feel it. That same jolt that I felt the first time I held her, but she is forbidden, and nothing will make me break my vow.

  “You’ll be ok Addie, let it out. I know it hurts now, but she’ll always be here with you,” I whisper into her hair. “I’ve got you.” If only she knew.

  She sobs into my arms and I can feel the pain radiating from her. I do the only thing I can think of. I weave my mind to her, and I can feel her; her pain, her breath-taking guilt. The burden she carries for her lost friend. Her grief is crippling. It clouds her light. I can see the small beams of her light fighting the shadows surrounding her soul, threatening to extinguish the good inside her. The darker side of her encouraging the shadows to take hold, whispering to her, letting her believe the pain is the best way to survive. I grasp onto the strands of the shadow and suck some of it into myself. Not too much, but enough to help her breathe. If anyone knew what I had done, that I had shown part of my true self to her, the punishment would be unthinkable, but I cannot let her be taken over by that other part of her. She would lose herself, I reason to myself, knowing that it wouldn’t matter. Too many secrets, too many lives are at stake. I feel her tears stop, the shadows I absorbed finally allowing her to breathe.

  “Thank you, Xander. I’m sorry I cried on you for so long. I didn’t mean to; I didn’t even mean to cry,” she says to me, once she has composed herself. Her hair blows across her face in the wind. Mesmerising.

  “Never be sorry for feeling Addie. Are you going to be ok?” I ask, relishing how close she is to me.

  “I will be. Thank you, again.” She tries to stand and stumbles, I reach out to stop her falling, helping her up, and I can feel her embarrassment.

  “I’m just going to head back to my dorm, I didn’t realise how late it got,” she breaths.

  “If you ever need me Addie, just find me. I’ll be here for you, even if you think it’s something small. Find me,” I whisper to her and watch as she walks away from me. I wait until she is out of sight before heading back to my quarters. I walk slowly, enjoying the cold air on my skin. I know she didn’t hear me, she couldn’t have, but I needed to say it.

  “Xander?” I turn and see Aliana, one of my Elite team.

  “Yes Ali?” I ask, it’s rare that she leaves the administration building.

  “They will be here at dawn tomorrow, we’ve made space for them as requested, and only myself and Dimitri are aware of their arrival.”

  “Very well. Thank you Ali. I’ll be down to meet them in the morning.”

  “Addie! Save me! Don’t let them take me away!” Livvy screams at me, as three shades drag her down the hall in front of me. I try to move, but it’s like there are lead weights on my feet. I struggle to chase her.


��m coming Livvy!” I manage to struggle free, and run down the hall where they took her. That’s when I see it. The door to the Defence room isn’t there anymore, and Livvy is on the floor, broken and bleeding. I rush to reach her and trip over my feet. Then I hear him laughing; Kaden.

  “Looks like you failed Adelaide. You’re just a disappointment, you had the power to save her, but you failed. You didn’t use it. Now you get to watch how badly you failed, and remember, this is all your fault,” he taunts me from the shadows. I try to get up from the floor, but pain radiates through my body, as if I’ve broken every bone. I try to fight it. To get to her. The desperation in her eyes, the disappointment that I didn’t save her like I said I would. Then I see it. My Sai on her throat. There’s so much blood.

  “You didn’t save me Addie,” Livvy cries. “Why didn’t you save me? Why didn’t you keep your promise?”

  I scream as I shoot upright in bed. My hair is matted to my face, and I can feel the layer of cold sweat covering my body as I sit and shake. It was just a dream, I tell myself. I look around the room and notice I’m alone. Tyler didn’t stay in here last night, he’s stayed with me every night since it happened, and I’m not sure how to feel about the fact that he’s not here. I look over to the clock and see that it’s only five in the morning. I know I’m never getting back to sleep, so decide to get a shower and get ready for the day.

  As I stand under the scalding hot water, I can’t help but see her face, so lifeless in my memory. I can still hear her crying out to me. I wrap my arms around myself, knowing that she is going to haunt me for the rest of my life. It’s then I resolve to work even harder to join the Red Guard. I never want to feel like that again.

  I pull myself together, and put on my jumpsuit for Defence. I get my stuff together to head out for a run before class, just as I head for the door I hear a knock, and the door opens showing a pissed off looking Ty.

  “What’s up with you?” I ask. I’ve not seen him this angry since he lost a sparring match with Noah – he hates him as much as I do.

  “I’m surprised you noticed. You didn’t notice me when you were cuddled up to that Vampyr. What’s wrong Addie? Human’s not good enough for you? You want to be with one of them. He’s no different from the filth that killed Livvy and Logan,” he spits out.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about Tyler. So why don’t you chill your shit, and actually talk to me like I’m your girlfriend, if that’s even what I am, hell even just your fucking friend, rather than like I’m your enemy?” I say calmly. I don’t really do the loud angry thing, I’m usually the quiet calm one till I lose my shit, and then I just attack, but I know that’s not going to work. I have no idea what his problem is, but I can’t deal with his shit as well as my own.

  “I came back outside last night to make sure you were ok, and you were all wrapped up in Xander fucking Bane. That’s what the hell is up Addie. I didn’t figure you for a Fanger.”

  “What the actual fuck Tyler! I was crying my fucking eyes out on my own, and he came over to make sure I was okay. Fuck you and fuck your stupid standards. Get the hell out of my way.” I’m seething. How fucking dare he!

  I put in Livvy’s headphones from the cassette player she managed to get, and start the music as I sprint out of the dorm and down the stairs. I don’t even pay attention to where I’m running to, until I’m in the middle of a field, bent over catching my breath. That’s when I see them. The Elite are at the Academy. Why would they arrive this early? And why has no one said that they’re coming? I can see Xander and Dimitri speaking to them, I’m not sure if they’ve seen me, but they’re freaking Vampyrs, of course they know I’m here. They’re dismissed and file into the staff quarters of the Academy. I turn and stretch out, ready to head to Defence class. I stand back up and squeak.

  “Morning Adelaide. Enjoying your run?” Xander Bane stands in front of me casually, as if he didn’t just totally vamp out on me and super speed, or whatever it is, over here in the blink of an eye.

  “It was just what I needed thank you. Did you need something? Or can I get on my way to Defence?”

  “You can’t let anyone know they’re here.”

  “The Elite?”

  “Yes, we have reason to believe that another attack is coming, and having them here gives us an advantage, especially if no one knows they’re here. Do you understand?”

  “Strategically, yes I understand. But if you think there’s going to be another attack, why aren’t you warning people? Making sure they’re prepared?”

  “And what if by doing that, we let the enemy know what’s going on? What’s to say someone in here isn’t working with them? Their attack was planned, as if they knew exactly where people would be, when the guard would be most vulnerable and where.”

  “Are you saying someone helped those monsters?”

  “I’m not saying anything, just, keep this to yourself. Please.”

  “Fine, but if more people die because they weren’t prepared, that’s on you. Just remember that.”

  “I’m fully aware of my fault in all of this. I am responsible for the safety of the Academy at all times. I failed, and I’m trying to make sure that doesn’t happen again.”

  “Fine,” I say begrudgingly. I’m sure he has a good reason; he certainly thinks he does.

  “Do you run every day?” he asks.

  “Yes, every morning,” I say, confused as to why he’d ask.

  “Maybe I’ll join you, I need to get some more cardio in,” he says and winks at me.

  “Ermmm…” I stammer. I have no idea what do say to him.

  “I’ll see you in class, Miss Tate.”

  “Sorry, what?” I say confused, but I’m talking to air. He’s gone. Stupid Vampyr tricks.

  I head to Defence, knowing that what I need today is just to zone out and work my body hard. If my body is tired, I won’t be able to think.

  Dimitri puts us through our paces in warm up, the cardio workout has me sweating so bad that I can feel it dripping off of my face and down my neck. I grab a towel to dry off so I’m not so disgusting.

  “Right guys, everyone is going to be doing some one on one sparring. Xander Bane is going to be joining us and every Defence class, to help with defence against the shades,” Dimitri announces to the class. A groan rolls out across the room. D works us hard enough on his own. Just great.

  “What good is he going to be to us? He’s a washed up house leader. He’s no warrior,” Tyler barks out with a snarl on his face. Guess he’s still got a bug up his ass.

  “Well Mr. Knight, I’m sure you’re aware from your study of the Dark War, Xander was a major part of how our side won. Maybe instead of mouthing off, you should be working harder.”

  “Maybe he was the big time back in the war, but since then, he’s been less than great. First, the princess died on his watch, just because no one talks about it, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Then there was the attack here. He’s meant to be the one keeping us safe. He obviously can’t do that, so I don’t see what we’ll learn from him.”

  “Well,” Xander says from the doorway. “I guess Tyler, you won’t have any problem sparring with me today then?” He’s staring Tyler down, and the testosterone in this room is off the chart. It’s so quiet in here you could hear a pin drop. “Unless you’re afraid that a wash out like me, could beat you?” Tyler’s face goes so red I think he might burst.

  “Ha! You’re on old man.” Tyler’s bravado is there, but I can tell he’s not looking forward to this, him and his stupid big mouth. He’s got too much pride to just take it back. Idiot.

  Xander walks into the room, shrugging off his leather jacket. He takes off his boots and places them by the wall, then walks barefoot to meet Tyler in the middle of the room. Everyone else has moved to the edges of the room, forming a circle around them. I don’t know if I even want to watch this. They start to spar, and with every missed hit, I can see Ty getting more and more worked up. But Xander, he’s stealthy
and sleek, like a big cat. He keeps his cool, trying to wear Tyler out before he goes in for the kill. This is not going to be pretty. Normally I’d place my bets on Tyler, but there’s a reason Xander is the Head of his house. He worked his way up, and I can only hazard a guess at what it takes to stay the Head of a Vampyr house.


  The fight was brutal, and Ty ends up getting his ass kicked, but he gave it everything he had. I could see every ounce of hatred he held for Xander on his face, in his every move. He wasn’t holding back even a little. Yet Xander swatted him about like he was nothing more than a fly. It was hard to watch.

  Ty stormed off after, I imagine to clean his wounds and stroke his ego. Humiliation doesn’t even really cover what just happened to him. He was destroyed.

  Everyone filters out of the room at the end of class, leaving me alone with D and Xander.

  “Did you really have to go at him so hard?” I ask Xander.

  “Would you rather that I took it easy on him? Let him think he could beat me, so he doesn’t bother to try and better himself? What I did was for his own good.”

  “Maybe, but you didn’t have to enjoy it so much.”

  “She has a point Xander. You pummelled him into the ground, and you smiled while you did it,” Dimitri pipes up.

  Xander smiles smugly and shrugs his shoulders before heading to the door. He turns to face us, the smile still on his face.

  “Fanger haters should be put in their place. Don’t you agree Adelaide?”

  Xander Bane is the last thing that should be on my mind, but I can’t help myself. Even with everything else going on around me, I know that there is something between us, something that wasn’t there before. Sure, he’s good looking, but I’ve never thought about him like that before, not really. I shake my head and rid my thoughts of him. Now is not the for me to get a crush on a bloody Vampyr, I have so much else to deal with right now I don’t need to add that to it as well.


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