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Descent (The Immortal Chronicles Book 1)

Page 14

by Sloane Murphy

  I listen to them laugh and joke about times before the Dark War, the stupid bar brawls they'd have just for the fun of it.

  "Do you remember that one time you wanted to duel for the right to take that red headed whore to bed? Man, you drank way too much that night!" Dimitri laughs at Zero.

  Aliana jumps in, "Still not as bad as the time Rome nearly took my head off with his new fucking axe. Showing off like he was Thor. I still say you carry that shit to make up for short comings!" She laughs and everyone laughs with her.

  "Xander, do you remember that one night, back at the beginning, when that pack of wolves thought they could run us out of their town. I thought that poor kid was going to piss himself when you showed him who you were!" Dimitri says, and I can't help but laugh at the memories.

  Before the Dark War, things weren't great, but they weren't as serious as they are now. Now we're running around trying to stop the world from killing itself. Fighting people who we once considered our brothers and sisters. I think back to how Kaden and I were before all of this. Thick as thieves and together we were unbeatable. We brought down dictatorships and helped people, without them even knowing it.

  Of course we had our differences, but what brothers don't. It pains me to think of where he is now. And while I'm as close to my Elite as any one being could be, Kaden really was my brother, my real brother, and knowing how far he has fallen, the things he is capable of...

  I try and shake off my morose feelings and join in the memories being passed around the table. Booze always did make this lot rowdy.

  The hours tick by, and I'm only half here, the other half of me is thinking about Addie. We didn't have enough time before, I never got chance to talk to her properly. Not how I would have liked to anyway. I know she knows I'm here to protect her, but she doesn't understand just quite how protective of her I feel, of how I feel full stop.

  If we manage to find her, I swear I'll make sure she knows. It can't be too hard right? To tell her, show her that she means more to me. I just need things to stop getting in the way. I need to find a time to tell her the truth about me, about us, and hope that she can forgive me. It is forbidden, but I can't keep lying to her, not if I want her to trust me.

  A knock pounds on the door of my office, before the door bursts open.

  “My Liege! You need to come at once, to the front gates!” A Vampyr from the guard says to me. “We saw them sir, coming from the distance from the tower, at first we weren't sure, but now we are. You need to see. You wouldn't believe me if I told you.” The look on his face is all I need to make me get to my feet. My Elite stand with me, all ready for battle, the warriors they are coming through in an instant.

  “Let's go.”

  “Are you sure we’re safe in here?” Rose asks me. I brought her back to my room after wandering around the corridors of this place, trying to work our way back. Once I calmed her, I encouraged her to shower, promising I would keep guard and let no-one in. I don't know exactly how she’s been living, but I can only imagine what she’s been through being held here. Once I persuaded her to shower, she looked like a totally different person. I gave her a pair of pyjamas from the closet, ones with full legs and long sleeves, after what she was wearing I figured she’d want to cover up. I was right, she looked at me like she was going to cry in gratitude for being given clothes, real clothes. I let her dress, then sat her down and brushed her hair and dried it. After, she curled up on the bed staring out of the window. That's where she is now.

  “I’ve not been hurt in all the weeks I’ve been here; I will make sure you receive the same treatment. I won’t let them hurt you again,” I answer her, and I mean it. I will fight Kaden, Michael or Celeste. I don't care who finds us, she will not go back to the way she was living. No-one deserves to live like that.

  “Thank you Addie, thank you more than you’ll ever know. No one has ever shown me such kindness. You are truly one of the best people I have ever known.” She breaks my heart. Everyone should know kindness.

  “What about your parents? Your family and friends? Surely someone is looking for you?” She turns to me and the sadness in her features floors me.

  “I fear my family gave up on me long ago. I have been gone from them so long; I doubt they even believe me alive still.”

  “You’re not from around here are you?” I ask her.

  “No, I am from far across the ocean, my family rules over what was once known as England and Europe. These days the Isles are ruled by my family, my older brother is probably on the throne by now. I miss him terribly.”

  “You speak like my friend, Xander. Well, I say friend, he’s… He’s a Vampyr, like Kaden and the rest, but he’s nice. He's so kind and sweet, giving and protective,” I sigh. But he’s still not found me, I add to myself.

  “Xander? As is Xander Bane?” she asks, the light in her eyes illuminating her entire face.

  “Yes, you know him?”

  “Not really, he and my brother were friends long ago. I doubt he even remembers me, but long ago, before I came over here, I met him. He stayed with our family for a while. Before the outbreak I mean. He is your friend?”

  “Yes he is.”

  “So he might be looking for you?” The hope in her eyes shines so bright, I hate to disappoint her.

  “I had hoped so, but I’ve been here for weeks, and well, I’m still here and he isn't, so I can't hope anymore that he is coming for me. It's down to me to get us out of here,” I answer her.

  At that moment, my door bursts open, banging against the wall so hard I think the door may shatter. Rose falls off of the bed and cowers behind it as Kaden stalks into the room, the rage obvious on his face.

  “ADELAIDE!” he roars. I want to wince, but I will not cower to him, not again.

  “Yes Kaden?”

  “Don't you play stupid with me Addie. Where is she?”

  “She’s safe, and that's exactly where she's staying! How dare you treat her, treat anyone like that! It's disgusting, you should be ashamed of yourself. You try to make yourself appear like a decent person, but you can’t hide from me Kaden, I’ve seen what you're capable of. You're an abhorrent beast, and you sicken me. Your actions are despicable, and that game of yours. The depravity, the hunger, I have no words for it!”

  “You test my patience girl. She belongs to me! You will give her to me now!”

  “I will do no such thing! She is not your property, she is a person, a Fae no less! She is someone you should be protecting, not submitting to torture, even if it’s at another's hands. She will be staying here with me. You can fight me if you must, but you’ve seen me fight for what I hold dear, and I know that for some reason you don’t want me hurt. This is not something I'm going to let up on Kaden, so you might as well accept it.”

  I can almost see him shake, the anger takes hold of him and his eyes flash red. Fear roots me in place, but I won’t let him see it. I will not let him take anyone else from me goddamn it! He already took Logan and Livvy, and then Tyler. I have lost too much to him. As I think it, I see remorse flash in his eyes and he looks at me defeated.

  “So be it. She is your responsibility, and you will be held accountable for her,” he says, before storming out of the room slamming the door behind him.

  I slump down onto the bed in relief, the adrenaline that filled me leaving instantly. Rose climbs up behind me and hugs me.

  “Thank you so much Addie, I am, and will forever be in your debt.”


  I wake up a few days later with Rose wrapped around me, which is something I’ve had to get used to, because it’s this, or the screams in the middle of the night. The first night I thought someone had broken into the room and was trying to drag her away. I woke up ready to take anyone on. The next thing I knew Michael and Celeste were in the room, swords out ready to take on anyone. The amusement on Michael’s face equally matched the fury on Celeste’s. Since then she’s slept wrapped around me, and Michael has been camped on a make shift bed by
the door. It’s not been great for me, the little privacy I had has been destroyed, but it’s worth it for her and I wouldn’t change it.

  Plus, I think Michael loves being on watch with us. He joins in Rose’s silly games, and does our hair. He’s like our missing third.

  I’ve also given up hope of being rescued entirely. I’ve been here too long. If they’re still looking for me I’ll be amazed, I’m sure the guard have more to worry about than one missing human. I miss Xander and Dimitri, more than I thought I would, and not even for the reasons most would think. I miss running with Xander in the mornings, and fighting with Dimitri in the afternoons. Training isn’t something I’ve been able to do here, even running, and I can feel the detrimental effects on my body already. I try to stretch, and Michael’s been doing something called yoga with us which has helped keep me lithe, but I want to run and feel the wind. I just want to go outside.

  I slide out from Rose’s hold, and gently walk past Michael to the bathroom. I close the door and sigh as I lean against it. Alone at last. I turn the shower on and as the room fills with steam I undress, feeling my body relaxing. I step under the water and let it wash over me. It’s here where I can be myself and let go, I can think of all the things I can’t think about when there’s people around. Like the fact that it’s nearly my birthday, and Livvy won’t be here for it. I don’t remember ever having had a birthday where she didn’t manage to round up cupcakes or cookies to celebrate, even when I didn’t want to. The fact that she’s gone and the people here are the reason – not that I’ve seen many shades since I’ve been here, but I know they were commanded by Kaden. The fact that since I’ve been here, he’s been mostly nice to me, kind almost, other than the odd occasion where he’s been the Kaden I know him to be, the monster. The fact that Logan is gone, and that I’m here because of Ty. Logan would have been so disappointed in Ty. I don’t even know what happened to Ty after he handed me over to Kaden. It overwhelms me and I feel the sobs wrack my body as I slide to the floor, the water drowning my tears.

  I hear Michael bang on the door but I can’t bring myself to answer him, as I drown in the facts of everything that has happened to me over the last few months. I’ve not let myself think of Livvy much while I’ve been here, but Rose reminds me of her so much, and thinking of her tears my heart to shreds. I miss her so damn much. I hear a crash as the bathroom door opens, and then Michael is in front of me with a towel. He turns off the water, gathers me in the towel and sits me on his lap, stroking my hair.

  “It’s going to be ok sweetie; you’ll get through this. I’m here.”

  It takes everything I have to swallow the anger that rises, at him, at Kaden, at all of them who took her from me.

  “I know honey, I know. I can feel every single ounce of your pain. Every drop of heart break. I’m sorry he took her from you, I am so sorry,” he says, as he rocks me back and forth.

  The tears slow and I see Rose sat opposite us, tears running down her face.

  “I’m so sorry Addie, I didn’t know.”

  I shake my head at her.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for Rose.” I look at Michael and he nods at me, a small sad smile on his face. He knows I can’t say the same for him. I stand, securing the towel around me and move back into the bedroom. Rose follows me, and I see Michael leave the room. Seconds after he closes the door Celeste’s head peers around, just to remind us we’re not alone, and I swear I almost see guilt on her face, before she closes the door.

  I get up and get dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, pulling my hair back in a ponytail, and putting on the converse sneakers and leather jacket I have adopted since being there, thankful again to the Fae for keeping alive some of the clothing from the old world. Rose follows suit and asks me to braid her hair, which I do absentmindedly as I stare out of the windows. The things I’d do to be out there.

  “Are you okay Addie?” Rose asks, and I nod to her.

  “I am, I lost someone close to me not long ago because of Kaden, and I miss her, every single day.”

  We continue talking about the Academy and everything that’s happened to me, from losing Livvy and Logan, to not passing the guard, to Tyler and ending up here.

  “What a dirty son of a bitch! He deserves to rot in hell! Who the hell does he think he is to betray you like that? I should destroy him in his dreams!” she squeals.

  “Sorry, what?”

  “Erm…. Yeah. So, I didn’t mean to say that. Please don’t tell anyone! They don’t know. Please don’t tell!” she pleads.

  “Rose, are you a dream walker?” I whisper, and she nods, my eyes going wide. The possibilities are endless! We could reach Xander! We could tell him where we are, or she could. At least give him an idea!

  “Rose this is amazing!” I squeak.

  “What’s amazing?” I turn and see Michael at the door, he struts into the room and stands before us.

  “Well you, duh!” I say to him and hope to distract him.

  “Well obviously, but you don’t even know the half of it. Ladies you are in for a treat today. I got approval from the boss man. We’re going outside!”

  I jump up and hug him, how he knew that I needed this I will never know, but any hard feelings I may have felt towards him melt away in that moment.

  “Thank you. Thank you!”

  “Oh that’s not the half of it girlie. You’ve earned the grand tour,” he winks at me. “You’re now allowed to roam as you please.”

  This day just got a whole lot freaking better! If I’m going to be captive here, at least I’ll have the illusion of freedom, and with Rose’s newest secret, we could be out of here sooner than I imagined!

  Michael walks us through the maze that is Casa de Kaden, but he shows us ways of working out where we are, patterns in the ceiling, codes in the decoration, small things you would never notice if you didn’t know they existed.

  “Now then ladies, how about a long drink before we head outside?” Michael says with a flair that only he can manage. We both nod and follow him through more corridors, until he brings us back to that room. The one where I found Rose. I hear her gasp as she freezes, going paler if that’s even possible.

  “Erm, Michael? What are we doing here?” I ask quietly. I don’t want to make Rose jump, she looks like she’s going to shatter.

  “Shit, sorry honey I didn’t even think. You’re safe now, I swear it. All that’s beyond here is a bar, and if you listen, it sounds like someone’s already playing on the stage,” he says, slowly stepping towards Rose until he’s upon her, and he squeezes her into his side. I can see her visibly relax and the relief is real. I hate that she still suffers like this. Her nightmares still haunt her, they’ve gotten better, but I know she still has them.

  “Are you guys coming in here or not?” I hear Celeste yell from inside the room. Ugh, I’d like to hope she’s not in bitch mode, but I know better. I grab Rose’s hand and pull her in, Michael following behind her. I look around the room and it looks completely different. More like a café bar, with a stage area where Celeste is sat at a piano, and then there are tables and chairs scattered around the room. It’s so light and airy that if I didn’t know better I’d think it was a completely different room.

  “You guys are a little early for cocktails and karaoke,” Celeste laughs, and I’m a little lost. It must show on my face because she laughs at me.

  “Oh my god! Why didn’t I think about that! I’ve been walking them around this mausoleum when we could have been having cocktails and karaoke!” Michael squeals, clapping his hands. “Girls you are in for a treat.”

  “Erm… not to be the human in the room, but what the hell is karaoke?” I ask. I hate being out of the loop. Michael and Celeste look at me, with a look of wonder on their faces.

  “Oh honey, there is so much we have to teach you!” Michael says, looking at me over his shoulder as he walks over to the bar. He throws around bottles behind the bar, pouring them into a few big jugs, adding juices and fruit to the
m before bringing them over to us.

  “Drink up ladies, don’t be shy. Now watch and learn,” Michael says to us as he pours us each a glass from one of the jugs, before walking over to the stage and pulling a TV screen to the middle, and two microphone stands.


  Back in my room, Rose is passed out in bed and I can’t help but reflect on how bizarre today has been.

  What I learned today is cocktails are deliciously lethal, and karaoke is hilarious. Watching Michael and Celeste become more and more wasted, meaning they got more and more outrageous with their song choices has been brilliant. After a few dozen cocktails Rose plucked up the courage to sing, and we were all blown away. After listening to Michael and Celeste burn through the entire catalogue of Wham, Cher and various others, listening to her soft voice was entrancing. She sang a song I’ve never heard before, a song about being locked away with no-one but your own voices for company. It was so sad, so emotional that I think I even saw Celeste shed a tear.

  Then Kaden arrived.

  I thought the party was over when he walked in with two of his generals, but it turns out he has a fun side too. He joined us, apparently whiskey is his drink of choice, and sat drinking with us. I daren’t get up and sing, no-one needs to listen to that sort of torture, but then Kaden surprised us all. I think Michael and Celeste looked more shocked than I did. He stumbled up to the microphone and the soundtrack to ‘Smooth Criminal’ started and Michael started laughing. It was infectious and we laughed until we cried, made even worse when he dedicated the song to me singing ‘Addie are you okay?’ with the most awful dance moves I have ever seen in my life. Who would of thought that the dickhead would have a softer, more playful side? It was nice to see, but I’m more confused than ever. How could that guy be the one responsible for the horrific things that Rose has been through? How could he be the one responsible for killing Livvy? Be responsible for taking me?


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