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Her Billionaire Lifeguard

Page 5

by Sophia Summers

  When he popped up out of the water next to her, he moved the snorkel out of his mouth. “That was incredible!”

  She laughed. “I’m so glad. So many of my pieces have been inspired by moments like that.”

  “I can’t wait to show you. I’ll sketch it when we get back.” He replaced his snorkel and re-submerged.

  How were they so compatible? Did she come all the way down to Mexico to meet an American businessman who had a penchant for expressing himself through art? As she considered him, she thought it might be time to learn more about who he was outside of their small space together in Mexico. She steeled herself against the thought because it would mean sharing her own story, or parts of it.

  Trey came back up. “You coming down?”

  She nodded and then followed him. She loved being under the water. A shadow passed above her. Trey came to join her, pointing. A turtle. It was huge. Must be old. She kicked after it, Trey following, until they were moving along at its side. The beautiful creature turned to her, and for a moment, Scottie wondered what the turtle saw in her. They were not supposed to touch him, but she couldn’t help it, she reached out and held his fin. Then the turtle moved away. The moment felt important. Her next project. Or perhaps many projects would involve trying somehow to portray the experience. She watched him float away. She felt small and insignificant next to such a living thing. She liked the smallness of her own existence sometimes.

  When they had all gathered back on deck, the sun dried them in a delicious heat. The food spread out in front of them, and Jake and Trey were talking to Cason in low, excited tones. It seemed important, definitely not vacation talk. They were immediately aware of her approach. Trey smiled, making room, and Jake changed the topic. “So, you saw a turtle?”

  “No, I met a turtle.”

  “She shook his hand and everything.”

  “No way.” Jake popped a grape in his mouth.

  She nodded. “And it really did feel like meeting someone. I’ve got to figure out how to get that guy into some of my pieces.”

  Trey rested his arm around her shoulders. She welcomed the warmth, the soft heat of his skin from the sun. “This is gonna sound crazy, but I’m different now than I was at the start of our snorkel.”

  Cason snorted.

  “No, I’m changed.” Trey widened his eyes. “I saw things so differently. I even had an idea for a new product line.”

  Jake nudged him.

  “Product line?” She looked at the guys. “Do you all work together?”

  Jake stretched out his legs. “Work together, play together. Some might say I might need to get a life.”

  She laughed. “From what I can tell, you guys have it pretty good.”

  Trey nodded to Jake. “We’ve been working together since high school.”

  “Really? Same industry?”

  “We got picked up in college. Some timely investors.” Trey ran circles on her shoulder with his finger. “And a mentor.”

  His face didn’t show any emotion, but the area between them seemed charged with it.

  The waves had picked up with the wind. The clouds had begun to gather “I think I might go down below.”

  Cason stood. “I’ll come with you.”

  She smiled at Trey’s bristle. He helped her stand. “I think we are all going that direction.”

  Jake checked his watch. “The captain is taking us back right about now anyway.”

  They picked up their things off the deck. Everyone went ahead, and then Trey and Scottie stepped down through the hatch just as drops started to fall.

  “Oh, wow.” Trey closed the hatch above him. Scottie stood just below him on the stairs and the sounds of rain pelting the hatch above them made her smile. “This is exciting.”

  They moved down the stairs almost together, Scottie ahead of him. As she reached the bottom, she turned to him. “Thank you for today.”

  He opened his arms so the two of them could fit in the tight corner. She happily filled the space and his arms encircled around her. “You are very welcome.” He smoothed back her hair. “It was incredible. Seeing things with an artist’s perspective, watching for ways I could recreate those moments.” He shook his head. “It was so humbling.”

  She thought she understood. “How so?”

  “I’ve never seen anything so remarkable. The only way to really appreciate anything down there is to experience it yourself. I don’t think my very best efforts could do justice to what we saw.” He shrugged. “But I’d like to try.”

  Her eyes misted. “I’ve thought the same so often, and yet keep trying to share it with others.” She leaned her head against him. “That turtle.”

  “Mmm.” He ran a hand down her back. “It could never have happened for me if I hadn’t met you. You’ve created a new fire in me I had forgotten about.” He kissed the top of her head.

  She reveled in his arms, soaked in the moment. She lifted her gaze to his.

  “I’ve never felt this way.” He ran his hands along the top of her back. “You inspire me in every way. I just had an incredible marketing meeting with the guys, and an idea for new product lines, and I have a whole vision of work I’d like to paint. What is it?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’m on fire. Is it you? Is it the place?”

  She placed her palm against the side of his prickly face. “I think it’s us.”

  “Us.” He breathed. His gaze lowered to her mouth, then he wrapped his arms around her, cradling her against the wood paneling while he pressed his lips to hers, once, gently. A wave of emotion crashed through her. She pulled at the back of his neck and responded. Everything inside slowed into a gentle rhythm. His lips explored hers and she returned his searching with the yearning of her lonely days, with the recognition that theirs was something unique, precious. He deepened their kiss, and she almost forgot where they were, her arms tightening around him, pulling him closer, wanting more. He pushed his body against hers, pressing her into his arms, against the wall behind them. Her hands clenched at his shirt. Her toes curled against the decking. She felt light, lost to Trey.

  They slowed again until he paused, kissing her bottom lip, once, twice. Then he raised a hand up on the wall above them, leaning down, his mouth still close. “What was that?”

  She laughed. “What?”

  “I’ve never.” He licked his lips. “Wow, you are something.”

  She ran a finger along his mouth. “Us.”

  He nodded. “I’ll go with that. We are something.”

  His hand found hers and linked their fingers. “So, what are you doing tonight?”

  Her laugh was carefree. She hadn’t felt so happy in a long time. Since her father had been alive.

  He shook his head. “And tomorrow?”

  She squeezed his hand, loving what they had more than she probably should, and murmured, “And the next day?”

  “Now you’re talking.”

  Chapter 11

  Once the limo had dropped them off at the hotel, Trey sent it off with Scottie to her store and apartment.

  Now, back in his room, he shook his head. She’d captured his heart, his mind, even his will. When the car had pulled up to the hotel, the other guys had all piled out and he’d delayed, holding her hand. Somehow his feet just would not move. With a sigh, he’d pulled her close. “Thank you for the best day.” Then he’d enjoyed the softness of her full mouth for a too-quick kiss. “I’ll pick you up at eight.” He’d made to move then turned back. “Make that seven.” He had it bad. He couldn’t live without the woman for an afternoon.

  His inbox waited, projects at work. He had to write up some marketing reports and detail all the incredibly synergistic ideas they’d discussed out on the boat, but all he wanted to do was think about Scottie.

  Since he knew her last name, he opened up his laptop with a grin. Let’s see what Google had to say about her. Scottie Redding.

  “Whoa.” She was headlining right now. Wall Street Jour
nal, Washington Post, even the New York Times business section. He clicked on the first heading. “Scottie Redding strips company and then flees.”

  His heart went up to his throat. “No.” He shook his head. What a crock. He hoped. He skimmed the article. Damian was quoted more than once, touting his prowess at taking over when things were in such an upheaval, and salvaging but cutting losses. “Ridiculous.” Trey clicked on the others. They all said basically the same thing. Scottie ripped the company off and then disappeared. Is that why she left? He’d wondered for about eight months now, accused her of irresponsibility, felt pain on behalf of her father that she wasn’t continuing his work, that the company was in the hands of Damian. Could this be why? He considered what he knew about her. And he refused to believe it. He refused. Maybe if he said it out loud, he would believe himself. “There’s no way she did this.”

  He checked his watch. He’d be picking her up this evening. Did he want to bring this up and ruin a perfectly great night when things were going so well? He grunted. Yes. He couldn’t just ignore this news. And she’d probably seen it. How could she not know she made headlines?

  Jake knocked on his door. “Trey.”

  “Yeah, just a sec.” He opened the door.

  “I gotta show you something.” Jake held up his laptop with the headlines.

  “Yeah, I saw it.”

  “What are you gonna do about this?”

  “I don’t know. One thing I know I’m not doing. I’m not working with that slimewad Damian.”

  “Can we work with his product and pretend he’s not there?”

  Trey fell back on the couch. “Why can’t Scottie work there?”

  “Did you know she was Mr. Redding’s daughter?”

  “Just found out.”

  Jake watched him. Trey felt his eyes. Without looking, he asked, “What?”

  “She’s your type.”

  “A criminal?”

  Jake snorted. “You really think she did that? To Mr. Redding? Knowing him like we do?”

  Trey shook his head. “Nah. But she’s in a mess, isn’t she?” He hoped she had good advisors, an attorney, something.

  “We could help her.”

  “Mr. Redding would want us to.”

  “Dude, you want us to.” Jake put a hand on Trey’s shoulder.

  “I think I do. We don’t think she cheated out her dad’s company and then ran away and hid in Mexico, right?”


  That was good enough for him. “Okay. Mission: to rescue the damsel in distress and restore her to her proper company, thus helping to pay deserved homage to a revered mentor.”

  “And satisfy your need to be her hero.”

  “What?” Trey wanted to wipe the smirk off of Jake’s face.

  “I don’t have a single problem with it. She’s special and you deserve her.”

  Somewhat mollified, Trey nodded. “She is special.” After a moment he groaned again. “This might mean we all have to head back to Chicago.”

  “Do you think she lives in Chicago also? That’s just too crazy”

  “Well, right now she lives in Mexico, but I bet she had a place there at one point, right?”

  “And we had to all come to Mexico to meet.” Jake held up a picture of Scottie and her father. “She even looks like him.”

  Trey took his phone for a closer look. “You know, you’re right. I would never have seen it, but with them side by side like that, it’s totally obvious.” He studied it some more, memories flooding his brain. “I miss him.”

  “Yeah, me too.”

  “He’s the only one who believed in us at first.”

  They both sat in silence. Trey knew they never would have gotten off the ground if not for Mr. Redding, the support he gave and the timely and vital advice which they followed precisely.

  “When are you gonna tell Scottie you know?”

  “We’re having dinner tonight.”

  “Any chance you might consider video recording?”

  “Not on your life.”

  “Couldn’t hurt to ask. So, just how into this girl are you?”

  Trey sat forward. “Once I met Scottie, I had no need for other women. She’s it, man.” He ran a hand through his hair and eyed Jake. “I think.”

  Jake laughed. “You’re officially a mess.”

  “I don’t know her well. When I saw the headlines, I had to ask myself, could she have done this? What do I know?”

  “But then you remembered what she’s like, right? And you told yourself no way.”

  “You’re right. I did.”

  “So what are you going to do about it?”

  “I don’t know, man. I guess see what she says. She might not want to talk about it.”

  “Then you force the topic. You can’t let this drop. This is beyond personal now. It’s business.”

  Trey nodded. He had a point.

  “Do you want to do business with Damian or Scottie? Think of it that way.”

  Trey shook his head. “But I just want Scottie, business or no.”

  “Whatever you say. But figure out both, will you?”

  “All right, I have to.” Things were so new with Scottie. Trey didn’t want to lose what they had, but if Jake and he guessed right, she might need some help. And for Mr. Redding’s sake, he had to convince her to step back in, at least set things up differently than they were, clear her name.

  He was sure of his course while he showered and dressed, and then when he was combing through his hair one more time, he doubted. She was happy in Mexico; at least she seemed happy. The renovations on her store were just completed yesterday. Her pieces, her new inspiration. The part of him who wished he’d done the very same thing and pursued his artistic dreams almost hated to interrupt the safe space she’d created for herself.

  But her name was being slandered. He shook his head. She could find a way to do both. They would find a way. He’d stand by her through this mess, like her father had stood by him.

  Chapter 12

  Scottie was dressed and ready to catch dinner with Trey. She smiled. Completely unexpectedly, life had brought her someone new, and she was falling, deliciously fast and hard.

  She opened her laptop. Time to find out the deets on Trey. She’d heard the guys call him Hemsworth once. So she Googled his name and waited for the slower Wi-Fi to get her to the first search page. She wasn’t sure what to expect, not even sure there’d be much to see. But the first image opened up, and she froze. Trey and Jake smiled for the camera in front of their logo on their headquarters in Chicago. She couldn’t believe it. They were Beauty Foundations? Trey and Jake, cosmetic sensations who started their own business out of college. Her father’s only true competitors--he would always say. He had a soft spot for them for some reason she could never fathom. Within Cosmetics held the market, but Beauty Foundations had wiggled their way into a piece of it. She was impressed.

  And a little sick. Familiar dread and fear twisted her insides. Something about Trey was feeling all too familiar: handsome man, cosmetic industry. Was this Damian all over again? She clicked on the next link and nearly doubled over. Damian and Trey, side by side, wine glasses in their hands. Several more events, more articles, pages of information had them together. “A possible shared client line? Will Within Cosmetics and Beauty Foundations be the next powerhouse team?” Irritation surged inside. Anger at Damian. Anger that something her father would have loved, a shared venture with Beauty, was happening with that creep at the head. She pulled up an article that speculated the benefits of the product that had yet been unannounced. From what she could tell, it was an excellent idea. Bringing in Beauty would add to their customer base enough that the two might control the market. At least until the next big thing hit. She even had a name. No one had thought of it yet, as far as she could tell. Combining the two companies, calling the line Beauty Within. She loved that. She ached to try it out. Ached because she longed for that world, desperately wanted to take back the reins
of her father’s company, her company by right. As much as she loved her break down here in Mexico, she’d run, thought she could escape the hurt and humiliation, gave up in the face of complete betrayal by one she thought she loved. But leaving didn’t mean it stopped existing. She clicked her laptop shut, unable to read more. They were pulling her in. Her breathing sped up and she dipped her head down between her legs. She wasn’t ready. Not yet. But maybe someday. Her heart pounded and she told herself, not yet. Breathe. Not yet. But she could send an email to her lawyer, who was itching to go after this. She opened up her laptop to the full page spread of #hotTrey on the cover of a magazine.

  She reached out a finger and touched his face. He looked amazing. In his element. She began to understand how he said he felt watching her with her art. He was full of light, happiness, thrilled in every picture.

  She scrolled and #hotTrey started showing in every image. She laughed. The man was trending worldwide right now and she didn’t even know it. As she looked at image after image of him in his magazine spread, him without a shirt running in the park, him surrounded by women outside his office in Downtown Chicago, a niggling suspicion about him began to grow. Who was Trey Hemsworth, really? And why was he down here in Mexico, in the very place she was hiding out? She pulled back up the shots of him and Damian. They looked close. Like two men about to make an epic business deal. And even though she’d spent most of her time comparing Trey to Damian and knowing Trey outshone her former boyfriend in every way, she questioned her bias and wondered if Trey was just another playboy really good at getting his way.

  What could he want from her? They’d pushed her away. She had no power or say, and she was trying to stay as far away as possible. So, why?

  She couldn’t even begin to guess, but she suspected that dinner conversation would be completely unexpected. She stood up and went back to her room to change. No light evening wear for her. Nope. It was time to pull out the power suit.


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