Safer Outside (A Mature YA Romance) (The Outside Series)
Page 14
Kim gave me a kiss on the cheek. “I’ve got to run but I’ll see you at break.”
Logan nodded to her as she walked away then looked back to me. “Are you sure you’re ready to be back?”
“Yeah.” I slammed my locker shut and started walking toward geometry. “I was so ready to get out of there. My mom is driving me crazy with the packing and cleaning. She’s never been a clean freak but she’s been scrubbing the floors with a toothbrush. It’s a little creepy.”
Logan chuckled. “I’m just happy you’re okay. And, you’ve got perfect timing.” He gave me a light kiss before continuing. “It’s my dad’s birthday and we’re going to dinner tonight. He asked me to invite your family. I wasn’t sure if you’d be up for it, but if you are, I hope you’ll all come.”
“All of us? Like my mom and the kids?” I gave him a skeptical look. “Does he realize my sister is two?”
“Yes, he knows.” Logan trailed his index finger across my forehead and pulled my hair away from my eyes. “He wants to meet your family and get to know you better.”
“Maybe his birthday isn’t the right time for this. We could wait until, I dunno,” I looked around, trying to find an excuse, “maybe St. Patrick’s Day or Easter?”
“Nope. Too far away.” Logan leaned into the spot under my ear that made me forget about everything except his lips on me. I was putty in his hands and he knew it. His hot breath tickled as he took advantage of my weakness. He whispered, “Tonight is perfect. We can pick them up or she can meet us there. What do you think?”
“Meet there,” I mumbled, still lost in Logan’s trance.
He laughed and kissed my forehead. “Perfect. Is seven too late for the kids?”
“Wait, what?” I realized what I’d just agreed to and immediately regretted it. “I just don’t know how she’ll be. Maybe you should spend some time with them first before you subject your dad to that drama.”
“Don’t be silly. Everything will be fine. We were thinking of a steakhouse but would they prefer something more casual? Maybe Red Robin or Olive Garden.”
Oh god. I felt my stomach drop. I was having a mini panic attack just thinking about my mom and Logan’s dad at the same table. And the kids weren’t exactly used to eating in restaurants. It could go bad in so many ways.
“Um, well, it’s his birthday...”
“Olive Garden it is.” I wanted to wipe that smirk off his face but it was too sexy. “And just to make sure they get there, I’ll pick them up at six thirty. You better get inside before you’re tardy.” Logan gave me one last kiss then smacked my butt, gently shoving me through the classroom door.
I had to work until five thirty so Logan picked me up from the Jameson’s and we drove in near silence to my house. He had been there a few times but it still felt weird to allow him to make the trek. But after everything else, I was beyond worrying about my neighborhood.
Logan knew every ugly aspect of my home life and hadn’t run yet so I had to let my insecurities go. Either he loved me or he didn’t and my house wouldn’t change that. So, at six thirty on the dot, we pulled into my driveway and I prepared for one of the most stressful meals of my life.
As soon as we walked through front door, Billy ran up to greet me. “Bethy, we’re going to Olive Garden, like on TV.”
I mussed his silky hair. “I know, bud. Did Mommy tell you to be on your best behavior and use your manners tonight?”
“Yes, I always do.” His indignant look was adorable. “You need to tell Macy that.”
“You’re right. You always do.” I looked around. “Where’s Mommy?”
Macy came running down the hall and straight into my arms. “Mama, Mama.”
I really needed to work on that. I picked her up and gave her a loud kiss on her cheek. “Hi, sweetie. Do you remember Logan?”
Macy peeked at Logan from under her long lashes and barely nodded.
“Hi, Macy.” Logan tugged on the hem of her ruffled dress. It was a little much for Olive Garden but I guess Mom figured any occasion to dress up was worth ruffles. “That’s a very pretty dress.”
She turned her face into my shoulder and hid from him. “Don’t be shy,” I said. “Logan wants to be your friend.”
She peeked up at him again and gave another nod. Mom walked out at that moment. I almost didn’t recognize her. She was wearing a simple black sweater with dark jeans and a pair of my boots that made her look like the thirty-four-year-old she was.
Her wavy hair was usually pulled back in a ponytail but she’d straightened it for dinner. It was shiny and flowed halfway down her back. She even put on makeup for the first time in years. Not too much but just enough to make her blue eyes sparkle and her skin glow. She looked beautiful. I’d forgotten how youthful she was when she got dressed up.
Logan seemed just as surprised by her appearance. “You look very nice, Mrs. Suarez.”
“Thanks, Logan, and please call me Angie.” She gave him a quick hug. “And thank you for the invitation. It’s been a long time since I’ve gone out.”
“I’m glad you’re able to make it. My dad is looking forward to meeting you.”
“Mom, you really do look great.” I couldn’t hide my relief that she was excited about dinner tonight. I was worried she wouldn’t want to go but it seemed like a step in the right direction toward getting my old mom back.
Will was waiting in the lobby when we walked into the restaurant. He patted Logan on the shoulder and gave me a half hug then got a look at Mom. He did a double take when he saw her walk in holding Billy’s hand and carrying Macy in her arms.
“Dad,” Logan said. “This is Angie Suarez, Liz’s mom. And this is her sister, Macy, and her brother, Billy. Angie, this is my dad, Will Cooper.”
“Angie, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” He took her hand and kissed it like they do in movies. Mom actually blushed. “Your daughter is a wonderful young lady and I can see where she gets her beauty.”
My jaw dropped as I watched Will semi-flirt with my mother. She giggled and turned to me. “She is something special.”
“Happy birthday, Will,” I said. “We would have brought something if I’d known in advance.” I gave Logan a nudge in his ribs.
Logan ignored the jab.
“Not at all, sweetheart.” Will reached for my hand and held it in both of his. “You guys agreeing to come on short notice is all I want.” As he rubbed the top of my hand, he noticed the ring. Holding it up to his face, he took a closer look. After reading the declaration across the top, he lifted an eyebrow to Logan. “Nice ring, son.”
The smartass smiled. “I think so too.”
I wanted to sink into the floor but Will’s warm smile at me was reassuring. Awkward, but reassuring.
We were quickly seated at a round table. Logan at my left and Billy on my right. Mom strategically placed herself on the other side of Macy so she and I could help them eat. That also meant she was right next to Will.
The conversation was light for the first half of dinner. It wasn’t until Will asked how she was holding up that she panicked. Her carefree facade broke down and she started to pale. She looked from me to Logan for direction on how to respond.
Logan came to her rescue. “I told him how you just lost your husband, Angie. I hope you don’t mind.”
She visibly relaxed once she realized Will didn’t know everything. “Oh. No, of course not, Logan. I’m doing well.” She wiped her mouth and turned toward Will. “It was a bad marriage that should have ended a long time ago. I’m feeling really good about our future.”
“That’s wonderful,” Will said, genuinely happy to see she wasn’t still mourning. “May I ask what you do?”
Shit. This was another landmine that made me want to puke just thinking about. Logan tugged a lock of hair to get my attention. “Breathe, love. It’s okay.”
I didn’t breathe until my mom smiled brightly and said, “Actually, I’m taking some business c
lasses. I haven’t worked in a long time but I’m excited to get back into the workforce.”
If I had anything in my mouth, I would have spit it across the table. She just kept surprising me. I had no idea she could hold herself so well in respectable company.
“That’s commendable. What did you do before you were married?” Will refilled his glass of wine and topped off Mom’s too. I gave Logan a sideways glance. What was going on?
“Honestly, not much. I worked in a dental office for a few years but I don’t have a lot of experience.” The way she looked down in her lap and fidgeted with her napkin made me feel sorry for not having more faith in her. She really was an amazing woman that had been to hell and back and was coming out stronger for it. I should have been making it easier for her.
“Don’t sell yourself short, Mom.” Her head bounced up at my words. “You’re good with numbers and super organized. Once you take those classes, I know you’ll find a great job. I’m really proud of you.”
Tears pooled in her eyes but she held them in. It wasn’t often I said encouraging things to her but I resolved to change that. If she could take steps to be a better mother, I could try to be a better daughter.
Before the moment got too awkward, Will jumped in. “Angie, if you’re looking for a job while you’re in school, I might know of one.”
I looked from him to Logan but neither man would meet my eye. I pinched Logan’s arm but he just cracked a smile and pretended to be engrossed in a conversation at the next table.
“Really?” The way my mom lit up made me forget about being out of the loop with whatever they had planned. I missed seeing excitement on her face.
“It’s not glamorous but one of my office managers is leaving me in a few weeks so I need someone to run my storage facility. It comes with an apartment but the hours aren’t too bad and you’d have plenty of time to study when it’s not busy.”
“An apartment?” She was as dumbstruck as I was. “For free?”
“Of course.” All eyes were on his hand as he placed it over Mom’s and held it there. “There’s a small yard for the children and it’s near a park. The job is yours if you want it.”
She slowly tore her eyes away from his hand and locked them with Will’s. She just nodded, unable to speak the words I knew she was feeling. The same words I couldn’t get past the lump in my throat.
The love and compassion I’d experienced since meeting Logan wasn’t something I could express easily. It was something that surrounded me, filled me from the inside out. And it was slowly extending to the people I cared most about.
He made me a better person and gave me a better life. I gave him my body, mind and soul and he gave it back to me tenfold. As long as I had Logan Cooper, I would never be afraid again.
Twenty-four hours left until I’m free. An official high school graduate, ready to embark on my next journey and see where life takes me.
The past three years have been the best of my life. Seriously, the best. Jesse’s death was the key to opening up options for me and my family. But really it was Logan that changed everything. He gave me a reason to fight back and that’s ultimately what saved us.
Mom is a completely new person. She loves her job and is throwing herself into it. She set up a new billing system that has improved collections by 50%. Will even offered to pay for business-related classes so books and tuition for her bachelor’s degree have been fully covered. She’s scheduled to take the CPA exam at the end of summer and I think she’s actually gonna pass. By taking care of herself, she’s truly putting the kids first in a way I’ve never seen in her before.
Macy started preschool this year and is a little hellion. Sassy doesn’t even begin to cover her attitude but it’s so funny that we can’t discipline her without laughing. Mom has her work cut out for her. She’s adopted a stray cat that’s about to have a litter of kittens. I have a feeling this is how the previous manager started her journey into cat-ladydom. It worked out pretty well for her so I’m not too concerned.
Billy’s new school is amazing. He’s in middle school now and joined a baseball team. He can’t stop talking about it. He gives me a rundown of every inning even though I haven’t missed a game yet. I’ve never seen Billy look as proud as he did when he was handed the game ball after his first home run. I don’t know who had messier makeup, me or Mom.
“Honey, are you almost ready.”
“Yes, Mom. I’m coming.” Grabbing my bag off the hook in my room, I run down the stairs to meet up with everyone.
“Can we go now? I’m starving.” Billy is standing in the doorway with his body half outside.
“Let’s go, kid. I’m hungry too.” Will invited us over for a pre-graduation dinner since I’m going straight to the all night party after the ceremony and Logan is taking me to the beach for the weekend.
Logan just finished his second year at Stanford. I was so relieved when he decided to stay close for college. He was accepted to Brown and University of Pennsylvania but claimed he wasn’t ready to leave his dad alone. I, on the other hand, did not get into Stanford or any other high brow schools but I wasn’t too heartbroken. We couldn’t have afforded those schools even if I did. So, I’m going to Atherton College, a small private school just a few miles past Stanford that offered me a generous scholarship. Mom doesn’t know it yet but Logan and I will be getting an apartment together this summer. I’m waiting for the right time to break it to her.
When we get outside, I walk straight to the silver minivan that Mom bought used a few years ago. It’s not pretty but it’s practical and she’s cool about letting me drive it. I stood at the passenger door for a good thirty second before realizing no one else is with me. Looking around, I see Mom, Billy and Macy standing in front of a black Honda Accord. It takes my brain a second to translate what they’re doing. As I take a few steps toward them, Billy steps away and reveals a big red bow perched on the hood.
My eyes immediately go to Mom’s and she’s nodding her head. “Happy graduation, baby. I’m so proud of you.”
She rushes to me and pulls me into her arms. Through the tears blurring my vision, I can see that it’s beautiful. Looks brand new even though I know it must be a few years old. I wipe my eyes and pull back.
“You bought this for me?” It’s such a foreign feeling to be getting something so expensive from anyone, much less my mother.
“Do you like it? I tried to get something safe and reliable but still cute.” I walk to the driver’s door and open it, peeking my head in to check it out.
“It’s perfect.” I look back at Mom. “I can’t believe you did this. Are you sure you can afford it?” Doing the mental math, I know she must have used most of her savings just for the down payment and the monthly payments would be crazy high for such a pristine car. I calculate what I’d need to pull out of my savings to cover it if she can’t.
“I’ve been saving, and yes, I can afford it. You just have to pay for gas and insurance but I want you to have something nice for school next year.”
I slide in the black cloth seat and take a deep breath. Although I can’t see anything, the distinctive vanilla scent makes me look around for an air freshener.
“Logan put it under the seat,” Billy says as he climbs across the back seat.
“The little tree. He put it under the seat so it wouldn’t be ugly.”
“Logan knows about this?” I look at Mom in the rearview mirror as she buckles Macy into the seat behind me.
“He helped me pick it out. He wanted to make sure it was in good shape.” Mom chuckles to herself. “That guy is pretty anal about cars.”
That was the understatement of the year. He was shockingly meticulous about most things despite his generally laid-back attitude.
When I pull up in front of Logan’s house, he’s already waiting for us outside. As I open the car door, he pulls me into his arms. Instinctively, I melt into him. I f
eel like I’m not entirely whole unless he’s wrapped around me. His nose burrows into my neck as he inhales my scent.
“Mmm, you smell delicious.” He gently nips at my earlobe. “I could eat you up.”
“Don’t be a tease,” I whine. “I’ve missed you.”
“I missed you too, love. Two days is too long to not see you.”
“You’ve got me all weekend.”
“Do you like it?” He lifts his head and nods toward my new car.
“I love it. I can’t believe you knew about it and didn’t tell me.”
“Ang wanted it to be a surprise.” His lips brush against mine lightly. My lips chase his as he pulls back. “Ah ah ah. We’ve got to get inside. Everyone’s waiting.”
“Can’t we just ditch them and go christen my new car?” My hand slides down to cup his ass and I give a little squeeze.
A low growl vibrates through his chest as he pulls me against it. “Now who’s the tease?” He sucks my lower lip into his mouth and tugs, conveying with his dark eyes that he means it. “Inside. Now.”
With a whimper, I take a deep breath to collect myself. “Fine. But I’m not done with you, mister.”
I straighten my shirt and stomp to the front door. Logan is mumbling something about my hair when I open the front door and walk in like I own the place. Just as I’m about to head toward the dining room, cameras flash and people appear from every direction. If Logan didn’t grab my shoulders as I jumped back, I would have landed on my butt.
Mom is in the center of the room with all my friends and most of my family, taking pictures and screaming, “Congratulations.”
I look around the room and see so many loving faces, it’s overwhelming. When my eyes lock on Will’s, I can see the pride and love he has for Logan and I as he watches from the corner. He’s been like the father I never had during the time that I’ve known him. I give him a big smile before turning back to Logan.
“Seriously? A surprise party?” I try to act mad but I’m just too damn happy to pull it off.
“Would you have agreed to a graduation party if we asked for permission?” He nudges me toward my mom as he waits for my answer.