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LOVE AND HATE (A Billionaire Romance)

Page 37

by Mia Carson

  I remained cooped up in my room, studying for finals. My head throbbed, and I was tired of reading the same notes over and over again. I was relieved when I heard my phone vibrate, indicating a text message. Grateful for the distraction, I picked up the phone and read a text from Maggie, asking if I was getting ready.

  I typed back, Getting ready for what? Maggie was quick to reply. The party!!! I laughed at her dramatic punctuation. I thought about telling her I wasn’t going, but I’d had enough solitude, locked away studying in my room. I smiled as I texted her back. Getting ready now! I felt happy for the first time in two days.

  A few hours later, I stood with Maggie at the entrance to the party, a throng of loud and wasted college kids yelling around us. I was dressed in high heels and a tight black dress. I had taken my time getting ready, and I felt a little self-conscious at my boldness.

  “You seriously look crazy hot, Lys,” Maggie gushed, commenting on my appearance for the hundredth time.

  I smiled at her. “You look great, too, Maggie.”

  We walked into the party, pushing through the crowd. For an hour, Maggie and I danced and laughed together, taking shots and acting wild. My spirits lifted as the night progressed and the stress and sadness peeled away. Leaning towards Maggie, I said, “I’m having so much fun!”

  She beamed at me and yelled back, “Me, too. This party is awesome!”

  I nodded with a laugh. “I’m going to get a drink.”

  Maggie nodded and kept dancing, and I made my way through the crowd to the kitchen, which was significantly less crowded. I grabbed a beer, turned, and practically bumped into Matt.

  He looked incredible. His dark hair was swept back, and he smiled. “Hey, you made it!” he exclaimed, looking genuinely happy to see me.

  “Yeah, the party is awesome.” I took a sip of my beer.

  Matt looked me up and down. “You look amazing.”

  I blushed. “Thanks. You look great, too,” I added quickly, looking up with a shy smile.

  Matt leaned in a little closer to me, his large body practically towering over mine. I inhaled his scent, heady and rousing. “Do you want to go somewhere quieter?” Without much thought, I nodded, and he took my hand in his, pulling me away from the kitchen and up a set of stairs. He led me into a bedroom and said, “This is my room, so no one will bother us in here.”

  I was a little nervous to be alone with him because I really didn’t know him. I looked around the room, keeping my distance from his bed. I was surprised that he had so many books, some of the same ones I had in my own room. I looked at him standing near the doorway, watching me as I looked around.

  “I didn’t know you were in this fraternity,” I commented, thinking he didn’t act much like a frat boy.

  He shrugged. “Yeah, my dad pledged here when he was my age, so I was kind of expected to. It’s pretty great, though.”

  “Awesome,” I said awkwardly.

  “You want to see something cool?” he asked, his face lighting up.


  He went through a door on the opposite side of the room. Confused, I followed him. I had originally assumed the door led to a closet, but I walked through and found myself on a small balcony.

  “Whoa,” I said, looking out at the huge backyard of the frat house. “This is cool!”

  He let out a laugh. “Yeah, it’s pretty nice. I come out here to think sometimes.”

  I looked down at the crowd of people below us. I saw several pairs of kids kissing and making out around the edge of the yard, attempting to use the shadows as a disguise. A bunch of people had jumped into the pool with their clothes on. I swayed my hips lightly as fast music floated up from below us.

  “Thanks for bringing me up here,” I said to Matt. “But I should probably get going now. My friend is waiting for me downstairs.”

  Matt frowned. “Yeah, okay.” I turned to leave, but he grabbed my arm, stopping me. I looked at him, confused, and he said, “Before you go, I just want you to know I didn’t bring you up here to sleep with you. I think you’re really smart and pretty, and I wanted to talk to you.”

  I smiled at him. “That’s really sweet. Thank you.”

  He nodded, and before I left, I leaned in, pressing a small kiss to his lips. It was fast but sweet, and he had a big goofy grin on his face. I went back to the party to find Maggie, hoping she hadn’t been worrying about me. I finally found her amongst the crowd, dancing and yelling, completely intoxicated.

  “Oh, boy,” I mumbled to myself as Maggie ran over to me, suffocating me in a huge hug.

  “Alyssa! I missed you!” she screamed, her words sloppy and slurred.

  “Missed you too, Maggie,” I said, pulling out of her iron-tight grip. I had to practically drag her to the car, and she managed to sober up some by the time I dropped her off at home. I laughed as I watched her walk up the steps to her house, almost tripping.

  When I pulled up to our house, I was surprised to see Blake’s car. I had assumed he would still be at the party. I got out of the car and headed inside. My father and Debbie sat in the living room, watching a movie.

  “Hey, pumpkin, how was the party?” Dad greeted me with a smile.

  “It was good. How’s the movie?” I asked, wanting to hurry upstairs.

  “Oh, it’s all right. I’m glad you had some fun. I was surprised Blake didn’t go. I told him he should have some fun before finals.”

  I furrowed my eyebrows. “Blake didn’t go?”

  “No, he stayed home to study,” Debbie said.

  “Wow. Well, good for him. Goodnight, guys.” I headed for the stairs.

  “Oh, Alyssa?” My dad called, and I groaned silently before turning back around.

  “Yeah, Dad?” I asked, poking my head into the living room.

  “Just wanted to remind you that Debbie and I are going on that cruise. We’re leaving next Monday,” he told me from the couch, his eyes focused on the television.

  “Sounds good; talk to you later,” I called out, not really caring about their cruise.

  I passed Blake’s bedroom on the way to mine, and I kind of wanted to see him, but I knew better and ran quickly to my room, slamming the door shut. I climbed into bed, remembering how nice it was after the last party when Blake held me all night. I let out a long sigh, kicking off my shoes and snuggling under the covers, wondering how long it would take for the emptiness to fade.


  I woke up the following Monday with a rush of relief because I could finally sleep in. Today was the first day of winter break, and after relentless studying and grueling exams, I was ready to take it easy. I heard shuffling downstairs and climbed out of bed, not bothering to change out of my pajamas.

  I walked into the kitchen to grab a granola bar. I ate it while I made myself a cup of coffee. My father walked in wearing a bright red Hawaiian shirt, a suitcase in his hand. I looked at him over the rim of the mug as I sipped the hot coffee.

  “What are you wearing?” I asked with a loud laugh.

  “This is what all the cool dads wear on Jamaican cruises,” he said with a toothy grin.

  “That’s this week?” I asked, confused.

  “Debbie and I are going. I told you,” he responded, grabbing his own cup of coffee.

  With a frown, I remembered the conversation, though I hadn’t realized the dates had coincided with winter vacation. “Okay, Dad, hope you have fun.” I gave him a hug.

  “We’ve made sure there are enough groceries for while we’re gone.” Debbie said in a very motherly fashion. “Make sure you call us if you need anything!”

  I was almost finished with my coffee as I listened to Debbie and my father leave, calling out a last goodbye. As I ate my breakfast, I thought about how Blake and I would be completely alone. My palms got sweaty just thinking about our past kisses, my heart beating at the anticipation and excitement that flowed through me. I harshly reminded myself that I had to be extra ca
reful around Blake so that we couldn’t have any more slip-ups.

  I flipped through tv channels, humming quietly to myself. I knew it wasn’t much of a distraction, and every second ticked by wickedly slowly, making me aware of his absence.

  I had been trying so hard to avoid him, and now we were stuck alone together for the entire winter break. I had two options: I could either hide out in my room all break, or I could spend some time with him and pretend I didn’t want to kiss him every single second we were near each other. I shook my head and focused on the television. I wouldn’t let Blake ruin my vacation.

  A couple hours passed by, and I started to get hungry. I headed upstairs, deciding now would be a good time to get dressed. I passed Blake’s room, and out of my peripheral vision, saw that it was open. I continued to walk past. Blake was not too far from the door, on the ground doing push-ups.

  I ran to my room, putting his sculpted muscles and broad shoulders out of my mind. I stood in the middle of the room, panting as my heart picked up speed. I forced my anxious body to calm down before getting dressed. I took a few deep breaths, slid off my robe, and began to undress. I was standing only in my underwear when I heard a throat clear behind me.

  Blake stood in my doorway, his eyes glued to my almost naked body. I must not have shut my door, and I panicked, covering myself. Blake mumbled, “Sorry,” and left quickly.

  My face turned red from embarrassment, and I scolded myself as I slid on a pair of yoga pants and a loose, white t-shirt, not bothering with a bra. I went downstairs to the kitchen to get a sandwich, hoping Blake had returned to his room. I entered the kitchen and came face to face with him.

  “Hey.” He greeted me awkwardly, shifting where he stood and eating a bowl of cereal.

  “Hi,” I responded, moving around him to the fridge. I was very aware of his body, of his presence. My eyes remained on the floor. I could feel the tension crackling around me, and it felt like I was being pulled towards Blake. I distanced myself as much as possible, my fists clenched at my sides. It had only been a few hours, but I was drowning in the temptation of being alone with him. How was I going to survive the whole break?

  He was quiet for a moment. All I could hear was his chewing as he ate his cereal in the silence. I had been staring into the fridge for a while, and I shut it quickly, my appetite lost. Blake moved to the sink to rinse out his bowl. I walked past him quickly, but he turned, grabbing my arm roughly, letting his bowl drop in the sink and break with a loud, smashing sound.

  I looked up at him with wide eyes. “Blake!” I cried, confused and disoriented.

  He stared at me with dark and brooding eyes, breathing heavily. “Talk to me, Alyssa. Don’t pretend I’m not here.”

  I pulled my arm out of his grip with a nasty look, but I didn’t move away from him. Instead, I matched his intensity. “What is your problem? You broke a perfectly good bowl.” I pushed past him angrily to slowly pick up the sharp ceramic pieces.

  “Stop,” he commanded, his voice harsh.

  I ignored him and continued to pick up the pieces. “Someone has to clean this mess up,” I said pointedly.

  Blake moved fast, his hand reaching down to wrap around my wrist. He yanked it up, spilling the pieces all over the floor, the shards making a sprinkling noise as they flew across the linoleum. I was angry and reached my other hand up, pushing him square in the chest, and he released my arm but continued to stare at me.

  “What the fuck is your problem, Blake?” I screeched, hot, angry tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

  “Aren’t you listening? You are my problem, Alyssa. Stop acting like this!” He was yelling, too, and veins popped from his forehead and neck. His face reddened. I had never seen him like this, and I was frozen in fear.

  He was only a few inches from me. I looked away, unable to take his harsh scrutiny any longer. I was afraid to move or to say anything. I listened as his labored breathing slowed. I watched silently as his hand reached for my face, slower and gentler than his previous movements.

  Blake cupped my cheek, and even though I wanted to pull away, I leaned into the comfort of his touch, having missed his skin on mine. He pulled my face up to look at him, and with wide eyes, I saw his expression fill with such pain and heartbreak that all my defenses crumbled. I looked into his eyes, which were watery with tears. My heart broke as I watched one roll slowly down his cheek.

  In a soft, wounded voice he whispered, “Please, Alyssa.”

  “What?” I whispered back, searching his green eyes desperately, knowing that whatever he wanted I would give him. I would have moved mountains for him if it meant I never had to see him hurting again.

  He took a deep, shaky breath before begging, “Please stop acting like I don’t exist. Like I don’t matter.”

  His words stabbed me like a knife in the heart, and I wrapped my arms around him as he shook, tears of my own forming and spilling hot down my face, blurring my world. “Okay,” I whispered back, over and over again as we held each other.

  We stood like that for a long time, holding each other, easing the pain we had caused each other. When I finally pulled back to look at him, he was staring at me with shining eyes and had a small, crooked smile on his face as he said, “You drive me crazy, kid.”

  That was it for me. In a second, his lips were on my mine, ending my depraved hunger. I let out a soft moan as we kissed with passionate desperation, our lips locked together tightly. The kiss was hot and soft, one big whirlwind. Our arms wrapped around each other and pulled tighter, pressing our bodies together.

  Blake’s hands moved to cup my face, and he pulled his lips back slightly, teasing me delicately. I tried to move closer, but he smiled against my mouth as he held my face firmly in place, continuing to tickle my lips with his. I pulled away from him, and he stared at me questioningly.

  I bit my lip and gave him a devious smile. He moved closer to me and said, “Come back here. I’m not done with you.”

  I moved out of his way and purred, “If you want to play games, I can play games.” I winked and saw his eyes shine with realization and hunger. I slowly pulled off my shirt. I watched his eyes widen, and he licked his lips greedily. I let him watch me for a moment, the air cool on my naked stomach and breasts. “If you want me, you have to catch me,” I sang in a playful voice, throwing my shirt at his face and taking off into the living room.

  I giggled when he ran up behind me and squealed when his arms wrapped around me just a few feet from the couch. “Don’t move,” he whispered in my ear, his body pressed hard against my back. His hands rested hot on my hips, and I wanted so badly to turn around.

  I whipped around to face him, desperate for a kiss. Blake looked down at me, shaking his head with a wicked smile. His hands were on the back of my hips now. He pressed down tightly, spun me back around, and repeated harshly, “Do not move.”

  My muscles tightened at his dominating, powerful words. I bit my lip and obeyed his order. Blake moved his right hand from my hip, using it to sweep the hair from the right side of my neck, exposing it. He placed his hand roughly on my hip again, and I gasped as he pressed his warm lips to my skin.

  I leaned my head back to give him a better angle as he pressed several kisses along my neck, grazing his teeth against my throat. My breathing deepened, and I put my hands on his, my grip tightening around them. I felt him press harder against me, grinding against my bottom as he kissed my neck, swirling his tongue around to taste my skin.

  I moved my hand up his arm as he moved his up my torso, tracing lines into my skin. I moved my face towards his and let out a moan as he kissed me. He touched my chest while giving me hot, open-mouthed kisses. He massaged my breasts in soft, circular motions and, still cupping them, moved his thumbs back and forth across the nipples. The pleasure was intense, and I rocked my hips, small noises escaping from my throat as he kissed me. He pulled away, kissing my jawline as I released deep, ragged breaths. His hands moved back down my t
orso and landed on my hips again. He was hard against me, which fueled my passion even more.

  “You like that, don’t you?” he asked me in a seductive voice, grinding himself roughly against me.

  “Yes,” I breathed, feeling as if I was going to explode from the intensity of the raw need consuming me.

  He kissed from my jawline to my ear, and I could feel his warm breath as he whispered, “Beg for more.”

  His voice was deep and heavy, and through laboring breaths, I begged, “Please, Blake. I want more.” The words had been on the tip of my tongue.

  He kissed me again, his tongue darting quickly into my mouth, twisting devilishly with my own. I placed my hand on the back of his neck, deepening the kiss. His hand slowly undid the tie on my yoga pants.

  He pulled his head back and looked into my eyes. “I know you want this,” he whispered, holding my gaze as he slid his hands down my pants, massaging me through my underwear.

  My thighs shook, and I breathed, “Oh, please.” My hips bucked into his hand. Blake pressed his lips onto my neck and along my shoulder as he continued to massage me, reducing me to trembles and moans. A tingling sensation began in my body, and I moaned so loudly I feared the neighbors might hear. The tingling spread outward until my moan became a cry as the orgasm burst wildly.

  I pulled away from him, turning around, my lips puffy and swollen from fanatical kisses. “My turn,” I whispered, still breathing heavily from his tantalizing touch.

  He grinned. “Give it your best shot, kid.”

  I reached for his shirt, and he helped me slide it off and toss it to the side. I stared at him for a moment, taking in his incredible body. I kissed him once on his lips and said, “Close your eyes.”

  He gave me a funny look but let his eyes flutter gently shut. My hands reached out delicately, so ready to feel his warm skin. I leaned in, breathing in his delicious scent, and rested my head on his chest, pressing my lips softly to his skin. “Mmmm. You taste good,” I breathed, tickling his chest.

  I traced my fingers down his chest, taking the time to touch every crevice. They reached his pants, and I kissed his lips delicately. He kissed me back, soft and sensual in his demeanor. I shivered as he wrapped his strong arms around me, rubbing small circles on my bare shoulders. I slid a finger along the base of his stomach, teasing the skin just above his pants.


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