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Rescuing Kassie: Delta Force Heroes, Book 5

Page 11

by Stoker, Susan

  She sighed and buried her head deeper into his chest. She was sitting next to him, her knees drawn up with both arms around him. “Two reasons,” she said, not even trying to put him off. “One, I’m afraid it’ll piss either Dean or Richard off enough that they’ll decide to stop fucking around and do something drastic. And two, because it costs a lot of money to hire a lawyer. I’ve got some saved, but I have no idea what those two assholes have planned. If they do something to get me kicked out of my apartment, or hurt me, or God forbid my family, I want to have the money to be able to do something about it.”

  Hollywood turned and kissed the top of Kassie’s head before running his hand reassuringly up and down her arm resting on his belly. “I’m not going to sit here and tell you that the protective order will keep you safe. I think we both know that isn’t the case, but I honestly don’t think either Jacks or Dean will care if you file it or not. They’re both arrogant enough to dismiss it as unimportant.”

  “Then why should I do it?” Kassie asked reasonably.

  “Because it’s just one more nail in their coffins if they do decide to do something stupid. The cops will know there’s a history between you and if something happens, they’ll be more apt to mark it down to something Dean did than blow it off.”

  Kassie huffed out a breath. “Yeah, you’re right.”

  “And to address the second point—”

  “I’m not letting you pay for it,” Kassie said, interrupting him.

  “I wasn’t going to offer. Although if I thought for a second you’d take me up on it, I’d hire a lawyer for you tonight and gladly hand over my credit card. What I was going to say was, first, I haven’t ever had to file one, but I don’t think simply doing it is all that expensive, and two, Harley’s sister is a lawyer. A damn good one. I know she’d help you.”

  Kassie sat up at that and looked at him.

  Hollywood traced a finger over her furrowed brow. “What you are thinking about so hard, Kass?”

  “I don’t understand what we’re doing.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “This.” She gestured between them. “You and me. I mean, how we met is so fucked up it isn’t funny. But you forgave me and I you for being a jerk. But now we’re…I guess dating…but we haven’t really even talked about Richard, what he did, and wants. You drive an hour to see me several times a week, we’ve only kissed once, I mean really kissed, and it’s just…I don’t know what we’re doing,” she finished in frustration.

  “Do you like me?” Hollywood asked.

  “Well…yeah. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t,” Kassie told him without hesitation.

  “And I like you. I was a jerk because I liked you so much. And that’s what’s most important between us. I haven’t forgotten about Jacks. Not for one second. But he isn’t going anywhere right now so Dean is the bigger threat to you and your family at the moment. I’ve wanted to get to know you without those assholes hovering over us, even if they were the reason we met. I haven’t minded going down to Austin to see you. I’ve actually enjoyed the time to myself to decompress during the drive. I know where I’d like our relationship to go, and that includes me not having to drive to Austin three or four times a week because you’d be living here in Temple where I could see you every day.”

  “I could make the drive up here,” Kassie said tentatively, ignoring his last sentence.

  “Absolutely not,” Hollywood told her immediately. “I don’t want you on the roads that late at night. It’s not safe.”

  “How is it for you, but not me?” she argued reasonably.

  “Honestly? It’s not. But I’d much rather I got hurt if something happened, than you.”

  “That makes no sense whatsoever,” she shot back. “You know that, right?”

  Hollywood shrugged. “You heard me say that I liked you, yeah?”

  “I’m not deaf.”

  He ignored her snark and continued, “And because I like you, I will never put you in a position where you could get hurt. That means you not driving late at night. Not calling you when I know you’ll be in your car on the way home from work. Helping you get a lawyer to file that protective order against Dean. Not letting you make yourself bait for that asshole and figuring out how to keep Karina safe while at the same time shutting Jacks down for good. Got me?”

  Kassie stared at him for a moment before saying softly, “We’ve only known each other for two weeks.”

  “No,” Hollywood countered. “We’ve known each other for a lot longer than that.”

  “You know what I mean,” Kassie protested. “You shouldn’t feel responsible for me like you obviously do. I’m a grown woman, responsible for my own actions.”

  “You can’t tell my heart what to feel,” he told her honestly. “There’s something about you that’s irresistible, Kass. I can actually understand why Jacks is as obsessed with you as he obviously is. Of course, he’s obsessed in a sick way, and I am in a perfectly normal, I-want-to-get-to-know-you-better, protect you, feed you, and make-love-to-you-until-you-can’t-move way.”

  Kassie shook her head in exasperation, but grinned. “Oh and that’s so much different, huh?”

  Hollywood loved her sense of humor, but he got serious. “It’s night-and-day different, sweetheart. I respect you. I want you to do what you love for the rest of your life. If that’s work as a manager at your store, so be it. If it’s quitting your job and roller skating around the globe, great. But whatever it is, I want to be by your side cheering you on and supporting you. But I can’t do that if your ex is stressing you out, Dean is stalking you, and you’re worried about your little sister. But what I can do is help you figure that shit out, so you can get on with your life. Hopefully with me.”

  She stared at him for a beat, then crumpled back into his arms as if she were a ragdoll. “I’d like that.”

  “You’ll let me help?” he pushed.


  “In any way I can?”

  Kassie half sat up and eyed him. “Why does that sound like trouble?”

  “Answer the question, Kass. You’ll let me help you get out from under your ex’s thumb, and get rid of Dean once and for all so you can start to live your life…hopefully with me?”

  “I’ve dreamed about moving away from Austin,” she said weirdly, not answering his question.

  “Kass…” Hollywood warned.

  She ignored him and said, “But I never had any real idea of where I wanted to go. I thought about Florida, but know it’s really humid there and my hair would be a frizzy mess all the time. I love the mountains, so I even thought about moving to Colorado, but I’d probably freeze. Snow looks pretty, but since I’ve lived in Texas my entire life, I’d be a Popsicle the first time it got below twenty. If I thought my hands were cold now, they’d probably fall off if I lived somewhere it got below freezing on a regular basis.”

  She raised her eyes then, and Hollywood felt as if she could see into his soul. “But maybe I’ll start out with baby steps and move to a small Texas town. After all, if my boyfriend is in the Army, he’ll probably have to move and maybe he’ll get stationed somewhere exotic.”

  “Fuck me,” Hollywood breathed. “You want to travel, Kass?”

  “I think so. But not all the time. I’d like to have a home to come back to. Somewhere familiar where I have friends I can talk to about what I saw and did while I was gone.”

  “I want to give you that.” He paused, then asked one more time, “You’ll let me help you…my way?” He knew he was pushing, but he needed her to say it.

  She caved and gave him what he needed. “Yes, Hollywood. Please help me. I’ve felt alone for so long. I’m not very good at asking for help, but anything you can do to get Richard and Dean away from me and my family would be very appreciated. I’m ready to move on with my life. To stop looking over my shoulder all the time.”

  It wasn’t the time to tell her that he already had Beth electronically monitoring Dean’s email and phone, a
nd that she’d been able to essentially infect his phone with a secret app that allowed her to track his every move. One of the reasons Hollywood had been comfortable not moving her or her sister somewhere safe was because Dean had been in Kansas for the last week and a half. Visiting Jacks and probably plotting against his team, Kassie, and Karina. Assholes.

  But he’d learned yesterday from Beth that Dean was headed back to Texas. Hence Kassie spending the weekend in Temple with him. They needed to get a plan in place. Because without a doubt, Dean and Jacks had one, and it probably involved Kassie.

  “Tomorrow we’re going to meet with my friends and commanding officer at the post. He knows all about Jacks because of what he did before. We need to shut him down, then get Dean to back off. You’re not going to have to look over your shoulder forever. I’m going to make sure of it.”

  “You already set up the meeting?” Kassie asked, sounding surprised.


  “You were that sure that I’d agree to your help?”

  “Kassie,” Hollywood said seriously, “you were going to get this help whether you agreed or not.”

  “Why?” It came out more a breath of air than an actual word.

  He palmed the side of her face, then leaned in and brushed his lips against hers. “Because from the first second I saw you on that couch in the lobby waiting for me, I knew.”

  “Knew what?”

  “That you were mine. You weren’t fiddling with your cell phone. You were trying too hard to look at ease, when I could tell from where I stood you were anything but.”

  “That doesn’t make sense,” she protested. “You decided I was yours because I looked nervous?”

  Hollywood’s lips quirked upward. “Yup.”

  She looked him in the eye for a long moment, and Hollywood loved the fact she didn’t run screaming from the room at his candid words. “Can I ask a question?” she asked.

  “Of course. You can always ask me anything. You should know, though, I might not always be able to answer. I won’t lie to you, but if I say there is something I can’t talk about, then I can’t. I’m not being secretive or an asshole. I literally can’t.”

  “That OPSEC thing, huh?” Kassie asked with a smile, obviously remembering one of their first email conversations.


  “Okay. I can respect that. But my question is why? Why does Richard hate you and your friends so much?”

  Hollywood sighed. Then he twisted his body until he was lying down. He pulled Kassie with him until she was tucked between his body and the back of the couch.

  “We beat him in a training exercise,” Hollywood told her succinctly.

  “And?” she questioned, obviously confused.

  “And nothing. That’s it. There was a completely official, sanctioned training exercise on post. Me and my friends were the ‘bad guys’ and Jacks and his unit were the ‘good ones.’ His platoon was supposed to infiltrate our section of the city made out of shipping containers. We killed them—not killed, but shot them with the lasers we were using—within moments of them stepping foot into the perimeter of the target area.” Hollywood shrugged. “Jacks didn’t take it well.”

  “Are you kidding me?” Kassie asked in a weird voice.


  “You’re kidding.” It was a statement this time. Kassie pushed up and tried to crawl over Hollywood’s prone body.

  He grabbed her hips, holding her still. “What’s wrong?”

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, struggling against his hold. “What’s wrong is that my ex is insane! I mean, I already knew he was crazy, but that’s really crazy. Seriously. You were just doing your job! That’s no reason to go ape-shit crazy and blackmail a woman and then kidnap her and her kid! He held a gun to her head, Hollywood. That’s not cool! And all because he was throwing a temper tantrum because he lost a game?”

  “Kassie, seriously, it’s—”

  “No! Hollywood, it’s insane! And he’s still not over it! Being shot in the head and thrown in jail wasn’t enough for him to come to his senses. He’s still trying to win!” She shook her head. “I swear to God he wasn’t like this when we first started dating. He was normal. I wouldn’t be with someone who likes to drug and threaten to kill other people.”

  “I know you wouldn’t. Come here,” Hollywood ordered, pulling her back next to him. She lay down, but was stiff and obviously still upset.

  “Tell me you’re kidding,” Kassie said softly. “Tell me that it’s more than that.”

  “Sorry, sweetheart. I can’t.”

  “I’m not condoning anything he’s done,” Kassie whispered. “But I wish the Army would’ve helped him after he got hurt. Maybe if they saw that he wasn’t the same person as before the explosion, I wouldn’t be in this situation right now.”

  “The Army’s not perfect,” Hollywood told her. “They aren’t mind readers. I wish I could tell you that they take care of all soldiers who are hurt with the care and concern they deserve, but we both know that’d be a lie. It’s a government institution. I think there are a lot of people who work for the VA who care, but they’re overwhelmed. But I’ll tell you something…” He paused, wanting to make sure Kassie heard and understood what he was about to say.

  “What?” she whispered.

  “I hate what he’s done. I hate what he’s doing to you. But if none of this had happened, if Jacks didn’t have a brain injury, didn’t lose that training exercise, didn’t kidnap Emily and Annie…we wouldn’t be where we are right now.”

  Her head came up and she propped her chin on her hand, which was lying flat on his chest. She studied his eyes for a long moment before she said quietly, “You really believe that.”

  “It’s a fact. So yeah, I believe it.”

  “I probably would’ve married him,” she said.

  “And you’d have thirteen kids by now,” Hollywood teased.

  “And I’d weigh eight hundred pounds.”

  “And you’d be on a reality show, trying to lose the weight so you could have more babies.”

  Obviously getting into the game, Kassie said, “I’d be stationed in some far-off place, like Alaska.”

  They were both quiet for a moment before Kassie commented, “For the last year or so, I’ve asked, ‘why me?’ I’ve had pity parties and been depressed about all I was going through. I didn’t understand what I’d done that was so bad I had to suffer at his hands. I was miserable, scared, and confused. But, right now, at this moment, I honestly feel as if it was worth it.”

  Hollywood’s eyes dilated and he felt his heart rate pick up at her words. But she wasn’t done.

  “I don’t know where we’re going, if whatever it is we have between us will fizzle out and we’ll look back with fond memories of the fling we had with the person we met online that one time. But I swear, Hollywood, this doesn’t feel like that. I’ve never felt this intensely about anyone in my entire life before. So even though I feel like a bitch for thinking it, much less saying it, I’m thankful for what he did…because it led me to you.”

  Hollywood’s hand moved without his brain telling it to. He clasped Kassie behind the neck and pulled her down to him. His lips hit hers, hard. Their teeth knocked together, but it didn’t slow either of them down. Hollywood shifted his hand up so it was tangled in her hair and he tugged, moving her so she was at a better angle, so he could get farther inside her mouth.

  They made out on his couch as if it was the last time they’d be together. When Hollywood separated his legs and shifted Kassie until she was lying over him, his cock found right where it most wanted to be, lengthening and pressing against her crotch. He swore he could feel the heat from her core burning through both their jeans, branding him.

  Her hands snaked up his chest, rubbing and caressing him even as they continued to kiss. Hollywood put all the love he knew he couldn’t express verbally into his. Showing her without words how much she meant to him and how he’d keep her safe no matter what.r />
  After several moments, Kassie pulled back a fraction of an inch and whispered, “So I guess you don’t think I’m a bitch for thinking that.”

  “No, I don’t think you’re a bitch. If you’re a bitch, then I’m a dick, because I said it first,” Hollywood said, not taking his eyes from her flushed face and swollen lips, which glistened with his saliva. It was sexy as fuck and he wanted nothing more than to bury his cock so far inside her, she wouldn’t know where she ended and he began. He struggled to contain his out-of-control lust when she wiggled against him.

  “What about this couch?” she asked.

  “What about this couch?” Hollywood echoed.

  “Does it have girl cooties on it? Or can we infect it too?”

  The glint in her eyes as she said it, and the way she bit her lip as she smiled down at him, made him throw back his head and laugh. He’d never had this kind of relationship. Where he could be in the throes of sexual lust one second and laughing the next.

  “You can infect anything in my life you want, sweetheart. Kassie cooties are always welcome.”

  They smiled at each other. Hollywood was still hard, and wanted to be inside the woman lying on top of him, but the need had settled to an ache, one he could deal with. He knew the buildup and anticipation of being with her would make their coming together all the more exciting and explosive. “You wanna watch a movie?”

  Obviously feeling the same mellowness he was, Kassie lay her head down on his shoulder, nuzzling the underside of his jaw with her nose. She wiggled until she found what was obviously a comfortable position, one arm folded up under her, the other resting on his chest, her hand tucked behind his neck.

  Having her like this, snuggled into him, completely relaxed, just became Hollywood’s new goal in life. Giving Kassie this every night. He’d go through whatever he had to as a Delta Force soldier if he could come home each evening and give her this.


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