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Midnight Ryde: A Bad Boy MC Romance

Page 1

by Melissa Merit

  Midnight Ryde

  Melissa Merit


  Title Page

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  1. Sara

  2. Ryder

  3. Sara

  4. Ryder

  5. Sara

  6. Ryder

  7. Sara

  8. Ryder

  9. Sara

  10. Ryder

  11. Sara

  12. Ryder

  13. Sara

  14. Ryder

  15. Sara

  16. Ryder

  17. Sara

  18. Ryder

  19. Sara

  20. Ryder

  Epilogue: Sara

  Social Media and Mailing List

  Copyright © 2017 by Melissa Merit

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of author’s imagination. Any resemblance to real life is purely coincidental.

  All characters are 18+ and sexual content is consensual.

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  Pinning her hips down to remind her who was in control, I planted another kiss, this one deeper than the other, and she shook. Her thighs were tensed, closing in around me as she squirmed with pleasure. Letting loose a warning sound of the coming pleasure, I used my elbows to spread her thighs apart before letting my tongue separate her for the first time.

  Her moan met my ears and I felt her body open up for me. For once, I wanted to serve her. Not as a power play. Not as a way to keep her hot and desperate. No, I wanted to hold her down, writhing and squirming while I used my tongue to draw every kind of moan that I could from her.

  This is a standalone full length MC bad boy novel featuring a HEA. Enjoy!


  When Ryder walks out to see a beautiful bombshell of a girl in a state of duress, he’s not surprised to find himself fighting the guy who caused it. The fact that his actions might lead to a turf war with an enemy biker gang is something he can manage. When he ends up saving her from the leader of an enemy gang, things quickly begin to spiral out of control as people start to get hurt. As his world begins to shift and the stakes start to rise, Ryder finds himself falling for Sara in ways he didn’t even know were possible. He quickly introduces her to a world of motorcycles, gang fights, and kinky sex where she sees things she never could have imagined. Of course, the aftermath where they’re on the run from an enemy gang and the cops would be much easier to deal with if he could keep his hands off of her long enough to make a decent plan. If only she’d stop giving him reasons to punish her.


  When Sara walks into some crappy little biker bar at the request of her friend, who seems to know how to always find all the wrong guys, Sara isn’t surprised to find that she hates everything about the place. However, when that same friend throws her to one of the nearby hoodlums, things get even worse. The good news is that there is one pretty hot guy there, and Sara is absolutely content to stare at him all night long regardless of how intense he might look. The bad news is that he isn’t the one buying her drinks, and the one buying her drinks seems to have his own agenda, which Sara hates. When she finds herself running through the streets with the deliciously hot guy from the bar, she knows her life is about to change forever. The fact that these changes lead her into having mind blowing orgasms brought on by hot sex with biker gang leader, as they run from the police and an enemy gang, only makes it that much more exciting.



  Well, biker bars officially sucked.

  It became increasingly apparent the longer I stood around in this bar that my friends and I were a little out of our comfort zone. This was not a cute, trendy place that served alcohol called a “bar.” Oh, no. This cramped, damp place with battered wooden stools scattered around sticky tables was a bar.

  This place looked like the set of some sort of sleazy bar in a horror film. Everything was covered in a solid layer of grime, making me wonder if anyone here had ever wiped down any surface in this place.

  The clientele weren’t much better. If anything, they looked exactly like the kind of people who would be hanging around this sort of place. The girls here looked like they knew exactly how to get anything here from any of the guys drifting around with their beers and pool sticks.

  It became clear that my hair would smell like cheap beer and cigarette smoke tomorrow.

  I glanced at my friends, Kayla and Jen, the three of us giving each other slightly frightened, but amused glances. This was perhaps the craziest place Haley’s wretched taste in men had led us. We were used to the way she always managed to drag us around after each new bad boy she found, but this guy really took the cake. Still, we all had to give it to her. James, the boy that Haley was date-slash-stalking, was hot. It was a true act of female solidarity as we all huddled around the table, feeling like a few petite suburban lambs in a den of wolves.

  There were a lot of men that were downright leering at us from around the big, musky open room. I think I should have felt affronted, and I even feigned that I was. The problem was how difficult it was to keep up the masquerade when the eyes that scanned me were so hungry. It was as unnerving as it was exciting. This place felt distinctly dangerous in a way few places do, but god a magnificent power came with that feeling. It was strangely mesmerizing to experience this intense attention from men all over the room.

  We all sat quietly, smiling at each other and sneaking glances around as we soaked up the gazes of the men around us like sunlight. It felt good to be noticed, and even better to know that at the end of the night we would all just stumble home and pass out while watching some ridiculous movie in the family room.

  The three of us snapped to attention as Haley approached. She was smiling extra wide with her arms wrapped around the giant, tattooed bicep of James, pressing it into her oversized breasts. The three of us responded with smiles of our own in glowing unison as we faced her, suddenly looking as if we were having the time of our lives. The only thing that gave away our facade in the slightest was the way that we all had our hands crossed in our laps, because we obviously were not going to touch the table that was covered in god knows what. These tables were so dirty our glasses were damn near sticking to them.

  “Hey, ladies!” Haley said, smiling widely.

  James stood silently at her side.

  “Hey!” We all chirped in response, the ever doting and supportive friends.

  “Don’t you just love the vibe here?” She said, looking up at James. “And all the hot guys?” She giggled.

  James gave us all a curt nod. He was quiet, and absolutely no good, but he checked all of Haley’s boxes: hot, muscular, and bad news.

  We all laughed in response.

  I’m sure she could tell by the tone of the synchronized laugh that we were all going to kill her for this. The girls and I would undoubtedly be having a talk about this. Since she clearly couldn’t be trusted,
we were going to have to intervene before our next girl’s night ended up as visiting hours in some prison. That was not far off in the trajectory of dudes that Haley was dragging us to chase after each and every weekend.

  She wasn’t kidding though. Some of the guys were actually really good looking.

  I glanced across the bar to a dark-haired guy in a leather jacket for the third or fourth time tonight. He was hot in a broody, I-don’t-smile kind of way. He just looked like he would be tough until you got him alone and he relaxed enough to let down his guard. Well, at least that’s how he would be if this were a movie. Weirdly enough, the guys around him seemed to revere him with some sort of thug respect. He was clearly the head of their pack.

  I rolled my eyes. Men were such animals.

  Still, there was something a little hot about a man who led those around him.

  “Sara?” Haley asked, waving her hand in front of me. She somehow had found the will to take her hand off of James for a split second. It must be a miracle. She normally didn’t let them go until they managed to give her the slip and stopped responding to her calls.

  I realized for the first time that I had totally zoned out. Whoops.

  “Sorry?” I said, wrinkling my nose and smiling. My friends knew me well enough to know what had happened, and would definitely make fun of me for it later.

  I was forever daydreaming.

  “Welcome back to Earth!” Kayla giggled, raising a knowing eyebrow at me.

  I grinned sheepishly.

  “I want you to meet James’ friend Tyler,” Haley said, wagging her eyebrows at me to signal she thought he might be a good prospect for me. I doubted that, but knew she wouldn’t give up until I conceded.

  If nothing else, he’d probably be somewhat attractive and would likely finance my evening for as long as I entertained him. There were bright sides to being pawned off. Haley always tried to hook one of us up with one of the friends because she thought it would secure her a place within the group.

  It never did, though.

  “Sure, let’s go,” I replied, giving Haley a good-natured smile. I always got dragged into entertaining whatever man was demanding her beau’s attention away from her. The difficult ones that would be into my sarcasm were the ones she always sent my way. She used me as bait in her adventures.

  It was sometimes a little concerning, but boy I had picked up some great stories along the way.

  As I stood up, I turned to face Kayla and Jen, shooting them a wish me luck face.

  Jen gave me a nervous grin and mouthed good luck as I turned away, preparing to meet whatever no-good biker guy Haley had lined up for me. I only hoped that he didn’t smoke. This place reeked of it, and it seemed like a common pass-time.

  “Tyler, this is my friend, Sara,” Haley said, smiling at James’ friend and motioning towards me.

  I moved up to join the crowd, nodding.

  “Hey,” I said, with a polite smile. This smile generally made boys want to chase me for whatever reason. Regarding men non-sexually at first had a tendency to make them want me that much harder.

  Tyler gave me a knowing smile back, as if to say we both know what they want out of us. Something told me that he was also used to his friends dropping girls on him for entertainment while they made out with their friends. It felt good to not be the only one in the situation. At least we were going into it with an understanding regarding what had started this interaction in the first place.

  This Tyler guy at least had a nice smile.

  He was good looking, sure, but not really my type at all. He had spiky blonde hair, and was wearing a bro-tank. Honestly, he had the douche bag look down on lock. The presumption that was bleeding into his smile didn’t help much. Everything about his gaze suddenly said he thought that by my being here, we were guaranteed to hook up by the end of the night.

  It took special effort to not roll my eyes at his arrogance. I should’ve known better than to expect anything else from one of James’ friends.

  I had bad news for this guy if he thought I was going to be going home with him. There wasn’t enough alcohol in the world, contrary to what his entitlement would have him believe. Besides, after being in this place all I wanted was to go home and shower. And possibly burn my clothes.

  No, no. I would absolutely not be going home with anyone tonight other than my friends. These guys were not the kind of dudes I wanted to be playing around with.

  “Tyler is the head of James’ crew,” Haley said, beaming.

  Head of the crew? I thought. Wow, they have a literal hierarchy. This is ridiculous.

  “Can I buy you a drink?” Tyler asked, flashing me with a grin. Again, the implication of where he thought this night was going was absolutely evident in every line of his face.

  “Sure,” I said, giving him my most charming smile and leaning forward enough to really exaggerate my cleavage. I wanted it to sting a little when I rejected him at the end of the night. Teach him a lesson for assuming that any woman was just going to bow down for him because he bought them a couple of drinks.

  By this point, I was itching to go home, but I knew Haley was going to be running around here for at least another hour or two. If nothing else, free drinks always made a bad night go faster, and cleavage was a great way to keep them coming.

  I learned forward again.

  “Have fun, you two!” Haley said, dragging James off to do heaven only knows what in some dark corner of the bar. There was absolutely no question that she would find some way to get into his pants before the night was over.

  She was really going to owe me for this. She could have at least let me stay with the girls at the table rather than babysit this tool in front of me.

  “Whiskey for me and one of those, uh, girly drinks for her,” Tyler said to the bartender, face suddenly deadpan as he clearly tried to show his dominance over the man. He was damn near stereotypically ridiculous.

  Surprisingly, it seemed to be working.

  The bartender nodded his head in a show of deference before turning to make the drink. This exchange was clearly not a first for them and it seemed likely that they had some sort of history. I was pretty sure Tyler was a regular.

  The ridiculous alpha male skit was such a bore, but this guy had it on lock. He probably practiced in front of the mirror and everything. Tyler seemed so intense on showing everyone that he had some sort of power.

  Clearly he thought that being the head of the crew was actually something to be proud of rather than just some absurd social hierarchy amongst a group of men who had never learned to grow beyond their playground games.

  God, what had Haley dragged me into this time?

  “Thanks,” I said.

  I kept my voice bright, when I really just wanted to tell him that I would have preferred the whiskey. In fact, whiskey was kind of my drink. Something told me he might die of the shock. Something else told me that he wouldn’t take kindly to being corrected.

  Still, smiling was more likely to get me free alcohol. The bartender poured the whiskey neat, then began concocting something likely horrible for me. As the colors began to grow in the glass, I eyed Tyler’s drink enviously.

  “You’re welcome,” Tyler said, turning to me with a smile. The drastic change in his face was almost startling. “So, tell me about yourself.”

  He leaned on the bar, clearly flexing the muscles in his arms. It was almost comically obvious that he really thought that this worked. The bartender slid my drink in front of me. A Cosmo. How original. I drank it like water.

  Tyler redefined cliché. As much as he deserved my silent judgment, I had to at least admit that I could appreciate him visually. I could also tell he spent a laughable amount of time working out, and I was entirely confident that his primary motivation was vanity. His personality was trash. His pectorals were acceptable.

  “I’m Sara,” I replied, giving him a ditzy smile. It would make the night go more smoothly if he thought I was dumb, and make him feel even worse wh
en I inevitably declined him at the end of the night. A guy like Tyler was especially susceptible to this angle. “What do you want to know?”

  I smiled sweetly, ever the clueless girl at the bar.

  “To be honest,” he said, his face suddenly serious. “The fastest way to get you out of here and into my bed,” he finished with a grin and a booming laugh that made me cringe.


  I scoffed. This guy was a total douche. Haley was going to have to pawn someone else off on him. This place was sketchy and I was in no mood to deal with these uneducated biker boys who thought they were worthy of taking me home. It was time to go. I opened my mouth to tell him off.

  This is where the alcohol came in handy.

  However, my speech died in my throat as Tyler’s gaze narrowed and shifted over my shoulder, towards the pool tables behind me. I followed his gaze to see two guys that were clearly arguing over the game. They looked like they might actually be about to fight. How primitive.

  “Hey!” Tyler roared from in front of me, as I turned my head back in his direction. He jumped up, muscles taut and posture rigid as he stormed over towards the table where the men were sizing each other up.

  My eyes widened, watching him move towards them.

  Tyler had just transitioned from sketchy to scary in no time.

  “What’s going on here?” Tyler demanded, his voice loud and booming. “Is this Sparrow scum trying to cheat you, Benny?” He asked, turning to the guy on the right.

  This was getting a little too intense.

  “Sure is, Tyler,” Benny, replied with a threat in his smirk.

  “Think I should teach this guy what happens when someone tries to wrong one of us, boys?” Tyler said, looking at the guys behind him, who had silently crept closer.


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