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Midnight Ryde: A Bad Boy MC Romance

Page 16

by Melissa Merit

  I did.

  “Good girl,” Tyler said, mockingly.

  With the door closed, the feeling of being trapped in a car with this monster began to hit me full force.

  Tyler scooted closer to me, and I tensed, forcing myself against the door.

  “Don’t be shy now,” Tyler said, sharply.

  He reached towards me, and for a minute I debated slamming my fist into his face and running, but the chances of him hurting me were too great. Worse, he might call the cops.

  Tyler grabbed my chin, pulling me to face him as he looked me dead in the eyes.

  “I would like to be clear that you’re in my space now,” Tyler said, and my blood ran cold. “And in my space, you follow my rules.”

  Tyler reached towards me, and I froze.

  This was a dangerous man, and I knew that coming into this.

  Still when his hand gripped my breast, I felt the fear take over me.

  “Tyler,” I said through gritted teeth.

  He laughed.

  “I just want to make sure that my point is clear,” Tyler said, continuing to grope me. He made it obvious that he was groping me to make a point, not for sexual reasons. “Now let’s talk business.”

  I looked up at him.

  What did he mean business?

  “My boys can lead the cops away from Ryder’s trail.”

  “And why would you do that?” I asked, narrowing my eyes.

  Tyler was clearly up to something.

  “Because you’re going to help me teach you and Ryder a lesson,” Tyler said, flashing me a humorless smile.”

  I felt the color drain from my face.

  “So, my boys will lead the cops off Ryder’s trail, and in exchange for that kindness, you’re going to spend one hour out in this car with me every day,” Tyler said.

  My stomach flipped at what he planned to do with the hour each day.

  “If Ryder complies with this, then I’ll let you live,” Tyler continued. “And if you are a nice little girl every time you come out to visit, I’ll let him live.”

  I glared at him, but I didn’t say no.

  Not this time.

  “And after the two weeks?” I asked.

  “After the two weeks, you and Ryder can leave town and I’ll allow you to do so unharmed,” Tyler replied.

  He grinned, knowing he had me.

  “What are you going to do to me during that hour?” I asked, in a voice much stronger than I knew it could be.

  “I just want to talk,” Tyler said, grinning in a way that said there was more to it. “But if you’re going to talk to me, you’re going to dress for the occasion.”

  I felt my blood turn to ice anew.

  “Here,” Tyler said, reaching into a bag that I hadn’t even noticed was next to him. He tossed a couple of scraps of lace at me.

  I grabbed them, holding them up and feeling a white hot rage rise within me as I realized what they were: a bra and panties.

  “You can’t make me,” I said, my voice low and sharp.

  “Look, either you put these on and agree to our little agreement here, or I kill you right now and then send my boys in to kill Ryder.”

  Tyler smiled.

  I grabbed the lacy underthings, and looked down as I began to strip.

  Doing my best to shield myself, I changed into the new undergarments, wrapping my arm around my chest as I reached for the shirt I had been wearing.

  Tyler’s grip on my arm stopped me.

  “Ah-ah,” Tyler said, mockingly. “This is going to be our ritual. I’ll bring you a new, fun outfit every day, and you’ll wear it for me while we talk. Ryder will stay in the house like a good boy.”

  “You’re disgusting,” I spat, covering my chest with both arms.

  “Yeah, probably. You look better naked than I expected,” Tyler said, conversationally, as if my words meant nothing. My eyes widened as he pulled out his phone, angling it at me. “Now pose for the camera, sweetheart.”

  Tyler forced me to pose for him, but he didn’t touch me again. It was a low bar to find victory at, but I was still grateful for it, even as I slipped up to the house in nothing but the lingerie Tyler had picked out, after he forbade me to get dressed and shoved me out into the cold with my clothes still in the car.

  I was embarrassed and horrified. My head was spinning. If Tyler kept his word, Ryder and I could be free of him, of all of this in just two weeks. All I had to do was tolerate his company while he got off on punishing Ryder, and then we could be free.

  When I walked through the door, I couldn’t help but scream.

  Ryder was standing at the end of the hall, and he looked like he was ready to kill.

  “Where is he?” Ryder growled, and my mouth went dry.

  “He’s gone,” I replied.

  Ryder’s face was a bright red, but his eyes were dark. His shoulders shook with barely controlled breaths, and his muscles were taught as if he was ready to talk into a fight.

  “Did he hurt you?” Ryder asked. His voice was low and teeming with anger in a way I hadn’t heard throughout all of this.

  “No,” I replied, shivering as the night breeze came through the front door and curled around my body.

  I backed into the door to shut it, not turning my back on Ryder.

  “What the fuck were you thinking?” Ryder said in that same low, quiet voice.

  His gaze was all but burning my skin, but I couldn’t bring myself to meet his eyes.

  “Tyler said that he would call the cops,” I replied, quietly. “I didn’t have a choice.”

  Ryder’s body went absolutely rigid.

  “You absolutely had a choice,” Ryder said, his voice sharpening. “You could have come and woken me up, so I could have gone out and killed him and this would all be over. Instead, you walked out to him like the perfect little victim and I had to wake up to photos of you in lingerie kneeling in the back of Tyler’s car.”

  “He was ready to flee and call the cops, Ryder,” I insisted, my voice diminished to a weak, pleading tone. “I couldn’t let that happen.”

  He had to know it was true.

  “So, Tyler comes here and lures you out just to put you in lingerie and let you walk free?” Ryder demanded, putting his hand on the wall as if to steady himself.

  “He wanted to make a deal,” I replied, daring my eyes to lift to meet Ryder’s.

  They were waiting for me when I looked up, and god the look he gave me all but skewered me.

  “What kind of deal?” Ryder hissed.

  Right now, the way he was looking at me held so much ferocity I was afraid to look away.

  “He wants to spend an hour with me every night for two weeks,” I said, quietly.

  “And you think I’m just going to let you go out and fuck him for two weeks every night for what? For him to stop hunting us?” Ryder snarled. “Are you out of your fucking mind?”

  “He said he just wants to talk,” I replied. An offering. “And he’ll lead the cops away, and after two weeks we can take off, just like we talked about.”

  “Just wants to talk?” Ryder laughed, sharply. Angrily. “Is that why he had you stripping in his car and sent you in here looking like you just got fucked? All that and you’re going to tell me he didn’t touch you and just wants to talk?”

  I bit the inside of my lip. Not in the flushed, sensual way I normally did in response to him. No, this was anxiety. This was me realizing that if Ryder found out that I had just been groped for thirty minutes, he would never agree to the deal and Tyler would either kill us or turn us over to the cops.

  I had to lie to him.

  “Yes,” I replied. And I held his gaze. “It’s a mind game. He wants to disrespect you by making me dress up for him, and once he’s done that, his group will respect him, and you and I can leave.”

  “You want to crawl into Tyler’s car and strip for him, then dress up for him?” Ryder asked, sharply. And I knew I made the right choice in lying, even if the alternative
was still his rage.

  Still, the thought of what he was implying had my own rage bubbling to the surface.

  “Of course I don’t want to go Ryder,” I snapped. See how he liked it. “But if it gets us out of here and away from all of this, then I will happily do it.”

  “Happily?” Ryder spat, his tone hitting me so hard I almost stumbled back. “So you’re happy to let me go through all of this to protect you just so you can go offer yourself up to him anyway?”

  The look in his eyes was hard and mean, and I felt something break within me.

  “You’re not thinking rationally,” I said, slowly. Forced.

  He opened his mouth to speak, to yell, to rage.

  “I can’t believe that I was going to submit to you.” My voice broke, and I began sobbing.

  The blurred image of Ryder through my tears didn’t move.

  “What did you say?” He asked.

  His entire tone had changed, and I could see his posture softening.

  I blinked, regaining my composure.

  “I said,” and I took a steadying breath, looking down. “I’m submitting to you.”

  My eyes met his, and his gaze came alive.

  “Into the living room,” Ryder commanded, a smile creeping at the corners of his mouth. It would appear my transgressions were being forgiven, or would be after a presumably glorious punishment. “Now.”

  The way he said that last word had me quickly walking past him and into the family room. Something told me that the punishment for running off into danger and coming back in new lingerie while he slept was probably going to be an unforgettable one.

  I stopped in the family room, waiting for Ryder to walk in behind me.

  “Stay there,” Ryder said, walking in behind me.

  My body tensed, awaiting some sort of contact.

  Instead, Ryder walked past me, sitting on the couch.

  “Come here,” Ryder commanded after a minute, finally deigning to look up at me.

  Setting into motion, I approached him, suddenly very aware of the fact that I was in nothing but Tyler’s skimpy lingerie.

  “You know what to do,” Ryder said, sitting back and look down at his lap expectantly before looking back up at me.

  Fuck, I thought.

  How could one guy be this hot?

  Looking down again, I moved onto the couch, crawling over Ryder’s lap.

  His left hand touched my lower back as I lay across him, and I shuddered.

  “I’m sorry for accusing you of wanting to go,” Ryder said, his hand pressing lightly against my back. “That was wrong of me.”

  I remained silent.

  “Do you forgive me?” Ryder asked, quietly.

  “If I don’t, are you going to spank me?” I teased, hoping to lighten the mood.

  “Of course not,” Ryder replied. “I’m never going to punish you for doing something I don’t like unless you’re being a brat about it.”

  “So, does that mean that you’re not going to punish me?” I asked, my voice rising hopefully. Being back over Ryder’s lap had me realizing exactly how badly being spanked hurt. And yet a part of me still hoped he said no.

  Ryder chuckled.

  “No, baby,” he said, his voice low and dangerous. I quivered. “I’m going to make an exception for this. If I’m going to have to let you wander out to be stripped and humiliated every night, I’m going to punish you until I’m absolutely sure that you would never make the mistake of running out into danger while I slept again.”


  “Now,” Ryder said, and I felt his hand leave my back. “If I were less patient, I would just get my belt and whip you until you were a whimpering mess.”

  I swallowed.

  God, I loved the idea of that.

  “But,” Ryder said, and his ass came down on my ass so hard and so fast it took a minute for the pain to find its way to me after the sound of his hand striking me. “I’m not impatient.”

  His hand struck me again, and I hissed.

  “I would rather take my time and ensure that the lesson really sinks in.”

  His hand came down again, and I swore.

  Ryder made a disapproving noise and brought his hand down hard against my backside.

  I laughed.

  “What are you laughing at?” Ryder demanded, playfully.

  I could hear the smile in his voice.

  “I’m sorry,” I giggled. “Just being spanked for swearing is ridiculous.”

  The laughter poured out of me. Maybe it was the insanity of the night, but right now being punished for swearing was too funny.

  “Oh, definitely,” Ryder said, to my surprise. “But that doesn’t mean I don’t get off on watching you learn to obey such a ridiculous request.”

  That dick.

  Ryder’s right hand came forward. I watched him grab the spoon from the table, and something told me I was going to learn to hate this thing almost as much as I loved it.

  “Sara, I want you to know that I’m really going to enjoy this,” Ryder said with a laugh, bringing down the flat end of the spoon across my left butt cheek.

  The screech that tore out of me was that of an animal.

  “Am I safe to assume that you won’t be putting yourself in danger in secret anymore?” Ryder asked with mock authority before bringing the spoon down on the other cheek.

  “Yes,” I hissed. The feeling of the spoon striking my flesh was absolutely exquisite in all of its sharp brutality.

  At no point had I ever experienced anything like this. It felt differently than the belt or his hand. This was sharp and full and wicked, but I absolutely loved it.

  “Good,” Ryder said, flipping me onto my sore ass and grinning down at me.

  I glared, but it didn’t stop me from smiling.

  “Can I kiss you?” Ryder asked, wagging his eyebrows at me.

  Rolling my eyes, I nodded my head yes.

  “You could be a little more grateful,” Ryder said, raising an eyebrow playfully.

  “Probably,” I said, giving him a rebellious smirk.

  “I’m trying to kiss you and I swear that right now, you are trying your absolute hardest to get me to spank that pretty little ass of yours all night long,” Ryder said, with faux exasperation. “Behave.”

  Flashing him an innocent smile, I stared at his lips.

  Ryder’s arms slid around me, and I felt him pull me upright into his lap.

  When his lips met mine, I went limp, falling into him completely as we continued to kiss. His hands were everywhere on my body, traveling up and down, settling on different areas to pinch or grab or explore.

  He moved again, positioning me so I was on his lap with my legs on each side of him, like I had been earlier.

  Our lips collided again, our tongues dancing as he worked to get the bra unhooked. I shifted my arms as he slid the straps down my shoulders and sent the symbol of my decision flying across the room.

  His hands trailed down my sides, his right hand sliding across my hips to the other side before both hands firmly gripped the lace of the panties Tyler had force me into and unceremoniously tore them in half.

  I moaned into his mouth as we kissed, and he chuckled.

  “May I?” Ryder asked, guiding himself to my newly exposed entrance.

  Another moan tore from my throat, and he slid into me with more gentleness than I thought possible.

  The grip of his fingers on my hips as he began to slide my body slowly up and down him had me ready to fall apart.

  He continued to drag me up and down his shaft in slow, steady strokes until I was moaning steadily against his lips.

  After a couple of minutes of this excruciating torture that had me wanting to beg him to take me as hard as he could, he finally pushed me onto my back and crawled on top of me. My entire body pulsed with the need for him to be inside of me. I wanted Ryder more than I had ever wanted any man, and I wanted him now.

  The lingering, pulsating ache radiating from my ass
was sending me into overdrive. There was nothing that I needed more than for him to fuck me in that wild, vicious way he did, but the pleasure brought on by the torturously slow movements was absolutely ruining me.

  “What do you want?” he asked, his breath rustling over my neck between each slow and deliberate kiss he was planting while he rubbed himself against me.

  I whined, pitifully, as if to say: don’t make me say it.

  It couldn’t be more obvious that I wanted him. My body was absolutely aching for his touch somewhere deep within my body.

  Ryder chuckled, and slid into me, coaxing a relieved moan that fell from my lips in a pathetic chorus of submission. He growled in response, and I felt my body go limp, opening up to him entirely.

  I wanted to make sure that he knew I was his to play with. Right now, that was the only thing that I wanted. Every moment around this was the next greatest moment of my sexual history.

  His body pressed against mine as he ground into me over and over in smooth, deep thrusts that had my mind spinning. My breathing was a series of desperate breaths, as if I was being tortured in the best way imaginable.

  The way his arms wrapped around me as he continued to

  God, he felt amazing.

  When Ryder’s hand slid between my legs, I knew was done for.



  The house was in fucking shambles.

  The call came in from Ben, and I knew something had gone wrong. I fucking knew it, and for a second I considered not even answering the phone. After spending an hour pacing around the fucking house wondering what Tyler was going to do with Sara, I was edgy enough to fucking kill someone. Every breath that I took was to steady myself, lest I run out to that car and wrap my hands around his god damn throat.

  I answered the phone, already heading to the front door so I could barge out there and kill Tyler once and for all.

  Then, words: Mark died.

  The rest of the conversation, if there is one, faded away. I didn’t remember anything else. I don’t remember hanging up.

  But now, I was standing in a middle of an absolutely destroyed living room, someone else’s living room, and my hands were bleeding in earnest from where I had grabbed things too roughly or slammed my fists into them hard enough to watch solid objects cave and crack in the way they do once they’re under enough pressure.


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