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Wrapped in Ink

Page 21

by Carrie Ann Ryan

  She snorted, laughing hard. “Now that’s romantic. Do me?”

  “Make sweet love to you while rose petals fall over us and candles are lit.”

  “For a writer, you don’t really have much imagination. What if the petals fall on the candlesticks and catch fire, and then set the curtains on fire, and then everything’s on fire, but we’re too busy making out, and Jasper just leaves us going…whatever.”

  Liam was full-out laughing at that point, and she was too. He kissed away her tears. But they were happy tears. Finally, happy tears.

  “You’re such a dork. But you’re my dork.”

  “You’re a dork. I really like that. So, this is us, then? Love and sparkles and all the good things?”

  “Sparkles?” he asked, taking a seat next to her as he wiped her face with his thumbs. He was getting good at that, and she only wanted happy tears from now on. Even though she knew sad ones would come, they always did, she wanted to be happy.

  And he made her happy.

  And the fact that she was his? That made all of this worth it.

  “I’m just saying, you have to know what you’re in for,” she said quickly, sobering just a bit. “I’m going to have good days and bad days. I just hope there’re more good days. But no matter what, I want all my days with you.”

  Liam blinked at her, kissed her hard, and then grinned. “I think I’m going to need to put that in a book.”

  She shoved at his chest, but he didn’t back away. “I’m going to need royalties for that then.”

  He laughed, pressed his lips to hers, and she melted into him.

  “I love you so much. And I told you, I’m not going away. So, no matter what, you’re going to have to deal with me in your life. All of us Montgomerys, actually.”

  She grinned and leaned into him. “You’re going to have to deal with the Bradys, too.”

  “Dear God, the force of the two families together? There’s nothing we can’t do.”

  They kissed again, and only stopped when the nurse came in and cleared his throat.

  No, they were not on a certain medical TV show, so Liam went back to his book, and she just watched him write and fell in love with him even more.

  Thankfully, they let her out of the hospital the next day as promised, and she was back to feeling normal—whatever normal was for her.

  There would be decisions to come, and there would be surgeries most likely. But they had time. She had time.

  And she wasn’t worried. Because no matter what the decisions were, she wasn’t going to make them alone.

  Yes, it was her body, her health, but she had someone to talk to. And not just family.

  She had Liam.

  She wrapped her arms around her dog. Jasper licked her face, and she grinned.

  Well, she had Liam and Jasper. She had her men, she had the idea of her future.

  She couldn’t wait to see what happened next, because she wasn’t alone.

  They weren’t going to walk away from her.

  She had been through enough in her life to know when things were true and steady. And they were. Liam and Jasper were her rocks.

  She didn’t know what would happen next, but she couldn’t wait to find out.

  Because she had fallen in love with Liam Montgomery. Through one smile, one cup of coffee, and one blue-faced dog, she had fallen in love.

  And love, as they said, could heal anything.

  Even when she’d thought she had lost her hope in the darkness.


  It had taken a couple of months, but they were finally having a Montgomery dinner where Arden was involved. Between illnesses, hospital visits, people going out of town for work, going out of the country, and secret babies—something that he and Arden liked to talk about between them because laughing about something rather than crying about it was sort of how they made their lives work—they hadn’t actually been able to do the big dinner with Arden.

  Their lives were immensely busy, and most of them ended up having to travel long distances when they were done with their work at home.

  Liam himself had a book tour coming up, and he was trying to convince Arden to come with him.

  Yes, the world was finally going to see his face, even though they had already quietly put it up on his website and social media.

  He had a feeling that pretty boy modeling photos would show up at any moment, but he didn’t care.

  He just wanted Arden by his side when he traveled the country, talking about Nash’s new book.

  The one that came out next year where Nash and Penny finally professed their feelings for each other as they continued to save the world together? That was the book he was really excited about. But first, he wanted to go on tour with the woman who had saved his world.

  He would get her to agree. Eventually.

  Bristol had just gotten back from a trip to France where she had played for some dignitaries or celebrities or something. She hadn’t been really forthcoming about it since she had been kind of embarrassed, but they all had the video set up to watch her play later after dinner, just in case.

  Sometimes, she wasn’t in the mood and felt way too self-conscious, but it was fun to praise his baby sister.

  Aaron had come home from another showing of his work, but was quiet as usual, probably contemplating his next piece of art.

  Ethan, of course, was always home, but he was the brilliant one, the sibling constantly in his mind, and didn’t travel much.

  He was there with the rest of them tonight.

  And he had brought his friend Lincoln.

  Lincoln was practically a Montgomery since he and Ethan were as thick as thieves.

  Liam was close to Lincoln, as well, but Ethan was the same age as Linc.

  Lincoln had been off for some showing or other since he was a famous painter, which just made Liam smile.

  So many artists in the family. And then there was Ethan, the brainiac. Liam loved it.

  He put his arm around Arden and looked around at his family. He couldn’t believe that they were here. All of them.

  Yes, there would always be that little bit of tension when he first walked into a room, but hopefully, that would go away eventually.

  Because he had chosen his loyalties. His family.

  After all, they had chosen him.

  He was a Montgomery, through and through.

  As Ethan and Lincoln laughed at something his mother said, Liam just shook his head.

  Their mother loved Lincoln like a son, and she was always trying to get him to marry Bristol—if Bristol didn’t marry Marcus.

  Not that Bristol wanted either of them.

  It was just that Francine Montgomery really wanted grandbabies. It seemed since the other Montgomerys had all started having children, his mom needed some, as well.

  Liam squeezed Arden’s shoulders, and she looked up at him. He didn’t say anything. They weren’t going to mention the fact that when and if they decided to have children in the future, they would go the adoption route.

  That really wasn’t anyone’s business, much like his birth father wasn’t anyone’s business.

  He had a feeling if he had his way, and if Arden moved forward with how they had been speaking lately, maybe one day soon there would be a baby or an older child for Francine to spoil like grandmothers do.

  One step at a time, though.

  Bristol was in the corner, arguing with Marcus about something, and Liam just rolled his eyes. The two of them weren’t laughing about some plan they were in on, they were arguing.

  How the two ended up best friends for so long was beyond him.

  But everyone was there, all of them parts of the whole with their own dramas, but always there for each other. Always family.

  Liam had almost forgotten that.

  And because he had, he knew he needed to remember the true meaning of what had brought them all together.

  “What are you over there overanalyzing,” Ethan said, glaring at

  Liam held up his free arm and shook his head. “You’re the analytical one.”

  “But you’re the one looking all weird in the corner and hugging Arden so close that you’re hogging her.”

  “She’s right, son,” Francine said. “I haven’t even been able to show Arden your baby pictures. And there’re so many. There’s one of him on an actual bearskin rug with his little tushy up in the air, and he’s all smiles.”

  “Dear God, not the baby pictures.”

  “Eh, the baby pictures are old school. Show the modeling photos. With his pouty lips.”

  Ethan threw back his head and laughed at Aaron’s words, then nodded.

  “Yes, pouty lips! Pouty lips!” Ethan started chanting, and the rest of them joined in.

  Liam pinched the bridge of his nose.

  “Please, do not pull out those photos.”

  “Oh, the ones online?” Arden asked. She shook her head, laughing. “I already saw those. I didn’t see the bearskin rug, though.”

  “I was an infant.”

  “Oh, I bet you were cute. Do you have other pouty lip photos? Maybe ones where he’s giving like that blue steel face?” she asked and moved away from Liam’s arm so she could follow his mother.

  “You are all traitors,” Liam ground out.

  “You’re the one who brought the new lamb to the slaughter,” Ethan said, grinning. “After all, none of us brought our significant others. We just brought friends. You’re the one who brought the girlfriend. The one you loooove.” He drawled out the word, and Liam rolled his eyes.

  “One day, you will find someone that you love, and you’ll bring them to dinner, and I will do everything within my power to embarrass you. You will rue the day.”

  “You know, no one uses that phrase enough these days,” Ethan said, and Lincoln just shook his head, taking a sip of his beer.

  “You really shouldn’t egg him on,” he whispered to Ethan. “You know, Liam was right with us with those pranks when we were kids. He’s downright dastardly.”

  “See? No one uses that word either,” Ethan said, laughing. “Plus, he can’t do anything to us. It’s not like any of us are in relationships.”

  Something flashed over Lincoln’s gaze, and Liam’s brows rose.


  Very interesting.

  Well, it seemed the rest of his family had secrets, and now that Liam had the love of his life by his side, and he was pretty sure that he had no more skeletons in his closet, he was just going to have to figure out what was going on with the rest of his family.

  One Montgomery at a time.


  Next in the Montgomery Ink: Boulder series?

  It’s Ethan’s turn in SATED IN INK.

  * * *

  Want to read a special BONUS EPILOGUE featuring Liam & Arden? CLICK HERE!

  A Note from Carrie Ann Ryan

  Thank you so much for reading WRAPPED IN INK. I do hope if you liked this story, that you would please leave a review! Reviews help authors and readers.

  I love the Montgomerys. I truly do. And these Boulder Montgomerys are so amazing and dare I say…bolder. Yes, I’ve been making that joke to myself while even writing hard topics.

  As someone with an autoimmune disease, writing Arden’s romance was a bit personal, but finding her HEA was perfect. Liam? Liam is a Montgomery. His personal journey into figuring that out is what made him a Montgomery.

  As for who is next? Ethan is next though he’s not going to go about it the usual away. I cannot wait for you to read his story.

  Bristol and Aaron will be getting their stories as well!

  And how about those Brady Brothers? You guessed it, I fell in love. I didn’t mean to. But now they are getting a series of their own in the Promise Me series!

  And if you’re new to my books, you can start anywhere within the my interconnected series and catch up! Each book is a stand alone, so jump around!

  Don’t miss out on the Montgomery Ink World!

  Montgomery Ink (The Denver Montgomerys)

  Montgomery Ink: Colorado Springs (The Colorado Springs Montgomery Cousins)

  Montgomery Ink: Boulder (The Boulder Montgomery Cousins)

  Gallagher Brothers (Jake’s Brothers from Ink Enduring)

  Whiskey and Lies (Tabby’s Brothers from Ink Exposed)

  Fractured Connections (Mace’s sisters from Fallen Ink)

  Less Than (Dimitri’s siblings from Restless Ink)

  Promise Me (Arden’s siblings from Wrapped in Ink)

  If you want to make sure you know what’s coming next from me, you can sign up for my newsletter at; follow me on twitter at @CarrieAnnRyan, or like my Facebook page. I also have a Facebook Fan Club where we have trivia, chats, and other goodies. You guys are the reason I get to do what I do and I thank you.

  Make sure you’re signed up for my MAILING LIST so you can know when the next releases are available as well as find giveaways and FREE READS.

  Happy Reading!

  * * *

  The Montgomery Ink: Boulder Series:

  Book 1: Wrapped in Ink

  Book 2: Sated in Ink

  Book 3: Embraced in Ink

  * * *

  Want to keep up to date with the next Carrie Ann Ryan Release? Receive Text Alerts easily!

  Text CARRIE to 24587

  About the Author

  Carrie Ann Ryan is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of contemporary, paranormal, and young adult romance. Her works include the Montgomery Ink, Redwood Pack, Fractured Connections, and Elements of Five series, which have sold over 3.0 million books worldwide. She started writing while in graduate school for her advanced degree in chemistry and hasn’t stopped since. Carrie Ann has written over seventy-five novels and novellas with more in the works. When she’s not losing herself in her emotional and action-packed worlds, she’s reading as much as she can while wrangling her clowder of cats who have more followers than she does.

  More from Carrie Ann Ryan

  The Montgomery Ink: Boulder Series:

  Book 1: Wrapped in Ink

  Book 2: Sated in Ink

  Book 3: Embraced in Ink

  * * *

  The Less Than Series:

  A Montgomery Ink Spin Off Series

  Book 1: Breathless With Her

  Book 2: Reckless With You

  Book 3: Shameless With Him

  * * *

  The Elements of Five Series:

  Book 1: From Breath and Ruin

  Book 2: From Flame and Ash

  Book 3: From Spirit and Binding

  * * *

  The Promise Me Series:

  A Montgomery Ink Spin Off Series

  Book 1: Forever Only Once

  Book 2: From That Moment

  * * *

  The Fractured Connections Series:

  A Montgomery Ink Spin Off Series

  Book 1: Breaking Without You

  Book 2: Shouldn’t Have You

  Book 3: Falling With You

  Book 4: Taken With You

  * * *

  Montgomery Ink: Colorado Springs

  Book 1: Fallen Ink

  Book 2: Restless Ink

  Book 2.5: Ashes to Ink

  Book 3: Jagged Ink

  Book 3.5: Ink by Numbers

  * * *

  Montgomery Ink:

  Book 0.5: Ink Inspired

  Book 0.6: Ink Reunited

  Book 1: Delicate Ink

  Book 1.5: Forever Ink

  Book 2: Tempting Boundaries

  Book 3: Harder than Words

  Book 4: Written in Ink

  Book 4.5: Hidden Ink

  Book 5: Ink Enduring

  Book 6: Ink Exposed

  Book 6.5: Adoring Ink

  Book 6.6: Love, Honor, & Ink

  Book 7: Inked Expressions

  Book 7.3: Dropout

  Book 7.5: Executive Ink

sp; Book 8: Inked Memories

  Book 8.5: Inked Nights

  Book 8.7: Second Chance Ink

  * * *

  The Gallagher Brothers Series:

  A Montgomery Ink Spin Off Series

  Book 1: Love Restored

  Book 2: Passion Restored

  Book 3: Hope Restored

  * * *

  The Whiskey and Lies Series:

  A Montgomery Ink Spin Off Series

  Book 1: Whiskey Secrets

  Book 2: Whiskey Reveals

  Book 3: Whiskey Undone

  * * *

  The Talon Pack:

  Book 1: Tattered Loyalties

  Book 2: An Alpha’s Choice

  Book 3: Mated in Mist

  Book 4: Wolf Betrayed

  Book 5: Fractured Silence

  Book 6: Destiny Disgraced

  Book 7: Eternal Mourning

  Book 8: Strength Enduring

  Book 9: Forever Broken

  * * *

  Redwood Pack Series:

  Book 1: An Alpha’s Path

  Book 2: A Taste for a Mate

  Book 3: Trinity Bound

  Redwood Pack Box Set (Contains Books 1-3)

  Book 3.5: A Night Away

  Book 4: Enforcer’s Redemption

  Book 4.5: Blurred Expectations

  Book 4.7: Forgiveness

  Book 5: Shattered Emotions

  Book 6: Hidden Destiny

  Book 6.5: A Beta’s Haven

  Book 7: Fighting Fate

  Book 7.5: Loving the Omega

  Book 7.7: The Hunted Heart

  Book 8: Wicked Wolf

  The Complete Redwood Pack Box Set (Contains Books 1-7.7)

  * * *

  The Branded Pack Series:

  (Written with Alexandra Ivy)

  Book 1: Stolen and Forgiven

  Book 2: Abandoned and Unseen

  Book 3: Buried and Shadowed


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