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Warrior Priest of Dmon-Li: The Morcyth Saga Book Three

Page 40

by Brian S. Pratt

  Another man steps forward and says, “Yeah, this bunch came in through the front, a rough bunch by the looks of them. They went through to the rooms in the back and then we heard sword fighting. Then all of a sudden, we smelled smoke coming from the back. By the time we all got out, the fire was spreading pretty fast. In no time, the whole place was on fire.

  “Did anyone from the back make it out?” James asks anxiously.

  Shaking his head, the first man says, “Not through the front, anyway. No one has said if anyone made it out the back. Seems dark deeds were done there this night.”

  “Perhaps,” says James. “Thank you.”

  The men nod and turn back to watch the crews as they finish putting out the fire.

  They move away from the crowd and James asks, “You heard?”

  Jiron nods, “Think he got out?”

  “Under normal circumstances I’d say yes. But now, the way he’s been acting, I don’t know.”

  “They said they heard sword fighting,” Jiron says. “That means Miko would have ‘woken up’, so to speak.”

  “I know,” replies James, “that’s what has me worried.”

  “Woken up?” Fifer asks.

  “Never mind that now,” James says quickly. “Let’s move over to the rear of the inn and see if we can find out anything.”

  “Okay,” Fifer says as he leads the way, scanning the faces of the crowd for any sign of Miller or Miko.

  At the rear of the inn, the fire had gutted it pretty good. Only a few timbers and crossbeams remain. James begins to move in among the charred rubble before a guard blocks his way, saying, “It isn’t safe, you’ll have to stay back.”

  James looks at the guard and says, “I know, but we knew someone who was back here. I just wanted to find out if they made it out or not.”

  “It’s not a pretty sight,” the guard says.

  “I realize that,” James says as he looks to the guard imploringly.

  “Alright,” he says. “But be careful, it’s still very hot in there.”

  “We will,” he says to the guard. To the others, he says, “Come on.”

  The heat from the smoldering embers is quite hot, almost too hot. He begins moving into the charred structure when Jiron grabs his arm and says, “They were over this way.”

  James nods and lets him lead the way.

  Jiron steps through what’s left of a wall and then says, “This was the room.”

  “I can tell,” replies James as he looks around at all the burned, dead bodies scattered about. The remains of the collapsed ceiling covers most of the bodies but he’s still able to make them out.

  “Look here,” says Jiron.

  James moves over and sees the remnants of a headless body that looks to have once been tied to a chair. Ropes bind it’s extremities to broken bits of burned wood. “This must’ve been Shyn,” Jiron explains.

  “Good!” he hears Fifer say.

  Using their knives to maneuver smoldering wood away from the bodies, they discover arms, legs and heads that are no longer attached to anything. Testament to the brutal battle that had occurred here shortly before the fire.

  “You see Miller or Miko?” James asks the others.

  “Hard to tell,” Jiron replies. “I haven’t found anyone yet that would’ve been the same size as Miko.”

  “If Miller’s here,” Fifer states, “I doubt if we would know for sure. They’re all burned too severe.”

  “Fifer!” a cry can be heard coming from the crowd.

  He looks up and sees Jorry and Uther returning with the others. “Over here,” he hollers, waving.

  “Let’s get out of here,” James says.

  When they finally make their way out of the burned building, the others join them. Uther asks, “Man, what happened?”

  “Where’re Miller and that kid?” Jorry asks right after.

  Indicating the burned out building, Fifer says, “They might be in there, hard to tell. Everything’s burned beyond recognition.”

  “James, the mirror,” Jiron suddenly reminds him.

  “That’s right!” he cries as he quickly moves to leave the area.

  A guard stops them before they get too far and says, “Where’re you guys going?”

  “Trying to find our friends,” James explains.

  “I don’t think so,” he says. “We need to find out what happened here and you all seem the only ones who know anything about it.”

  “I’d like to help, really,” James replies. “But this is an emergency.”

  “Sorry,” he says. “I need you to stay right here until the watch captain shows up.”

  “When will that be?” Jiron asks.

  “Shouldn’t be too long,” the guard says. “He may need you all to come back to the jail to answer questions.”

  “I’m afraid we’ll have to decline the offer,” James tells him.

  Three guards come over and stand next to the one talking to them. The guard says, “It isn’t a request.”

  Miller’s band comes and stands behind James as he says, “Unless you want a fight, we’re leaving.”

  Seeing the odds, the guard just glowers at James as he and the others begin backing away.

  Once they’ve moved a sufficient distance from the guards, they turn and make their way quickly away from the fire scene. They find a quiet alley that’s away from people and move into it.

  “What do you think happened back there?” Uther asks.

  They all glance at each other for a moment then James says, “I think Councilman Rillian sent men there to get Shyn and things got out of hand.”

  “Why?” asks Yern, a red haired member of Miller’s band.

  “So we couldn’t use him as a witness against him I would expect,” James explains.

  “But how did they know he was there?” Uther asks.

  “I’m afraid I mentioned it when we were being arrested,” admits James. He reaches into his pack and pulls out the mirror. “If you guys will be quiet for a while, I’ll try to find out if Miller and Miko are still alive.”

  He pulls out the mirror and everyone huddles around to watch as he tries to find Miller. The image flickers a moment and then they see the burned out remains of the inn. A charred corpse lies partially buried under the collapsed roof. “I’m afraid Miller is dead.”

  The men begin cursing and Jiron shushes them up while James tries to locate Miko.

  Fearing the worst, James let’s the image of Miller go and another one begins to form in its place. He sees Miko walking as if dazed down a street, bloody sword in hand. He widens the image and sighs with relief when he fails to see anyone around him.

  “Does anyone know where this is?” he asks. “It should be fairly close to where the inn was.”

  He slowly scrolls the image until one of the men says, “Yeah, I recognize this place. It’s not too far away.”

  James cancels the image and glances to Illan, an older man graying at the temples, and asks, “Can you take us there?”

  Illan nods, “Sure, this way.”

  Putting the mirror away, James follows Illan as he leads them down a side street. They cross two more streets before turning down another side street. “He should be somewhere around here,” he says.

  They move quickly down the street and sure enough, find Miko walking away from them. “You guys stay here,” James tells them.

  He moves forward alone, and as he nears Miko, says, “Miko, you okay?”

  Miko stops but doesn’t turn around. James says softly, “Miko, it’s James.”

  Turning around slowly, Miko gazes at James with red rimmed eyes.

  James suddenly realizes that Miko is several inches taller than he had been earlier, and broader as well. The Fire is having a dramatic effect on him. “You okay?” James asks him.

  “What’s happening to me?” Miko whispers as he begins to move toward him. He can see tear tracks through the soot covering his face.

  “I don’t know,” replies James. �
�But we’ll figure it out.”

  When he comes near, James gives him a smile. Miko returns the smile with a small sad one of his own. Putting his arm around him, he walks him back to where the others are waiting.

  Jiron’s eyes widen when he sees the changes in Miko. He glances to James, who only shrugs.

  “James!” Miko exclaims, as he suddenly comes more alive. “Korgan is in the city!”

  “Yes, I know,” he replies. “Now that you’re safely back with me, we can go take care of him.”

  Chapter Twenty Eight


  To what’s left of Miller’s band, James asks, “What’re you guys going to do now?”

  “There’s a lot to be answered for,” replies Illan. “Fifer here says you’re going after the ones who did this to Miller?”

  “That’s right,” states James.

  “In that case, we’d like to come along with you,” he says. The others nod their heads, adding their agreements.

  “I was hoping you’d say that,” he says gratefully. Turning to Fifer, he says, “Let them know what’s going on while I try to locate Korgan.”

  “Sure thing,” he replies, then huddles with his comrades as he fills them in.

  James, Jiron and Miko move a little ways away from the group to give them time to talk while James locates Korgan. Taking out the mirror once more, he releases the magic as he gazes upon the surface.

  The image begins to come into focus and they see Korgan’s unmistakable patch and scar. He widens the image and sees that he’s talking to another man in what looks to be a basement. What really surprises them is that the basement contains tables and racks filled with weapons.

  “Looks like they could arm an army from what they have there,” remarks Jiron.

  “Probably what they plan to do,” he says. “I wish this thing had sound!”

  He scrolls the image around the basement where they see five others there with Korgan as well as the other guy he’s talking to. “Wonder what they’re saying?” Jiron asks.

  “My guess is they’re making plans for the fall of Lythylla,” replies James.

  “Then we better find them quickly,” Miko says from over James’ shoulder.

  “I think you’re right,” agrees James.

  He’s about ready to cancel the image when they see the meeting breaking up and all the men there begin to climb the stairs out of the basement. “Where’re they going?” asks Miko.

  James suddenly turns and stares at Miko and says, “Say that again!”

  “Where’re they going?” repeats Miko, confused at James’ request.

  Miko’s voice has deepened, become more of a man’s voice than a boys. Recovering from the shock, James says, “Who knows? Let’s get Korgan and we’ll find out what’s going on.”

  “He’s most likely heading to the castle again,” suggests Jiron. When James turns his head in his direction, he continues, “When Miko and I were out looking the town over as you requested, we spotted him. We followed him until he went through the gates to the castle.”

  “Then we’ve got to get him before he makes it there,” says James. “Which entrance did he use?”

  “It was the east gate,” he replies.

  “Then let’s hurry,” he says. He goes back over to the others and says, “We think we may have a lead on him, but we need to hurry before he makes it back within the castle.”

  “Then what are we waiting for?” Uther asks.

  James nods to Jiron who begins running toward the eastern gate leading into the castle area, the rest following right behind.

  They have to duck down side streets twice to avoid patrols. They don’t know if they’ll be looking for them or not, but best not to take any chances.

  Jiron brings them to a halt when they near the eastern gate, keeping to a side street overlooking it.

  James pulls out the mirror and the view of Korgan appears. He’s still walking along the streets, one of the men is accompanying him. Putting the mirror away, he says, “Spread out and cover the streets leading here,” he says. “Let’s hope he’s going to use this entrance again.”

  “What if he doesn’t?” asks Jorry.

  “Then we’ll have to try something else,” he replies.

  They quickly spread out, and station themselves where they’ll be able to intercept anyone heading for the gate.

  James, Jiron and Miko watch the main street while the others cover the side streets. They wait for five minutes when, from down the street they can hear the sound of footsteps coming toward them. It sounds like there’re more than one person.

  “Think that’s them?” Jiron whispers.

  “It’s gotta be,” replies James. To Miko he whispers, “Go tell the others to get back here.”

  Miko nods his head then melts into the darkness as he goes to get the others.

  “How’s your shoulder?” James asks.

  “Bad, but not much I can do about it now,” he states.

  James can see one knife in his right hand as they wait for them to come closer. He looks back down the street, they can hear them approaching. The minimal light from the lamps doesn’t give enough illumination to make out more than approaching shadows.

  As the others join him, he sends them around side streets to block off any possible avenue of escape. The two people who’re approaching pass through a circle of light from one of the lamps a little ways down the street. They can see that one of them definitely has a patch over one eye.

  James hides in the shadows until they’re just about to enter the circle of light from the next lamp. Then he steps out in front of them with his knife drawn and says, “Stop right there!”

  They take one more step before coming to a halt, which brings them into the circle of light. A woman screams and James can see they’re not Korgan and friend.

  A middle aged lady and a gentleman who looks to have been a veteran of battle stand before him.

  The man pulls out his sword and cries, “What’s the meaning of this.”

  “My apologies,” James stammers, embarrassed. “I thought you were someone else.” Putting away his knife, he begins backing away from the couple.

  The man keeps his sword out as they, too, begin backing away.

  “The gate!” Uther cries out.

  They all turn their attention to the gate as they watch Korgan and his friend run in through the gate. Korgan pauses momentarily as he looks in their direction, a grin upon his face. He says something to the guards, and one brings a horn to his lips and begins sounding the alarm.

  “Move!” cries Jiron and they all begin running down the street past the couple James had accosted.

  Ducking down a side alley, they try to lose any pursuit that may be forthcoming. They run to the end of the alley and break across another main thoroughfare to the alley on the other side.

  Pausing a moment, they listen for any pursuit. When none is forthcoming, Jiron leads them further into the alley until the darkness within completely swallows them before coming to a stop.

  “Now what?” he says as he turns to James.

  “I don’t know,” he replies. “We might try to backtrack the way he’d come and see if we can find where that meeting was being held.”

  “Whatever we do, we need to hurry,” Illan states. “When they come to get you out of the dungeon in the morning for the council meeting, they’ll know you’re not there.” Remembering the horn blast from the guard at the gate, he adds, “If they don’t know already. And dawn isn’t very far away.” They all glance at the sky that is beginning to lighten with the coming of the morn.

  “Hopefully we can discover their plans before the army begins its attack,” Uther says. “Whatever they’re planning has to coincide with that.”

  “I agree,” says James. “Do you remember the way?”

  Indicating the direction with a nod of his head, he replies, “It’s this way.” He then leaves the alley and turns down the street in the general direction o
f where Korgan had been.

  “How are we going to find out which house it is?” Jiron questions.

  “Not sure, exactly,” replies James as they continue following Uther.

  In the early morning hour, they’ve encountered relatively few people. No group has been greater than two or three and those were usually drunk. That’s why when he sees a group of twenty men coming their way from down a side street, James has them duck into a side alley to avoid being seen.

  “What’s wrong?” Illan asks him when they’re within the shadows of the alley.

  “Doesn’t it seem strange for such a large group to be about so early in the morning?” he asks.

  “Now that you mention it, it does,” he replies.

  “And the fact they’re in the area where all those weapons are leads me to think they may be going to retrieve those weapons,” explains James.

  “Could be,” whispers Jiron.

  They all remain quiet as the men turn onto the street James and the others had just recently vacated. As the men move away from them, James whispers, “My guess is, if we follow them, we’ll find that house.”

  Several of the others nod their heads in understanding.

  Letting the men move further down the street, James and the others quickly enter the street to follow them. They continue following the men at a discreet distance until they come to a large house. Turning off the street, the men approach the front door, open it, and then go in.

  “That’s the house!” exclaims Jorry excitedly. “Has to be!”

  “We need to get word to Henri at the north gate,” James says. “If they’re moving to get their weapons, then the attack is imminent.” He turns to Yern and says, “Tell him there are likely other spots around the city.”

  Yern nods and quickly heads off down the street.

  “How’d they get so many within the city?” asks Fifer.

  “Remember all those refugees that were pouring into the city when we got here?” James asks. When Fifer nods, he continues, “That’s how. I bet they’ve been trickling in over the last several days, disguised as refugees.”

  “Damn!” he exclaims. “No telling how many there are within the city now.”


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