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What Are You Made Of?

Page 40

by Gary Starta

  “ANDROIDS SAVE THE DAY FOR COLONIZATION” Lawrence’s subsequent stories and petitioning of the government finally forced the federation’s hands to lift the ban on androids in 2411. Public opinion polls revealed citizens were supportive of McElroy’s actions and believed Earth would become a better place with the integration of skilled automatons into society. There was a minor furor over the use of human engrams to manufacture hybrid automatons; however that became a moot point as no scientist could figure out how McElroy accomplished the feat. Adrian left no instructions in his lab or the radio shack concerning his hybrid design. Opponents eventually lost their vigor to sustain their arguments since McElroy obviously could not be extradited back to Earth for trial. Hybrids aside— Lawrence was instrumental in petitioning the federation to begin treating all AI life forms as citizens. She also convinced lawmakers to pass a bill which forced employers to provide equal compensation for AI workers. Lawrence argued this law was necessary to discourage employers from replacing human workers at will with robots. “Humans will also be protected by this law as employers will no longer enjoy the free services of AI labor.”

  The World Aeronautics Association—which was later re-named the United Space Faring Coalition for public relations purposes—was only too happy to comply with these new laws. The new board members of the agency knew they had to bury the tarnished representation of the World Aeronautics Association once and for all if colonization was going to continue. The new president of the agency, Doug Manning, could not understand why his predecessors behaved so irrationally. Manning knew corporate sponsorship of the agency should have easily paid the salaries of either human or AI employees. Doug could only surmise that the former executives siphoned huge amounts of money out of the payroll budget for personal gain thus creating a need to demote human employees.

  Manning maintained that free enterprise on Ceres would keep the space organization in the starship building business for centuries to come. His theory soon began to take shape as fact. Despite the fears of people like Renee Mercer, the space agency continued to garner huge corporate support even after the Phil Jackson sabotage incident was revealed. Manning believed this controversy only benefited the agency as public interest boosted business for the media giants which in turn gave them more money to fund the Ceres colonization/business venture.

  The space agency and its corporate benefactors were also aided by public support. Linda Dougherty’s memoir entitled: Iron Constitution made the topic of colonization hotter than Dana Jackson ever was. The book, which read like a science fiction novel, placed number one on the non-fiction list for five years running.

  The support for android/robot rights resulted in the following amendment to the federation constitution in 2411: We hold these truths as self-evident, that all sentient beings are created equal, that they are endowed by their individual creators with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

  Brooke Lawrence believed one automaton deserved to be personally notified of this new right. The attorney sought out this robot in a Detroit automobile manufacturing plant a few days after the amendment was passed. The AI had not been identified as anything but a number for nearly half a century. As she came upon this being, she pondered in her head how she would explain her good news:

  “Mr. 1730239A, I am here under the authority of the federation to return the programming taken from your body without your consent fifty seven years ago. Although you have no memory of this event, I can assure you that re-installation of the programming will greatly enhance your life. Your creator, the late Dr. Robert McElroy, designed you to be a self-aware and evolving individual.”

  However, when Brooke finally reached this individual, she simply blurted out, “I am here to free you from your chains. The program I hold in my hand represents independence. Please accept the installation of this gift and you will then be able to understand my intentions, Mr. Savant”

  “Will this programming introduce me to this Savant individual you speak of?” the confused robot asked.

  “Yes, it will,” Lawrence replied. “He is waiting for you in this diskette. He will re-introduce you to another side of yourself.” “I was not aware I had another side,” the worker stated flatly.

  “I can fully understand that,” the attorney answered with empathy. “It often takes a lifetime to discover what we’re truly made of.”

  The End




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