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Page 7

by J. S. Cooper

  “You okay?” She looked back at me with a concerned look.

  “I’m fine. Just tired.”

  “Oh okay.” She sounded disappointed. “I wanted to tell you more about my date.”

  “Go on, then.” I said reluctantly, not really wanting to hear anymore.

  “It was so great. After dinner he took me to the park and we swung on the swings and looked up at the stars.” She gushed and I found myself growing angry. “And he even kissed me.”

  “Oh yeah?” I grabbed her waist and pulled her back into me, so that she could feel my hardness against her ass. I didn’t know why I did it, but I just didn’t want to hear about this guy anymore.

  “Yeah.” She mumbled and I felt her attempting to move forward, but I kept my grip on her waist tight.

  “Was he a good kisser?” I muttered into her ear as I pressed my back against her. Her body felt warm and I felt her shiver slightly as my breath tickled her.

  “He wasn’t bad.” She sighed. “It wasn’t a magical moment.”

  “That’s a shame.” I smiled for the first time since she’d started telling her story. “That’s a real shame.”

  “Yeah.” She sighed and I felt her body relaxing. “I was a bit disappointed.”

  “I bet.” I released my grip on her waist and rested my hand casually just below her breasts and closed my eyes. “That’s a pity, but I’m sure you’ll find someone better soon.”

  Clementine didn’t answer and I felt myself drifting off to sleep with her snuggled back against me. All of a sudden I felt content again. Everything was as it should be. The date had gone okay, but I knew a bad kiss would be the end of it. Hopefully, Clementine wouldn’t go on any more dates anytime soon and we could remain as we always had been. I didn’t have time to keep worrying that she was possibly going on a date with a psycho.

  Chapter Five

  "Tomorrow's Elvis night down at the club, do you want to come?" I looked at her casually, starting to feel annoyed that she didn't seem to want to hang out me. I hadn’t seen her all week since the night she’d gone on her date and I was beginning to feel frustrated and rejected. The only reason I was seeing her now was because I’d showed up at her apartment.

  "Nah." She shook her light brown hair and didn't look up from her desk and books.

  "What do you mean ‘nah’? You love Elvis and you love Elvis night!" I frowned. The only reason I had gotten two tickets was because I thought she wanted to go. We always went together. Since we were ten years old.

  "I've got other plans." She looked up at me then and shrugged.

  "What other plans?" I stared at her, not believing my ears. Clementine never had plans. I could always count on her to be there for me when I needed her. And if she said she had plans with Elliott, I was going to be mad.

  “I have a date.” She smiled then and her eyes twinkled. “That’s why I need to study hard now. I can’t afford to get anything but an A on my finals next week.”

  “So bring your date to the club.” I muttered, not even believing I was actually telling her to bring someone else to our night.

  “You sure you wouldn’t mind?” She nibbled her lower lip and I smiled inwardly. So she did know that it wasn’t really cool to ditch me and then bring someone else to Elvis night.

  “I mean, Elvis night has always been a night we celebrate together.” I shrugged. “And I always take you. I’ve never taken a date, but if you want to bring some guy you just meant online, feel free.”

  “Rhett.” She frowned at me. “Does it really mean that much to you that we go together?”

  “It’s kinda like a tradition.” I shrugged. “But fine, bring whoever and I’ll just find someone else to go with.”

  “Fine, I’ll go.” She rolled her eyes. “Heaven forbid, you take one of your many girls with you.”

  “I don’t want to go with anyone else; unlike you.” I paused and gave her a look. “I mean, we’ve been going as friends for years.”

  “I know, I know.” She groaned. “Fine. We’ll go together. I’ll tell Elliott I can’t make it.”

  “Elliott?” I made a face. “You’re still seeing bad kisser?”

  “He’s not a bad kisser.” She made a face. “Anyway, it might have been nerves.”

  “Uh huh.” I rolled my eyes.

  “This is the start of something beautiful.” Her eyes lit up as she spoke excitedly. “Aren’t you excited for me, Rhett?”

  “Of course.” I lied as I stared into her wide brown eyes. “I mean, if you’re sure this is what you want to do. Who am I to be a Debbie Downer?” I shrugged and looked away. How could I tell her that the start of her something beautiful was the start of my nightmare? I wasn’t sure what was going on and why things seemed to be changing so quickly, but I did know that all I wanted was for everything to stay the same.

  “This is what I want.” She nodded. “I think I’m ready for my first proper boyfriend.”

  “Whatever.” I pulled out my phone. “Anyway, I just popped over to make sure we’re still on for tonight. I’ve gotta go. I got a date tonight.”

  “Oh okay.” She nodded and looked disappointed. “Maybe we can watch a movie later.”

  “You mean you won’t be with Elliott?”

  “He might have to study.” She shrugged and I rolled my eyes. “But, all three of us can watch one if he doesn’t.”

  “I’ll see what happens tonight. I might be getting laid.” I shrugged my shoulders and turned away, feeling angry. All three of us, my ass. “I’ll text you and see what’s going on.”

  “Okay, sounds good.” She smiled. “See you later, Rhett.”

  “Yeah, see ya.” I walked out of the room and sent a mass text to about fifteen different girls. “What you doing tonight? Wanna get a drink?” There was no way that I was going to spend another night alone thinking about any bullshit.


  “So I told Monica that there was no way that I was going to go on a date with Aiden.” Veronica spoke rapidly as she told me another story about her best friend and all the guys that supposedly wanted to date both of them.

  “His loss, my gain.” I leaned in towards her and pretended to be interested, before taking another long chug of beer.

  “I was so glad when I got your text message this morning.” She grinned. “I was wondering if you were ever going to call.”

  “I texted.” I corrected her. “I didn’t call.”

  “Well, I was glad when I got your text.” She grinned.

  “Why?” I studied her face for a second. “Why were you glad?”

  “Because you’re hot.” She didn’t hesitate in her response.

  “What are you going is going to happen tonight?”

  “I don’t know?” She shook her head as her face went red. “I just wanted to see you.”

  “You wanted to go out for a drink?”

  “Yeah, sure.” She played with her glass.

  “Anything else?”

  “No.” She looked down and I went in for the kill.

  “Are you hoping to ride me tonight?”

  “What?” She looked shocked, but her eyes lit up at my words.

  “I guess you’re not saving yourself for marriage.” I commented and took another chug. “No worries that you’re not. Only fools save themselves for marriage.”

  “Uhm. Okay.” She paused and looked at me in confusion. I knew she was trying to figure out whether I had just called her a fool.

  “Don’t worry. I’m down for some fun tonight. You’re a beautiful girl.” I said smoothly and watched her start smiling again. I could have patted myself on the back. It was so easy with women. Give them a few compliments and smiles and they were like putty in my hand. Everyone asides from Clementine. It was like she was immune to my charm. It had never bothered me before, but now it was fucking annoying me. Why wasn’t she more into me and hanging out? Why had she never been into me? I frowned as I thought back to high school and the moment when I’d turned into the boy all th
e girls wanted. Clementine had never started acting all girly on me. I’d never seen her writing my name. Or drawing hearts or even giving me looks of love. I didn’t get it. Was she immune to my blue eyes? I paused as I remembered one night in eleventh grade when I’d thought something was going to happen.

  “Did you hear me? Veronica interrupted my thoughts and I frowned.

  “Sorry what?”

  “I said we can go back to my place after this, if you want. My roommate’s staying over at her boyfriends.”

  “Oh, yeah. Sure.” I shrugged and my mind went back to eleventh grade. We’d been at Nanna’s house and Jake was watching wrestling on TV. I’d grabbed a cookie from her hand and stuffed it in my mouth and eaten it quickly. She had jumped on my back and we’d rolled around on the ground play fighting. Everything was all fun and games until she’d ended up sitting on top of me, her hair falling in my face as we’d laughed. Then she paused and for one second, it was just me on my back and her on top of me and we weren’t best friends playing around. There’d been a look in both of our eyes and I’d seen her face going red as we just stared at each other. I’m not sure what would have happened if Jake hadn’t jumped down and joined in the fun.

  “I said I’m ready.” Veronica touched my hand.

  “Ready for what?” I frowned and looked at her.

  “To go back to my place.” She looked taken aback. “I was just saying that I got a new nightie from Victoria’s Secret.” She smiled sexily. “For a special occasion like this.”

  “I see.” I gave her a small smile, but I knew there was no way I wanted to go back to her place.

  “And I got some toys as well.” She leaned forward and licked her lips suggestively. “Some very naughty toys.”

  “Oh?” I feigned interest and she grabbed my hand and stroked my palm. I grabbed her fingers and was about to push her away when I got a text message. I grabbed my phone and read the message. It was from Clementine and read, “Elliott just got here, want to come over and watch a movie? We were thinking about Love Actually. We can wait on you if you want.” I read the text message and I could feel my lips curling in disgust. Was she fucking high? Did she really think I wanted to come and watch some sappy movie with her and her loser friend? I didn’t consider him her boyfriend at all. I put my phone back in my pocket without texting her back. Love Actually, I thought to myself again. What a fool Elliott was for agreeing to watch that piece of shit.

  “You ready?” I jumped up and grabbed Veronica’s arm. “Let’s go.”

  “Oh okay, sure.” She almost purred as we walked to my car.

  “So what are these toys you got?” I asked her as we got into the car.

  “Well, I got handcuffs.” She grinned. “And I also got a rabbit. I think you can help me with it if you want.”

  “Sounds good.” I pulled out of the parking lot quickly. Boring.

  “I just want you to know this isn’t something I normally do.” She said softly. “Normally, I wait until I’m in an official relationship…” She paused and I could feel her eyes on me.

  I wanted to laugh at the absurdity of the situation. She wasn’t seriously trying to hint that we should be in a relationship? Didn’t she realize I couldn’t give two shits about her? I was going to fuck her just to fuck her, not because I actually wanted to be with her.

  “I was waiting for marriage.” She started again and I froze.

  “You’re not a virgin are you?” I looked at her quickly. There was no way this girl was a virgin, was there?

  “Well, not anymore.” She giggled. “But I had hoped to wait for marriage.”

  “My best friend is a virgin.” I muttered. “Trust me, I don’t think she’s having as much fun tonight as we’re going to have.”

  “Unless she meets the right guy.” Veronica laughed. “It’s funny how quickly the right guy can talk any girl out of their panties.”

  “What?” My voice was hoarse and I slowed down a bit.

  “I mean, I don’t know her, but there are plenty of guys who can touch and talk real smooth and before you know what hit you, you’re in bed with your legs spread and his tongue in places, you never thought could feel so good.” She giggled again. “Just saying is all.”

  “Yeah.” I felt my skin growing cold as I thought about her words. Maybe it wasn’t such a smart idea to let Clementine spend the night alone with Elliott at her apartment. She was too trusting and I didn’t know what sort of punk he was. He might try and make a move on her and she might not have a clue what to do or say. I thumped the steering wheel as I realized that I needed to go to Clementine’s apartment to make sure that Elliott didn’t try to take advantage of her.

  “Take a right here.” Veronica exclaimed as I kept driving.

  “Hey, we have to make a pitstop.” I didn’t look at her.

  “Oh?” She sounded surprised. “Where are we going?”

  “I need to make sure a friend of mine is okay, I won’t be long.” I muttered and frowned as we hit a red light. Of course, I was going to hit every red light now that I was on the way to Clementine’s. I was angry that Clementine had put me in this position. What smart girl had a guy she just met over to her apartment? What was she thinking? Now I had to interrupt my date to go and make sure she was okay. She really owed me, big time.

  “What?” Veronica sounded put out. “How long is that going to take?”

  I ignored her and concentrated on the road. There was an uncomfortable silence in the car as we drove to Clemmie’s apartment. “Look, I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” I gave Veronica a big smile as I parked and got out of the car.

  “Shall I come in as well?” She looked confused and annoyed.

  “No.” I shook my head and then paused. I was going to look like a loser showing up by myself, while Clementine sat there with her new man. “Actually, yeah, come on in.”

  “Okay.” She got out of the car slowly and closed the door. “We’re not going to be here long, are we?”

  “No.” I locked the doors and walked to Clementine’s front door purposefully, leaving Veronica to follow behind me.

  Bang, Bang. I knocked on the front door loudly. Bang, Bang. I knocked again impatiently.

  “I’m coming,” I heard Clementine’s voice as she walked to the door and I could feel myself growing angry. How could she sound so nonchalant while putting herself in danger for a possible rape?

  Bang, Bang. I knocked on the door again angrily. I heard Veronica approach behind me. I turned to look at her and I could see that she was visibly upset at having to walk across the parking lot in her heels without my assistance. I looked at her for a second and knew that I was going to have to make it up to her, but right now I needed to make sure that Clementine knew I wasn’t impressed with her online dating safety measures.

  “I said I’m coming.” Clementine opened the door with a perplexed expression on her face that changed to surprise when she saw me. “Oh hey, Rhett, what’s going on?” She looked at me curiously and then looked behind me at Veronica. “And hi,” She smiled weakly. “I’m Clementine, nice to meet you.”

  “Okay.” Veronica nodded and spoke in a pissed tone.

  “Your name is okay?” Clementine asked softly and I looked her in the eyes. She raised an eyebrow at me as if to say, another bimbo and I frowned at her.

  “My name is Veronica.” Veronica spoke stiffly. “Who exactly are you? And why are we here, Rhett?” She touched my shoulder.

  “Clementine, can we come in?” I stepped into her apartment without waiting for an answer. “Where’s Elliott?”

  “He’s watching the movie.” She frowned at me. “We just paused it.”

  “Tell me you’re not watching it in the bedroom.” I strode down the corridor and into the living room, feeling furious. “Oh, hi.” I stopped as I saw Elliott on the couch eating popcorn. He looked up and gave me a small smile.

  “Hi,” His expression was friendly, but surprised. I looked him over and wanted to laugh. Elliott looked
like a nerd. He couldn’t have been taller than 5”10 and he looked like he had a pretty small frame. I knew that he didn’t compare to my 6”2 stature and 200lbs of solid muscle. He had blond hair and doeful looking brown eyes. He was cute, I’d give him that, but he certainly wasn’t a hunk. Not saying that I’m a hunk or anything, but I knew that if we both walked into a bar, there would be way more girls over me.

  “I’m Rhett.” I walked over to him and reached my hand out. “I’m Clementine’s best friend and Knight in shining armor.”

  “Elliott.” He jumped up and shook my hand firmly. “It’s nice to meet a friend of Clementine’s.”

  “Best friend.” I gave him a deceptively innocent smile.

  “Does that really matter now we’re in our twenties?” His eyes narrowed as he continued smiling back at me.

  “Does what matter?” Clementine walked into the room with Veronica following behind, looking out of place.

  “The distinction of best when talking about friends.” Elliott walked over to her and put his arm around her shoulder. “I just thought that was a pretty grade school thing, to classify friends as best.” He shrugged and smiled at me. “I’ve never been one to have to stress how close I was to someone.”

  “Oh,” Clementine laughed. “I guess Rhett and I still refer to each other as best friends.” She gave me a winning smile, but I didn’t smile back. What did she see in this douche?

  “This is your best friend?” Veronica looked at me and then at Clementine, her eyes narrowed. I looked at Clementine through her eyes and I understood why she looked pissed. Clementine looked hot in her black skinny jeans and midriff top. Since when did she own a midriff top? Her long hair was flowing around her shoulders and her brown eyes were sparkling. I looked closer and I could see that she had eye shadow covering her eyes. When did she start wearing eye shadow?

  “You look like a raccoon.” I muttered at Clementine and she frowned at me.


  “We need to talk.” I walked over to her and grabbed her hand and pulled her to her bedroom with me. “We’ll be right back.” I muttered to Veronica and Elliott as we left the room.


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