The Letters of Gertrude Stein and Carl Van Vechten, 1913-1946
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Miller, Glenn (Glenn Miller Orchestra), 773, 777, 781
Miller, Harlan, 624
Miller, Harriette G. (Mrs. Harlan), 624
Miller, Henry, 666, 666n
Miller, Kelly, 782, 783n, 784, 786
Minicelli, Giorgio, 804n
Mirlees, Hope, 29n
Miro, Joan, 227n, 476, 477n, 526, 526n, 635
“Miss Furr and Miss Skeene” (Stein), 507, 511, 805
Mistinguette, 218
Modern Library, The, 267, 269, 278, 279n, 445, 485n, 505, 507
Moeller, Philip, 420, 424
Mondadori, Arnoldo, 804n
“Money” (Stein), 509n
Mon Livre de Pourquoi, see Essai sur le Chaos (Paul Genin)
Monroe, Harriet, 39n
Monterey, Carlorta, see O’Neill, Carlotta
Montross Galleries, 35, 35n, 48, 48n
Moore, George, 20, 21n, 55n, 851
Moore, Henry, 617n
Moore, Marianne, 777, 777n, 781
Moore, Marion, 781
Morand, Paul, 142n, 143, 143n, 157
Morceaux Choisis de la Fabrication des Américains (Stein), 186n, 191, 198, 198n
“More About Money” (Stein), 509n, 514n
“More Grammar Genia Berman” (Stein), 209n
Morgantima, Marguerita, 305
Morris, Guido, 481n, 537n
Morris, Lloyd, 238
Morrow, Constance, 374, 374n
Morrow, Dwight, 728
Morrow, Elizabeth Cutter (Mrs. Dwight), 727, 727n, 734, 735n
Morrow’s Almanac for 1928, 177n
Mortimer, Favell Lee, 709n
Moses, Harry, 298n
Mother of Us All, The (Stein), 783n, 794n, 795-96, 798, 803, 809, 810-11, 811n, 815, 816n, 817-21, 825, 839
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 466, 469
Mrs. Reynolds (Stein), 705, 705n, 712, 736n, 749, 751
“Mrs. Th—y” (Stein), 41n, 58n, 808n
Murat, Marie Comtesse de Chambrun, Princesse Lucien, 587, 588n
Murat, Violet, 535, 535n, 666
Muret, Maurice, 493n
Museum of Modem Art, New York, 526, 526n, 635, 636n, 717, 718n, 752, 752n, 769
Music After the Great War (Van Vechten), 38n, 55n, 850
Music and Bad Manners (Van Vechten), 50, 50n, 56, 57n
Mussolini, Benito, 447, 447n, 454n, 611n
Mussorgsky, Modest, 16n, 849
“My Dear Coady and Brenner” (Stein), 88n; see also Coady, Robert; Brenner, Michael
“My Debt to Books” (Stein), 625n
“My Last About Money” (Stein), 509n
Myrdal, Gunnar, 782, 783n, 784
Nabakov, Vladimir, 1
Nadine (“the Belgian Chinese”), 477
Nanation (Stein), 398n, 401, 415n, 445, 445n, 448n, 452, 470, 471n, 481n
Nassau Literature, 473n
Nathan, George Jean, 94n
National Council of Teachers of English, 422n
National Lecture Bureau, 660, 660n, 662, 671-72n
National Puppetry Conference, 506n
“Nations” (Stein), 67n
Native Son (Richard Wright), 778, 780n
“Natural Phenomena” (Stein), 114, 115, 118, 122, 125
“Neglected Genius of Fifty-seventh Street” (Van Vechten), 562n
Negrin, Juan, 635, 636n
Neilson, William Allan, 735n
Nelson, George (“Baby Face”), 349
Nelson, Robert, Jr., 409
New Directions, 522, 523n, 591, 592, 805
“The New Hope in Our ‘Sad Young Men’” (Stein), 774n
New Republic, The, 89n
“New Shubert Theatre Opens” (Van Vechten), 21n
New York City Ballet, 402, 403n, 553n, 583n, 817n
New York Herald, The (Paris Edition), 170, 199n; interview with Stein, 125-26n; Van Vechten quoted on Stein, 170n
New York Herald Tribune, The, 414, 424
“New York Mornings,” 35, 35n
New York Public Library (42nd Street), 681-82, 682n, 689, 698, 723, 727-28, 737, 744, 791
New York Sun, The, 390n, 462n
New York Times, The, 729
New York Times Magazine, The, 773, 774n
“Next. Life and Letters of Marcel Duchamp” (Stein), 67n
Nichols, Beverly, 142n, 157
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 497
Nigger Heaven (Van Vechten), 116-19, 124-28, 130-34, 140-41, 141n, 142n, 143n, 205, 206n, 286, 570n, 597n, 752n, 788-89
Nijinsky, Waslaw, 50n, 54, 767
“Normal Motor Automatism” (Stein), 289n
Norton, Allen, 35n, 37-42, 57, 57n, 606n
Norton, Louise (Mrs. Allen), 38n, 40n, 57n, 606n
Not Slightly. A Play (Stein), 31n, 49n
“Note on Gertrude Stein, A” (Paul Tread-gold), 440n
Nouvelle Revue Française, 291n
“Novel, A,” see “What Does She See When She Shuts Her Eyes” (Stein)
Novel of Thank You, A (Stein), 116n, 118, 137n, 142n, 329, 329n
Nuygen (Stein’s cook), 521
Offenbach, Jacques, 613, 613n
“Off We All Went to See Germany” (Stein), 782, 783n, 787
O’Keefe, Georgia, 238, 396, 713
Okie, Bill, 690n
Olivier, Laurence, 820
“Once Aboard the Lugger, San Guglielmo; an Account of a Flight from Italy in Wartime” (Van Vechten), 29n, 254n
“One Carl Van Vechten” (Stein), 67n, 511, 828n, 847, 847n, 864
O’Neal, John, 734n
O’Neill, Eugene, 23n, 116, 120, 412, 413n, 421, 424, 444n, 501n, 501, 504, 820
O’Neill, Carlotta Monterey (Mrs. Eugene), 412, 413n, 421, 424, 444n, 501n, 504
“On Reading the Great Letter Writers” (Thornton Wilder), 2, 2n
“On Visiting Fashionable Places Out of Season” (Van Vechten), 48n
“On Words and Music: A Letter About Gertrude Stein’s Four Saints” (Van Vechten), 299n
Operas and Plays (Stein), 207n, 235, 252-53, 258-61, 293n, 495n
Ortega, Domingo, 435, 436, 436n
Oscar Wilde Discovers America (Lloyd Lewis and Henry Justin Smith), 515, 515n, 516
Others, 16n, 44n
Othmar (Othmar Baumgartner, Stein’s cook), 457, 457n, 467, 468n, 470, 473, 484
Our Family (Adet and Anor [Lin] Yutang), 632n, 641n, 646n
Our Little Wife (Avery Hopwood), 11, 74n, 76n, 81n, 262n, 857
Our Town (Thornton Wilder), 590, 591n
Oxford Anthology of American Literature, The, 521-22, 619, 619n
Pach, Walter, 35n
Padgette, Paul, 850n
Pagany, 220n, 229, 239
Painted Lace and Other Pieces (Stein), 837n
“Painting” (Stein), 341n
Palais des Beaux Arts, Brussels, 800n
“Palais Idéal” (Hauterives, France), 609n, 610, 612; see Cheval, Ferdinand
“Parc l’Espagnole” see Trillat, Ennemond
Paris France (Stein), 649, 649n, 652n, 660-63, 665, 667-69, 671-73, 675, 675n, 683n, 700n, 710-11, 714, 715n, 718, 721, 724, 724n, 734, 738, 739, 742-45, 750-52, 754
Parker, Austin, 429-30n
Parties (Van Vechten), 3, 209n, 226, 226n, 227, 233, 234n
Pasadena Playhouse (California), 797n, 799n, 811n
Pasmore, Victor, 617n
“Pastiche et Pistache” (Van Vechten), 38n, 55n
Patrie, 725, 725n, 736, 736n, 738
Paul, Elliot, 750, 750n
“Paul Revere’s Ride” (Longfellow), 509, 510n
Pauly, Rose, 538, 539n
Pavese, Cesare, 596, 804n
“Pavlik Tchelitchef or Adrian Arthur” (Stein), 209, 225n
Payson & Clarke, 362n
Pearn, Pollinger & Higham, Ltd., 715n, 804, 804n
Pearson, Norman Holmes, 521n, 570n, 619n, 707-10, 715, 716n, 716, 718n, 772
Pearson, Mrs. Norman Holmes (Susan Bennett Tracy), 710n
Pendelton, Edmond, 164n
Pepe (Stein’s dog), 2
63n, 294, 294n, 323, 327, 330, 337, 432, 443, 459, 505, 513, 519, 522, 527, 529, 530, 534-35, 537, 541, 543n, 544, 546, 549, 551, 552-53, 556n, 616, 625, 668, 685-86, 713, 735, 758
Perkins, Julius, Jr., 669n, 733, 737-38
Perkins, Maxwell, 715n
Perkins, Mildred, 520, 521n, 523, 526
Pershing, General John J., 53n
Pétain, Maréchal Henri, 725
Peter Whiffle: His Life and Works (Van Vechten), 65n, 71-72, 138n, 147, 147n, 154, 524
Peters, Rollo, 246n, 725
Petits poèmes pour un livre de lecture (Stein), 708n, 751n, 758n, 779, 781, 788, 791; see also The Gertrude Stein First Reader & Three Plays
Phelps, William Lyon, 711-12n
“Phenomena of Nature,” see “Natural Phenomena” (Stein)
Phillips, Marjorie, 363n
Philipp, Isidore, 189n
Picabia, Francis, 35, 35n, 269, 270n, 272, 294n, 318, 319n, 468, 471, 474, 476-77, 484, 486-89, 494, 494-95n, 498n, 503, 516, 537, 577, 577n, 611, 674n
Picabia, Gabriel, 675, 675n
Picabia, Olga (Mrs. Francis), 516, 675n
Picasso, Maia, 449n
Picasso, Olga (Mrs. Pablo), 449n
Picasso, Pablo, 7, 16, 19n, 35, 50n, 88n, 92, 95, 101, 103, 111, 156n, 191, 194n, 205-8, 226n, 291, 322, 404, 449, 449n, 453-55, 457-58, 461, 463, 468, 471, 473, 476-77, 484, 487-88, 489n, 497, 498n, 525, 575, 575n, 594, 601n, 616, 632, 633n, 633, 635, 653, 670, 674n, 849, 858, 862; see also Guernica; Portrait of Gertrude Stein
Picasso, Paulo, 93n, 461
“Picasso” (Stein, 1909-10?), 33n, 147, 327, 507, 805, 862n
Picasso (Stein, 1937-38), 576, 577n, 580, 586, 586n, 590, 593-95, 601-4
“Pictures” (Stein), 421n, 493
Pierlot, Baronne, 443n, 566, 570n, 751n
“Pigeons on the Grass” (aria), 396, 397n
Pigeon wall-paper (Stein apartment, 5 rue Christine), 356, 356n, 587, 588n
Pinafore, H.M.S. (Gilbert and Sullivan), 404, 408, 570
Pinckney, Josephine, 377, 379n, 380-81, 386
Piper, John, 617n
Plain Edition (Stein and Toklas), 207n, 233, 233n, 234-36, 243, 325, 334, 335n, 392n, 392, 777
“Plays” (Stein), 421n, 493
Pleasant, Richard, 666n
Plow That Broke the Plains, The (Pare Lorentz), 591n
PM, 768, 769n
Poe, Edgar Allan, 177, 195, 196n, 458, 520, 521n, 524, 554
Poem Pritten on Pfances of Georges Hugnet, see Before The Flowers of Friendship Faded Friendship Faded (Stein)
“Poetry and Grammar” (Stein), 348, 350, 421n, 493
Polaire, 851
“Political Series, A” (Stein), 514-15n
Pollock, Channing, 772n
Pollock, Anna Marble (Mrs. Channing), 772, 772n, 778, 781, 790, 792, 822
“Polybe,” 68, 68n, 78, 697, 698n; see also Reinach, Salomon
Pons, Lily, 750
Pope-Hennessy, Sir John, 405n
Porter, Cole, 450, 451n
Portrait of Alice B. Toklas (Sir Francis Rose), 266n, 324n, 366, 367n, 447, 466n
“Portrait of the Abdys, A” (Stein), 478n
Portrait of Carl Van Vechten (Romaine Brooks), 473n, 475, 476, 479, 485, 488, 490-91, 493n, 495n, 496-97, 502n, 522, 524, 530
“Portrait of Constance Fletcher” (Stein), 696n
Portrait of Gertrude Stein (Francis Picabia), 270, 270n
Portrait of Gertrude Stein (Picasso), 90-91, 94n, 147, 248, 658, 658n, 673, 835, 837n, 838
“Portrait of Jo Davidson” (Stein), 94n
Portrait of Mabel Dodge at the Villa Curonia (Stein), 6, 25n, 65n, 284, 327, 507, 682n, 695, 696n, 703, 777, 800, 803, 805, 862
Portraits and Prayers (Stein), 80, 81n, 95, 113-14, 126, 328n, 330-39, 803, 817n
“Portraits and Repetition” (Stein), 327, 421n
Postman Always Rings Twice, The (James M.. Cain), 468, 469n
Potter, Russell, 653n
Poule, Jeanne, 47n, 51
Pound, Ezra, 1
Prahl, Victor, 164n
“Preciosilla” (Stein), 30n, 32, 45, 132n, 196n, 301n
Press Book for Gertrude Stein’s First Book for Children ‘The World Is Round’, 630n
“Primer for Reading Gertrude Stein,” see Primer for the Gradual Understanding of Gertrude Stein (Haas)
Primer for the Gradual Understanding of Gertrude Stein, A (ed. Robert B. Haas), 802, 803n, 818
Pringle, Aileen, 238, 412, 413n, 415, 420
“Procession” (Stein), 440, 440n, 442
Programme, 440n
“Prolegomenon to be read, if ever, only after you have read The Lord of the Sea” (Van Vechten), 94n
“Prothalamium” (Stein), 663n, 664-65
Proust, Marcel, 73, 176n, 531, 750
Provincetown Players, 23n
“Psychology of Nations or What Are You Looking At, The” (Stein), 67n
Psychological Review, see The Harvard University Psychological Review
Pushkin, Alexander, 758
Pushkin Press, 797n
Putz, Captain Gabriel, 714, 715n, 760n
Q.E.D. (Stein), see Things As They Are
“Que sont nos contemporains” (Stein), 800n, 835n
Radcliffe College, 494, 495n, 728
Rainey, William S., 129, 321n
Ramsey, Edith, 264, 266, 325n, 347, 352n, 360, 388, 412, 415, 421, 470, 471, 471n, 520, 521n, 523, 526
Random House, 409, 445, 485n, 601, 601n, 672, 697n
Raney, William, 786
Rascoe, Burton, 110, 110n, 177, 177n, 238
Rathbone, Basil, 376n
Ratoucheff, André, 644
Ray, Nora, see Holt, Nora
Reading Without Tears; or A Pleasant Mode of Learning to Read (Favell Lee Mortimer), 708, 709n
“Recette Chantée,” see Trillat, Ennemond
“Recitative and Air for Piano and Tenor, The” (Max Ewing), 320n
Redman, Ben Ray, 238
Red: Papers on Musical Subjects (Van Vechten), 94n, 113-14, 138n
Reed, John, 9, 20n, 23n, 29n, 53-54, 55n, 485, 485n, 497, 498n, 522, 609n, 682n, 848
Reeder, Jean, 363
Reflections on the Atomic Bomb (Stein, ed. Robert B. Haas), 803n
Regan, Caroline, see Dudley, Caroline
“Regular Regularly in Narrative” (Stein), 250, 251n
Reichl, Ernest, 817n
Reid, Mrs., 429, 429n
Reinach, Salomon, 175, 176n, 177; see “Polybe”
Reinhardt, Max, 422, 422n
Renan, Ernest, 194n
Renoir, Claude, 494n
“Retour à Paris, Le” (Stein), 783
Reviewer, The, 87, 93, 94n, 96, 100-1, 103-4, 107, 130, 240n, 310n, 858
Revue Européenne, 204n
Revue Nègre, 120n, 123n, 127n, 138
Riba-Rovira, Francisco (“Paco”), 773n, 780, 799
Ribemont-Dessaignes, Georges, 577n
Rice, Dorothy, 60n
Rice, Elmer, 325n, 341n, 354n
Richardson, Dorothy, 73, 97n, 170n
Richman, Arthur, 420
Richmond News-Leader, 385n, 390n
Riding, Laura, 199n, 698n, 704
Rieti, Vittorio, 404n
Ringling, John, 147n
River, The (Pare Lorentz), 591, 591n
Rivera, Diego, 320, 320n
Rivera, Lino, 418n
Robeson, Eslanda (“Essie,” Mrs. Paul), 120-21, 127n, 184, 472, 786, 787n
Robeson, Paul, 116, 117n, 118, 120-21, 123-28, 134, 152, 153n, 155-57, 160, 161n, 162, 183-84, 188, 203, 276, 472, 598n, 757, 758n, 779, 786
Robeson, Paul, Jr., 157n, 389
Robertson, C. Α., 238n
Robinson, Edwin Arlington, 6, 38n
Robinson-Wayne, Beatrice, 326, 342n, 350n, 554, 556n, 571n, 713, 720, 721n, 724n
Roché, Henri-Pierre, 862
Roche, Serge, 627, 629
Rodin, Auguste, 51n
Rodzinski, Artur, 538, 539n
Rogers, Ginger, 444, 4
Rogers, William Garland (“The Kiddie”), 505n, 552, 552n, 554-55, 556n, 563, 564n, 566-67, 567n, 571, 571n, 572, 572n, 613-14, 676, 680, 680n, 681, 681n, 707, 712, 713n, 759n, 761, 769, 793, 796
Rogers, Mildred Weston (Mrs. William G.), 505n, 564n, 566, 596-97, 597n
Rogue, 35n, 38n, 40-1, 43-47, 284
Rolanda, Rose (Rosemonde Cowan, Mrs. Miguel Covarrubias), 144, 144n, 145, 147n, 582
Romilly, Rita, 238
Rönnebeck, Arnold, 34, 34n, 36n, 37n
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 371n
Roosevelt, Franklin, 514, 514-15n, 520
“Roosevelt” (Ernest Hemingway), 89n
Rops, Daniel-Henri, 569, 570n, 607, 607n, 609, 610, 610n, 616
Rops, Félicien, 607, 607n, 609n
Rose, Sir Francis Cyril, 254, 254-55n, 263, 264n, 266, 266n, 283, 283n, 286, 323, 324n, 351, 352n, 366, 369, 466, 510, 511n, 512, 544, 544n, 547, 585, 585n, 614-15, 617n, 620, 621n, 624, 624n, 625, 628, 664, 674n, 703n, 708n, 729, 729n
“Rose Motto” (Stein), 24, 61n, 220, 255
Rosenthal, Maurice, 613n
Ross, Marvin Chauncey, 320n, 323-27, 332, 336, 387, 389
Rossi, Angelo J., 426n
Rouault, Georges, 497, 498n
Rousseau, Henri (“le Douanier”), 292n, 539
Roux, Madame, 688, 688n
Rowland, Clark, 780n
Rubinstein, Helena, 142n
Russell, Muriel, 426, 426n
Ryan, Miss, 625n
Ryder, Albert, 635
Ryle, Joseph D., 630n, 646n
Sacco, Nicola, 463, 464n
“Sacral Dimples: A Diary” (Van Vechten), 38n
Sacre du Printemps, Le (Stravinsky), 54, 295, 300, 696, 757, 828n, 847-52
Sacred and Profane Memories (Van Vechten), 248, 248n, 252-54
“Sacred Emily” (Stein), 24n, 31-32, 61n, 129n, 321n
Sadlers Wells Opera Co., 543n, 548, 548n
Saint Ignatius of Loyola, 152, 159n
“Saint in Seven, A” (Stein), 132n
Saint Odile, 735-36, 744, 749-50
Saint Point, Valentine de, 59, 60n
Saint Theresa of Avila, 152, 159n, 299, 299n, 434, 434n
Sainte-Unefois (Louise de Vilmorin), 482, 482n, 489, 496
Salmon, André, 404n, 407
Sanborn, John Pitts, 16-17, 24n, 29n, 30n, 37n, 682n, 849
Sanger, Margaret, 6
Saroyan, William, 690n
Satie, Erik, 182n
Saturday Evening Post, 509-10, 511n, 514, 514n
Saturday Review of Literature, 746, 796, 797n
Savery, Roelandt, 618
“Saving the Sentence” (Stein), 194n
Savoy, Bert, 810
Sawyer, Julian, 629, 695, 696n, 703, 704n, 712, 744, 745n, 761, 769, 781, 818, 838
Sayer, George, 440n
Say it With Flowers (Stein), 480, 481n