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Down South (Southern Hospitality Book 1)

Page 6

by C. M. Steele



  Maxwell pulled up to the house and dropped me off, only driving away after I entered the main house, and thankfully, my dad wasn’t there. “Sweetheart, you’re home,” my mother said, coming from the kitchen with the smell of bacon frying behind her. That meant she was making some bacon burgers on the grill in a little while. She wrapped her arms around me in a hug.

  “Yes, I am.”

  “What’s going on? You seem…different.” She arched her brow at me, waiting for details. My dad must have talked to her already because she thought I was going to a friend’s house earlier when my brother dropped me off in town before going to the local vet’s office to discuss another opportunity after his internship.

  I was in for it. I’d never done anything out of character. Since I met him two days ago, I feel like I’m not myself. I wanted him to love me; I craved it.

  I lifted my hand up and let her see the ring on my finger. She let out a gasp. “When your father told me he knew you were in his hotel room, I thought it was just because he’s handsome.”

  “Mother, I know it’s crazy fast, but the way I feel is insane. After I told him to give me time all I could think about was how much I missed him and how stupid I was wasting what little time we had together. So I rushed over there this morning.”

  “Sweetheart, as long as you’re happy.”

  “Why aren’t you scolding me and telling me that I’m being stupid?”

  “One, because you’re old enough to make those decisions on your own, and two, he has a good heart. I already learned a lot about him when he was here and when he called to schedule a meeting with your father.”

  My alarm went off on my cell, which meant I had to get ready to head over next door to start supper. “I’m sorry, Mom, but I’ve got to start dinner over at Sanchez’s.”

  “Take it easy, okay?” I gave her a hug then ran up to my room to change. Panties were needed since someone thought they belonged to him and refused to return them to me. Getting dressed faster than ever before, I was back downstairs in a pair of shorts and a Spurs tee shirt on. “I love you,” she called out from the kitchen.

  “I love you, too,” I answered, rushing right back out the door. I hadn’t realized how late it was, so I needed to get a move on. I hopped on my bike and pedaled off to the ranch. Immediately, I regretted that. My hoo-ha had been through a thorough beating and I could barely sit. I road standing up, coasting most of the ride because I didn’t want the friction on my pussy.

  I finally got to the Sanchez ranch, just as the owner was on his way out. "Hey there, Maggie."

  "Hello, Mr. Sanchez,” I greeted him.

  "Haven't I asked you to call me, Alex?" he asked, arching his brow at me. I liked him; he treated me with respect and never tried to flirt with me. Especially now that he had his woman. It was strange how she was here overnight and in his arms before the end of the day, but then again who was I to say anything about moving fast. I had a beautiful diamond ring on from a man I’d just met.

  "Like every time I’m here," I replied.

  "Well, try to call me by name next time. I have a meeting to go to. The men want your famous meatloaf tonight."

  "Sure thing," I said, and that's when he caught my hand sparkling. He stopped in his tracks and came back up the porch.

  "Do I know the lucky man?" he asked. I know he was thinking it could be one of his men. They were all a really good looking bunch, but I never liked any of them like that.


  "Well, he better treat you right or he'll get to know me really quick." He squeezed my hand gently, then tipped his hat and walked to his vehicle. I smiled and waved goodbye before going inside. The house was empty downstairs. I wondered where Diana was. If Alex was anything like Maxwell, she was probably still in bed. She and I would have a lot to talk about because today would be my last day. Maxwell wouldn’t give me two days. Hell, he never really agreed to letting me work today.

  I’d been working for about an hour when there was a knock on the kitchen door. The person didn’t wait for me to call out before walking in, so I thought it was Diana, but it wasn’t. “It’s wonderful to see you again,” Rico said, sending a chill up my spine.

  “What do you want?” My tone was stronger than I felt.

  “You,” he stated, his eyes dark and scary. There was something different about them; they seemed soulless.

  “Too bad. I thought I’ve made that clear already on several occasions.”

  “Yes, and your father made that clear, too. So I took what was his,” he said with a dubious smile. I backed up slowly. I was too far away from the knife block, which I turned my eyes to. “Oh no, don’t try anything stupid my Maggie.”

  “You’re crazy,” I stated, keeping my voice hard.

  “That’s possible, but I don’t like being told no. And I will have you. Whether you enjoy it or not will be up to you.” He stalked toward me; fearing I wouldn’t make it far before he corned me completely, I started to run toward the drawer with the steak knives. And that’s when I heard the gun shot and I was on the ground.



  I was in the office with the local accountant for both the Davidson and Sanchez ranches. Since the town was small, it wasn’t out of the ordinary for them to use a lot of the same services. He was a squirmy, round man who had a hard time making eye contact with me. My attorney arrived just five minutes after I did. Having decided to stay in Houston instead of staying at the hotel I was at, he had a longer drive in. I couldn’t blame him. It was a small, outdated hotel with no amenities and, unfortunately, very thin walls.

  “Thanks for coming here, Mitchell. This is the local accountant, James Gordon.”

  Mitch just nodded, his opinion of the accountant was just as lousy as mine. “Please take a seat, gentlemen.” He waved to the two seats in front of his desk.

  “No, thank you, we’ll stand.” I wanted him to feel intimidated by our size. Sitting would make him comfortable. His actions hurt the woman I loved, and that was unacceptable.

  “So tell me, Mr. Gordon, what is this on the Davidson account?” Mitch handed him the statement for additional fees. It was not broken down by what the purpose of them was and it had grown ten times what it had been three years ago when this lowlife took the place of his father.

  “It’s our fees. I have the right to charge what I please to my clients. I’m sure you do the same Mr…”

  “Mason, Mitch Mason. I happen to be Maxwell’s cousin. And I don’t swindle my clients, so please don’t put me in the same category as yourself.” The disgust rolled off Mitch’s tongue.

  “Those are bold accusations,” he stated, his face turning red in anger.

  “So are your actions. I have here another group of charges listed as accounting service fees, for nearly double the other service fees that you eluded to. And what about all these withdrawals for investments? Where are all the documents showing the vested interest, and what investment company are you using to handle the monies?” Mitchell added. This guy was the best damn contracts attorney there was. He smelled a rat right away. There was no way that two properties with roughly the same processes and revenue could be in completely opposite situations. The Davidson Ranch should be flourishing like the Sanchez Ranch.

  “First, I can’t help that they lose out in investments. The extra fee must be an error,” he denied culpability immediately.

  “In that case, I would say three years of errors to be exact. At this point, you erroneously took two million dollars from your client. That doesn’t even include the million in supposed low-risk stock options. Interesting, don’t you think, Max?”

  “I do. You knew Mr. Davidson wasn’t good with numbers and believed your legal bullshit. If this was a supposed error, you wouldn’t have put his home up for foreclosure and have his assets seized. That two million would have easily covered his debt and put him squarely in the black.”

  “It’s not that sim

  “No, it’s not, is it? You’ve had a partner in crime, haven’t you? We know about your mistress and her son that had been raised by a different man as his own. They don’t know it yet, but we do. Ricardo “Rico” Sanchez is your son. And I hate the bastard, too,” I hissed. That sneaky son of a bitch was harassing my woman.

  “Whoa, did I just hear what I did?” Alex Sanchez said, walking into the room with Mr. Davidson trailing behind, both of their faces went from anger to shock at the revelation. It was an interesting little tidbit I learned after dropping off Maggie at home.

  “I’m afraid it’s true,” I apologized. Nothing on Alex Sanchez was dirty. He was damn near perfect.

  He shook his head at me, then smirked. “Don’t be afraid. I don’t like that shit head. It was only because he was family that I let him work for me.”

  “Have you seen Maggie?” I asked, looking at her father.

  “No, I haven’t.” He was still pissed about earlier, but his daughter was an adult and came to me. It wasn’t like I kidnapped her, even if the idea had played in my head several times last night.

  Alex tilted his head and added, “I saw her before I came here. It was about an hour ago. I had to stop and pick up some things from the supply store. She’s at my ranch cooking the hands their meal.”

  I growled. The woman was slick with her magic pussy, making me forget about her plans to go over there. I meant to tell her it was out of the question, but when she got out of the truck, her pussy wet the seat. Granted, I didn’t give her back her panties, but it was her fault for distracting me with her juices on the leather. My attitude hardened and I gave Alex a warning, “One, she’s done working for you. Two, if your cousin goes near her again, I will bury him.”

  “Oh hell, are you the one she’s engaged to?” he asked with a chuckle.

  “Wait. You are engaged to my daughter?”

  “Yes, I told you I would. I was going to tell you after the meeting, but I didn’t care for these country cunts looking at her like she needed a God damn scarlet letter on her chest. She’s mine and I will protect her from everyone that does anything to hurt her.”

  “No, that’s fine by me. It seems I didn’t do a very good job protecting her future.” That look of defeat on his face was one I’d never wished to have. He would be back on track with his life in no time if I had anything to say about it. I was about to tell him that, too, when Gordon coughed.

  “Enough with the family bliss here. I want you all out of my office,” Gordon yelled. We all turned our heads towards him, but instead of leaving, we leaned over his desk.

  “I want my money, you thief. I’ve already contacted the sheriff.” Mr. Davidson clenched his fists, pressing his knuckles hard onto the wooden desk.

  “And I made a call to the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy about your financial practices. Enjoy prison. Have a good day,” Mitchell said.

  I turned to my future father-in-law as we walked out onto the sidewalk. “I want you to know that the property is yours, even if we can’t acquire your stolen funds. I’m in love with your daughter and I don’t want her hurt at all.”

  He stopped and with a determined gleam in his eyes, he promised, “I can pay you back over time.”

  “No. You saved my life, and that deserves something special in my eyes. But…just let me hook you up with a good accountant and some bookkeeping software. There’s no way I can stand by and let you fall into another hole.”

  “Thanks, son.”

  “By the way, I will be marrying Maggie this week.”

  “If that’s what she wants.” He tilted his head with a deadly glare with his hands on his belt.

  I shrugged it off because I was secure in the truth that she was happy to marry me. “It is. We discussed it on the drive back. I need to go get Maggie.”

  “Okay, hopefully, she’s almost done with the food. I’m starving,” Sanchez said. “Maxwell, you have no idea how lucky you are. You’ve gained the best cook in town.”

  “An added bonus, now I’m going to have to snatch her up and run.”

  “Yeah, at least let her finish our meal,” he replied, clutching his chest. Laughing, we parted ways and hopped in our rides. I was overly eager to see her. A few hours apart and I was so lonely. I had no idea how I was going to manage the minimum eight-hour days and forget the long ones. She’s going to have to bring me my lunch and dessert.

  All four of us headed to the ranch. My cousin had my back any time and didn’t hesitate to invite himself along. As soon as we pulled into the long driveway, we knew trouble was here. Rico’s truck was parked on the side of the house so someone wouldn’t notice until they got to the driveway. I didn’t turn my truck off before jumping out of it. I barely put it in park when I heard the loud bang of a gunshot. I ran into the house, giving no fucks what I had ahead of me. All that mattered was getting Maggie to safety. The rest were right behind me. I saw a little woman holding the gun with smoke still coming out of the barrel. Alex grabbed her, took the gun, and held her close. “Mi amor, por qué?”

  That is when I saw Maggie huddled in the corner of the room and Rico on the ground with a pool of blood growing around him. I stepped over that fucker, pulling my woman off the ground and into my arms. “I’m sorry, Mags. It’s okay. It’s going to be okay.”



  We were up in her bedroom after spending the evening at the Sanchez ranch answering questions from the local sheriff and having both of the women examined by the paramedics from town. Neither of them had been hurt, and from the looks of it, Rico would pull through. According to the woman, who I learned was Diana Brody, an undercover agent looking for information on Rico, he’s been wanted for questioning in another state for the rape and murder of three other blonde girls. It seemed he had a particular appetite. I wanted him to die, but then again, he was going to suffer. She knew what she was doing when she shot him. The pussy tried to play dead, so she wouldn’t shoot again.

  From what I could gather, there was something going on with Alex and her because he was pissed when he learned the truth about her. The man was just as fucked as I was. There was no cure for this. We had to take these women and hold onto them tight, letting the rest of the world disappear and never let them go.

  Today scared the fuck out of me. I could have lost her. The shot tore at my heart not knowing who was shooting. As far as I knew, she didn’t have a gun, so my fear was amplified until I saw Rico on the kitchen floor.

  I caressed her hair as we laid in her full-size bed. Her parents didn’t utter a word when she begged me not to leave her. They only said goodnight as I carried her up to her room. “Maxwell, I need you,” she whispered.

  “I’m here, my love. I’m not going anywhere.” She burrowed herself against my chest and wrapped her legs around me. My dick got hard and I felt like an asshole for it, but there wasn’t a thing I could do when the one person I’d lost my heart to draped her body over me.

  “I thought I was going to die, today,” she sobbed.

  “Please, babe. Cry all you need to, but I wouldn’t let you die on me. It’s not in the cards for us, baby. You and me are going to be old and grey with a large brood of kids and grandkids when we kick the bucket. You hear me?” I stated, feeling her snicker over my heart. “I mean it, Mags. You mean everything and I’m not letting you go.”

  “Oh, I thought you meant the large brood part.”

  “I do. We’re going to need to build a mansion for all the babies I plan to put in you.” I leaned back and looked down at her before stealing a kiss. I placed my hand between us and splayed it out on her belly. “We may have gotten the first one taking up residence as we speak.”

  “When you talk like that, it makes me so horny.”

  “Damn it, woman, I’m trying to control it already. I’m not going to fuck you with your parents down the hall. Your dad did show me his large gun collection in his study the other day.”

  “You know, don’t you
have to check out of your hotel tomorrow?” she inquired with a devious glint in her eyes.

  “I do, and since I don’t want to let you out of my sight, you’ll have to come with me.”

  “If I must,” she joked, seeming a little less sad.

  “Rest, Mags. You’re going to need it.” It didn’t take long until she passed out in my arms. Sleep didn’t come to me as I watched over her. She didn’t wake up completely, but she cried and begged for her life. I cradled her, thinking a laugh or a good fuck wasn’t going to fix her fears. I’d make an appointment with the best shrink in the city.



  I was standing in a wedding dress that was perfect. It was my mother’s. When she showed it to me last week, I thought I would cry. I had loved it all these years, and now I had someone to wear it for. It was tight from the shoulders to the waist with bell sleeves made of lace. I felt like I should be running through a meadow of wonderful smelling flowers and straight into Maxwell’s arms.

  “Wow, you look so beautiful,” Maxwell’s mother Karen said. She was a very stunning woman with a genuine smile. “My son did really good.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Mason.”

  “You’re welcome, my dear.”

  There was a knock at the door. “Are you ready?” my dad asked.

  My mother opened the door with tears in her eyes. My dad had a handkerchief ready in his hand, holding it out to her. “It’ll be fine, dearest.”

  “I know. I’m just so happy.” He shook his head until he took one look at me.

  “Magpie, you look like an angel,” he said with a lump building in his throat. I could see he was doing his best not to cry, which was going to make me cry. Then I heard the music. “Sorry, your northerner is a bit antsy.”

  “Take me to him,” I said.


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